Karen Hall posted an articleA trio of marina operations topics will lead-off the afternoon breakout seminar sessions see more
A trio of marina operations topics will lead-off the afternoon breakout seminar sessions
after the morning Conference General Session and luncheon on Tuesday, October 17th.
Beginning at 1:30 PM, Session 1 – Topic #1; State of the Coastal Marina, will take an in-depth look at the statistics, market trends, and transformative potential within the coastal marina industry segment. Presented by Kevin Ketchum, Principal at California Yacht Marina, and Kate Pearson, Vice President of Business Development at Safe Harbor Marinas, with their extensive experience operating coastal marinas, this session will provide critical information for marina owners, developers, and investors to stay ahead of the curve and shape the future of coastal marina operations.
At the same time, Session 1 – Topic #2; Employment Challenges, will feature a round-table discussion and comprehensive review of a recent marine industry Wage Survey focused on both public and private marine operations. This session, lead by Jim Hayes, Almar Marinas COO, and Jeremy Grewal, Safe Harbor Marinas West Coast Regional VP, will provide a detailed analysis of wage levels across various roles ranging from maintenance to administrative positions, and explore effective strategies aimed at minimizing staff turnover. This promises to be a highly engaging interactive session with a dedicated Q & A segment at the end.
Session 1 – Topic #3; Design & Cost Considerations for Marina Dredging, presented by Dr. Joshua Burnam, Partner & Principal at Anchor QEA, will focus on design, cost considerations, project bidding, and project management for marina dredging. Josh has extensive experience with west coast dredging projects, including serving as a Senior Regulatory Project Manager and Regional SME for Dredging with the US Armer Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program. Specific topics will include planning and budgeting; permitting and compliance; sediment testing; and project design, bid, and construction management to help marina owners and operators better understand the many challenges associated with marina dredging projects
This year’s MRA Conference theme, Acknowledgment and Appreciation, will focus on the future, looking forward to new challenges and achievements in the marine industry. The Conference will feature a broad prospectus of industry experts and information covering key industry operations, management, and marketing concerns. The Marine Trade Show will present the latest technology, products, and services from leading industry vendors and contractors focused on innovation, growth, and profitability as the marine industry evolves in today’s changing world.
Registration and event information for the
2023 MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, scheduled for October 16 – 18 at the
Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort, is posted now on the MRA website at or
go directly to the Conference website at
Special hotel rates are also being offered at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort from October 14th to the 18th, and attendees are invited to come early and stay late to enjoy the wonderful Southern California weather and amenities overlooking the white sand beaches and blue Pacific Ocean.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 51 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA and all its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661 or email at
Karen Hall posted an articleMRA Educational Conference will feature SPECIAL E-BOAT SEA TRIALS for Attendees see more
MRA Educational Conference will feature special ELECTRIC BOAT SEA TRIALS for Attendees
Day-1 of the 51st Annual Marine Recreation Association (MRA) Educational Conference & Trade Show, set for October 16 - 18, will provide Conference attendees with an opportunity to experience first-hand emerging electric boat technology as it is poised to transform recreational boating.
The Electric Boat Sea Trials will start at 12:30 pm on October 16th at the Safe Harbor Sunroad Marina,
955 Harbor Island Drive in San Diego.Participants will be able to choose from four boat models from Vita Electric Boats and the Safe Harbor Electric Boat Fleet.
Each 20-to-30-minute trial run will accommodate six persons per boat with the last trial scheduled for 2:30 PM.> There will be no charge for this special pre-conference event, but attendees must make a reservation when registering for the conference.
> Snacks and drinks will also be provided for everyone at the marina, and boat-friendly footwear is required.
> Transportation to the marina will NOT be provided and carpooling is encouraged.
Registration and event information for the
2023 MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show is
posted now on the MRA website at or
go directly to the Conference website at
>>> Register early to take advantage of the savings today! <<<
This year’s Conference theme, Acknowledgment and Appreciation, will focus on the future, looking forward to new challenges and achievements in the marine industry. The Conference will feature a broad prospectus of industry experts and information covering key industry operations, management, and marketing concerns. The Marine Trade Show will present the latest technology, products, and services from leading industry vendors and contractors focused on innovation, growth, and profitability as the marine industry evolves in today’s changing world.
Special hotel rates are also being offered at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort from October 14th to the 18th, and attendees are invited to come early and stay late to enjoy the wonderful Southern California weather and amenities overlooking the white sand beaches and blue Pacific Ocean.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 51 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661 or email at
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleBill Yeargin, CEO, Correct Craft, to present Day-2 Keynote Speech at MRA Educational Conference see moreSeptember 28, 2021For Immediate ReleaseBill Yeargin, CEO, Correct Craft,to present Day-2 Keynote Speech atMRA Educational Conference___________________________________________The 2021 Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show scheduled for October 11 – 13, 2021 at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort in La Jolla, California, in partnership with the California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, will bring together two pivotal marine industry organizations with an expanded theme, Climate for Change focused on coastal and inland climate change issues, enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results for private and municipal marinas.This year’s Conference is very honored to welcome Bill Yeargin, President & Chief Executive Officer of Correct Craft as Keynote Speaker on Wednesday October 13th at 8:30 AM to kick-off the final day of the Conference.A 96-year old company, Correct Craft’s subsidiaries include eight boat brands, three engine brands, three water sport parks, and an entity devoted solely to innovation. The company has manufacturing facilities across the U.S. and sales in 70 countries. Under Mr. Yeargin’s leadership, Correct Craft has developed a dynamic culture of “Making Life Better”. They have won all of the boat industry’s major awards and been recognized as the industry’s “Most Innovative Company” by a major boating publication.Bill served both the Obama and Trump administrations on cabinet-level advisory councils and was appointed by the Governor of Florida to serve on the Board of the University of Central Florida. A prolific Writer, he has been published hundreds of times and authored four books, including the best seller Education of a CEO: Lessons for Leaders, and his Keynote presentation will no doubt be most interesting and informative.The 3-day Conference will feature seminars and round-table meetings covering key industry management, operations, and marketing concerns, along with an extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology and engineering with a broad range of products and services from leading industry vendors and contractors focused on innovation, growth, and profitability as the marine industry evolves in today’s rapidly changing world of new challenges and potential.Registration and event information for the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, in partnership with CAHMPC, is available now on the MRA website at and on the CAHMPC website at www.harbormaster.orgFor additional information about the MRA and all of its activities and interests contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at www.marina.orgThe Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and other marine industry professionals located throughout the western United States, with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.The California Association of Harbor Masters and Port Captains, Inc. was established in 1948 by a group of Harbor Masters in order to promote and exchange information relative to development, construction, maintenance, operation, regulation enforcement, administration and management, pertaining to boats, marinas and harbors. One of CAHMPC’s guiding tenets is to keep in mind at all times that our basic purpose is to serve the boating public and to keep each other informed.
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleBoat Rental Exposures and Best Practices Highlighted at this year’s 49th Annual MRA Educational Conf see moreSeptember 21, 2021For Immediate ReleaseBoat Rental Exposures and Best Practices Highlighted at this year’s 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show___________________________________________With the boat rental business expanding at a staggering rate last year and future expansion likely continuing next year, marina operators and insurance companies are taking a close look at ways to reduce liability and operational exposures, while providing a safe and fun boating experience.Boat renters are typically less experienced than boat owners and occasionally create some less-than-desirable boating situations and outcomes.This year’s Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, will feature a special breakout seminar session “Boat Rental Best Practices” on Tuesday October 12th at 2 PM to provide boat rental operators with some suggested policies and best business practices for creating and maintaining a well-run boat rental business.Otis Felder of Wilson Elser, LLC and Barbara Galgiani of LP Insurance Services, LLC will lead the seminar discussion focused on what boat rental operators can do to better provide a safe and sound rental environment for themselves and their customers. Both Otis and Barbara have extensive knowledge and experience working with boat rental operations providing insurance coverage and legal defense for claims against rental operators. There will also be a review of a new boat rental document, including a guide for boat rental operators to consider, now being created by a working group of MRA Members from boat rental facilities across the west. The discussion will also cover the importance of contract language and structure of boat rental contracts.The 2021 Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show in partnership with the California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, will bring together two pivotal marine industry organizations with an expanded theme and focus. In addition to a broad range of educational seminars focused on both inland and coastal marina operations the Conference will also feature an extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology and engineering in marine products and services from leading industry vendors and contractors focused on innovation, growth, and profitability to meet today’s evolving industry needs.For a complete description of ALL Conference events and seminars, scheduled for October 11 – 13, and to registration for the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, in partnership with CAHMPC, visit the MRA website at OR the CAHMPC website at www.harbormaster.orgThe Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and other marine industry professionals located throughout the western United States, with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.The California Association of Harbor Masters and Port Captains, Inc. was established in 1948 by a group of Harbor Masters in order to promote and exchange information relative to development, construction, maintenance, operation, regulation enforcement, administration and management, pertaining to boats, marinas and harbors. One of CAHMPC’s guiding tenets is to keep in mind at all times that our basic purpose is to serve the boating public and to keep each other informed.For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleThe Corona Virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act recently passed by Congress see more
COVID-19 Emergency Loans available for Marine Industry Small Businesses
The Corona Virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act recently passed by Congress allocates $350 billion in 100% federally guaranteed loans to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn.
These loans are being offered and administered now through the SBA and local banks. Loans can be up to 2.5X the borrower's monthly payroll costs, not to exceed $10 million, and are available to small businesses (less than 500 employees) and self-employed individuals during the ensuing 12 week period.
- Interest rate on these loans is capped at .5%
- Terms are 2 years with payments deferred for up to 6 months
Loan Forgiveness . . . Borrowers are eligible for loan forgiveness, not to exceed the principle, equal to the amount spent on the following business expenses:
- Payroll, up to a maximum annual salary proration of $100,000 per employee, including wages, tips, commissions, net self-employment income, group health care benefits and premiums, vacation pay, sick pay, family leave pay, retirement benefit payments, and state & local taxes
- Interest on mortgage obligations incurred in the normal course of business
- Rent on a business lease agreement
- Utility payments, including electricity, gas, water, transportation, telephone and internet
Loan forgiveness may be reduced if there is a reduction in the number of employees or a reduction in the wages paid to employees greater than 25%.
Lender Evaluation . . . Loans will be processed through local lenders per SBA / CARES guidelines. Lenders will consider whether borrower was in operation before February 15, 2020 and had employees for whom they paid salaries and payroll taxes and/or paid independent contractors.
Lenders will also ask for good faith certification that:
- The uncertainty of current economic conditions makes the loan request necessary to support ongoing operations
- The borrower will use the loan proceeds to retain workers and maintain payroll or make mortgage, lease, and utility payments
- Borrower does not have any other duplicative loan applications pending
- From February 15, 2020 to December 31, 2020, the borrower has not received a loan duplicative of the purposes and amounts applied for here
If applicant is an independent contractor, sole proprietor, or self-employed individual, lenders will also look for certain documents such as payroll tax filings, form 1099-Misc, and income / expense statements or tax returns.
Lenders will NOT consider whether the borrower sought and was not approved for credit elsewhere.
Personal guarantees and collateral are not required for these loans.
For more information about the Corona Virus Emergency Loan Program contact your local lending institution and go online at and
The COVID 19 situation and economic impact is constantly evolving, and we will continue to notify our members and the marine industry of future developments.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleWith the cancellation of the 2020 California Boating Congress due to the ensuing COVID-19 crisis. see more
California Boating Congress Convenes Ad Hoc Legislative Review Phone Conference
With the cancellation of the 2020 California Boating Congress due to the ensuing COVID-19 crisis, the Marine Recreation Association called together other marine industry partners for an ad hoc phone conference with Platinum Advisors, the MRA legislative lobbyists, to review pending legislation in the California Congress on March 30th.
Representatives from the MRA Board of Directors, NMMA, CAHMPC, CYBA, RBOC and other marine industry interests participated in the phone conference that was led by Beau Biller, Lobbyist at Platinum Advisers, and reviewed four pending Measures.
AB 2809 was introduced February 20, 2020, and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources March 12, 2020. This bill is aimed at controlling some of the regulatory excesses that BCDC
has exercised in the past, and would require that the San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission create and implement procedures to provide managerial review of staff decisions in enforcement, timelines for resolving enforcement cases, and a penalty matrix for assessing fines and civil penalties. A general consensus of agreement and support for this measure was expressed by the group.
SB 883 was introduced January 23, 2020, and would revise the definition of a for-hire vessel to include a vessel propelled by machinery carrying one or more passengers for hire to be operated by an operator with a valid license. Current law defines a for-hire vessel to include those carrying 3 passengers or more. Some ambiguities exist in the wording of this measure and it was recommended that these be clarified by Platinum Advisers before any support or opposition is expressed. Hearings for this bill have been postponed for the time being.
SB 904 supplements current law generally requiring all undocumented vessels using the waterways of the state to be currently registered in California and properly numbered. This bill would additionally require law enforcement citing a person for various violations, including the failure to properly number the vessel as specified, to prepare a notice to the violator to correct the violation and deliver proof of the correction to the issuing agency in lieu of arrest, unless a disqualifying condition exists. This bill was introduced February 3, 2020 and referred to the Transportation Committee on February 12, 2020, and generally supported in the meeting.
SB 1080 This bill supplants current law, allowing a properly licensed person to bring ashore a fish taken in California inland waters in a condition such that its size or weight cannot be determined if the fish is cleaned at the end of a fishing trip while still on the water and temporarily berthed or landed on a dock or other permanent structure. Current law makes it unlawful to possess or bring ashore any fish in a condition that its weight or size cannot be determined. Introduced February 19, 2020, hearings have been postponed for the time being. This Measure was generally supported in the meeting.
Additional information on these and other pending legislation in California can be accessed at
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleThis year's annual California Boating Congress is set for March 30th and 31st at the Hyatt Regency H see more
5th annual 'California Boating Congress' . . . Your Opportunity to make a Difference!
This year's annual California Boating Congress is set for March 30th and 31st at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sacramento. The Marine Recreation Association is again sponsoring this important event and has posted the CBC Agenda and registration information at
For the fifth year in a row, the CBC will bring the marine industry and boating community together at the California State Capital to meet with state legislators and regulators to r
emind them of the importance and economic impact of the marine industry and recreational boating in California.
This year's CBC will kick off Monday evening, March 30th at 5:30 PM, with the Opening Night Legislative Reception for attendees at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1209 L. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, giving attendees an opportunity to meet and mingle before the main event on Tuesday.
MRA President, Scott Robertson, will welcome attendees to the CBC at 8:30 AM on Tuesday morning at the Hyatt Regency Conference Center, and review the day's activities and objectives with attendees.
Robert Newsom
e, Senior Vice President, Operations for the National Marine Manufacturers Association, will be the Keynote Speaker, and will provide an important overview of the Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Boating in California. As one of the top boating states in the nation, the recreational boating and fishing industry in California delivers more than $13 billion in economic impact, accounting for 40,000 jobs in the state each year. Mr. Newsome will be discussing boating participation, boat sales statistics and other important trends in the industry resulting from Californian's passion for boating and fishing.
Three other morning presentations will follow, including discussions about reforming recreational fishing license programs, the impact of California income, sales & use taxes on the industry, and the potential for creation of a new state department for boating and outdoor recreation. Beau Biller from Platinum Advisors will also provide a summary of legislative and regulatory issues affecting recreational boating in the state, and will review the schedule, along with guidelines and instructions, for the afternoon meetings with legislators.
Lunch will be served at the Hyatt Conference Center, and then attendees will proceed to the State Capital for scheduled meetings with individual legislative representatives throughout the afternoon.
This year's Congress is being co-hosted by the MRA and eleven other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Sportfishing League, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the American Boat Builders & Repairers Association.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleCapital Improvement Projects (CIP) in the marine industry see more
Optimize Your Capital Improvement Project Planning and Results . . .
Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) in the marine industry are rarely the same in scope and/or desired results, and cookie-cutter solutions rarely produce the best project improvements and economic benefits. One common factor that all CIPs do share however, is that they all cost a LOT of money.
Return on Investment is a critical element of all successful capital improvement projects, and asking the right questions is key. How much will it cost? Will it pay back
over time, and how much? And how soon will it pay a return? Answering these questions will help answer the biggest question of all; "How do we pay for this?" But understanding and maximizing the potential ROI on a capital expenditure is not always an intuitive and easy process, and getting good answers requires some analysis and planning.
James "J" Mills, Western Regional Sales Manager, RME, Meeco Sullivan, LLC, will present a seminar session on Tuesday, October 22nd, at
2:15 PM, at this year's MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, covering "Planning, Designing, and Paying-For your next Capital Improvement Project". J. has been involved in the commercial and recreational marine industry for more than twenty years as a manager, consultant, and contractor, and has directed the operations, planning, and capital improvements for numerous coastal and inland marine facilities.
This presentation will provide examples of the planning and design process along with some of the key analysis and planning tools used to develop critical information leading to the optimum capital improvement project and ROI. The presentation will also provide examples of several marine facility renovation projects illustrating some potential pitfalls to be avoided.
The 2019, 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show will run for three days (October 21 - 23) with more than thirty educational seminars and special presentations focused on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars, and an expansive Trade Show featuring more than fifty industry vendors and services will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability . . . all taking place at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel Conference Center in sunny San Diego.
Register Today
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 48 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational, management, and operations seminars and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleAre You Safe or Sunk? see more
Are You Safe or Sunk?
Verifying and Interpreting Insurance Coverage
Protecting your marina and boatyard, and avoiding potential lawsuits, from uninsured or underinsured boaters, vendors and contractors is a critical risk management issue.
The Marine Recreation Association has scheduled the first in their series of Regional Training Seminars for marina operators and management staff, focused on the importance of verifying and interpreting various insurance coverages that should be required.
Does that Certificate of Insurance truly cover the contractors and others you let work on your marina premises? Are you exposed and liable in the event of property damage, injury or death caused by others, even though you may be named “Additional Insured” on their policy?
This training session will guide you through steps to ensure that your marina or boatyard is protected from uninsured or underinsured boaters, vendors and contractors, and will teach you how to read and interpret Certificates of Insurance and policy Declaration Pages correctly.
The three-hour course is designed to be interactive and will be led by Jim Oberg, Property Casualty Insurance Agent with Douglas K. Smith Marine Insurance Services, Inc., and Shelley Griffin, Director of Marina Operations at The Bay Club Hotel & Marina. Jim has been in the Marine Insurance business for seventeen years, and has worked as a shipwright, deckhand, and boat delivery hand on both coasts and Mexico. Shelley has managed the premier marina operations at The Bay Club since 2005, and been actively involved in marine industry regulatory, legislative, and environmental issues.
Their presentation will explore the different business and ownership structures (sole proprietor, corporation, LLC, etc.) and what type of coverage you should require from each to protect your marina or boatyard from unexpected but inevitable events. The course will also touch on the new AB-5 legislation and how it affects insurance coverage based on worker classifications, and the importance of MGL / SRLL Insurance so you can be confident that you took all the necessary steps to protect your business and others within your marina and boatyard environment.
The upcoming Are You Safe or Sunk? seminar locations and schedule are as follow:San Diego Seminar
Wednesday, March 11, 2020│9:00 am - Noon
The Bay Club Hotel and Marina
2131 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, CA 92106
Los Angeles Seminar
Thursday, March 12, 2020│9:00 am - Noon
California Yacht Marina - Cabrillo Marina
224 Whalers Walk, San Pedro, CA 90731
Alameda Seminar
Thursday, April 2, 2020│9:00 - Noon
Safe Harbor Ballena Isle - Ballena Bay Yacht Club
1150 Ballena Blvd., Alameda, CA 94501
If postmarked before 5 business day prior to the event MRA Member Price Non - MRA Member Price First Attendee $139.00
Additional Attendees $119.00 $149.00 If postmarked after 5 business day prior to the event MRA Member Price Non MRA Member Price First Attendee $159.00 $189.00 Additional Attendees $139.00 $159.00 For additional information and to register, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, or email at
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
ArticleOptimize Your Capital see more
Optimize Your Capital Improvement Project Planning and Results . . .
Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) in the marine industry are rarely the same in scope and/or desired results, and cookie-cutter solutions rarely produce the best project improvements and economic benefits. One common factor that all CIPs do
share however, is that they all cost a LOT of money.
Return on Investment is a critical element of all successful capital improvement projects, and asking the right questions is key. How much will it cost? Will it pay back over time, and how much? And how soon will it pay a return? Answering these questions will help answer the biggest question of all; "How do we pay for this?" But understanding and maximizing the potential ROI on a capital expenditure is not always an intuitive and easy process, and getting good answers requires some analysis and planning.
James "J" Mills, Western Regional Sales Manager, RME, Meeco Sullivan, LLC, will present a seminar session on Tuesday, October 22nd, at 2:15 PM, at this year's MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, covering "Planning, Designing, and Paying-For your next Capital Improvement Project". J. has been involved in the commercial and recreational marine industry for more than twenty years as a manager, consultant, and contractor, and has directed the operations, planning, and capital improvements for numerous coastal and inland marine facilities.
This presentation will provide examples of the planning and design process along with some of the key analysis and planning tools used to develop critical information leading to the optimum capital improvement project and ROI. The presentation will also provide examples of several marine facility renovation projects illustrating some potential pitfalls to be avoided.
The 2019, 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show will run for three days (October 21 - 23) with more than thirty educational seminars and special presentations focused on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest
services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars, and an expansive Trade Show featuring more than fifty industry vendors and services will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability . . . all taking place at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel Conference Center in sunny San Diego.
Register Today
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 48 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational, management, and operations seminars and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
ArticleEarly Registration Ends TOMORROW! see more
Early Registration for MRA's 48th Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show ends tomorrow!
The 48th Annual Marine Recreation Association Educational Conference & Trade Show is scheduled for October 21 - 23, 2019 at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort in San Diego, CA. overlooking Torrey Pine's spectacular, golf courses, beaches, and the blue Pacific Ocean.
Information and registration for the Conference, and special hotel rates, are now available on the MRA website at with special Early Registration for attendees ends tomorrow, July 31, 2019.
Imagine the possibilities and potential for your marine operations and business as the marine industry continues to evolve in today's rapidly changing world.
The three day Conference will focus on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars and roundtable discussions covering key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns. An extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology, products, and services from industry vendors and contractors will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability.
The Conference will kick off on Monday morning, October 21st, with three special events:
- The "Introduction to Marina Operations" seminar, designed to enhance industry skills and knowledge for both new and seasoned marina and boatyard managers and employees, with a broad perspective of marine operations and best management practices.
- The 7th Annual MRA Marina & Boatyard Tour will visit a number of San Diego marina and boatyard facilities, providing an in-depth view of some world-class marine operations.
- The 25rd Annual MRA Golf Tournament will tee-off at the Torrey Pines North Golf Course, recently renovated by Tom Weiskopf, and renowned for its sweeping beauty and enjoyable play.
A Welcome Reception for all attendees and guests will be held Monday evening in the Conference Trade Show pavilion at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Conference Center. Regular
Conference seminars, Trade Show exhibits, and other events will continue Tuesday through Wednesday.
The MRA Annual Educational Conference & Trade Show is the perfect opportunity for all marine industry professionals to meet and share experiences and effective strategies to better manage an ever-evolving business environment.
Attendees are encouraged to register early. Special hotel rates, in particular, are expected to sell out, and conference Early Registration rates for attendees will end July 31, 2019.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and other marine industry professionals located throughout the western United States, with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 46 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Articlecomplications and potential hazards of electrical systems in a marine environment see more
Marine Shock Hazards Code Compliance, and Corrosion in the Marina
The Marine Recreation Association is sponsoring the first of their Regional Training Seminars for marina operators and employees covering the complications and potential hazards of electrical systems in a marine environment
This first series titled Shock Hazards, Code Compliance, and Corrosion in the Marina will be presented at four California marina locations during May by Malcolm Morgan, Marine Electrician, Malcolm Morgan Marine / M3. The four hour seminars will provide in-depth information covering the often-misunderstood dynamics of electrolysis, corrosion, and shock hazards at marina and port facilities, and the potential liability posed for Harbormasters, marina owners, managers, and others.
Malcolm is an ABYC Certified Marine Electrician with over 40 years of experience in marine electrical and corrosion control systems. His long career in the marine industry, includes affiliations with ABYC, NFPA, NAMS, and SAMS, and experience working with many Bay Area marine facilities, and state and federal agencies. "Understanding the building codes and regulations governing the operation, inspection, and maintenance of marine electrical systems is critical in today's business environment," says Malcolm.
The seminars will cover existing NFPA 303 electrical codes and regulations requiring waterfront facilities to do annual electrical inspections, and appropriate testing procedure
s and record keeping protocol. Attendees will participate in classroom and hands-on training of basic inspection and testing methods utilizing appropriate testing tools to monitor electrical systems and troubleshoot hazardous conditions. Malcolm will also discuss how electrolysis and corrosion may affect dock systems, vessel drives, and other marine components, and how to respond to boat owner complaints regarding zinc consumption, corrosion damage, electrical surges, and potential threats of litigation.
Other topics will include the proper use of shore power connections, electrical cords and adaptors, and methods of mitigating associated shock and fire risks. Handouts and reference materials will be provided to all attendees.
The upcoming Shock Hazards, Code Compliance, and Corrosion in the Marina seminar locations and schedule are as follows:
- Alameda - Tuesday, May 7, 2019 (8:30 am - 12:30 pm) at Safe Harbor Ballena Isle Marina,1150 Ballena Blvd., Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 523-5528
- Sacramento - Wednesday, May 8, 2019 (10am - 2 pm) at City of Sacramento Marina, 2710 Ramp Way, Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 808-5712
- San Diego - Wednesday, May 29, 2019 (8:30 am - 12:30 pm) at The Bay Club Marina, 2131 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 224-8888
- Los Angeles - Thursday, May 30, 2019 (8:30 am - 12:30 pm) at California Yacht Marina - Cabrillo Marina, 224 Whalers Walk, San Pedro, CA 90731 (310)732-2252
Pricing for MRA members and others does not include lunch, and early reservations are recommended as these training sessions do fill up quickly.
Early registration, postmarked 5 days prior to seminar:
MRA Member Non-Member
First Attendee $139 $169
Additional Attendees $119 $149
Registration, postmarked 4 days or less prior to seminar:
MRA Member Non-Member
First Attendee $159 $189
Additional Attendees $139 $159
For additional information and to register, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 47 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
ArticleReservation DEADLINES Approaching see more
'California Boating Congress' Registration - Reservation DEADLINES Approaching . . .
The 2019 California Boating Congress will kick off on Wednesday March 6th for the fourth year in a row bringing the marine industry and recreational boating to the State Capital to chart the future of boating policy in California.
With growing participation and enthusiasm, this CBC promises to be both informative and effective, giving recreational boating a strong collective voice advocating for issues affecting this important part of our state economy and culture.
A special evening cocktail reception will be held for early attendees at the Hilton Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade Hotel on Tuesday, March 5th at 5:30 PM giving everyone an opportunity to meet and mingle before Wednesday's main event.
A limited number of special hotel rates are still available for Tuesday night at the Embassy Suites, if booked NO Later Than February 12th . . . to book your room at the CBC go online to or phone 916-326-5000. Be sure to mention the "CBC Discount Rate" or enter the Group Code: "CBC" when making reservations.
This year's CBC main event will take place at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Sacramento Riverfront Promenade Hotel, 100 Capital Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814, starting Wednesday at 8:30 AM
Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference!
The deadline for the EARLY Registration Rate of $179 will be February 15th . . . For more information, and to register NOW visit or contact Mariann Timms at 209-334-0661.
Following the morning meetings and lunch, attendees will proceed to the State Capital for meetings with individual legislative representatives throughout the afternoon. Opportunities to meet with state representatives are being scheduled NOW, and attendees must register and schedule their meeting NO LATER THAN Friday, February 8th. Early registrants will get priority for scheduling with their State Legislators.
This year's Congress is being co-hosted by the MRA and twelve other boating related groups, including the California Yacht Brokers Association, National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Sportfishing League, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Bay Planning Coalition, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, and the American Boat Builders & Repairers Association . . . dedicated to focusing our state legislators on issues affecting recreational boating and the marine industry.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 47 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
ArticleWe recently sent out flyers with the wrong information, here is the updated information. see more
Updated Hotel Registration Information for California Boating Congress
We recently sent out flyers for the 4th Annual California Boating Congress with the wrong information for booking hotel rooms at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Sacramento Riverfront Promenade. Please use the information below for reservations:
Embassy Suites by Hilton Sacramento Riverfront Promenade |
100 Capitol Mall Sacramento CA 95814There are rooms nights available for Tuesday, March 5, 2019 available for those of you who will be arriving early or plan to stay after the Welcome Reception. PLEASE make your reservations no later than Friday, February 12, 2019 as there are many events going on in Sacramento at this time. There will be no additional rooms available for our block. Reservations can be made using the group/convention code: CBC or calling 916.326.5000 and ask for the discount rate California Boating Congress.
Room rates are $239 plus tax for
single or double occupancy -
ArticleTwo Prominent Keynote Speakers see more
4th Annual ‘California Boating Congress’ will feature Two Prominent Keynote Speakers
This year’s annual California Boating Congress will kick off on Wednesday March 6th with two Keynote Speakers focusing on recreational boating and the impact of this industry on the state economy.
For the fourth year in a row, the CBC will bring the marine industry and boating community together at the California State Capital to advocate for issues affecting this important part of our state’s economy and culture, and chart the future of boating policy in California.
Assemblymember Jim Wood will start the day’s events with a morning welcome at 8:30 AM. Mr. Wood has represented District 2, encompassing Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte, and Mendocino counties, and northern costal Sonoma County, since his election in 2014. He is actively involved in legislative actions focused on environmental protection, economic development, and health care, and has been Chair of the Assembly Health Committee since 2016.Robert Newsome, Sr. Vice President of Strategy, Engineering Standards, & Membership for the National Marine Manufacturers Association will be the second keynote speaker, and will provide an important overview of Recreational Boating Trends and the Economy in California. Mr. Newsome has authored and presented on numerous marine industry economic, boating safety, and industry technical topics, and serves as a spokesperson for the Discover Boating program. He has also been a life-long and avid power boater, sailor, and fisherman on Lake Michigan and other lakes of the Midwest, and has a distinct understanding of the issues affecting recreational boating across the country.
This year’s CBC will hold a Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening, March 5th at 5:30 PM, giving attendees an opportunity to meet and mingle before the main event on Wednesday. Both events will take place at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Sacramento Riverfront Promenade Hotel, 100 Capital Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814. Special hotel rates are also available for Tuesday night and may be booked no later than February 12th at or by calling (916) 326-5000. Be sure to mention the CBC discount rate or enter the Group Code: CBC, when making reservations..
Breakout sessions focused on specific boating issues will follow the keynote speeches, providing updates and information about critical legislative and regulatory concerns. These morning sessions will cover a variety of topics, including the flood of current and pending regulations, the State Lands Commission’s programs to remove abandoned vessels, the current audit of BCDC, and an opportunity to meet with Regulators from the primary state regulatory agencies.
Following lunch, attendees will proceed to the State Capital for meetings with individual legislative representatives throughout the afternoon. Opportunities to meet with state representatives are being scheduled NOW, and attendees must register and schedule their meeting NO LATER THAN Friday, February 8th. Early registrants will get priority for scheduling with their State Legislators, so mark your calendar for March 5th & 6th and register EARLY!
This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by the MRA and twelve other boating related groups, including the California Yacht Brokers Association, National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Sportfishing League, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Bay Planning Coalition, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, and the American Boat Builders & Repairers Association.
For more information and to register, visit or contact Mariann Timms at 209-334-0061.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 46 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.