Dear MRA Members and Guests,
In this edition, we will be recapping the recently held California Boating Congress, which brought boating industry leaders, lawmakers, and enthusiasts from across the state to discuss critical issues facing California's boating community.
Over the course of the congress, attendees had the opportunity to engage in lively discussions and debates on a wide range of topics, including boating safety, the status of abandoned and derelict vessels, environmental stewardship, and the economic impact of the boating industry in California. Experts shared their insights and experiences, while attendees had the chance to network and build relationships with others in the industry.
I want to extend a sincere thank you to our co-hosts Boat U.S., California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, California Yacht Brokers Association, Coastal Conservation Association of California, National Marine Manufacturers Association, Personal Watercraft Industry Association, Recreational Boaters of California and the Sacramento Valley Marine Association.
We couldn't hold these events without our sponsors, Bellingham Marine, Safe Harbor Marinas, Boat U.S., LP Insurance Services and NMMA, all stepping up to the plate to support CBC- we very much appreciate your help.
Lastly, recognize the team that worked tirelessly to make this
event a success, Mariann Timms, Barbara Galgiani, Beau Biller, and Arron Pellarin- my gratitude to all of you!
Overall, the California Boating Congress was a great success, and we are excited to share some of this vital event's highlights.
With gratitude,
Marine Recreation Association members,
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of participating in the MRA’s annual, 2023 California Boating Congress. The event was held on Tuesday April 11th and Wednesday April 12th in Sacramento, at the Hyatt Regency hotel. Tuesday began with MRA members meeting with Platinum Advisors to review and discuss a slate of bills proposed by the California Senate and Assembly which impact the marine industry. Present with the MRA at this meeting were representatives from the California Yacht Brokers Association, National Marine Manufacturers Association, and several other marine related trade associations. During this session, we discussed which proposed bills we collectively supported, and which bills we did not. Platinum Advisors assured us that in their capacity as the official political advisor to the MRA they would track all these proposed bills and keep us informed of any progress. I came away from this meeting with a clearer understanding of how the State Government will continue to influence the manner in which we as the recreational boating industry conduct business.
After this meeting, we were all invited to walk over to the Capital and meet Assembly Woman Marie Waldron. Marie was kind enough to award us with a resolution describing The Assembly’s appreciation for holding this event. The day ended with an MRA hosted reception in the lovely Capital Room at the Hyatt hotel. As always seems to be the case, there was lively marine industry debate going on in the hotel bar until late into the night.
On Wednesday morning, we started the official schedule of events with Assembly Woman Waldron giving the assembled group a good morning address. The remainder of the morning was filled by State officials reviewing with us what they were each working on. This ranged from a review of California’s “30 by 30” program to the State’s decision to close Salmon fishing for 2023. The topics were far reaching and provided valuable information for everyone in attendance. During the conference provided lunch, we were surprised by visits from Assembly Minority Leader James Gallagher and Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones. Both gentlemen gave tremendous talks about their adventures - and misadventures - as California legislators. Before we completed our lunch, Robert Newsome from the NMMA gave us his perception of the economic activities in the boating industry. After lunch, we were honored by a host of members from the Assembly and Senate, each of whom provided us with their individual assessments of coming State legislative priorities.
I was sorry to see the day end. However, I left with my head full of ideas about how the MRA could make the 2024 California Boating Congress even better than this year’s event. To all of you who were not able to attend this year’s CBC, it is my sincere hope that you will be able to attend in 2024. This is a must attend event for all of us trying to navigate the ever changing California political environment.
With best wishes,
Arron Pellarin
Vice President
Marine Recreation Association
The 7th Annual California Boating Congress, sponsored by the Marine Recreation Association, brought boating advocates and the marine industry together with state legislators and regulators for a very informative and useful conference of ideas and input. Participants on both sides came away with enhanced understanding and interest in the issues facing recreational boating in California, which will no-doubt help shape the future of boating in the state.
This year’s CBC convened at the Sacramento Hyatt Regency Hotel on April 11th with a well-attended Welcome Reception. Attendees from the MRA, along with others from ten boating advocacy and marine industry organizations, enjoyed the informal opportunity to get acquainted with each other and a number of legislative and agency representatives prior to the next day’s main event.
Kate Pearson, President MRA, opened the California Boating Congress on April 12th at 8:30 AM welcoming all the attendees. Kate provided the gathering with a brief history of previous CBCs and reiterated the importance of constructive communication and interaction with State Legislators and agencies, stating “They want to learn and we are here to teach”.
Kate also thanked all of the CBC Co-Sponsors, including the
Boat U.S., California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, California Yacht Brokers Association, Coastal Conservation Association of California, National Marine Manufacturers Association, Personal Watercraft Industry Association, Recreational Boaters of California and the Sacramento Valley Marine Association., and each was given a few minutes to introduce their organization to the floor.
Mark Sanders,
Past President MRA, followed the introductions by welcoming Marie Waldron, CA State Assembly, District 75, to the podium, thanking her for her on-going support for recreational boating in the state. Ms. Waldron welcomed the CBC to Sacramento and then presented again to the gathering her sponsored California State Assembly Resolution commending the CBC in part for “its distinguished record of public service and immeasurable contributions to the advancement of boating in the Golden State”. The Resolution had been formally presented the previous day in the State Assembly Chambers.
Beau Biller, Platinum Advisors, Lobbyist for the MRA, CAHMPC, and CYBA, Jerry Desmond, Desmond & Desmond LLC, Lobbyist for the RBOC, and Mark Smith, Smith Policy Group, Lobbyist for the NMMA and CCA-CAL provided a Legislative Summary reviewing recent and pending legislature initiatives affecting recreational boating. Mark Smith and Jerry Desmond provided some very important insight into the State’s 30 x 30 Environmental Initiative which may have the most far-reaching impact on coastal boating and fishing activities. Beau Biller reviewed 17 different Assembly Bills including AB3, SB286 and AB80 all focused on developing new off-shore wind energy projects; AB 748 pertaining to the California Abandoned and Derelict Commercial Vessel Program; and AB966 proposed funding for DBW oversight of Shoreline Erosion & Public Beach Programs.
Mik Maguire, CYBA introduced Ted Gaines, Board Member, CA State Board of Equalization who reviewed the oversight responsibilities of the SBE, and his efforts working with various taxpayer advocacy groups to protect Prop 13 and other taxpayer protections. Ted also listened attentively to comments and responded to questions from attendees.
Following the morning break, Jenn Eckerle, Deputy Secretary for Ocean & Coastal Policy, and Executive Director of the Ocean Protection Council, outlined the State’s approach and progress as part of the 30 x 30 Initiative to conserving 30% of coastal waters for environmental purposes. The question & answer period following her presentation was very active and informative.
Armando Quintero, Director, CA Department of Parks & Recreation, gave a well-received talk reviewing the many resent challenges facing State Parks, including drought, fires, floods, and COVID. Mr. Quintero also spoke about the State Park’s 5 Year Strategic Plan, due this June, and his focus on responding to the impacts of global warming on State Parks infrastructure, and tracking project expenditures and achievements to ensure the fiscal sustainability of State Park facilities and operations.
Keren Dill, Chief, Grants & Loans, DBW Division of Parks & Recreation, and Deborah Holmes, DBW Grants & Loans Unit Supervisor, discussed the Harbors & Watercraft Revolving Fund and sustainability efforts with alternative funding and allocation of funds, and updated attendees on the Surrendered & Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) program funding and grant process. Questions from attendees were also very lively revolving around the availability of these funds for private marina operators.
The final morning presentation was by Mike Conroy, West Coat Director, Responsible Offshore Development Alliance who reviewed the potential impacts of AB525 (2021) that established the current strategic plan for development of California coastal off-shore wind farm leases to produce 25 gigawatts of capacity, potentially covering more than 3,000 square miles of coastal ocean. Mike also spoke about the potential impacts of this development still being studied on marine sanctuaries and other protected areas, fishing activities, and whale migration.
The Lunch & Learn session included a comfortable sit-down luncheon with Robert Newsome, Sr. Vice President, National Marine Manufacturers Association presenting an updated “Boating & Economic Impact” report covering national and CA State economic activity and boat sales data for the past year and forecasts for the future, and surprising some with the fact that nearly 95% of boats sold in the USA are also manufactured here. A number of State Legislators and their staff also attended the luncheon sitting at tables with other attendees.
Following lunch, Assembly Member Gregg Hart, Committee on Water, Parks & Wildlife, answered questions from the group about the Abandoned Vessels Program funding for private marinas and access to the legislative and regulatory processes.
Kevin Ketchum and Kate Pearson led a discussion and review of the MRA Subcommittee Report on VTIP & SAVE Program Survey results and participation, outlining the potential growing demand for derelict vessel disposal as the fleet ages.
Assembly member Tasha Boerner, Chair, Select Committee on Sea Level Rise and the California Economy discussed her committee activities and related issues and challenges. And Senator Mike McGuire, Chair, Joint Committee, Fisheries and Aquaculture discussed climate change and related economic issues including new and expanded forest management efforts, increased electrical undergrounding, expanded broadband access for rural areas, and new solutions to solving homelessness.
All in all, the 2023 California Boating Congress proved to be a very worthwhile and informative conference emphasizing the importance of participation in the legislative and regulatory processes by marine industry members and boaters across the state with special THANKS to all of the Co-Sponsors at this year’s event.
Bill Yeargin is CEO of Correct Craft and
the author of five books, including the
best-seller Education of a CEO.
When Al Gore ran for president, he was often referred to as stoic. And not as a compliment. So this may sound odd to read, but stoicism — the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint — can help us all be better leaders.
As the current year began, I made it a goal to learn about and understand stoicism. Don’t worry; I am neither losing my mind (I don’t think) nor having a crisis of faith. But I did read some things that made me think I should understand stoicism. So I took a course and read a few books. I learned a lot.
For instance, being a learner is at the heart of stoicism. At Correct Craft, we embrace the idea of being a learner, believing there are many new ideas to discover that will make us better. Learning not only helps us improve, but it also brings excitement, energy and endorphins that are great for team-building. I am convinced that our team’s desire to improve makes us much better and significantly enhances our performance.
More important, stoicism encourages us to use what we learn for societal good, and to live an ethical life. It sounds a lot like ideas we talk about at Correct Craft all the time, what we call “Making Life Better.”
Other concepts related to stoicism include making decisions based on logic, not emotion. Often, people view stoics as cold or emotionless, but that is inaccurate. Stoicism does not suggest that we eliminate emotions; it helps us manage them.
When a leader is emotionally hijacked, it can create a false sense of clarity or rightness that is dangerous. Even though they feel very right, emotionally hijacked leaders are usually wrong. I heard a friend say recently, “If you are feeling, you aren’t thinking.”
There is much research that supports this. In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman writes about the importance of slowing down long enough to allow our logical brain to make decisions. This is a key tenet of stoicism.
Managing our emotions can be difficult, especially if we are wired to be emotional. However, managing emotions is an important part of being a great leader. Leaders who want to improve in this area would be wise to start with Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence.
In addition, leaders should focus on what they can control. Readers of Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People understand the importance of focusing on what they can affect and ignoring what they cannot. While I am far from perfect, this thinking is integral to my leadership philosophy and time-management strategy. People are often surprised when I say I won’t worry about a situation I can’t control. Embracing this mindset saves me a lot of time and emotional energy.
Executive coaching is beginning to fill up more of my schedule as our company grows and I delegate key responsibilities. Recently, one of the people I coach was in a challenging situation, fretting about what happened and why someone else failed. I told him he could not change the past and recommended that he focus on what he could control. Use your energy in better ways.
Another thing I learned is to be unoffendable. When someone lets you down, offends you or does something you believe is dumb, don’t be surprised; understand that people do dumb things. Resist the urge to judge. Accept what has happened, and react only to the extent that you can control some part of the situation. If you need help with this, check out my friend Brant Hansen’s book Unoffendable.
And understand the power of framing. Every situation can be viewed from different perspectives. Our team calls it the beach ball effect: If you are on the orange panel of the beach ball, you see a situation as orange, while those on the blue panel see the situation as blue. Understanding that there are different ways to see the same situation is important, because how we choose to view events significantly affects how we deal with them. Stoics tend to take a more optimistic perspective, and a lot of research has identified optimism as the most valuable perspective.
Finally, embrace challenges as an opportunity. Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, was a famous stoic and the most powerful person on the planet. He wrote in Meditations that “the obstacle is the way.” While most people see an obstacle and turn away, or at least get discouraged, the most influential people embrace the obstacle and find a way to use it to their advantage. We all continually face obstacles; viewing them as opportunities is both life- and career-changing, in a good way.
History provides many beneficial lessons if we are willing to be a learner. Stoicism is no exception; the principles here can make any of us a better leader.
And in case you’re wondering, stoic leaders can have fun. Lots of fun. Check back next month to learn about the “laughing leader.”
• California’s Oil Spill Response Structure
• California’s Marinas and Yacht Clubs Spill Response
Communication Packet
• Spill Case Studies: Lessons Learned and Best Practices
• Oil Spill Response Resources for Boating Facilities
Thursday, May 11th (9:45 am to 12:45 pm)
Attend in Person: Department of Fish and Wildlife Office of Spill Prevention and Response (1010 Riverside Pkwy West Sacramento, CA 95605 - California Poppy 154 Conference Room) Free parking available at the facility.
If we don’t reach our targeted registration by May 1st, this workshop will be virtual. You will be notified by May 1st and a link for the virtual workshop will be provided to you.
You Must Register at Please include in your email, the date for the workshop you are registering for.
Attend Virtually: Click here to register.
Thursday, July 27 (9:45 am to 12:45 pm)
Attend in Person: Dockweiler Youth Center (12505 Vista del Mar Playa de Rey, CA 90293) . Free parking available at the facility.
If we don’t reach our targeted registration by July 19th, this workshop will be virtual. You will be notified by July 19th and a link for the virtual workshop will be provided to you.
You Must Register at Please include in your email, the date for the workshop you are registering for.
Attend Virtually: Click here to register.
Check our flier here
The Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show Announces a
New Location with Exciting Exhibits and Activities
The Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show, produced by the California Yacht Brokers Association in partnership with Sail America, moves to a fabulous news venue in the Bay Area, Westpoint Harbor on May 4 - 7, 2023. The premier boat show on the West Coast will feature an impressive lineup of exhibitors showcasing a wide range of sailboats, powerboats, and boating accessories.
With exhibitors that span the gamut of the boating industry scheduled to attend, the Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show offers a one-stop-shop for boating enthusiasts where attendees can explore the latest boats and new nautical equipment on the market, speak with industry experts, and learn about the latest trends in boating.
"The Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show is the perfect event for anyone who loves boating or is interested in getting started," said show manager James Behun. "We're excited to bring the show to Westpoint Harbor and showcase the latest in boating technology, gear, and accessories."
Boating enthusiasts and novices alike will enjoy a wide range of activities and events throughout the four-day event including hands-on workshops, educational seminars by industry experts providing valuable information on boating safety, maintenance, and performance, as well as live demonstrations. In addition, attendees can enjoy hands-on activities including on-water demos and sailboat rides. Attendees can also enjoy a variety of food and drink options and live entertainment.
The Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show
is held at the Westpoint Marina, located at
101 Westpoint Harbor Drive Redwood City, CA 94063.
Thursday & Friday - 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday - 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Adults - $15 Daily, Kids under 12 Free and Active-Duty Military free Thursday & Friday
FREE Parking
Tickets can be purchased online at or at the box office. For more information please visit or call 858-230-1221.
Follow them on Facebook @PacificSailandPowerBoatShow, Instagram @pacificboatshow and Twitter @PacificBoatShow.
About Westpoint Harbor:
Westpoint Harbor, a state-of-the-art award-winning marina, is the ideal location for the event equipped with modern amenities, including a yacht club, restaurant, and bar, and is conveniently located near popular tourist attractions such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley. For more information, please visit
About CYBA:
California was the first state to require brokers and sales personnel to be licensed and bonded. Established in 1978 the efforts of the California Yacht Brokers Association goes beyond that which is required by law and offers further protection and services to the consumer. More information can be found at
About Sail America:
Sail America is the trade association for the US sailing industry, providing leadership and a unified voice. Established in 1990 by members of the sailing industry, Sail America has over 200 members representing all segments of the sailing market. For more information, visit
(L to R) Capt. Paul Trakimas, Capt. Kevin Sage,
owner Capt. Scott McClung, and
Capt. Malcolm McClung of TowBoatUS
Dana Point and Oceanside, California
Capt. Scott McClung opens his second TowBoatUS location.
With the opening of TowBoatUS Oceanside, a 24/7 on-water towing and assistance service for recreational boaters, a former gap in coverage has been closed in the 60-plus mile stretch of coast from San Diego to Dana Point, California.
Much like an auto club for recreational boaters, TowBoatUS provides routine towing, ungroundings, battery jumps and fuel drop-off services. This new TowBoatUS “port” in Oceanside brings the total of coastal Southern California TowBoatUS locations to 10, all part of a nationwide network of more than 600 red TowBoatUS response vessels at 300-plus locations that responded to more than 90,000 requests for assistance last year.
Oceanside is the second port for Capt. Scott McClung, who opened TowBoatUS Dana Point in 2016. The Southern California native – a former Oceanside lifeguard, commercial lobsterman and research ship captain – says most boaters call to request help after experiencing engine or battery issues. Some require fuel. The company’s two 10-meter red response vessels are fully rigged for towing and helmed by USCG-licensed captains.
Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) offers Unlimited Towing Memberships for saltwater boaters and anglers for just $165 per year. Included are more than 25 Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) benefits and discounts, a subscription to BoatUS Magazine, free DSC-VHF radio registration, and more.
Separate from BoatUS Towing Services, the company provides boat salvage and environmental remediation services.
The fastest way to request assistance is to download the free
BoatUS App, which connects boaters to the closest local towing captain. Additionally, both TowBoatUS locations can be reached at 949-275-3555, or by phoning the BoatUS toll-free 24/7 Dispatch Center at 800-391-4869.
For more go to or call 800-888-4869.
About TowBoatUS:
Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is the nation's leading advocacy, services and safety group for recreational boaters. We are the Boat Owners Auto Club™ and provide our more than 800,000 members with a wide array of helpful services, including 24-hour on-water towing that gets you safely home when your boat won’t, jump-starts, fuel delivery, and soft ungroundings. The TowBoatUS towing fleet is North America’s largest network of towing ports with more than 300 locations and over 600 red towing assistance vessels, responding to more than 90,000 requests for assistance each year. The BoatUS App makes it easy to summon water and road assistance 24/7 and can speed response times ( For more information go to
Top 3 Reasons Why Boats Fail
Don’t Hit the Water
This Summer Without a No-Cost, No-Penalty Vessel Safety Check!
A free vessel safety check can show boat owners how to improve safety aboard. (credit U.S. Power Squadrons)
How do you know your boat is ready for a safe summer boating season and complies with new U.S. Coast Guard regulations? A no-cost, no-penalty vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons/America’s Boating Club can help. Scheduled inspections are often offered at launch ramps, marinas and boat clubs, or appointments can be made for a vessel examiner to come to your boat. Go to to learn more. The program is sponsored by the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water.
Upon successful completion of the exam, which typically takes less than 30 minutes, the vessel is awarded a U.S. Coast Guard / Auxiliary / U.S. Power Squadrons decal that informs law enforcement and safety agencies that your boat was in full compliance with all federal and state boating laws during a safety check for that year.
So just what items do vessels typically fail on this important early season inspection? According to the U.S. Power Squadrons/America’s Boating Club, the top three reasons are:
- Navigation lights 19%
- Fire extinguishers 18%
- Distress signals 16%
“The numbers tell us a vessel safety check can help owners of every type of boat,” said BoatUS Foundation assistant director of boating safety Ted Sensenbrenner. “Nearly as many ‘open’ type vessels (44%) fail vessel safety checks as much as those with enclosed cabins (47%). A vessel safety check on either type can help a bad day get a lot better, or potentially save a life.”
Boat clubs, marinas, boat yards and municipalities with launch ramps are also encouraged to reach out to their local U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons/America’s Boating Club to schedule a vessel safety check day at their property.

A no-penalty vessel safety check from U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons/America’s Boating Club can improve on water safety this summer boating season (credit: U.S. Power Squadrons)
Bellingham Marine
Located on Harbor Island directly across from downtown San Diego, is the premier bayfront dining destination, Coasterra restaurant. With stunning views of America’s finest city, the event float hosting private events recently underwent a cosmetic upgrade to match the restaurant’s upscale design aesthetic.
While a beautiful event facility once you’re on it, the view from the restaurant of the decades-old floating hopper barge wasn’t up to par with the view of San Diego’s pristine skyline. Due to the long-standing relationship between Bellingham Marine and the property owner, the owners reached out to BMI to figure out what could be done to breathe new life into the lackluster appearance of the event barge.
The owners and BMI collaborated to come up with a plan to design and build a façade that would cover the sides of the barge in a visually appealing way. Due to the age of the barge, one of the key parameters was developing a plan to create a façade without physically attaching to the steel barge, in order to preserve its floating integrity. BMI was able to produce a 3D rendering to supply a vision to the client which ultimately evolved into the end product. Another key element of the project was scheduling and completing the work to accommodate the restaurant’s event schedule, a task in which BMI is well versed.
Bellingham Marine designed and built a custom aluminum framework with standoffs that attach to the top deck of the barge to support vertical panels with horizontal IPE decking hung in an alternating offset pattern from the face of the barge to tie into the restaurant’s design. IPE is a resilient hardwood with properties similar to teak, commonly used in high-end outdoor furniture and decking. The IPE decking starts out a warm reddish hue, and will weather to a nice silvery grey color for many years to come.
While Bellingham Marine is most known for designing and building floating docks, this project was an extension of BMI’s design and building expertise. The custom façade added dimension and design interest to the restaurant’s existing harbor event float, enhancing this highly sought-after private event space.
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
Foreman Friedman PA
Renewal time is just around the corner. I will be sending the renewal invoices via our membership program in mid-May.
SAVE THE DATE for the 51st Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show which will be held October 16 -18, 2023 at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines. More information will be available in May.
Our FREE Educational Series webinars are still available for viewing and can be accessed at:
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to the submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times, the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator