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April 2020
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
As I sit in my home office staring out at my swimming pool, I wonder how long we can continue to keep everyone at home? The natives are restless and we as an industry have the perfect product to help them out. The problem is a lot of us are closed.
I have talked to many of you throughout the state and there seems to be no rime or reason as to why some marinas are open and others not. In northern California lakes, the best I can tell, my lake, Bullardsbar Reservoir and Shasta Lake are the only two lakes open for business. All the other lakes have been closed by their landlords, whether it be Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps, State Parks, Southern California Edison or the local water agency who controls the lake, eleven lakes in all. Most of the lakes closed are in rural California. There is concern folks visiting those facilities will come from more metropolitan areas and bring with them the virus and the local communities don't have the resources to deal with outbreak. I understand but the natives are getting restless.
The coastal marinas seem to be fairing better. Many of the marina's are open and allowing their boaters access to their slip and the open water. San Diego bay was closed a few weeks back, which in essence shut down the marinas unless you just wanted to visit your boat.
Whether you're open or not have your virus protocol done and educate your crew. CDC provides good guidance on procedures. We went so far as to have the county health officer weigh in on our procedures. It is a nice selling point. Remember the natives are restless and they are going to come in mass when stay at home is lifted or maybe sooner, be prepared.
Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.
Scott Robertson
What our Members are Facing During COVID-19
Your Board of Directors held their April 1st Board Meeting via a conference call. At the beginning of the meeting, each board member was asked how their marina, boatyard or business was handling the current COVID-19 situation. It was very interesting to hear how everyone was affected in different ways and we shared tips to navigate the current situation. On April 17th, I sent out an email to the membership requesting what impact their businesses were having. While only a few responded, below is what they shared:
Brad & Jeanne Howard, Kaweah Marina, Lemon Cove, CA
We are actually doing really well. The Corp of Engineer closed the lake down. They are still letting us work repairing boats. I just come up 3 days a week and answer the phones and do paper work for reserving slips. When we open, the paper work will be done. We are losing boat rental revenue. But hopefully we will catch up.Kim Korth, Korth's Pirates Lair Marina, Isleton, CA
At Korth's Pirates Lair, we have temporarily closed our Café and computer Lounge due to the Coronavirus. We still have our Fuel Dock, Launch Ramp and Marina Office Open. We are not letting customers enter our marina office but instead we greet them at the door and conduct business 6 feet away. Last March 20th, when we put these new conditions in place, we also gave FREE launching and told new prospective slip rental customers to hold off and we would call them back in two weeks. We have done that now and have proceeded to rent slips again. We also started to charge for our Launch Ramp use again.
One major new development we are noticing is that fishermen with boats, towed on trailers, are flooding into our area to launch their boats since so many State and City boat launch ramps are closed. Obviously, FISHING wins over staying at home!Richard Markie, Paradise Village Marina, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
Things are going pretty good. We are 89% full with boats and about 8 % with people. Our dry storage yard is 100% full. We are not discounting anything and that is different from the rest of the local marinas they have all started lowering their prices. We never get involved with the price wars.
We have made a great effort training our employees both office and dock crew regarding the health and safety of everyone clients, contractors, and employees. Our workers are temperature checked on arrival and several times a day. Our guards are equipped with infrared thermometers and check everyone on the docks several times a day. They also check Oxygen proliferation and pulse rate with the finger monitor. Our clients have nothing but praise for our concern about them and our employees. We do not allow anyone on the docks without a mask which is about all we can do at this time. We are the only Marina in the world that has a fully certified hospital attached to the marina and that helps a lot. The hotel is closed so it is very quiet which is nice.Stephen Orosz, Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, Richmond, CA
On the one hand, at Marina Bay Yacht Harbor we continue to operate somewhat normally but on the other it has created a lot of additional work with changing protocols, updating signage and adapting to the changing circumstances. In the office we have evolved to adapt to the social distancing requirements. We are fortunate to have a foyer and inner door to the office so we put a table across the doorway as a barrier and also all our communications with current and prospective tenants has been to exhort them to do as much of the paperwork as possible via e-mail. In the office and with the maintenance staff we have added sanitizing steps to the routine cleaning which includes using garden sprayers with bleach solution on all the hard surfaces in the boater's restrooms. We also have placed spray bottles with bleach solution on the counter in each restroom for the boaters to use if they wish. In the office we use the sanitizing solution to wipe down the counters and table where the customers interact.
Getting PPE for the staff is a challenge. We had a limited supply of N95 masks and cartridges for respirators left over from the fire season and we were able to equip all the staff with several bandannas each. As they need to reuse PPE we have gone over the reports from Stanford on how to sterilizing the masks. We normally have plenty of gloves in stock for use so that has not been an issue. For the staff outside, the biggest risk factor seems to be the restrooms and fortunately it seems many of the boaters also recognize that and have heeded our advice to avoid the public areas wherever possible. Going forward, the new requirement to wear face coverings in public will be a challenge as that will require everyone to wear them even on the dock.
As one of the few launch ramps still open we have been getting a huge volume of calls asking if we are still open. Traffic has been relatively light but increasing. We have signage up at the launch ramp gate entrance, on the boarding floats and washdown stations encouraging boaters to maintain social distancing and so far it appears that most people are abiding by it. Otherwise, there is noticeably reduced activity on the docks. We have some traffic from prospective tenants although there have been a number of postponements or outright cancellations as people have discovered they can't move their boat to bring it here.
While several of our tenants have already contacted us to let us know that they will be having difficulty with paying rent in the coming months collections have not been off too much. We are expecting that as this continues the situation will only get worse and we expect that in the coming year or two we will see more marginal boats abandoned.Michael Aaker, King Harbor Marina, Redondo Beach, CA
Interesting times at King Harbor Marina. After nearly 50 years of owning and operating King Harbor Marina, the Guthrie family has sold their business. At about the same time the governor shut down all non-essential businesses, a new owner closed escrow on the purchase. Please welcome Majestic KHM LLC dba as King Harbor Marina. Needless to say the timing for this has created a great amount of work for everyone involved. We are very fortunate to have been listed as an essential business as Property Managers during the pandemic so it has been "business as usual" however, many businesses on our leasehold are closed at this time. With the exception of ourselves and The King Harbor Marine Center(Boatyard) the closed businesses are The Redondo Beach Yacht Club, The King Harbor Yacht Club, Bluewater Grill, The Bay Club, and a few small mom and pop businesses. As you would expect, our revenues are down and past due accounts are climbing. We having been working with our great tenants to get them as well as ourselves through this very difficult time. Our goal right now is to meet with any tenant requiring financial assistance and work out a plan that they can manage. We anticipate increasing numbers over the next several months and are determined to get through this the best we can.
We are trying to promote boating as the perfect activity for families to participate while the shut down order is in place. Our Marina business has seen increase activity at this time especially with the warm weather. There appears to be more people working on their boats, getting out on the water, or just relaxing while sunbathing. Our hope is that this activity remains open as long as we can control crowds for the proper social distancing and maintain a sterilized facility.
Lastly, we realize THAT THINGS MAY NEVER GET BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE BEFORE THE PANDEMIC and we may need to adjust the way we do business in order to be part of the solution rather than lengthening the problem.Michelle LaPointe, Vintage Marina & Channel Islands Harbor Marina, Oxnard, CA
Notes to Tenants
Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions- If you are NOT a Live Aboard in the Marina, Please Stay Home.
Our marina staff is trying our best to continue to provide the maintenance and office services necessary, but we need everyone to do their part to help keep us safe while we do so! We have added additional janitorial shifts to help keep the facilities safe. Boat service vendors are being allowed to continue work following social distancing guidelines. Boat owners are being allowed to come check on vessels or do necessary work (maintenance/repairs that are necessary for the seaworthy integrity of the vessel). Please DO NOT bring family & friends to the marina with you if you need to check on your vessel.
We understand that this is inconvenient. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. If we all work together and make the sacrifices required to keep ourselves and our community safe, we hope this will end sooner than later.
PLEASE STAY HOME. If not to protect yourselves, then to protect your family and friends and all of the strangers you could infect.Gary Jones, County of Los Angeles, Department of Beaches and Harbors, Marina del Rey
All offices for the Department of Beaches and Harbors are closed to the public; however, staff members are available at each facility to answer questions via telephone. At this time, Anchorage 47 is not approving new vessels or taking new applications. The public launch ramp, Anchorage 47 docks, transient docks, pump-outs, restrooms, laundry room, and parking lots remain open to boaters. The Marina del Rey Farmers Market is operational with additional restrictions on the number of customers and physical distancing. The Marina del Rey Summer Concert Series at Burton W. Chace Park has been canceled, and the Department is still evaluating whether other events will proceed. With County beaches closed, we continue to monitor for any crowds visiting Marina del Rey. While they have increased with the warmer weather, generally people are well behaved and follow public health guidelines.
Mark and Gina Winton, Success Lake Marina, Porterville, CA
We are all doing very well. We closed our business on March 20th, when all non-essential businesses were mandated to close. We have been staying home, together as a family, and very much appreciating the time; getting some much needed rest and lots of good family time together. We have plenty of paperwork to keep us busy, which we do at home. We answer our marina phone seven days a week. It is a cell phone and we turn it on during business hours. We have cameras at the marina that we can use to keep an eye on it remotely. We also go to the marina nearly every day to check on it, adjust the docks according to the water level, and do any projects or maintenance that need to be done. We are also homeschooling now, as are some of our employees.
At the beginning of the shelter in place, our business was closed, but the lake was not. People were flocking to the lake. We essentially needed to stay there to monitor the docks and the many fisherman who were trespassing; pulling in, tying up, wandering the docks, fishing off the docks and using our bathroom. We were closed, not making any money, but needed to be on the docks to manage the public. That was not fun.
Since then, our lake has completely closed. We are located on an Army Corps lake, and they have mandated that their lakes be closed at this time. The closure has eased the pressure and given us time to focus on the tasks at hand.
We are answering the phone seven days a week talking with the public calmly and kindly. Sometimes it feels like we are an outreach hotline for the public. Some people are feeling really lonely and are happy just to have another person to to talk to briefly. Many people are itching to go fishing, boating, kayaking, be in nature, and Socialize. We tell them that we do not have clear answers about the timeline for reopening, we are waiting just as they are, and everything will be fine. From the phone calls we receive, it is apparent that as soon as the lake opens it will be flooded with visitors from all over the state. We have received phone calls from up and down California, and people are ready to travel.
While this closure is not good for our business financially, we are also wary of how we, and our community, will handle the influx of visitors. We have thought about ways to handle our reopening, such as only opening to slip renters initially, letting only one person onto the docks to rent the boat for their party, loading the rest of the boating party at the boat ramps (which is opposite of our normal policy), allowing less rentals in a day, keeping the bathroom open to only those with a key to it, and regular disinfecting ( which is our usual policy anyhow). We are also concerned about how we are supposed to open and be at work full time when we are expected to be at home schooling and caring for our children 24/7. That will pose a problem for us and our staff. We continue to talk things through and take each day as it comes.
For now, we are doing well, appreciating the slow down, and breathing deeply.Dagene't Stern, Scribble Software
Scribble Software implemented a precise plan to ensure 100% of our employees could work remotely from the safety of their own home prior to the order to shelter in place. Using remote tools and applications, all company networks and phone systems were redirected to appropriate personnel and all operations and procedures are business as normal. In addition, to ensure our team remains strong, Scribble Software has sustained a high level of communication through the company, with each department holding daily video conference calls and weekly company video conference calls.
Scribble Software, our teams, and our employees, all remain strong as we face the challenges of this situation, not alone, but together. And, together, we are running our operations as normal and doing everything we can to ensure our customers receive the availability, quality, and speed of our customer service they have grown accustomed to at Scribble Software.
We also sent out a survey to the membership. Below are the results of that survey.Boatyard Survey Results - 20% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 2
No - 0
-For liveaboards and govt boatsIs your company still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 0
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 2
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 2
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 2
No, temporarily closed - 0
Other - 0Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 0
10 - 20% - 0
20 - 30% - 0
30+% - 0
Too early to say - 2Is your supply chain impacted?
Yes - 1
No answer - 1What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial impact - 2
Supply chain disrupted - 0
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 1
Decrease in consumer confidence - 2
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 0At this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 2
No - 0
Too early to say - 0How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 0
Education - 1
Networking - 0
Advocacy - 1
Government & Small Business Support Information - 0
All of the Above - 1Additional Comments?
BRAVO for MRA taking on this survey. Great job!Marina Survey Results - 29% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 22
No - 7
-Since we have live aboard tenants we have concluded that we are covered under section 13 of the Order.
-Some of the businesses located on the property are considered essential as well as commercial fishing.
-We have boaters that live aboard and get their mail and packages delivered to our office. We also have to take care of cleaning and trash.
-There are a number of reasons but top among them are 1) We have liveaboards and 2)we provide a free pumpout service to the public.
-Property Management
-Due to liveaboard contingent, we do have essential services to provide: Restroom/Shower cleaning/sanitizing; mail and packages, emergency maintenance and basic security.
-Unclear, we do provide housing, and for safety reasons we must maintain the Marina. Less clear about staffing office, renting future slips, etc.
-We have liveaboards so maintaining the facilities is still needed.
-We have about 40 liveaboards, and public first-responder boats and facilities.
-Boat rentals and cafe are non-essential but our marine service center, pump out facilities, fuel stations, and fresh water is considered essential.
-Not to sure, cruiser access to island for food and supplies.
-We have clients that call our harbor their permanent home receiving mail and packages.
-How would I know?
-Corps of Engineers closed us down.
-We could find nothing definitive at State/County/City saying 'Marinas' are essential but saw references to Property Management considered essential and custodians so we stayed open for business behind locked doors w/ signage stating we're 'working from behind the glass' - please call or email. AND we are 'private' whereas some of the local marinas are municipal or on leased county land and their operations are restricted.
-We have commercial office space that has essential businesses and liveaboards who are sheltering in place on their boats, so our Marina is able to operate under limited capacity to maintain these essential functions.
-Department staff, as county employees, are deemed essential workers.Is your marina still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 6
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 16
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 12
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 7
No, temporarily closed - 4
Some modifications.
Cafe is closed.
-Our office is staffed with one person each day of the week on a limited schedule. Only employees are allowed into the office.
-Our entire maintenance crew is still working full time. Our administrative staff is working from home and office.
- One staff member at the marina at a time. Reduced hours (no weekends and closing at 4pm each day). Part time help has reduced hours, full time (2 employees) work remotely when not at the marina.
- Essential services still being provided, but office closed.
- We had two employees who were high-risk category (over 65) who are furloughed. Our accountant is able to work from home most of the week while for the rest of the staff we working in the office and on the dock with social distancing in place.
- Office is staffed daily, but closed to public access. All office communication via email and telephone, and the dropbox.
- We are maintaining all services but restricted access and exposure. Closed to the public and open to tenants only.
- Shortened work day and limited number of staff in marina.
- Owner working reduced hours and employees paid to stay shelter in place.
- Our store is closed off to customers, but purchases can be made through a walk-up fuel sales window. Everything else is operating normal. We have a bookkeeper that is working from home, due to a family member who is considered to be vulnerable.
- Until the Corps of Engineers opens Us back up.
- Office staff in office only 1 at a time as too small to distance within the office. Custodial staff all working regular hours.What steps has your marina taken to support boaters while observing Covid-19 restrictions?
Allowing extended stay boaters (other than your Live Aboards) - 8
Allowing guest boats in your marina - 7
Other (Please comment below)
-Continue to accept applications for new tenants while other marinas have suspended accepting new applications.
- San Diego County has ordered all waterways closed. We are allowing access to slip renters with no overnights allowed. Maximum of 4 people on a vessel, no congregation on fingers or docks.
- We are not accepting guests or new tenants at this time. Some people who are not LAB are needing to stay on their boats because they can't get home.
- Anyone not able/allowed to travel to their home or other location are being allowed to stay on their vessel for now.
- None of the above.
- No guest boats, promote stay at home for non-liveaboards and social distancing for all.
- Relaxing rules regarding contractor check ins.
- We had several guests who came before this started that we are currently "stuck" with. We also are currently unable to evict sneakaboards so there are some who are effectively staying aboard without authorization.
- Large antiseptic dispensers at offices, disinfecting facilities three times per day, closed marina to public access.
- No changes all policies and Rules are in effect.
- Eliminated late fees for monthly rent.
- No Changes made to the daily operations.
- No changes, with the exception of not allowing any guest boats at this time.
- Working with tenants with work hardships to accommodate slip fees payment difficulties.
- Allowing guests so long as social distancing and sheltering in place.
- Keeping our launch ramp open although no one has asked us to close it!
- Current slip customers are allowed to use their boat but have to walk in.
-Additonal security on property. More personal attention and assistance. Detailed inspection of vessels for boatowners unable to visit.
- We do not permit extended stay and ONLY permit regular transients that we know/trust, for the safety of our permanent boaters. NOT permitting people to come to 'party' b/c they are bored at home. We have a problem as it is with the public guest-docks where folks pre-arranged a 'meeting' w/ their boats and set up beach chairs blocking the entrance to one of the boater docks and a couple of our valued boaters told us they were going back home so as to not have to walk thru a group of strangers.
- Launch ramp open. Boat owners can still access and use vessels. No charters.Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 6
10 - 20% - 5
20 - 30% - 2
30+% - 1
Too early to say - 18
- Initial impact is in the 10-20% range, we expect this may increase the longer the stay at home order lasts. We have restaurant and rental shops that are tenants who are severely impacted which in turn impacts our revenue.
- We expect it will in the coming months/year. We are also expecting to see an uptick in marginal vessels being abandoned.
- Currently no changes. Anticipating 5% lost next month and 10% for June.
- A large part of my revenue comes from houseboat and power boat rentals while the largest is wet slips.
- More launch revenue.
- We aren't able to rent out boats.
- We have been very fortunate.
- No way to tell at this point how many 'evictions' or voluntary re-po's there might be and of course there will be no income for those slips so could be brutal.
- We are currently communicating with all tenants that have not paid April rent to see what their situations are.Are you currently receiving inquiries for slip leasing?
Yes - 28
No - 3
- We are answering questions and taking names but not accepting any new boats except for the yacht broker or an application that was in progress.
- We are 100% full and continue to receive slip inquiries. Mostly people wanting to get their vessels out of Mexico and back to the US. There are a few who are buying boats right now and in need of a slip.
- We are at our highest occupancy and new boats are applying. Go figure.
- Few are coming in.
- We had a 4-6 week period where we had quite a few cancellations; however, as of last week we are picking back up and we're booked to capacity for this upcoming weekend.
- Yes I am I have been reserving them for people when we open up I will call them.
- People are optimistic that restrictions will be eased soon.
- We have received and are processing wait list applications and are assigning slips to new tenants.Have your Live Aboards been impacted?
No - 15
Yes - 10
We don't have live Aboards - 6
- No access to the office or boater's lounge.
- They have full access to all services.
- Our property has been overrun by people fishing and walking.
- It is hard for us to tell the extent of the impact. We have had a couple who have told us they may need a deferral of rent or some kind of assistance as their business has shut down. One is a captain and yacht broker. Another is a self proprietor whose work has dried up.
- Required to wear face coverings, large packages re-directed.
- Boater's lounge and gym closed, social distancing stressed, office closed.
- The main impact seems to be loss or reduction of income. Most seem to be choosing to self-isolate and are minimizing their use of shared facilities like restrooms and laundry.
- Most are staying aboard, and we have lots of food deliveries and Amazon practically lives here.
- Corps of Engineers and we don't allow live aboards.
- We have very few -under 10 - and a couple of them that work have had their hours cut. Some NON LABs have tested positive for CV and quarantined at home but no LABs, yet.
- Some have lost their jobs and have asked about payment deferrals. Others are having trouble receiving packages since our office is closed and "working from home" on their boats with limited space and internet access.Have you had difficulty maintaining security? Or keeping people for violating shelter in place rules?
Yes - 13
No - 18
- In the beginning yes, it has since subsided. Harbor Police handle this issue.
- Too many people from outside Alameda coming to our property to hang out, fish and walk.
- With only one person at the marina it is hard to maintain security. Our marina has a public promenade running through the middle of it. We have had more transient people requiring us to lock areas at night and sometimes during the day. It is also a challenge to keep tenants from taking paddle boards out onto the bay. The better the weather gets the more violations of the shelter in place we see.
- Obviously any non liveaboard on the premises violates the shelter at home edict. Mostly they are here to take boat out since harbor has not been closed.
- Our security issues are due to the City temporally housing homeless people next to the Marina.
- Launch ramp open, and has been very busy. Lots of people not social distancing.
- A small percentage of people continue to try to enter the marina and use facilities. So our security measures have been tested. For the first time, some theft too.
- Majority of customers are practicing safe distancing and being mindful of rules.
- Appears bus loads of homeless are being deposited locally.
-We always have 24/7 security, but we have increased the staff until further notice.
- Homeless people who acquire boats attempting to come into anchorage and we have to keep close track of their movements ashore.
- We don't police our tenants to shelter in place.
- People are getting carried away and doing whatever they darn well please. But we see it on camera and are going to take care of that.
- Security has been a challenge because we are located within a large city park with public walkaways and facilities on our shoreline.
- Only 'outsiders'-see response to #6. Another incident occurred this week here the day after our City CLOSED the 'Mother's Beaches', a couple of Moms in Duffy brought kids to the guest docks with water wings on to SWIM in the Marina. When they were approached to explain that kids and propellers don't mix and the public guest docks were not for 'camping out for the day' to swim. A man from another boat in the guest slips yelled at Security to 'leave them alone! What's the problem?(expletive *^#)
- We have had two break ins to office tenants since the Shelter In Place started. Our local police department has increased patrols in our area.
- Increased security and enforcement measures necessary throughout the harbor.Do you think that the Covid-19 crisis will continue into summer?
Yes - 21
No - 2
I don't know - 7
- I think we will be opening up in stages thus the crisis will continue for months but hopefully it will lessen as the summer goes on. Sportfishing and restaurants will continue to feel the crisis for months.
- Unfortunately.
- Next year and beyond.
- I think it will wind down in May-June with social distancing practices in place.
- Of course!
- Especially in California we don't think the governor is going to open anything up.
- I believe conditions will begin to normalize before the end of May.
- If the lockdown DOES continue, I think boaters will start relaxing a bit and will continue to enjoy their boats IF THEY ARE FINANCIALLY SECURE. If the lockdown continues and folks don't have jobs, income, food, shelter it will definitely affect us all.
- I believe there will be some impacts until a reliable vaccine is widely available.What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial Impact - 28
Supply chain disruptions - 13
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 14
Decrease in consumer confidence - 9
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 20
- I'm concerned that the public is going to relax their precautions which may increase the likelihood of a second serge of the virus.
- What??? No question about health concern? My main concern is not wanting to be infected with COVID-19 and possibly infecting others.
- No other concerns.
We have not been affected at work with supply chain shortages, yet, but I'm personally uncomfortable and have been since the beginning and just this week BIG meat suppliers shut down with illness and can happen in ANY chain and truckers are at risk and longshoremen. I'm almost MORE afraid of having TOO MUCH INFO that conflicts ... it's difficult to process and our boaters are turning to US to filter, compile, and explain clearly.
- Decreased future demand for office space as people shift to working from home.At this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 14
No - 6
Too early to say - 11
- The City will not allow any travel/conferences for 2020/2021 budget.
- I would love to but it is too early to know.
- Assuming we're out of this of course!
- I think the conference should proceed. HMPC is still on. We will need to make accommodations to insure everyone's safety, which will take some planning, and maybe a new kind of social events.
- But still early to say.
- However, I would probably be unable to attend even without the current conditions.
- God willing and the Creek don't rise.How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 4
Education - 11
Networking - 8
Advocacy - 18
Government & Small Business Support Information - 14
All of the Above - 4
Other, please comment below:
- Please provide the outcome of this survey to all members. I have a survey we completed on Marinas in San Diego County with different questions that I can share with you.
- I have been keeping my office staff busy with training modules they can do from home.
- We are all in this together. It is very helpful to know what other marinas are doing/experiencing and we definitely need an advocate for recreational boating.
-I don't think anyone has even considered the current crisis since 1918. There is going to be a learning curve no doubt, but to its up to the individual operators who actually have direct daily contact with facility they represent to use their best judgment in providing a safe and effective operation. In other words i think it would be foolish to think someone has the right answer.
- Keep doing the great job you do keeping all of us informed.
- Just keep us informed.
- Informing our elected officials and public health decision makers that socially responsible recreational boating does not pose health risks.
- Providing resources ... even if just for contact with our boaters... I'm trying to stay in contact without 'bugging' them but encouraging to take the class to get the California Boating Card and have multiple generations take together via Skype or Zoom. Also suggesting YouTube videos that are instructional re boating skills or maintenance. Even something like learning the birds in the region or what constellation they might see in the night sky in their own back yard.Trade Survey Results - 17% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 11
No - 2
- It appears as if cleaning up harbors, marinas, lakes and oceans isn't considered "essential".
- Insurance Brokerage
- MO stay at home order allowed manufacturers to remain open. However, some of our marina construction sites in other states were deemed non-essential and were shut down.
- Our manufacturing facilities, located in Georgia, Oklahoma, and New York have continued all operations and have been determined to be "essential" due to our supporting business activities tied to the maritime industry, law enforcement, and numerous other government agency projects.
- To some.
- To some.Is your company still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 9
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 4
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 0
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 0
No, temporarily closed - 1
Other - 0
-Other than we're keeping the front door locked and no one, without wearing a face mask, is allowed to enter the office(s).
- Several employees chose not to work. Because of this, our workforce is diminished. We are now running 2 additional shifts per week trying to keep up using the reduced manpower. Despite this, we are getting behind on the manufacturing end.
- All of our manufacturing facilities are currently operational with split shifts to enable appropriate safety and social distancing protocol. Office and management staff is working mostly from home. On-site construction / installations are still progressing in some states depending on varying restrictions.Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 0
10 - 20% - 0
20 - 30% - 0
30+% - 3
Too early to say - 10
-We will not know until we see if the number of contracts for the year goes down. We typically book the majority of our business between July and December.How is the impact of not being able to travel affecting your sales?
Greatly - 2
Somewhat - 7
Not at all - 2
- We don't know for certain. But Sale reps cannot make site visits and it is likely to have some impact.
- No plane or other public transportation is currently being used by our sales or construction personnel. Travel involving over-night stays is restricted based on local policiesIs your supply chain impacted?
Yes - 6
No - 4
Too early to say - 4
- Not at this time . . . Deliveries from our factories has continued with very little impact on quality or timeliness.What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial impact - 9
Supply chain disrupted - 5
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 5
Decrease in consumer confidence - 6
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 4
- Financial impact is still unknown, but will probably result in some short-term reductions in sales depending on economic conditionsAt this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 8
No - 1
Too early to say - 2How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 3
Education - 2
Networking - 2
Advocacy - 3
Government & Small Business Support Information - 2
All of the Above - 6Additional Comments?
-We hope no one is suffering a loss of a loved one.
Participate in the 2020 Virtual American Boating Congress
May 13-14, 2020The National Marine Manufacturers Association invites you to participate in the virtual American Boating Congress, where they will provide more information on how they are pursuing these outreach and advocacy efforts, particularly as this COVID-19 pandemic continues to strain businesses across the country and threaten the broader economy. The virtual ABC will be held on Wednesday, May 13 and Thursday, May 14 from 1:00-2:30pm ET on both days.
Even though this year's annual advocacy summit is unable to take place in person, there are several pressing issues that require the recreational boating community's full attention, particularly as COVID-19 continues to create challenges for boating, manufacturing and the broader economy. NMMA announced that United States Secretary of the Interior, David Bernhardt will deliver remarks during day two (Thursday, May 14) of the virtual 2020 American Boating Congress (ABC). Secretary Bernhardt will outline steps the Trump administration is taking to reopen our nation's public lands and waters - a top priority of the community.
As Secretary of the Interior, Bernhardt leads an agency with more than 70,000 employees who are stewards for 20 percent of the nation's lands, including national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges and other public lands. The department oversees the responsible development of conventional and renewable energy supplies on public lands and waters, is the largest supplier and manager of water in the 17 Western states and upholds trust responsibilities to the 574 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.
From the economic impact of COVID-19 to state access issues, this event will cover the most pressing concerns and opportunities with leaders from across the country.
SCHEDULE: Borne Pathogens
Blood Borne Pathogens: the unseen danger.
As many marinas begin to staff up for the 2020 boating season, employers must be ensure to update the written blood borne pathogen program, train all employees in the facility on the dangers of blood borne pathogens, and ensure the maintain the proper records related to occupational exposure. A key element for any marina owner or operator is to have knowledge related to the types of blood borne pathogens. In order to maximize employee protection, employers should know the likely sources or exposures each employee may face as part of their job.What is a BBP?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a Blood Borne Pathogen as a "pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans". The Center for Disease control also states that bodily fluids such as urine, vomit, or feces can be a source of BBPs. OSHA's requirements for employers related to BBP can be found in 29.CFR.1910.1030 which applies to all occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Blood Borne Pathogens can lead to illnesses such as Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Other dangers may include exposures to bacterium that can be a source of MRSA or other forms of Staphylococcus.Where employees may be exposed.
In the marina setting, a common source for exposure to BBPs comes during the pump out process. Very often, the black tank on a vessel may be pressurized and may expel waste during the opening of the tank. Other times, the pump out hose may not be properly attached to the vessel causing employees to the sprayed with waste. Other areas of exposure may include cleaning the restrooms or perhaps cleaning up behind the customer that consumed too much alcohol and has vomited on a dock. With the rise in the opioid crisis, it is quite possible to have an exposure from a used needle that was improperly discarded in a trash can.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Employees conducting pump out procedures should be required to wear disposable gloves and eye protection. In this case, even though they may not be chemical or impact resistant, sunglasses as eye protection would be better than no eye protection. After the pump out, employees should be required to wash hands with antibacterial soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer. Employers should consider cleaning pump out attachments and hoses. Fittings can be placed in a bucket of water/bleach solution and then the solution can be pumped through the hose. As a best practice, employees should be encouraged to keep a change of clothes at work in case of exposure. With proper PPE, employees may only need to shower and change clothing. PPE should be considered for other areas as well. Leather gloves are a good solution to avoid sharp objects that may be discarded in the trash can. Marinas should consider installing a 'sharps' disposal unit in the restrooms and having a third party service handle disposal.Exposed Employee
In the event an employee is exposed, there a several specific actions required by the employer. First, it is imperative to document the circumstances of the exposure and the source where possible. The employer must offer a post exposure medical evaluation by a healthcare professional. With employee permission, this evaluation may include testing the exposed employee's blood for BBPs. Additionally, the employer is required to make available the Hepatitis B vaccine. Should the employee decline the vaccine, the employer should document the offer and decline. The employer is responsible for the any post exposure medical cost.Final Thoughts.
When it comes to BBPs, employers often fail to have a written exposure control program, fail to enforce the use of PPE, and fail to comply with requirements after an exposure. Training is often overlooked as well. Training is required upon hiring a new employee and then annually thereafter. Training must cover topics such as a copy of the 29.CFR.1910.1030 standard, types and symptoms of BBPs, employer's exposure control plan, safe work practices and PPE, information on the Hepatitis B vaccine, what to do if exposed, and information on post exposure medical care. Lastly, one caveat of the BBP program relates to the 'good samaritan' rule. For example, if an employee is assisting another employee with first aid this would not be considered an Occupational Exposure.For The Marina Bulletin Board
BoatUS: 8 Ways to Love Boating While Safely Waiting Out Coronavirus
Offshore Sailing School's Learn to Sail, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Modern Marine Navigation courses free through May 15
For recreational boaters who are staying off the water during the coronavirus pandemic, there's certainly more free time during what should be the busy spring launch season. So if boaters can't get to their boats, what are they to do? Here are eight ways from Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) to keep the love of boating alive that could also make you a better, safer boat operator.
- Become a smarter sailor while saving big bucks by taking Offshore Sailing School's Learn to Sail or the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Modern Marine Navigation courses free any time through May 15. Use the coupon code "learnfree" at at registration.
- Checklists are great when you really need them - just ask the person at the boat ramp who forgot to install the hull drain plug. What kind of printed, laminated checklist would be helpful to have aboard? Ideas include: pre-launch checklist, trailering checklist (did you remember to cross the safety chains?), and safety checklist.
- Whether you're an inshore day cruiser, offshore angler, or cruising sailor, you always need to be prepared to abandon ship. Here's what to pack in a ditch kit.
- Docking can be a spectator sport. The BoatUS How to Dock a Boat YouTube playlist includes a range of docking scenarios that show you how, from outboard to inboard powered boats. It also includes 'How to Back a Single Engine Inboard Boat Into a Slip' - the single most impressive recreational boat docking maneuver of them all.
- If the boat and trailer are safely in the garage or driveway, now may be the time to look at all the things you never have enough time to, such as replacing outdrive anodes, changing trailer bearings or restoring the shine to gelcoat. It's all in one place at BoatUS Trailer Boat YouTube playlist, including small boat handling tips such as ''How to Use Trim Tabs,' the most-watched BoatUS video ever.
- Learn how to tie up your family, pets or anything else around the house with help from the BoatUS Essential Boating Knots YouTube playlist. Practicing at home now will make these knots easier to remember aboard the boat when the pandemic is over.
- Consider supporting the waterfront businesses you enjoy and do business with - restaurants, chandleries, prop shops, sail lofts or other service providers - by purchasing a gift certificate. You can start by going to the local businesses' website to see if they are available.
- Help protect the water you love and take the free, online BoatUS Foundation Clean Boating course, which offers simple steps you can take to reduce the impact boating activities on our waterways.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit Corner
United States Coast Guard Sector San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island
The United States Coast Guard recently awarded a CASREP Emergency Repair RFP for the floating dock system at USCG Sector San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island. The emergency repairs were required due to the large wave energy that enters the site and also from the lack of maintenance performed on the dock system. The Coast Guard's floating infrastructure is a mission essential asset, critically needed for their waterway access to ensure our Nation's maritime safety, security and stewardship. Availability of local crews and quick response time was a major factor contributing to the subcontract being awarded to Bellingham Marine (BMI).
Time was of the essence in order to reinstate the Coast Guard's operation. BMI utilized in-house drafting and engineering in order to fast-tract the submittal, material procurement and fabrication process. BMI's project managers inspected the condition of all floats and components to assess the damage and verify availability of salvageable components. The 3-month project entailed a fast-tracked, phased construction effort. BMI's scope included evaluation and re-energizing of electrical utilities for safety. Nearly all structural steel frame connections ere replaced as well as cleaning and patching the existing piling. BMI also provided in-house certified dive services to locate and retrieve underwater debris and install additional flotation to correct buoyancy issues.
The engineering and construction team considered multiple factors when determining how to best repair another manufacturer's failed float-to-float bolted connections. Bellingham Marine designed and manufactured connections with larger steel members which improved positive connections between the fingers and mainwalk float sections. In addition to the structural work, BMI added new rebar, hardware and galvanized steel thru-rods to completely rebuild and reform the concrete deck corners along the wave wall pier. BMI's decades of experience in concrete float manufacturing allowed us to assess the damage and repair the structural connections for the existing concrete docks, originally manufactured by others. The existing pile guide frames were replaced with a redesigned two-piece heavy-duty steel frame which resulted in a better connection to the float system. In addition to the steel frames, BMI upgraded the roller system with its current standard design which includes a single UHMW precision-cut panel. This design allows a custom fit and a tighter tolerance for each pile guide, which reduces movement in the docks that occurs between the frame and the piling. Both innovations contribute to a longer lifespan and reduced cycle of repair.
When Bellingham Manager of Project Development, Bryce Fisher, was asked about the unique Emergency Repair Project, he said "The USCG Yerba Buena repair project was a challenging project that required Bellingham Marine's unique floating dock repair expertise and experience. The site's current design is innately insufficient to provide an optimal level of protection and service life. Proper site-specific design and annual maintenance are the two greatest factors that contribute to system performance and longevity. Stressors like corrosive sea air, repeated wave impact forces and changing water levels create challenging and dynamic environments inherent in all marina installations. Bellingham Marine offers an annual inspection and maintenance program that manages the maintenance needs of marinas and offers clients a lot of value to protect their long-term investment."
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
Well it looks like another month of "Stay in Place" for May although there is talk of loosening things up a bit. Here at the MRA office, it seems so quiet as the phones hardly ring unless it's a robo call! I look forward to the time when the activity starts up again when the day seems to go so much faster.
The 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference and Trade Show will be held September 28 - 30, 2020 at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The board has worked diligently on a program that is sure to enlighten and educate attendees. Once again we are playing the wait and see game. Hopefully, we will know more by the end of May. As soon as it is up, we will send you a notification. Stay tuned!
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* What our Members are Facing During COVID-19 * Participate in the 2020 Virtual American Boating Congress * Blood Borne Pathogens *For the Marina Bulletin Board * Construction Corner * The Last Word Quick Links
ArticleNews Releases - October 2 2019 see more
War Stories - The Trials and Tribulations of a Marine Lawyers 30 Years in the Trenches
October 2, 2019
For Immediate Release
War Stories: The Trials and Tribulations of a Marine Lawyer's 30 Years in the Trenches . . .
If you have been around marinas and the marine industry for a while you know how insane and inane some of the legal challenges can become, but can you imagine paying $1 million in moorage fees to the U.S. Navy over time, and then discovering that the Navy didn't "own" the waters !?
Or how about chasing down the deadbeat owner of the second largest yacht in the world who charged $360,000 in fuel for his boat, and then left port without paying. Or our personal favorite . . . The owner of a small sailboat who arrived one morning at 2 am, refused to sign a wharfage contract the next day claiming he had already paid $10,000 in cash to the Marina Manager and that he was a former member of the Israeli Mossad, and no-doubt had a pro bono attorney in his pocket.
The MRA's General Counsel, Philip E. Weiss, has been around, and possibly seen it all in his 30 years of lawyering. Phil routinely presents at the MRA Conference, but usually his objective is to educate MRA members on legal issues of concern and ways to avoid becoming a legal casualty. This time Phil will be focusing on the "lighter side" of some of the more bizarre cases he has been involved with.
Phil's "War Stories: A Maritime Lawyer's Digest of 30 Years of the Most Bizarre Cases Handled" will be presented at this year's Annual MRA Conference & Trade Show on Tuesday, October 22nd at 3:45 pm, and despite the lite topic there are certain to be a few lessons to learn.
The 2019, 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show will run for three days (October 21 - 23) with more than thirty educational seminars and special presentations, and an expansive Trade Show featuring more than fifty industry vendors and services . . . all taking place at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel Conference Center in sunny San Diego.
Register Today
The MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show is a "don't miss" opportunity for all marine industry professionals to meet and share experiences and effective strategies to better manage an ever-evolving business environment.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational, management, and operations seminars and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
ArticleHurry Book Your Room see more
BOOK YOUR ROOM TODAY! Hotel Discounts for the 2019 MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show expire September 30th
Attendees to the 48th Annual MRA Conference & Trade Show still have an opportunity to get the MRA Special Room Rate for hotel accommodations at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel, with views overlooking the Torrey Pines Golf Course and vast Pacific Ocean from every room.
With phenomenal accommodations, landscape, and scenic vistas, the hotel offers the quintessential Southern California experience just minutes from the village and
beaches of La Jolla, the world-renowned San Diego Zoo & Safari Park, Sea World, and the classic restaurants and entertainment of San Diego's Gaslamp District.
The Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines provides one-of-a-kind service with top-flight amenities, including high-speed internet and in-room Wi-Fi, on-site fitness center & spa, 24-hour business center, a gorgeous ocean-side pool, and private balcony or patio at each room.
Book your MRA Conference hotel room before September 30th, and get special rates for your extended stay from Friday, October 18th through Monday, October 28th . . . To make reservations call Hilton Reservations at 858-558-1600, ext. "0" or toll free 877-414-8020 and be sure to mention Group Code: MRA1019, or reserve your room online at . . .
The three day 2019 MRA Conference will kick-off on Monday, October 21st through Wednesday, October 23rd featuring a broad prospectus of industry experts and information. More than 30 educational seminars will cover key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns, focused on team building, improving guest services and operations, enhancing modern marketing programs, and optimizing the challenges of regulatory compliance and fiscal
results. The marine Trade Show will feature the latest technology, products, and services from more than 50 leading industry vendors and contractors focused on innovation, business growth, and profitability.
This year's Conference theme will be Imagine . . . realizing the possibilities and potential for your marine operations and business as the marine industry evolves in today's rapidly changing world.
Register today at and don't miss this opportunity to meet with other industry professionals and share effective strategies and experiences dealing with an ever-changing marine business environment.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 48 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Transforming the Marina Experience: How to capitalize on customer insights to build your business
ArticleSAVE THE DATE !!! 3rd Annual 'California Boating Congress' set for February 27 - 28, 2018 see more
SAVE THE DATE !!! 3rd Annual 'California Boating Congress' set for February 27 - 28, 2018 at CA State Capital