Marine Recreation Association posted an articleMarch 2023 E Newsletter see moreMarch 2023FROM THE HELMDear MRA Members and Guests,I am excited to see everyone at our California Boating Congress in Sacramento next month, April 11-12.I am thrilled with this year's program. First, I want to extend a sincere thank you to our co-hosts NMMA, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California.During CBC, we will share the industry-wide Abandoned Derelict Vessel survey results and work with our partners, the staff, and the Commission of the Division and Boating Waterways to determine the following steps to remediate this issue and clean up our waterways.New this year is our first 'Lunch & Learn'; Robert Newsome - Senior Vice President with NMMA, will be presenting the economic impact of the California boating industry to our elected officials and legislative and caucus staff.It's still possible to reserve your space, and my sincere thanks go to Mariann Timms, Barbara Galgiani, Arron Pellarin, Randy Short, and Kevin Ketchum for their work in leading and producing this critically important event. See you there!With thanks,KateDirector, CA Departmentof Parks & Recreation,will address upcoming California Boating CongressThe 2023 California Boating Congress, sponsored by theMarine Recreation Association, is set for April 11 & 12, 2023at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, and promises to providecritical interaction with California boating and recreationindustry regulators and state legislators.Armando Quintero, Director, California Department of Parks & Recreation, will provide an overview of the Governor’s Budget Priorities and Fiscal Stability of the State and Department of Parks & Recreation on Wednesday, April 12th at 10:45 am. Mr. Quintero was appointed Director of the Department in August 2020 bringing years of experience in park operations and environmental science on both the state and federal level to the position.Following Director Quintero, Karen Dill, Chief, Grants & Loans, Department of Parks & Recreation, and Deborah Holmes, Division of Boating & Waterways (DBW) Unit Supervisor, will discuss developments at the DBW including Subcommittee Reports on the Economic Impact Study, the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund, Aquatic Invasive Species programs, and the Abandoned Vessels – SAVE program and VTIP.This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California, bringing together the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation in an ever-changing environment.The 2023 California Boating Congress will commence onApril 11th at 5:30 pm with an evening Welcome Reception at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento followed by a full day of informational seminars and meetings with legislators, regulators, and industry experts on the 12th. Lunch with “Lunch & Learn” presentations will also be served for all attendees . . . For more information on the CBC agenda and to register visit A V E • T H E • D A T EOctober 16 – 18for the 51stAnnual MRA Educational Conference &Trade ShowThe 2023Marine Recreation Association (MRA)Annual Educational Conference & Trade Showis set for this October 16th through the 18that the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pinesin La Jolla, California,home to PGA golf tournaments,the Scripps Institute of Oceanography,and just twelve miles from the classicrestaurants and entertainment of theGaslamp Quarter in San Diego.Planning for the upcoming Conference is now underway with this year’s focus on a new theme, Acknowledgement & Appreciation, looking forward to new challenges and achievements in the marine industry.The three-day event will tee-off on Monday October 16th with a new agenda and pre-conference events, including the 28th Annual MRA Golf Tournament and a special Electric Boat Sea Trials & Field Trip followed by the eveningWelcome Reception in the Trade Show pavilion.Tuesday & Wednesday’s Conference will feature a broad prospectus of seminars and presentations from marine industry experts covering key business management, operations, and marketing concerns focusing on environmental planning and compliance, training and retaining employees, and optimizing customer service and fiscal results. The marine Trade Show will feature the latest technology, innovative products, and services from leading industry vendors and contractors designed to enhance business development, growth, and profitability.“We’re putting together a very complete program for this year’s Conference and looking forward to making this the best Conference ever.”, said Kate Pearson, MRA President.For additional information about the upcoming 51st Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show keep an eye on the MRA website at www.marina.orgThe Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.For additional information about the MRA and all of its activitiesand interests, please contact Mariann Timms by phone at(209) 334-0661 or email at mra@marina.orgThe Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show Announces aNew Location with Exciting Exhibits and ActivitiesThe Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show, produced by the California Yacht Brokers Association in partnership with Sail America, moves to a fabulous news venue in the Bay Area, Westpoint Harbor on May 4 - 7, 2023. The premier boat show on the West Coast will feature an impressive lineup of exhibitors showcasing a wide range of sailboats, powerboats, and boating accessories.With exhibitors that span the gamut of the boating industry scheduled to attend, the Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show offers a one-stop-shop for boating enthusiasts where attendees can explore the latest boats and new nautical equipment on the market, speak with industry experts, and learn about the latest trends in boating."The Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show is the perfect event for anyone who loves boating or is interested in getting started," said show manager James Behun. "We're excited to bring the show to Westpoint Harbor and showcase the latest in boating technology, gear, and accessories."Boating enthusiasts and novices alike will enjoy a wide range of activities and events throughout the four-day event including hands-on workshops, educational seminars by industry experts providing valuable information on boating safety, maintenance, and performance, as well as live demonstrations. In addition, attendees can enjoy hands-on activities including on-water demos and sailboat rides. Attendees can also enjoy a variety of food and drink options and live entertainment.SHOW INFORMATIONThe Pacific Sail and Power Boat Showis held at the Westpoint Marina, located at101 Westpoint Harbor Drive Redwood City, CA 94063.Hours:Thursday & Friday - 11:00 am to 6:00 pmSaturday - 10:00 am to 6:00 pmSunday - 10:00 am to 5:00 pmTickets/Parking:Adults - $15 Daily, Kids under 12 Free and Active-Duty Military free Thursday & FridayFREE ParkingTickets can be purchased online at or at the box office. For more information please visit or call 858-230-1221.Follow them on Facebook @PacificSailandPowerBoatShow, Instagram @pacificboatshow and Twitter @PacificBoatShow.About Westpoint Harbor:Westpoint Harbor, a state-of-the-art award-winning marina, is the ideal location for the event equipped with modern amenities, including a yacht club, restaurant, and bar, and is conveniently located near popular tourist attractions such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley. For more information, please visit CYBA:California was the first state to require brokers and sales personnel to be licensed and bonded. Established in 1978 the efforts of the California Yacht Brokers Association goes beyond that which is required by law and offers further protection and services to the consumer. More information can be found at Sail America:Sail America is the trade association for the US sailing industry, providing leadership and a unified voice. Established in 1990 by members of the sailing industry, Sail America has over 200 members representing all segments of the sailing market. For more information, visit LEADER'S TOUGHEST JOBBill Yeargin is CEO of Correct Craft andthe author of five books, including thebest-seller Education of a CEO.Company leaders must plan for their eventual successors while they are still with the business.Bob Iger is a highly respected leader who served as CEO of theWalt Disney Co. for 15 years. He is also a great writer, authoringthe terrific book, The Ride of a Lifetime. I not only enjoyed reading Iger’s book, but it also helped me lead better.Iger in 2020 retired as CEO of Disney. However, just two years after his retirement, Disney’s board rehired him as CEO. Iger was needed back at Disney because he failed at his most important job: succession.What happened at Disney is not unusual. The business landscape is littered with high-performing companies losing their way after a CEO retires. When this happens, it is always the fault of the departing CEO. Losing its leader is an organization’s most significant risk, and the CEO must mitigate that risk while still employed and simultaneously leading for great results.Unfortunately, many leaders are not concerned about their organization after they leave, and some don’t mind it struggling a little when that time comes. It makes them feel irreplaceable.Our team at Correct Craft has accomplished some impressive things during the past 16 years, but the most important part of my legacy will not be those accomplishments; it will be how well the team does after I leave. I have no imminent plans to retire, but succession is always on my mind. I’ve stated publicly many times that if our company struggles after I leave, that’s on me.Many believe succession is easy — just promote someone into the role or hire an outsider. They wonder, how hard could that be? It’s more complicated than most think. Many don’t understand the weight of responsibility a leader must bear, or the many nuances related to leading well. Finding the right person to succeed a leader is more difficult than most realize.Additionally, a company is almost always better off — except in a turnaround situation — if the new leader is already in-house. A focus on filling the job in-house limits the number of potential successors and allows the organization to ensure there are candidates ready when a change occurs.Here are some thoughts about what leaders, not just CEOs, can do to prepare for succession.Acknowledge the issue and accept responsibility No matter how immortal a leader may feel, there is a time when a new leader will be in his or her role. Leaders should accept that reality and take responsibility for ensuring the organization’s long-term success by focusing on succession.Develop your team Be sure to identify any skill gaps with potential leaders and work hard to fill those gaps with good training. There are many great executive education programs that can prepare leaders for a bigger future role.Explain your thinking I try to not just give direction to our leaders. I also explain the reasoning behind my decisions. I want to take advantage of every teachable moment to prepare our team for the future.Give future leaders profit and loss responsibility Leadership gets very real when a leader has responsibility for a profit-and-loss statement that must be defended each month. Owning a P&L statement lets future leaders feel the pressure of producing tangible results, so this may be the best training.Delegate the difficult things For most of my career, I have been the one to do the difficult tasks. I am OK with that and even find the challenges energizing. However, if I don’t delegate some of our biggest challenges, I am cheating those who come behind me of a chance to learn. We recently had a big challenge — a tough one I would typically handle myself with both relational and legal implications. However, I delegated the challenge by telling one of our up-and-coming leaders that handling this situation was way better than any class. I want to stretch our team; it’s the best way to prepare it for the future.Be tough Most who have worked with me would say I am a pretty easy boss: no micromanaging, high affirmation. But sometimes being a nice boss is not the best for an up-and-coming leader. I know that me being tough on them is the least of the challenges they will face as a future leader.To be clear, this applies to all leaders, not just CEOs. If you are a leader at any level of your organization, an important part of your job is making sure the business succeeds after you. One thing we do at Correct Craft to make this easier is providing assurance to those nearing retirement that we will allow them to leave on their timing if they are willing to give us plenty of notice. I usually ask them to provide a year’s notice.As a leader nears retirement, primary responsibilities switch from getting results this month, quarter or year to ensuring the company has great results for years after he or she is gone. Whether you are the CEO or any other leader at an organization, you cannot consider yourself successful if the business struggles after you leave.MARINA BULLETIN BOARD:BoatUS SpringCommissioningChecklist___________________More than 800,000 BoatUS membersare about to hit the nation’s waterways;MAKE SURE YOUR BOAT IS READY FOR THE SEASON!The recreational boat owner’s advocacy, services and safety group, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), has more than 800,000 members about to return to the nation’s waterways for boating season. But, before they get there, they will need to follow the timeless rite of spring commissioning. To help boaters simplify this task – and ensure a summer of fun and safe boating and less chance for breakdowns – BoatUS offers help for all types of boat owners with its annual Spring Commissioning Checklist.A printer-friendly PDF copy of the checklist is available to download and take to the boat. Be sure to follow all manufacturer recommendations for your specific boat, engine and accessories.Before You Launch
- Check the condition of antifouling paint and repaint if necessary.
- Inspect all hose clamps for rust and replace as necessary. Double clamp fuel lines and exhaust hoses with marine-rated stainless-steel hose clamps. While not technically required, it’s wise to double clamp whenever possible on all hoses — especially those below the waterline.
- Inspect all hoses for stiffness, rot, leaks and cracking, and replace any that are faulty. Make sure they fit snugly.
- Inspect prop(s) for dings, pitting and distortion. Make sure cotter pins are secure.
- Grip the prop (on inboard drive systems) and try moving the shaft up and down and side to side. If it’s loose and can be wiggled, the cutless bearing may need to be replaced.
- Check the rudderstock to ensure it hasn’t been bent. Operate the wheel or tiller to ensure the steering works correctly. Check the rudder bearing and steering cable for unusual play or movement.
- Inspect the hull for blisters, distortions and stress cracks.
- Make sure your engine intake sea strainer (if equipped) is not cracked or bent from ice and is free of corrosion, clean and properly secured.
- With inboards, check the engine shaft and rudder stuffing boxes for correct adjustment. A stuffing box should leak no more than two or three drops each minute when the prop shaft is turning. Check the shaft log hose for deterioration and rusty hose clamps.
- Inspect, lubricate and exercise thru-hull valves. It’s a good idea to tie a right-sized wooden bung to the valve in case of failure.
- Use a garden hose to check for deck leaks at ports and hatches. Renew caulk or gaskets as necessary.
- Inspect and test the bilge pump and float switch to ensure they’re both working properly. Also inspect the pump’s hose.
- Check stove and remote LPG tanks for loose fittings, leaking hoses and properly functioning shutoff systems. Use the pressure gauge to conduct a leak down test to check for system leaks.
- Inspect dock and anchor lines for chafe and wear.
- If equipped, ensure that the stern drain plug is installed.
- After the boat is launched, be sure to check all thru-hulls for leaks.
Engines and Fuel Systems- Inspect fuel lines, including fuel tank fill and vent hoses, for softness, brittleness or cracking. Check all joints for leaks, and make sure all lines are well supported with noncombustible clips or straps with smooth edges.
- Inspect fuel tanks, fuel pumps and filters for leaks. Ensure portable tanks and lines are completely drained of stale fuel before filling with fresh fuel. Clean or replace fuel filters and/or fuel-water separators if not done before winterization.
- Every few years, remove and inspect exhaust manifolds and risers for corrosion (for inboard-powered and inboard/outboard boats).
- Charge battery
- Clean and tighten electrical connections, especially both ends of battery cables. Use a wire brush to clean battery terminals, and top off cells with distilled water (if applicable).
- Inspect the bilge ventilation intake and blower ducting for damage or leaks and run the blower to confirm correct operation.
- Test engine warnings and alarms.
Engine Outdrives and Outboards- Inspect rubber outdrive bellows for cracked, dried and/or deteriorated spots (look especially in the folds) and replace if suspect.
- Check power steering and power trim oil levels.
- Replace anodes/zincs that are more than half wasted.
- Inspect the outer jacket of control cables. Cracks or swelling indicate corrosion and mean that the cable must be replaced.
- Inspect lower unit oil level and top off as necessary.
Sailboat Rigging- Inspect swage fittings for cracks and heavy rust (some discoloration is acceptable). Inspect wire halyards and running backstays for “fishhooks” and rust.
- Remove tape on turnbuckles and lubricate threads, preferably with Teflon. Replace old tape with fresh tape and ensure that water is able to freely drain from it.
- If you suspect the core around a chainplate is damp, remove the chainplate to inspect and make repairs.
- Inspect masthead sheaves and all blocks to make sure they’re running freely.
Trailers- Inspect tire treads and sidewalls for cracks or lack of tread and replace as necessary. Check air pressure; don’t forget the spare.
- Inspect wheel bearings and repack as necessary.
- Test all lights and replace any broken bulbs or lenses.
- Inspect winch to make sure it’s working properly. Inspect hitch chains.
- Inspect trailer frame and axle(s) for rust. Sand and paint to prevent further deterioration.
- Inspect brakes and brake fluid reservoir.
Safety- A law that went into effect in 2021 requires a vessel operator to use either a helm or outboard lanyard or wireless engine cutoff switch on certain vessels less than 26 feet when traveling on plane or above displacement speed, so be sure your switch is working properly and the lanyard is in serviceable condition. If you use a wireless cutoff switch, ensure batteries in the fobs and wrist worn devices are refreshed.
- Check dates on pyrotechnic flares, which expire 42 months after manufacture.
- Inspect fire extinguishers. A regulation that went into effect last year requires a 12-year expiration for disposables and has different carriage requirements for older and newer model year vessels.
- Ensure you have properly sized and wearable life jackets in good condition for each passenger, including kids. Check inflatable life jacket cylinders and dissolvable “pill” bobbins in auto-inflating models.
- Test smoke, carbon monoxide, fume and bilge alarms.
- Check running lights for operation and spare bulb inventory.
- Update chartplotter software.
- Replenish first-aid kit items that may have been used last season or are expired.
- Check the operation of VHF radio(s) and that the MMSI number is correctly programmed in. (BoatUS members can obtain a free MMSI number at
- Get a free vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons. Find out more at
For the Dock- In addition to checking its entire length for wear or abrasions, check both ends of the shore power cable connections as well as the shore power receptacle on the boat for burns, which indicate the cable and/or boat’s shore power inlet or the dock’s receptacle must be replaced.
- Test ground-fault protection on your boat and private dock, and know how to prevent Electric Shock Drowning.
The Paperwork- Make sure your boat registration is up to date – and dinghy if you have one. Don’t forget your boat trailer tags.
- Review your boat insurance policy and update coverage if needed. Get a free quote at Provide a copy to your marina or club.
- Ensure your BoatUS membership is in good standing, and check your TowBoatUS coverage by logging into, or join at
- Download the free BoatUS App to make it easy to summon on-water assistance and speed response times as well to check tide tables, weather, and partner discounts.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):Celebrating more than 55 years, BoatUS is the nation’s largest advocacy, services and safety group with more than 800,000dues-paying members. BoatUS is the boat owners’ voice on Capitol Hill, fighting for their rights. The TowBoatUS® fleet is available24/7 to assist our members on the water when boats break downor run aground with some 600 vessels and 300-plus locations across North America, bringing our members safely back to the launch ramp, marina or dock. On the road, we are The Boat Owners Auto Club™, helping ensure roadside trailer and tow vehicle breakdowns won’t slow you down. BoatUS offers GEICO boat insurance policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and the superior service they need. Award-winning BoatUS Magazine is the largest circulation recreational marine publicationin the U.S. with engaging content that speaks to the passion for boat ownership, while our 501(c)(3) nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water offers the nation’s only free online boating safety course and many other programs that keep boaters safe and our waters clean. Visit within the Lake Mead National Recreation area in Bullhead City, Arizona lies Katherine Landing, a recreational water sports oasis on Lake Mohave. Starting last fall, Bellingham Marine began the upgrade of one section of the marina from a steel and wood dock system, which is common among lake marinas, to a state-of-the-art Unifloat® concrete system, which will provide a longer lifespan and added stability.The dock replacement consists of a 659-foot long concrete Unifloat® mainwalk with (27) 26-foot-long monolithic rounded-end concrete fingers, two of which are 5-foot-wide ADA fingers, and an 80’ aluminum ADA gangway. In addition to the Unifloat® mainwalk and finger replacement, a key feature of this project is the replacement of the existing fuel dock and building floating platform with a new concrete matchcast post-tensioned system consisting of a 36’ x 64’matchcast building platform with three 8’ x 32’ matchcast fingers. The concrete floats are cast together to eliminate gaps, and then post-tensioned, creating a stable surface that acts as one solid unit increasing the live load and deadload capacity, ideal for supporting a bigger, better office facility, and extending the useful life of the dock. Not only did Bellingham Marine supply and install the floating platform, but they also supplied and installed the prefabricated metal office building.As a turnkey design-build contractor, Bellingham Marine designed and built the dock system, designed and installed the electrical, potable water, and fire suppression systems, and designed and installed a cable/winch underwater anchoring system, which allows the marina operators to adjust the marina placement depending on the approximately 14-20 foot water level fluctuations of Lake Mohave.Since this upgrade covers just a portion of the marina, a unique task was tying in the new concrete dock system to the existing steel and wood dock system. While challenging, BMI’s experience over the course of many projects allowed the team to successfully combine and create a smooth transition between the two dock systems.Construction is currently in the final stages and is expected to be completed in April 2023.WELCOME NEW MEMBERSMarine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:TO OUR MRA MEMBERSAND FUTURE MEMBERSThe 7th Annual California Boating Congress that will take place onAugust 11 & 12, 2023 is just under two weeks away. The two-day event will begin with an evening reception, followed the next day by presentations, lunch and additional meetings with State Legislators. Registration is still open at A limited number of special hotel room rates are available at the Hyatt Regency for CBC attendees for reservations are still available.To make reservations call Hyatt Central reservations at800-233-1234 orbe sure to mention the Group Code: G-CBCOSAVE THE DATE for the 51st Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show which will be held October 16 -18, 2023 at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines. More information will be available at the end of April or early May.Our FREE Educational Series webinars are still available for viewing and can be accessed at: our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to the submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.Many times, the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.Thank you and stay safe!MariannMariann TimmsOperations AdministratorEmail: -
Nick Garcia posted an articleApril ENewsletter 2020 see more
April 2020
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
As I sit in my home office staring out at my swimming pool, I wonder how long we can continue to keep everyone at home? The natives are restless and we as an industry have the perfect product to help them out. The problem is a lot of us are closed.
I have talked to many of you throughout the state and there seems to be no rime or reason as to why some marinas are open and others not. In northern California lakes, the best I can tell, my lake, Bullardsbar Reservoir and Shasta Lake are the only two lakes open for business. All the other lakes have been closed by their landlords, whether it be Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps, State Parks, Southern California Edison or the local water agency who controls the lake, eleven lakes in all. Most of the lakes closed are in rural California. There is concern folks visiting those facilities will come from more metropolitan areas and bring with them the virus and the local communities don't have the resources to deal with outbreak. I understand but the natives are getting restless.
The coastal marinas seem to be fairing better. Many of the marina's are open and allowing their boaters access to their slip and the open water. San Diego bay was closed a few weeks back, which in essence shut down the marinas unless you just wanted to visit your boat.
Whether you're open or not have your virus protocol done and educate your crew. CDC provides good guidance on procedures. We went so far as to have the county health officer weigh in on our procedures. It is a nice selling point. Remember the natives are restless and they are going to come in mass when stay at home is lifted or maybe sooner, be prepared.
Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.
Scott Robertson
What our Members are Facing During COVID-19
Your Board of Directors held their April 1st Board Meeting via a conference call. At the beginning of the meeting, each board member was asked how their marina, boatyard or business was handling the current COVID-19 situation. It was very interesting to hear how everyone was affected in different ways and we shared tips to navigate the current situation. On April 17th, I sent out an email to the membership requesting what impact their businesses were having. While only a few responded, below is what they shared:
Brad & Jeanne Howard, Kaweah Marina, Lemon Cove, CA
We are actually doing really well. The Corp of Engineer closed the lake down. They are still letting us work repairing boats. I just come up 3 days a week and answer the phones and do paper work for reserving slips. When we open, the paper work will be done. We are losing boat rental revenue. But hopefully we will catch up.Kim Korth, Korth's Pirates Lair Marina, Isleton, CA
At Korth's Pirates Lair, we have temporarily closed our Café and computer Lounge due to the Coronavirus. We still have our Fuel Dock, Launch Ramp and Marina Office Open. We are not letting customers enter our marina office but instead we greet them at the door and conduct business 6 feet away. Last March 20th, when we put these new conditions in place, we also gave FREE launching and told new prospective slip rental customers to hold off and we would call them back in two weeks. We have done that now and have proceeded to rent slips again. We also started to charge for our Launch Ramp use again.
One major new development we are noticing is that fishermen with boats, towed on trailers, are flooding into our area to launch their boats since so many State and City boat launch ramps are closed. Obviously, FISHING wins over staying at home!Richard Markie, Paradise Village Marina, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
Things are going pretty good. We are 89% full with boats and about 8 % with people. Our dry storage yard is 100% full. We are not discounting anything and that is different from the rest of the local marinas they have all started lowering their prices. We never get involved with the price wars.
We have made a great effort training our employees both office and dock crew regarding the health and safety of everyone clients, contractors, and employees. Our workers are temperature checked on arrival and several times a day. Our guards are equipped with infrared thermometers and check everyone on the docks several times a day. They also check Oxygen proliferation and pulse rate with the finger monitor. Our clients have nothing but praise for our concern about them and our employees. We do not allow anyone on the docks without a mask which is about all we can do at this time. We are the only Marina in the world that has a fully certified hospital attached to the marina and that helps a lot. The hotel is closed so it is very quiet which is nice.Stephen Orosz, Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, Richmond, CA
On the one hand, at Marina Bay Yacht Harbor we continue to operate somewhat normally but on the other it has created a lot of additional work with changing protocols, updating signage and adapting to the changing circumstances. In the office we have evolved to adapt to the social distancing requirements. We are fortunate to have a foyer and inner door to the office so we put a table across the doorway as a barrier and also all our communications with current and prospective tenants has been to exhort them to do as much of the paperwork as possible via e-mail. In the office and with the maintenance staff we have added sanitizing steps to the routine cleaning which includes using garden sprayers with bleach solution on all the hard surfaces in the boater's restrooms. We also have placed spray bottles with bleach solution on the counter in each restroom for the boaters to use if they wish. In the office we use the sanitizing solution to wipe down the counters and table where the customers interact.
Getting PPE for the staff is a challenge. We had a limited supply of N95 masks and cartridges for respirators left over from the fire season and we were able to equip all the staff with several bandannas each. As they need to reuse PPE we have gone over the reports from Stanford on how to sterilizing the masks. We normally have plenty of gloves in stock for use so that has not been an issue. For the staff outside, the biggest risk factor seems to be the restrooms and fortunately it seems many of the boaters also recognize that and have heeded our advice to avoid the public areas wherever possible. Going forward, the new requirement to wear face coverings in public will be a challenge as that will require everyone to wear them even on the dock.
As one of the few launch ramps still open we have been getting a huge volume of calls asking if we are still open. Traffic has been relatively light but increasing. We have signage up at the launch ramp gate entrance, on the boarding floats and washdown stations encouraging boaters to maintain social distancing and so far it appears that most people are abiding by it. Otherwise, there is noticeably reduced activity on the docks. We have some traffic from prospective tenants although there have been a number of postponements or outright cancellations as people have discovered they can't move their boat to bring it here.
While several of our tenants have already contacted us to let us know that they will be having difficulty with paying rent in the coming months collections have not been off too much. We are expecting that as this continues the situation will only get worse and we expect that in the coming year or two we will see more marginal boats abandoned.Michael Aaker, King Harbor Marina, Redondo Beach, CA
Interesting times at King Harbor Marina. After nearly 50 years of owning and operating King Harbor Marina, the Guthrie family has sold their business. At about the same time the governor shut down all non-essential businesses, a new owner closed escrow on the purchase. Please welcome Majestic KHM LLC dba as King Harbor Marina. Needless to say the timing for this has created a great amount of work for everyone involved. We are very fortunate to have been listed as an essential business as Property Managers during the pandemic so it has been "business as usual" however, many businesses on our leasehold are closed at this time. With the exception of ourselves and The King Harbor Marine Center(Boatyard) the closed businesses are The Redondo Beach Yacht Club, The King Harbor Yacht Club, Bluewater Grill, The Bay Club, and a few small mom and pop businesses. As you would expect, our revenues are down and past due accounts are climbing. We having been working with our great tenants to get them as well as ourselves through this very difficult time. Our goal right now is to meet with any tenant requiring financial assistance and work out a plan that they can manage. We anticipate increasing numbers over the next several months and are determined to get through this the best we can.
We are trying to promote boating as the perfect activity for families to participate while the shut down order is in place. Our Marina business has seen increase activity at this time especially with the warm weather. There appears to be more people working on their boats, getting out on the water, or just relaxing while sunbathing. Our hope is that this activity remains open as long as we can control crowds for the proper social distancing and maintain a sterilized facility.
Lastly, we realize THAT THINGS MAY NEVER GET BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE BEFORE THE PANDEMIC and we may need to adjust the way we do business in order to be part of the solution rather than lengthening the problem.Michelle LaPointe, Vintage Marina & Channel Islands Harbor Marina, Oxnard, CA
Notes to Tenants
Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions- If you are NOT a Live Aboard in the Marina, Please Stay Home.
Our marina staff is trying our best to continue to provide the maintenance and office services necessary, but we need everyone to do their part to help keep us safe while we do so! We have added additional janitorial shifts to help keep the facilities safe. Boat service vendors are being allowed to continue work following social distancing guidelines. Boat owners are being allowed to come check on vessels or do necessary work (maintenance/repairs that are necessary for the seaworthy integrity of the vessel). Please DO NOT bring family & friends to the marina with you if you need to check on your vessel.
We understand that this is inconvenient. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. If we all work together and make the sacrifices required to keep ourselves and our community safe, we hope this will end sooner than later.
PLEASE STAY HOME. If not to protect yourselves, then to protect your family and friends and all of the strangers you could infect.Gary Jones, County of Los Angeles, Department of Beaches and Harbors, Marina del Rey
All offices for the Department of Beaches and Harbors are closed to the public; however, staff members are available at each facility to answer questions via telephone. At this time, Anchorage 47 is not approving new vessels or taking new applications. The public launch ramp, Anchorage 47 docks, transient docks, pump-outs, restrooms, laundry room, and parking lots remain open to boaters. The Marina del Rey Farmers Market is operational with additional restrictions on the number of customers and physical distancing. The Marina del Rey Summer Concert Series at Burton W. Chace Park has been canceled, and the Department is still evaluating whether other events will proceed. With County beaches closed, we continue to monitor for any crowds visiting Marina del Rey. While they have increased with the warmer weather, generally people are well behaved and follow public health guidelines.
Mark and Gina Winton, Success Lake Marina, Porterville, CA
We are all doing very well. We closed our business on March 20th, when all non-essential businesses were mandated to close. We have been staying home, together as a family, and very much appreciating the time; getting some much needed rest and lots of good family time together. We have plenty of paperwork to keep us busy, which we do at home. We answer our marina phone seven days a week. It is a cell phone and we turn it on during business hours. We have cameras at the marina that we can use to keep an eye on it remotely. We also go to the marina nearly every day to check on it, adjust the docks according to the water level, and do any projects or maintenance that need to be done. We are also homeschooling now, as are some of our employees.
At the beginning of the shelter in place, our business was closed, but the lake was not. People were flocking to the lake. We essentially needed to stay there to monitor the docks and the many fisherman who were trespassing; pulling in, tying up, wandering the docks, fishing off the docks and using our bathroom. We were closed, not making any money, but needed to be on the docks to manage the public. That was not fun.
Since then, our lake has completely closed. We are located on an Army Corps lake, and they have mandated that their lakes be closed at this time. The closure has eased the pressure and given us time to focus on the tasks at hand.
We are answering the phone seven days a week talking with the public calmly and kindly. Sometimes it feels like we are an outreach hotline for the public. Some people are feeling really lonely and are happy just to have another person to to talk to briefly. Many people are itching to go fishing, boating, kayaking, be in nature, and Socialize. We tell them that we do not have clear answers about the timeline for reopening, we are waiting just as they are, and everything will be fine. From the phone calls we receive, it is apparent that as soon as the lake opens it will be flooded with visitors from all over the state. We have received phone calls from up and down California, and people are ready to travel.
While this closure is not good for our business financially, we are also wary of how we, and our community, will handle the influx of visitors. We have thought about ways to handle our reopening, such as only opening to slip renters initially, letting only one person onto the docks to rent the boat for their party, loading the rest of the boating party at the boat ramps (which is opposite of our normal policy), allowing less rentals in a day, keeping the bathroom open to only those with a key to it, and regular disinfecting ( which is our usual policy anyhow). We are also concerned about how we are supposed to open and be at work full time when we are expected to be at home schooling and caring for our children 24/7. That will pose a problem for us and our staff. We continue to talk things through and take each day as it comes.
For now, we are doing well, appreciating the slow down, and breathing deeply.Dagene't Stern, Scribble Software
Scribble Software implemented a precise plan to ensure 100% of our employees could work remotely from the safety of their own home prior to the order to shelter in place. Using remote tools and applications, all company networks and phone systems were redirected to appropriate personnel and all operations and procedures are business as normal. In addition, to ensure our team remains strong, Scribble Software has sustained a high level of communication through the company, with each department holding daily video conference calls and weekly company video conference calls.
Scribble Software, our teams, and our employees, all remain strong as we face the challenges of this situation, not alone, but together. And, together, we are running our operations as normal and doing everything we can to ensure our customers receive the availability, quality, and speed of our customer service they have grown accustomed to at Scribble Software.
We also sent out a survey to the membership. Below are the results of that survey.Boatyard Survey Results - 20% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 2
No - 0
-For liveaboards and govt boatsIs your company still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 0
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 2
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 2
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 2
No, temporarily closed - 0
Other - 0Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 0
10 - 20% - 0
20 - 30% - 0
30+% - 0
Too early to say - 2Is your supply chain impacted?
Yes - 1
No answer - 1What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial impact - 2
Supply chain disrupted - 0
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 1
Decrease in consumer confidence - 2
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 0At this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 2
No - 0
Too early to say - 0How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 0
Education - 1
Networking - 0
Advocacy - 1
Government & Small Business Support Information - 0
All of the Above - 1Additional Comments?
BRAVO for MRA taking on this survey. Great job!Marina Survey Results - 29% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 22
No - 7
-Since we have live aboard tenants we have concluded that we are covered under section 13 of the Order.
-Some of the businesses located on the property are considered essential as well as commercial fishing.
-We have boaters that live aboard and get their mail and packages delivered to our office. We also have to take care of cleaning and trash.
-There are a number of reasons but top among them are 1) We have liveaboards and 2)we provide a free pumpout service to the public.
-Property Management
-Due to liveaboard contingent, we do have essential services to provide: Restroom/Shower cleaning/sanitizing; mail and packages, emergency maintenance and basic security.
-Unclear, we do provide housing, and for safety reasons we must maintain the Marina. Less clear about staffing office, renting future slips, etc.
-We have liveaboards so maintaining the facilities is still needed.
-We have about 40 liveaboards, and public first-responder boats and facilities.
-Boat rentals and cafe are non-essential but our marine service center, pump out facilities, fuel stations, and fresh water is considered essential.
-Not to sure, cruiser access to island for food and supplies.
-We have clients that call our harbor their permanent home receiving mail and packages.
-How would I know?
-Corps of Engineers closed us down.
-We could find nothing definitive at State/County/City saying 'Marinas' are essential but saw references to Property Management considered essential and custodians so we stayed open for business behind locked doors w/ signage stating we're 'working from behind the glass' - please call or email. AND we are 'private' whereas some of the local marinas are municipal or on leased county land and their operations are restricted.
-We have commercial office space that has essential businesses and liveaboards who are sheltering in place on their boats, so our Marina is able to operate under limited capacity to maintain these essential functions.
-Department staff, as county employees, are deemed essential workers.Is your marina still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 6
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 16
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 12
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 7
No, temporarily closed - 4
Some modifications.
Cafe is closed.
-Our office is staffed with one person each day of the week on a limited schedule. Only employees are allowed into the office.
-Our entire maintenance crew is still working full time. Our administrative staff is working from home and office.
- One staff member at the marina at a time. Reduced hours (no weekends and closing at 4pm each day). Part time help has reduced hours, full time (2 employees) work remotely when not at the marina.
- Essential services still being provided, but office closed.
- We had two employees who were high-risk category (over 65) who are furloughed. Our accountant is able to work from home most of the week while for the rest of the staff we working in the office and on the dock with social distancing in place.
- Office is staffed daily, but closed to public access. All office communication via email and telephone, and the dropbox.
- We are maintaining all services but restricted access and exposure. Closed to the public and open to tenants only.
- Shortened work day and limited number of staff in marina.
- Owner working reduced hours and employees paid to stay shelter in place.
- Our store is closed off to customers, but purchases can be made through a walk-up fuel sales window. Everything else is operating normal. We have a bookkeeper that is working from home, due to a family member who is considered to be vulnerable.
- Until the Corps of Engineers opens Us back up.
- Office staff in office only 1 at a time as too small to distance within the office. Custodial staff all working regular hours.What steps has your marina taken to support boaters while observing Covid-19 restrictions?
Allowing extended stay boaters (other than your Live Aboards) - 8
Allowing guest boats in your marina - 7
Other (Please comment below)
-Continue to accept applications for new tenants while other marinas have suspended accepting new applications.
- San Diego County has ordered all waterways closed. We are allowing access to slip renters with no overnights allowed. Maximum of 4 people on a vessel, no congregation on fingers or docks.
- We are not accepting guests or new tenants at this time. Some people who are not LAB are needing to stay on their boats because they can't get home.
- Anyone not able/allowed to travel to their home or other location are being allowed to stay on their vessel for now.
- None of the above.
- No guest boats, promote stay at home for non-liveaboards and social distancing for all.
- Relaxing rules regarding contractor check ins.
- We had several guests who came before this started that we are currently "stuck" with. We also are currently unable to evict sneakaboards so there are some who are effectively staying aboard without authorization.
- Large antiseptic dispensers at offices, disinfecting facilities three times per day, closed marina to public access.
- No changes all policies and Rules are in effect.
- Eliminated late fees for monthly rent.
- No Changes made to the daily operations.
- No changes, with the exception of not allowing any guest boats at this time.
- Working with tenants with work hardships to accommodate slip fees payment difficulties.
- Allowing guests so long as social distancing and sheltering in place.
- Keeping our launch ramp open although no one has asked us to close it!
- Current slip customers are allowed to use their boat but have to walk in.
-Additonal security on property. More personal attention and assistance. Detailed inspection of vessels for boatowners unable to visit.
- We do not permit extended stay and ONLY permit regular transients that we know/trust, for the safety of our permanent boaters. NOT permitting people to come to 'party' b/c they are bored at home. We have a problem as it is with the public guest-docks where folks pre-arranged a 'meeting' w/ their boats and set up beach chairs blocking the entrance to one of the boater docks and a couple of our valued boaters told us they were going back home so as to not have to walk thru a group of strangers.
- Launch ramp open. Boat owners can still access and use vessels. No charters.Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 6
10 - 20% - 5
20 - 30% - 2
30+% - 1
Too early to say - 18
- Initial impact is in the 10-20% range, we expect this may increase the longer the stay at home order lasts. We have restaurant and rental shops that are tenants who are severely impacted which in turn impacts our revenue.
- We expect it will in the coming months/year. We are also expecting to see an uptick in marginal vessels being abandoned.
- Currently no changes. Anticipating 5% lost next month and 10% for June.
- A large part of my revenue comes from houseboat and power boat rentals while the largest is wet slips.
- More launch revenue.
- We aren't able to rent out boats.
- We have been very fortunate.
- No way to tell at this point how many 'evictions' or voluntary re-po's there might be and of course there will be no income for those slips so could be brutal.
- We are currently communicating with all tenants that have not paid April rent to see what their situations are.Are you currently receiving inquiries for slip leasing?
Yes - 28
No - 3
- We are answering questions and taking names but not accepting any new boats except for the yacht broker or an application that was in progress.
- We are 100% full and continue to receive slip inquiries. Mostly people wanting to get their vessels out of Mexico and back to the US. There are a few who are buying boats right now and in need of a slip.
- We are at our highest occupancy and new boats are applying. Go figure.
- Few are coming in.
- We had a 4-6 week period where we had quite a few cancellations; however, as of last week we are picking back up and we're booked to capacity for this upcoming weekend.
- Yes I am I have been reserving them for people when we open up I will call them.
- People are optimistic that restrictions will be eased soon.
- We have received and are processing wait list applications and are assigning slips to new tenants.Have your Live Aboards been impacted?
No - 15
Yes - 10
We don't have live Aboards - 6
- No access to the office or boater's lounge.
- They have full access to all services.
- Our property has been overrun by people fishing and walking.
- It is hard for us to tell the extent of the impact. We have had a couple who have told us they may need a deferral of rent or some kind of assistance as their business has shut down. One is a captain and yacht broker. Another is a self proprietor whose work has dried up.
- Required to wear face coverings, large packages re-directed.
- Boater's lounge and gym closed, social distancing stressed, office closed.
- The main impact seems to be loss or reduction of income. Most seem to be choosing to self-isolate and are minimizing their use of shared facilities like restrooms and laundry.
- Most are staying aboard, and we have lots of food deliveries and Amazon practically lives here.
- Corps of Engineers and we don't allow live aboards.
- We have very few -under 10 - and a couple of them that work have had their hours cut. Some NON LABs have tested positive for CV and quarantined at home but no LABs, yet.
- Some have lost their jobs and have asked about payment deferrals. Others are having trouble receiving packages since our office is closed and "working from home" on their boats with limited space and internet access.Have you had difficulty maintaining security? Or keeping people for violating shelter in place rules?
Yes - 13
No - 18
- In the beginning yes, it has since subsided. Harbor Police handle this issue.
- Too many people from outside Alameda coming to our property to hang out, fish and walk.
- With only one person at the marina it is hard to maintain security. Our marina has a public promenade running through the middle of it. We have had more transient people requiring us to lock areas at night and sometimes during the day. It is also a challenge to keep tenants from taking paddle boards out onto the bay. The better the weather gets the more violations of the shelter in place we see.
- Obviously any non liveaboard on the premises violates the shelter at home edict. Mostly they are here to take boat out since harbor has not been closed.
- Our security issues are due to the City temporally housing homeless people next to the Marina.
- Launch ramp open, and has been very busy. Lots of people not social distancing.
- A small percentage of people continue to try to enter the marina and use facilities. So our security measures have been tested. For the first time, some theft too.
- Majority of customers are practicing safe distancing and being mindful of rules.
- Appears bus loads of homeless are being deposited locally.
-We always have 24/7 security, but we have increased the staff until further notice.
- Homeless people who acquire boats attempting to come into anchorage and we have to keep close track of their movements ashore.
- We don't police our tenants to shelter in place.
- People are getting carried away and doing whatever they darn well please. But we see it on camera and are going to take care of that.
- Security has been a challenge because we are located within a large city park with public walkaways and facilities on our shoreline.
- Only 'outsiders'-see response to #6. Another incident occurred this week here the day after our City CLOSED the 'Mother's Beaches', a couple of Moms in Duffy brought kids to the guest docks with water wings on to SWIM in the Marina. When they were approached to explain that kids and propellers don't mix and the public guest docks were not for 'camping out for the day' to swim. A man from another boat in the guest slips yelled at Security to 'leave them alone! What's the problem?(expletive *^#)
- We have had two break ins to office tenants since the Shelter In Place started. Our local police department has increased patrols in our area.
- Increased security and enforcement measures necessary throughout the harbor.Do you think that the Covid-19 crisis will continue into summer?
Yes - 21
No - 2
I don't know - 7
- I think we will be opening up in stages thus the crisis will continue for months but hopefully it will lessen as the summer goes on. Sportfishing and restaurants will continue to feel the crisis for months.
- Unfortunately.
- Next year and beyond.
- I think it will wind down in May-June with social distancing practices in place.
- Of course!
- Especially in California we don't think the governor is going to open anything up.
- I believe conditions will begin to normalize before the end of May.
- If the lockdown DOES continue, I think boaters will start relaxing a bit and will continue to enjoy their boats IF THEY ARE FINANCIALLY SECURE. If the lockdown continues and folks don't have jobs, income, food, shelter it will definitely affect us all.
- I believe there will be some impacts until a reliable vaccine is widely available.What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial Impact - 28
Supply chain disruptions - 13
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 14
Decrease in consumer confidence - 9
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 20
- I'm concerned that the public is going to relax their precautions which may increase the likelihood of a second serge of the virus.
- What??? No question about health concern? My main concern is not wanting to be infected with COVID-19 and possibly infecting others.
- No other concerns.
We have not been affected at work with supply chain shortages, yet, but I'm personally uncomfortable and have been since the beginning and just this week BIG meat suppliers shut down with illness and can happen in ANY chain and truckers are at risk and longshoremen. I'm almost MORE afraid of having TOO MUCH INFO that conflicts ... it's difficult to process and our boaters are turning to US to filter, compile, and explain clearly.
- Decreased future demand for office space as people shift to working from home.At this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 14
No - 6
Too early to say - 11
- The City will not allow any travel/conferences for 2020/2021 budget.
- I would love to but it is too early to know.
- Assuming we're out of this of course!
- I think the conference should proceed. HMPC is still on. We will need to make accommodations to insure everyone's safety, which will take some planning, and maybe a new kind of social events.
- But still early to say.
- However, I would probably be unable to attend even without the current conditions.
- God willing and the Creek don't rise.How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 4
Education - 11
Networking - 8
Advocacy - 18
Government & Small Business Support Information - 14
All of the Above - 4
Other, please comment below:
- Please provide the outcome of this survey to all members. I have a survey we completed on Marinas in San Diego County with different questions that I can share with you.
- I have been keeping my office staff busy with training modules they can do from home.
- We are all in this together. It is very helpful to know what other marinas are doing/experiencing and we definitely need an advocate for recreational boating.
-I don't think anyone has even considered the current crisis since 1918. There is going to be a learning curve no doubt, but to its up to the individual operators who actually have direct daily contact with facility they represent to use their best judgment in providing a safe and effective operation. In other words i think it would be foolish to think someone has the right answer.
- Keep doing the great job you do keeping all of us informed.
- Just keep us informed.
- Informing our elected officials and public health decision makers that socially responsible recreational boating does not pose health risks.
- Providing resources ... even if just for contact with our boaters... I'm trying to stay in contact without 'bugging' them but encouraging to take the class to get the California Boating Card and have multiple generations take together via Skype or Zoom. Also suggesting YouTube videos that are instructional re boating skills or maintenance. Even something like learning the birds in the region or what constellation they might see in the night sky in their own back yard.Trade Survey Results - 17% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 11
No - 2
- It appears as if cleaning up harbors, marinas, lakes and oceans isn't considered "essential".
- Insurance Brokerage
- MO stay at home order allowed manufacturers to remain open. However, some of our marina construction sites in other states were deemed non-essential and were shut down.
- Our manufacturing facilities, located in Georgia, Oklahoma, and New York have continued all operations and have been determined to be "essential" due to our supporting business activities tied to the maritime industry, law enforcement, and numerous other government agency projects.
- To some.
- To some.Is your company still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 9
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 4
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 0
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 0
No, temporarily closed - 1
Other - 0
-Other than we're keeping the front door locked and no one, without wearing a face mask, is allowed to enter the office(s).
- Several employees chose not to work. Because of this, our workforce is diminished. We are now running 2 additional shifts per week trying to keep up using the reduced manpower. Despite this, we are getting behind on the manufacturing end.
- All of our manufacturing facilities are currently operational with split shifts to enable appropriate safety and social distancing protocol. Office and management staff is working mostly from home. On-site construction / installations are still progressing in some states depending on varying restrictions.Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 0
10 - 20% - 0
20 - 30% - 0
30+% - 3
Too early to say - 10
-We will not know until we see if the number of contracts for the year goes down. We typically book the majority of our business between July and December.How is the impact of not being able to travel affecting your sales?
Greatly - 2
Somewhat - 7
Not at all - 2
- We don't know for certain. But Sale reps cannot make site visits and it is likely to have some impact.
- No plane or other public transportation is currently being used by our sales or construction personnel. Travel involving over-night stays is restricted based on local policiesIs your supply chain impacted?
Yes - 6
No - 4
Too early to say - 4
- Not at this time . . . Deliveries from our factories has continued with very little impact on quality or timeliness.What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial impact - 9
Supply chain disrupted - 5
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 5
Decrease in consumer confidence - 6
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 4
- Financial impact is still unknown, but will probably result in some short-term reductions in sales depending on economic conditionsAt this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 8
No - 1
Too early to say - 2How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 3
Education - 2
Networking - 2
Advocacy - 3
Government & Small Business Support Information - 2
All of the Above - 6Additional Comments?
-We hope no one is suffering a loss of a loved one.
Participate in the 2020 Virtual American Boating Congress
May 13-14, 2020The National Marine Manufacturers Association invites you to participate in the virtual American Boating Congress, where they will provide more information on how they are pursuing these outreach and advocacy efforts, particularly as this COVID-19 pandemic continues to strain businesses across the country and threaten the broader economy. The virtual ABC will be held on Wednesday, May 13 and Thursday, May 14 from 1:00-2:30pm ET on both days.
Even though this year's annual advocacy summit is unable to take place in person, there are several pressing issues that require the recreational boating community's full attention, particularly as COVID-19 continues to create challenges for boating, manufacturing and the broader economy. NMMA announced that United States Secretary of the Interior, David Bernhardt will deliver remarks during day two (Thursday, May 14) of the virtual 2020 American Boating Congress (ABC). Secretary Bernhardt will outline steps the Trump administration is taking to reopen our nation's public lands and waters - a top priority of the community.
As Secretary of the Interior, Bernhardt leads an agency with more than 70,000 employees who are stewards for 20 percent of the nation's lands, including national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges and other public lands. The department oversees the responsible development of conventional and renewable energy supplies on public lands and waters, is the largest supplier and manager of water in the 17 Western states and upholds trust responsibilities to the 574 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.
From the economic impact of COVID-19 to state access issues, this event will cover the most pressing concerns and opportunities with leaders from across the country.
SCHEDULE: Borne Pathogens
Blood Borne Pathogens: the unseen danger.
As many marinas begin to staff up for the 2020 boating season, employers must be ensure to update the written blood borne pathogen program, train all employees in the facility on the dangers of blood borne pathogens, and ensure the maintain the proper records related to occupational exposure. A key element for any marina owner or operator is to have knowledge related to the types of blood borne pathogens. In order to maximize employee protection, employers should know the likely sources or exposures each employee may face as part of their job.What is a BBP?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a Blood Borne Pathogen as a "pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans". The Center for Disease control also states that bodily fluids such as urine, vomit, or feces can be a source of BBPs. OSHA's requirements for employers related to BBP can be found in 29.CFR.1910.1030 which applies to all occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Blood Borne Pathogens can lead to illnesses such as Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Other dangers may include exposures to bacterium that can be a source of MRSA or other forms of Staphylococcus.Where employees may be exposed.
In the marina setting, a common source for exposure to BBPs comes during the pump out process. Very often, the black tank on a vessel may be pressurized and may expel waste during the opening of the tank. Other times, the pump out hose may not be properly attached to the vessel causing employees to the sprayed with waste. Other areas of exposure may include cleaning the restrooms or perhaps cleaning up behind the customer that consumed too much alcohol and has vomited on a dock. With the rise in the opioid crisis, it is quite possible to have an exposure from a used needle that was improperly discarded in a trash can.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Employees conducting pump out procedures should be required to wear disposable gloves and eye protection. In this case, even though they may not be chemical or impact resistant, sunglasses as eye protection would be better than no eye protection. After the pump out, employees should be required to wash hands with antibacterial soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer. Employers should consider cleaning pump out attachments and hoses. Fittings can be placed in a bucket of water/bleach solution and then the solution can be pumped through the hose. As a best practice, employees should be encouraged to keep a change of clothes at work in case of exposure. With proper PPE, employees may only need to shower and change clothing. PPE should be considered for other areas as well. Leather gloves are a good solution to avoid sharp objects that may be discarded in the trash can. Marinas should consider installing a 'sharps' disposal unit in the restrooms and having a third party service handle disposal.Exposed Employee
In the event an employee is exposed, there a several specific actions required by the employer. First, it is imperative to document the circumstances of the exposure and the source where possible. The employer must offer a post exposure medical evaluation by a healthcare professional. With employee permission, this evaluation may include testing the exposed employee's blood for BBPs. Additionally, the employer is required to make available the Hepatitis B vaccine. Should the employee decline the vaccine, the employer should document the offer and decline. The employer is responsible for the any post exposure medical cost.Final Thoughts.
When it comes to BBPs, employers often fail to have a written exposure control program, fail to enforce the use of PPE, and fail to comply with requirements after an exposure. Training is often overlooked as well. Training is required upon hiring a new employee and then annually thereafter. Training must cover topics such as a copy of the 29.CFR.1910.1030 standard, types and symptoms of BBPs, employer's exposure control plan, safe work practices and PPE, information on the Hepatitis B vaccine, what to do if exposed, and information on post exposure medical care. Lastly, one caveat of the BBP program relates to the 'good samaritan' rule. For example, if an employee is assisting another employee with first aid this would not be considered an Occupational Exposure.For The Marina Bulletin Board
BoatUS: 8 Ways to Love Boating While Safely Waiting Out Coronavirus
Offshore Sailing School's Learn to Sail, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Modern Marine Navigation courses free through May 15
For recreational boaters who are staying off the water during the coronavirus pandemic, there's certainly more free time during what should be the busy spring launch season. So if boaters can't get to their boats, what are they to do? Here are eight ways from Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) to keep the love of boating alive that could also make you a better, safer boat operator.
- Become a smarter sailor while saving big bucks by taking Offshore Sailing School's Learn to Sail or the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Modern Marine Navigation courses free any time through May 15. Use the coupon code "learnfree" at at registration.
- Checklists are great when you really need them - just ask the person at the boat ramp who forgot to install the hull drain plug. What kind of printed, laminated checklist would be helpful to have aboard? Ideas include: pre-launch checklist, trailering checklist (did you remember to cross the safety chains?), and safety checklist.
- Whether you're an inshore day cruiser, offshore angler, or cruising sailor, you always need to be prepared to abandon ship. Here's what to pack in a ditch kit.
- Docking can be a spectator sport. The BoatUS How to Dock a Boat YouTube playlist includes a range of docking scenarios that show you how, from outboard to inboard powered boats. It also includes 'How to Back a Single Engine Inboard Boat Into a Slip' - the single most impressive recreational boat docking maneuver of them all.
- If the boat and trailer are safely in the garage or driveway, now may be the time to look at all the things you never have enough time to, such as replacing outdrive anodes, changing trailer bearings or restoring the shine to gelcoat. It's all in one place at BoatUS Trailer Boat YouTube playlist, including small boat handling tips such as ''How to Use Trim Tabs,' the most-watched BoatUS video ever.
- Learn how to tie up your family, pets or anything else around the house with help from the BoatUS Essential Boating Knots YouTube playlist. Practicing at home now will make these knots easier to remember aboard the boat when the pandemic is over.
- Consider supporting the waterfront businesses you enjoy and do business with - restaurants, chandleries, prop shops, sail lofts or other service providers - by purchasing a gift certificate. You can start by going to the local businesses' website to see if they are available.
- Help protect the water you love and take the free, online BoatUS Foundation Clean Boating course, which offers simple steps you can take to reduce the impact boating activities on our waterways.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit Corner
United States Coast Guard Sector San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island
The United States Coast Guard recently awarded a CASREP Emergency Repair RFP for the floating dock system at USCG Sector San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island. The emergency repairs were required due to the large wave energy that enters the site and also from the lack of maintenance performed on the dock system. The Coast Guard's floating infrastructure is a mission essential asset, critically needed for their waterway access to ensure our Nation's maritime safety, security and stewardship. Availability of local crews and quick response time was a major factor contributing to the subcontract being awarded to Bellingham Marine (BMI).
Time was of the essence in order to reinstate the Coast Guard's operation. BMI utilized in-house drafting and engineering in order to fast-tract the submittal, material procurement and fabrication process. BMI's project managers inspected the condition of all floats and components to assess the damage and verify availability of salvageable components. The 3-month project entailed a fast-tracked, phased construction effort. BMI's scope included evaluation and re-energizing of electrical utilities for safety. Nearly all structural steel frame connections ere replaced as well as cleaning and patching the existing piling. BMI also provided in-house certified dive services to locate and retrieve underwater debris and install additional flotation to correct buoyancy issues.
The engineering and construction team considered multiple factors when determining how to best repair another manufacturer's failed float-to-float bolted connections. Bellingham Marine designed and manufactured connections with larger steel members which improved positive connections between the fingers and mainwalk float sections. In addition to the structural work, BMI added new rebar, hardware and galvanized steel thru-rods to completely rebuild and reform the concrete deck corners along the wave wall pier. BMI's decades of experience in concrete float manufacturing allowed us to assess the damage and repair the structural connections for the existing concrete docks, originally manufactured by others. The existing pile guide frames were replaced with a redesigned two-piece heavy-duty steel frame which resulted in a better connection to the float system. In addition to the steel frames, BMI upgraded the roller system with its current standard design which includes a single UHMW precision-cut panel. This design allows a custom fit and a tighter tolerance for each pile guide, which reduces movement in the docks that occurs between the frame and the piling. Both innovations contribute to a longer lifespan and reduced cycle of repair.
When Bellingham Manager of Project Development, Bryce Fisher, was asked about the unique Emergency Repair Project, he said "The USCG Yerba Buena repair project was a challenging project that required Bellingham Marine's unique floating dock repair expertise and experience. The site's current design is innately insufficient to provide an optimal level of protection and service life. Proper site-specific design and annual maintenance are the two greatest factors that contribute to system performance and longevity. Stressors like corrosive sea air, repeated wave impact forces and changing water levels create challenging and dynamic environments inherent in all marina installations. Bellingham Marine offers an annual inspection and maintenance program that manages the maintenance needs of marinas and offers clients a lot of value to protect their long-term investment."
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
Well it looks like another month of "Stay in Place" for May although there is talk of loosening things up a bit. Here at the MRA office, it seems so quiet as the phones hardly ring unless it's a robo call! I look forward to the time when the activity starts up again when the day seems to go so much faster.
The 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference and Trade Show will be held September 28 - 30, 2020 at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The board has worked diligently on a program that is sure to enlighten and educate attendees. Once again we are playing the wait and see game. Hopefully, we will know more by the end of May. As soon as it is up, we will send you a notification. Stay tuned!
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* What our Members are Facing During COVID-19 * Participate in the 2020 Virtual American Boating Congress * Blood Borne Pathogens *For the Marina Bulletin Board * Construction Corner * The Last Word Quick Links
ArticleNautical News - November 2019 see more
November 2019
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
We had a great conference this past October. You can read more about that in this month's newsletter.
California Boating Congress (CBC) dates have been set. The reception/meet and greet will be Monday evening March 30, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento, details to follow. CBC will take place Tuesday March 31, 2020. Mark your calendar as this is a very important and fun event for our industry. If you are not sure what this is, don't hesitate to contact me.
We are excited to announce our association has new lobbying representation in Sacramento, Platinum Advisors. Specifically, Beau Biller from Platinum Advisors will represent us, welcome aboard Beau. At our CBC this year Platinum will have one of their advisors introduce us to our legislators, a change from the past, but I suspect a positive one for most of us. Personally it is welcomed as I am never quite sure how to get past those few awkward moments up front when you meet an elected official.
Finally we thank Apex Group for their 25+ year representation of our group. They shaped and helped us grow as an organization, thank you and we wish you the best in the future.
I'll leave you with this; we are so fortunate to be involved in an industry that allows us to be on the water on a daily basis, don't take it for granted and don't fail to recognize it.
Scott Robertson
48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show took everyone's 'Imagination' to a new level this year . . .
Right from the get-go, the 2019 MRA Conference had an enhanced excitement and anticipation of future innovation, potential, and growth
fostered in part by the expanding industry and economy, as well as some new technical innovations employed at this year's event.
Among other things, this year's Conference featured the new MRA Conference App, which provided all attendees with access to an online Conference Program and Schedule, and all of the educational seminar materials, as well as opportunities to interact with other attendees on several social media platforms.
As usual, the three day conference teed off on Monday, October 21st with three events for a record number of attendees to choose from. Fifty golfers participated in the 25th Annual MRA Golf Tournament, playing through a warm and sunny day along the spectacular Pacific Ocean coast at the Torrey Pines Resort North Golf
Course in La Jolla, CA.
A number of other industry professionals attended the educational "Introduction to Basic Marina Operations" seminar, designed to provide new marine operations owners and other staff with an overview of Best Management Practices to enhance marina and boatyard operations, safety, customer service, and fiscal results.
And, a third group of thirty-five conference attendees took advantage of the 7th Annual Marina and Boatyard Tour visiting four San Diego area operations, including the Half Moon Marina and Point Loma Marina on Shelter Island, the Sun Harbor Marina in America's Cup Harbor, and the Marine Group Boat Works located in the southern part of San Diego Harbor featuring their unique operations and services.
Monday night's Welcome Reception in the Trade Show Pavilion was well attended with libations and hors d'oeuvres provided by sponsoring Trade Show Exhibitors, and attendees were given an early opportunity to mingle and browse the latest industry innovations and information. The golf tournament results were also announced and various awards presented to the lucky players.
Tuesday morning's breakfast in the Trade Show pavilion was followed by MRA President, Mark Sandoval's welcome and opening remarks to attendees.
President Sandoval also presented the 'Darrell McConnell Award', to Everett Babbit, President of Bellingham Marine, who received the traditional ship's wheel plaque in recognition of his many years of dedicated service to the recreational boating and marine industry. The MRA's '2019 Innovation Awards' were also announced, and winners, Bellingham Marine, MarineSync, and Sandy Purdon, founder of Clean Marine, awarded their gleaming trophies.
Scott Robertson, MRA Vice-President then led the MRA General Membership Meeting, announcing the election of new Board members and other Association business and plans for the coming year, including the upcoming California Boating Congress.
Bret Gladfelty, MRA Legislative Advocate, The Apex Group, followed Jim with a review of California state legislation and issues facing the industry in the future. And NMMA president, Thom Dammrich, provided attendees with a review of national legislative and regulatory issues facing the industry.
After a brief break for attendees to relax in the Trade Show exhibit hall, Robert Newsome, Sr. Vice President, NMMA closed out the morning with an overview of the State of the Marine Industry, and the economic and cultural impact of recreational boating in California and other areas of the country.
Tuesday afternoon's conference was broken into three hour-long sessions, each featuring several different seminar topics for attendees to choose from. Session 1 offered a discussion of the Status of California Salt-Water Marinas & Boatyards, and a
discussion of The Status of California Inland Marinas / Resorts. Session 2 covered strategies for enhancing the growth and organizational innovation of marine operations; Planning, Designing, and Paying for Capital Improvement Projects; and a Boatyard Business Roundtable. The final sessions included topics ranging from The Evolution of West Coast Sailing and the SF Bay Area; Phil Weiss' digest of 30 Years as a maritime lawyer; and discussion on the TMDL Conundrum raised by new regulations affecting many coastal marinas.
The MRA's Wine Tasting & Craft Beer Reception in the Trade Show exhibit hall capped off Tuesday's conference events. All 49 of the exhibiting Trade Show vendors provided top notch wine or craft beer selections at their booths for attendees to enjoy with fresh carved roast turkey, roast pork, and Prime Rib, served with various side dishes.
Wednesday morning kicked off with another breakfast in the Trade Show pavilion,
followed by Dr. Lynn Reaser, Ph.D., Chief Economist at Fermanian Business & Economic Institute, who provided everyone with a very insightful Economic Forecast and data on the economy. Joe Ueberroth, President of Bellwether Financial Group, closed the morning out with a keynote presentation offering some interesting observations and predictions about the direction of the marine industry in the future.
After the morning break in the Trade Show pavilion, more educational seminars convened on topics covering CARB Commercial Harbor Requirements; Workers Compensation Insurance Costs and Concerns; and how Yacht Clubs are influencing the future of Recreational boating.
After an outdoor lunch, overlooking the sunny Pacific Ocean and Torrey Pines Golf Course, the Conference's final sessions were again broken into two 1-hour periods with Session 1 featuring topics covering the National Electrical Code 2017
vs 2020; How to use Social Media Marketing effectively; strategies for attracting the next generation of boaters; Marina Property Management issues; and the process and importance to achieving Clean Marina or Boatyard Certification.
The 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show was an important and informative marine industry event put together by a dedicated group of industry owners, managers, vendors, and MRA staff . . . Coming next is the 5th Annual California Boating Congress on March 31, 2020 with a Welcome Reception planned for March 30th . Now is the time to begin thinking about your boating and marine industry legislative / regulatory concerns, and add the up-coming CBC to your calendar.
Gold Anchor Expands into USA Marina Sector
The West Coast USA based Marine Recreation Association (MRA) and the Marina Industries Association (MIA) based in Australia have entered into a collaborative agreement to launch the Global Gold Anchor program in North America.
Gold Anchor was first developed in the United Kingdom in 1988 by The Yacht Harbours Association (TYHA). In 2009 the MIA launched its own program and in 2013 the two associations launched the single Global Gold Anchor program. The program is analogous with star ratings for accommodation with a strong focus on customer service.
The first two California marinas are already participating. Westpoint Harbor Marina San Francisco and Safe Harbor Cabrillo Isle San Diego are now Gold Anchor accredited marinas and a half-dozen more are in line for assessment. Over the next two years there are expected to be a steady stream of marinas entering the program and a pool of trained assessors to deliver the program.
MIA President Andrew Chapman said the collaboration is a particularly exciting development for the global industry. "MIA and TYHA are very pleased to have MRA providing the structure to expand the program into the US and beyond. MIA will be working closely with MRA and participating members over the coming two years to ensure the program is successfully rolled out and fully aligned with the global program that is established across 27 countries."
MRA President Scott Robertson said the recent MRA Educational and Trade Conference in La Jolla, California provided an excellent platform to promote the program. "We have both coastal and in-land marinas wishing to participate. MRA recognise the many industry development and promotional benefits the Gold Anchor program can deliver for our industry."
TYHA General Manager Jonathan White commented that the involvement of MRA will fast track a truly global roll-out of the program. "From Gold Anchors infancy back in 1988, it is very pleasing to now have this plan that will ensure rapid expansion of this already well-established accreditation program beyond UK/Europe; the Middle East, Asia, South Pacific and the Caribbean."
For further information - Colin Bransgrove, MIA, CEO +61 2 94395806; Scott Robertson, +1 530 6923200; Jonathan White, +44 (0)7717 683107
Tell Congress to Support USMCA
Congressional leaders just said a deal on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is "imminent." Now we need your help to get this critical trade deal across the finish line!
Tell Congress to pass USMCA NOW!
With 40% of annual U.S. boat and engine exports going to Canada and Mexico and 20% of our industry's imports coming from them, our industry needs good trade deals, strong relationships, and smart policies governing North American trade.
Supporting USMCA means supporting the recreational boating industry. Tell your members of Congress to pass USMCA!
Boating United is the grassroots platform of the recreational boating industry. It is comprised of boating manufacturers, businesses and supporters who share the common goal of protecting and promoting the industry. Take action, learn about the issues and more atDivision of Boating and Waterways Marina Loan Program Survey
The Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) would like to assess the future need for loan funding for marina rehabilitation and development from the Public and Private Marina Loan programs offered by DBW.
Please click on the link below to begin the survey. It will take approximately 4 minutes to complete and will be available through December 13, 2019.
Save the Date-Boating topics that matter to you! Join us on December 5th
Dear Boating Partners:
Join the California Clean Boating Network on Thursday, December 5th for a FREE educational meeting from 9:15 a.m. to approx. 1 p.m. at the Martinez Yacht Club
Come and learn about:
* a comprehensive regional study of microplastic pollution in the Bay Area showing a staggering 7 trillion pieces of microplastic emitted to SF Bay every single year, through both wastewater and stormwater.
* the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Program for the state;
* the results from the San Francisco and Alameda County marine flare pilot collection events;
* the Pumpout Nav App and how CA is doing in terms of the sewage pumpoutsTo attend you must RSVP by emailing Vivian Matuk at
Location: Martinez Yacht Club 111 Tarantino Dr, Martinez, CA 94553) (Thanks to the club).
Parking: Free!We hope for your enthusiastic participation and offer plenty of time to ask questions of the experts.
If you have questions about attendance, email Vivian Matuk at Wave Attenuator Protects Local Homeowner's Association
The Ballena Bay Townhome Association is a close-knit community on the Alameda coast. Situated directly on the San Francisco Bay, the Ballena Bay Townhome Association decided to replace their outdated tire breakwater with a new state-of-the-art match-cast, post-tensioned concrete wave attenuation system.
The San Francisco Bay is renowned for its choppy boating atmosphere. The site experiences sustained wind speeds of up to 55 mph, that results in a wave height of 2.67' with a period of 3.1 seconds. The existing tire attenuator at the site was not effectively protecting the interior floating infrastructure in the canal.
Acting as a floating "breakwater," wave attenuators are site-specifically designed and engineered to significantly reduce wave energy entering a marina basin. Wave energy is a combination of waves of different heights, directions, and periods. Wave energy can manifest in reflections bouncing off barriers and refractions passing between mediums throughout the bay. Wave energy can bend around corners and "squeeze" through openings without a significant reduction in energy. Floating wave attenuators help reduce wave heights and ensure protection from large wave events. Wave attenuators require the most site specific engineering of any marina structure. Properly designed and sited, an attenuator will create a safe, tranquil harbor for your boaters, protect your investment and your bottom line.
According to Eric Noegel, Senior Manager of Project Development at Bellingham Marine Industries, "Site specific data regarding wind and boat waves helped determine the mass, width, depth, and configuration of the Ballena Bay wave attenuation system. We decided concrete, match-cast floats would offer the best protection for this marina. The inherent mass of the floating concrete modules along with the match-cast interconnection system made it a natural choice for the Ballena Bay Townhome Association."
One contributing factor to the effectiveness of a wave attenuator is the structure's ability to move as a rigid, single unit. Motion in the structure can transmit wave energy and cause havoc on moored vessels in the marina. When asked about the decision to use match-cast floats Senior Project Manager Ron Mock said "Wave attenuation is about mass, breadth and depth. In our experience, lightweight systems are ineffective in anything but the mildest of wave motions. They may appear to break surface chop, but a long wave will pass directly under the surface system and head straight for the marina. To adequately perform in a high wind and wave environment, attenuators need to be as solid as possible."
The new wave attenuator system creates a tranquil harbor for the Ballena Bay Townhome Association tenants. Sheltered from destructive waves and damaging wakes, the Bellena Bay boaters can be confident that their waterfront investment will be protected for decades to come.
*** Bellingham Marine was the design/build contractor for the Ballena Bay Townhome Association project. All of the concrete wave attenuators were built in their southwest division's plant in Dixon, California. ***
Exciting Developments for Compass Consulting
Gian Salvini
Brian Simmons
As if this wasn't enough October excitement, for the third consecutive year Compass Consulting was a proud exhibitor at the 48th annual Marine Recreation Association conference and trade show, October 21-23. At this year's event, Compass showcased two distinctive products for our marina partners: a virtual Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solution that moves workstations and network infrastructure into the award-winning Microsoft Azure cloud, and also Search Engine Optimization (SEO)/Social Media Marketing (SMM) tools to improve vacancy rates, direct boating enthusiasts to a specific website, and educate customers about marina amenities.
The marina industry really seems to be embracing "cloud first" technology and Compass Consulting is honored to be leading the way with innovative client solutions. We proudly work with marinas and management companies alike and look forward to continuing this discussion with you! Please visit our website or call today at (805) 389-0229.
SmartPlug Systems, the leading manufacturer of safety-focused shore power delivery systems for the recreational and commercial marine, RV and specialty vehicle markets, has hired Ron Bailey as its new global VP of sales and marketing. He joins the company during a transitional period as incumbent Terry Gilliland prepares his retirement in early 2020. Tony Barber, CEO, made the announcement.
Bailey brings decades of marine and RV manufacturing sales and marketing experience to SmartPlug. Most recently, he was VP of global marine sales and marketing at Dometic and president of Turning Point Propellers. Deeply committed to the industry, he is on the National Marine Manufacturers Association Board of Directors and Marine Accessories and Components Division (MACD). He holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Western Michigan University and an M.S. in science, business administration and management from Central Michigan University, and is a USCG-licensed captain.
"Ron has demonstrated leadership, vision and success throughout his career," said Barber. "He has a deep knowledge of our core markets and customers, and the ability to transform that insight into actionable results."
"Joining SmartPlug is an opportunity to work with a company that
places safety before industry stereotypes," said Bailey. "Plus, Tony Barber is an evangelist for his products with infectious enthusiasm."
SmartPlug Systems designs and manufactures safe alternatives to traditional twist-type AC shore power connections. Its state-of-the-art 16A, 30A, 32A and 50A plugs, inlets, cordsets and adapters offer a broad range of benefits, the most significant being reduced electrical resistance and overheating-common causes of boat and vehicle fires. The company holds Canadian CSA, Europe CE, Intertek ETL and US ETL certifications.
Contact SmartPlug Systems, 2500 Westlake Ave N., Ste. G, Seattle, WA 98109-2262. 206-285-2990; Fax: 206-285-2981.;;;
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
Lippert Enterprises, Inc.
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
I would like thank Mark Sandoval for the past four years; first as Vice President and then President. It was a pleasure working for you! You were always prompt with my requests and I look forward to your continued time on the board.
Welcome to Scott Robertson, our new President! You are coming in just as there are many changes happening in the association. I am sure you will be great at getting things done!
I'm excited to announce that we have set the dates for the 5th Annual California Boating Congress. Once again we will return to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento on March 31, 2020. There will be a welcome reception on March 30, 2020 for those who can make it.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to mra@marina.orgso they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgQuick Links
* Marina Search
ArticleNautical News - October 2019 see more
October 2019
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
Thank you for allowing me to be your president, an honor for sure.
At our recent conference we elected Jim Behun - Sunroad Resort Marina, Barbara Galgiani - LP Insurance Services, Shelley Griffin - Bay Club Hotel & Marina, and Rusty Morgan - Oceanmax as new board of directors for our great organization. Congratulation's to all of you. I look forward to your leadership and working with you.
We just had another great conference but before we talk about that I want to thank our outgoing president Mark Sandoval. Mark had a great two year run of successful conferences and regional trainings, the back bone to our organization. On the legislative front we held our own despite challenges as state parks in essence absorbed department of boating and waterways. Mark thank you for all you have done for the MRA.
In thinking about Mark, I am struck by our similarities. We are both CPA's, enjoy boating and now we both can say we have led this great organization, MRA. Our similarities stop there though as Mark runs a coastal marina in Ventura, I run an inland marina, Bullards Bar, in Northern California. Mark is an avid Dodgers fan and I am a Giants fan, oh my.Now, to the conference, if you missed it imagine a beautiful setting, great lunches on the veranda overlooking the ocean, great speakers and vendors and you imagined our conference in San Diego. I trust each one of you came away with at least one gem of an idea you can take to your marina or boat yard that you can implement right away to make a difference. Mark your calendar for the 2020 conference for September 28th thru 30th, 2020 in Santa Barbara. It just takes one great takeaway to pay for the conference. What will yours be?
The next big event will be the California Boating Congress (CBC) in Sacramento sometime in March of 2020. This is an important event for our organization to let our elected officials know who we are what we contribute to the California economy. As soon as we nail down the date we will get the word out.
If you liked what you saw at the conference and can imagine yourself being part of the future of your organization, Marina Recreation Association, don't hesitate to contact me.
Scott Robertson
Action Alert From Boating United
America's recreational boating industry has 31,000 vacant jobs right now, and there is a shortage of skilled workers to fill them.
But new, bipartisan legislation - the American Workforce Empowerment Act - will expand training, apprenticeships, and opportunities for American workers to enter the technical and skilled trades and fill these essential jobs.
This commonsense legislation will have a positive impact on every type of marine business and the U.S. economy. Send Congress a message now!
Boating United is the grassroots platform of the recreational boating industry. It is comprised of boating manufacturers, businesses and supporters who share the common goal of protecting and promoting the industry. Take action, learn about the issues and more at
BoatUS Applauds Legislators for Helping to Ensure
Taxes Paid by Boaters Will Fund Boating Programs
Reps. Cunningham, Graves introduce bipartisan Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating Safety Act of 2019
The explosive growth of paddlesports including stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking and canoeing has local, state and federal governments working to ensure there's plenty of paddler access, including paddlecraft-only launches that make it easy to launch a kayak, increasing efforts to ensure paddler safety, and minimizing user conflicts with traditional boaters.
The question is, who pays for it?
Under a nearly seven-decade-old federal funding mechanism, the answer is recreational power, sail, and fishing boat owners. A newly introduced bipartisan bill, the Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating Safety Act of 2019, aims to give the Government Accountability Office an opportunity to examine and report on the increasing use of non-motorized vessels and their impacts on recreational boat launches, and look at user conflicts and how funds are used to support non-motorized boating safety programs. It will also look at boat recycling, a concern for some waterfront communities.
The nation's advocacy, services and safety group for recreational boat owners, BoatUS, applauds bill authors Rep. Joe Cunningham (D-SC) and Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) for their sponsorship.
"Any way you can get on the water is a good thing," said BoatUS Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy. "However, we can't ignore the continued, successful growth of paddling participation in America and the need to have equitable funding for access and safety programs. Our thanks to Reps. Cunningham and Graves for looking to better understand today's waterway user and ensure everyone is investing in their future."
Created in 1950, the Sport Fish Restoration Program follows a "user pays - public benefit" model of funding that uses excise taxes paid on boat motors, motorboat fuel and fishing equipment to fund boating access sites, fishery and conservation programs, as well as state and local boating safety and clean water programs. The newly-introduced bill will also extend the authorization of the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund to 2024.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
Save the Date for the San Mateo County Marine Flare Pilot Collection Event!
Save the Date for the Alameda County Marine Flare Collection Event!
Innovative Kayak Launch Design Delights New Blu Harbor Community
Blu Harbor Marina (Redwood City, CA)
Bellingham Marine recently designed, engineered, manufactured, and installed a 64-slip concrete floating dock system for the new Blu Harbor community in Redwood City, California.
The new marina, built on approximately 3 acres of open water, offers double-berth slips ranging from 35' to 40' long. Perhaps the dock system's most noticeable feature is the 50' x 5' low-freeboard kayak launch. The kayak launch is equipped with an ADA compliant transition plate and enclosed by an 8' zinc-coated chain-link security fence.
According to Ron Mock, Bellingham Marine's Senior Project Manager, "the new kayak launch was a very interesting concept. It was designed to allow water access for every person in the Blu Harbor community without sacrificing the security concerns of boaters who rent slips at the marina."
The kayak launch is located at the base of an 80' ADA compliant gangway. This is the marina's only point of access. When asked about placing the kayak launch here, Eric Noegel, Bellingham Marine's Manager of Project Development said, "whenever you are working with limited space, square-footage is at a premium. The dock design and layout are as important as the construction of the structure itself. Innovative design concepts allow marinas to maximize useable space without sacrificing slip count."
The security fence is mounted directly to the concrete dock system and surrounds the entire kayak launch. Boaters who wish to access the neighboring slips may do so by entering their unique code on the keyless entry lock.
The Blu Harbor community, which includes over 400 apartments on 10 acres of land, wanted to provide recreational kayak access to everyone, not just avid boaters who have the financial means to own a boat and rent a slip. Blu Harbor's "single point of access" design nurtures a sense of community that radiates throughout the entire marina. In an industry that is often defined by exclusivity, the Blu Harbor Marina is a welcomed change from the status quo.
"This dock design allows everyone in the community to feel a sense of connection to the marina. People get excited about the possibility of going out on the water with their friends, even if they don't rent a slip. They really feel included in the marina experience," said Bellingham Marine's Eric Noegel.
In addition to the 50' long kayak launch, the Blu Harbor community enjoys a pool, spa, fitness/cardio studios and outdoor showers. The Blu Harbor Marina has become the premier destination for social boaters in Redwood City.
Meeco Sullivan designs, manufactures and installs several different wave attenuator systems specially engineered to handle a broad range of design and environmental concerns in both coastal and inland locations. For more information contact James "J" Mills, Meeco Sullivan LLC, Western Region Sales Manager, RME at or call (209) 452-2475.
CA-CSLB General Engineering Contractor License #1043598.
OPYC Wave Attenuator Installed in Place
Ogden - Pineview Yacht Club Attenuator Under Construction, Pineview, UT
Lucerne Valley Marina, Flaming Gorge, UT
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
Commercial Global Insurance Services
Maritime Program Group
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
Last week's 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show that was held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines was a huge success! Besides your Board of Directors who helped with the planning of the topics and speakers, there are many others that need to be recognized. Pat Bagan and Megan Timms did a wonderful job of keeping the registration desk running smoothly so that I could deal with the items that tend to slow the process down in a separate area.
Bryan Plante from Marina Harbor Anchorage worked alongside RJ Lorenzi to learn the ins and outs of the annual golf tournament to make it a smooth transition and a wonderful day of golf for those who played! RJ, thank you for your many years of handling the tournament! Bryan, I look forward to all of your new ideas for future tournaments!
Barbara Galgiani from LP Insurance Services has been coordinating the Marina Tour for several years now and has a perfect record of not losing one attendee on the route! All kidding aside, I always hear great things about how she runs the tour and without her leadership, it would be impossible to include it in our pre conference events!
One of the new things at this year's Conference was the move to our New Conference App. Leith Thomas from California Yacht Marina (and MRA board member) worked diligently with the App company in creating the App. Without his many hours of work, the App would not have been as good as it turned out. I will admit that I am not very tech saavy and had a hard time during the process of it being put together, but once it was up and running could see the benefit! Thank you Leith!
There are many more that play a part in this event and to those I may have missed, I truly appreciate everything you have done to make the conference a success!
There are items being planned including California Boating Congress which will take place in March 2020. Once the dates have been set, we will send out the announcement. We are also working on Regional Training Seminars for Winter and Spring 2020.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Quick Links
* Marina Search
ArticleNautical News - September 2019 see more
September 2019
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
As we head into October, we are on the doorstep of San Diego. I am so excited for this conference for a number of reasons. Foremost, I will get to spend time with many of you, which is the best part of the conference for me. In our busy and geographically separated lives, it is the one time during the year where we socialize, discuss the ups and downs of the industry, and learn new ownership/management ideas along the way. In addition, it is in one of the best parts of the State - San Diego. While I have come to love the Channel Islands Harbor, San Diego is San Diego! Lastly, it gives me a chance to get out of "the office" and relax - a little. I hope you are planning to attend. There is still time to register, and in my case try to improve my golf game.
Another facet about the annual conference is the changing of the guard on the Board. You probably do not know, but the MRA presidency changes hands immediately after the annual conference, and I will be handing the gavel to Scott Robertson during the Board meeting immediately following the close of the conference. As is the progression in the by-laws, I have served for two years as the vice president, whose primary duty is planning the annual conference, and two years as the president. There is a lot of work involved, but it has been very enjoyable. I know Scott will do a great job, and I am so ready to take a step backwards into my role as immediate past president. That is an active position, so I will definitely stay engaged.
One of the areas I want to focus on in the next two years is the Division of Boating and Waterways. We as an Association have for many years fought to protect the boating funds, which we as an industry generate, from raids for non-boating purposes. This fight dates back to Governor Wilson. Unfortunately, the funds are drying up, and it is imperative that the industry stay involved to protect the valuable programs these funds provide.
It has been a pleasure serving as your president, and I want to stress, as I have throughout my presidency, the membership in our Association has a role in keeping the MRA as a first-class organization. While we have a fantastic Board, with a wealth of knowledge and a diversity of experience, your input is invaluable. Never hesitate to let the Board know what education you want to see, what industry problems you are experiencing, or what governmental regulations or programs you are struggling with or benefitting from, and it is very possible your Marine Recreation Association can be of assistance.
Finally, I want to thank the Board and Mariann Timms. It is a comfort as the President knowing that you have such a professional Board behind you, and nothing happens in this Association without the knowledge, dedication and hard work of Mariann, the glue that holds it all together.
As always, may you have great navigating into the future.
The Power of WE - Growing and Investing in our Most Valuable Resources . . .
Growth in the marine industry manifests itself not only through investing in properties, marketing, and enhanced business practices, but also through our investment of time, training, and capital in our people assets.
The MRA Conference & Trade Show has always focused on strategies for improving customer service and satisfaction by enhancing employee performance, and this year's 48th annual Conference will continue that important focus on employee development.
Brad Alesi, Chief Marketing Officer, Safe Harbor Marinas, will present a seminar session on Tuesday, October 22nd, at 2:15 PM, covering Safe Harbor Marinas' focus and active strategy for investing in their employees as a key component of their company's growth. The organization's innovative perspective on growth manifests itself in the belief that their people are their most valuable asset, and Brad will cover some of the key initiatives implemented to enhance a company culture that actively supports employee development, career advancement, and compensation growth for all employees.
Safe Harbor Marinas is both the world's largest owner and operator of marinas and an industry trailblazer in their approach to fundamental business practices, and this seminar will provide some thought-provoking insight into employee training, development, and motivation.
The 2019, 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show will run for three days (October 21 - 23) with more than thirty educational seminars and special presentations focused on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars, and an expansive Trade Show featuring more than fifty industry vendors and services will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability . . . all taking place at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel Conference Center in sunny San Diego.
Register Today At USMCA, Support American Boat Building
Congress is back to work and they have an opportunity to ensure free and fair trade in North America continues. Let's make sure they do just that. Tell Congress it's time to approve the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
The continued success of the recreational boating industry depends on our critical North American partnerships - 40% of annual U.S. boat and engine exports go to Canada and Mexico, and nearly 20% of U.S. boat and engine imports come from those two countries.
USMCA is good for boating because it:- Maintains rules of origin for boats and engines;
- Reduces burdensome regulations;
- Protects intellectual property and extends copyright terms;
- Ensures long-term stability for business planning;
- And more.
You are the boating industry's best advocate. And with your help, we can get this vital trade deal across the finish line.
Contact your members of Congress today and tell them to support USMCA.Boating United is the grassroots platform of the recreational boating industry. It is comprised of boating manufacturers, businesses and supporters who share the common goal of protecting and promoting the industry. Take action, learn about the issues and more at
Take the 2019 Annual Marina/Boatyard Industry Survey
Have you taken the Annual Marina Industry Trends Survey?
We want to know how 2019 was for your business. What were your occupancy rates, revenues, expenses, and did you have a profitable year? Please take a few minutes to contribute to these important industry statistics.
The results will appear in the MDA December 2019 and the January / February 2020 issues.
Save the Date for the San Mateo County Marine Flare Pilot Collection Event!
New State of the Art Match-Cast Platform, Home of the USCG Hawksbill
United States Coast Guard Station, Monterey
The United States Coast Guard recently updated a portion of their floating dock system at USCG Station Monterey. The dock will serve as the home of the HAWKSBILL, an 87' patrol boat designed for search and rescue, law enforcement, and fisheries patrols, as well as drug interdiction, illegal alien interdiction duties and homeland security duties up to 200 miles off shore.
Bellingham Marine supplied and installed their state-of-the-art concrete floating dock system. The new dock, measuring over 100' in length, utilized match-cast, post-tensioned floating concrete technology.
Match-cast refers to the process of casting one float and then casting its neighbor utilizing the side of the adjacent float as a form. Low-profile shear keys are cast into the concrete. Much like Legos®, the keys interlock when the platform is assembled. These keys provide perfect alignment and tremendous torsional strength. The result is impressive: all gaps are closed tight and everything fits with precision. Once assembled, the match-cast platform is essentially a single structural unit.
Eric Noegel, Bellingham Marine Manager of Project Development, SW Division, said "For versatility, it's hard to beat match-cast technology. It is the foundation of Bellingham's modern floating platforms. These are the most technologically advanced floating structures you can build in terms of stability, strength and longevity".
One of the more unique aspects of this project was the need for a marine grade aluminum mammal barrier. The floating dock system at USCG Station, Monterey resides in Monterey Bay. This area is renowned for its abundant marine mammal wildlife including California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals and Elephant Seals. These animals, though a fun site for observing tourists, can be a considerable nuisance for dock owners. Sea Lions and seals are notorious for impeding operations and causing damage to floating infrastructure. Additionally, the Marine Mammal Protection Act only allows port captains and harbormasters to "safely deter marine mammals, as long as such acts of deterrence do not result in the injury or mortality of a marine mammal." As such, the 4' 2" tall aluminum barrier is a viable solution to reduce extreme loads of gathering mammals.
Scribble Software Releases New Cloud-Based Point-of-Sale Solution
Award Winning Marina Management Solution Provider Introduces New Cloud-Based POS Solution
ScribbleSoftwareInc. , a leading provider of business management solutions for the marina industry, announced the release of MARINAGOOfficePoint-of-Sale(POS) , the next phase of the MARINAGO Office next-generation cloud-based management solution for the marina industry. As a cloud-based platform utilizing a SaaS model, MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale leverages the latest cloud technology and user interface (UI) techniques revolutionizing marina and property management.
Decades of experience and thousands of customers using Scribble Software's solutions have provided the knowledge and experience necessary to envision future needs and requirements for the marina industry. This solid foundation in marina management operations has provided the necessary experience to expand the features and functionality of the MARINAGO Office Suite to include a state-of-the-art full featured point-of-sale solution.
The MARINAGO Office Suite is a multi-phase project designed to completely manage all aspects of marinas. The new release expands the feature set to include a cloud-based touch-screen friendly point-of-sale module for marina operations offering a ships store, fuel dock, gift shop or other retail related environment. An enterprise level approach was taken, meeting the needs of all size properties including the smallest family owned marina to the corporate conglomerate operating numerous locations. Each property can be individually managed and operated while remaining within the central corporate company entity. This allows the use of a centralized customer and vessel list within the company where individual customers and vessels may be linked and used at specific company-owned properties.
The MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale fully embraces cloud-based technology by utilizing the Star cloudPRNT technology that allows the printing of sales receipts from anywhere and from any device. Scribble Software and Star Micronics worked closely together to fulfill the goal for the MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale to produce fully cloud-based receipt printing technology.
"We have continued to develop and expand the functionality of the MARINAGO Office Suite to include a full-featured point-of-sale module and are excited to release it to our customers," says Vance Young, Director of Technology at Scribble Software. "The release of the MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale exemplifies our core philosophy of providing comprehensive solutions for the marina industry."
"We are thrilled that Scribble Software has chosen Star for their new MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale solution," says Christophe Naasz, Director of Business Development for Star Micronics. "Scribble has been a long-time partner of Star Micronics and they continue to provide innovative and modern solutions to solve all the needs of their customers. With our CloudPRNT technology and mC-Print3, we are confident that MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale will help marinas to operate with more efficiency."
Key features of the MARINAGO Office Point-of-Sale include:- 100% cloud-based
- Multiple property support
- Touchscreen user interface
- Highly configurable
- Bar code scanner support
- House account ticket charges
- Print and email receipts
- Print receipts from any device with Star cloudPRNT
- Auto opening cash drawer
- Customized payment methods
- Integrated PCI / EMV credit card processing
- Multi-currency support
About Scribble Software Inc.
Scribble Software Inc. is a leading management solution provider for the marina industry and is located in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Scribble Software produces and markets the MarinaOffice Suite of Solutions, a leading marina management software solution used throughout the globe, as well as a growing array of both cloud-based and mobile solutions. Scribble has risen as a leader in providing management solutions for the marina industry with the focus on providing solutions for all areas and departments of marinas. Scribble Software takes great pride in developing end-to-end enterprise level solutions backed by a support team second to none. For more information, visit
About Star Micronics
Star Micronics, one of the world's largest POS providers, has designated a portfolio of printing, secure cash management, and customer engagement solutions for any retail or hospitality establishment in POS and mPOS environments. Embracing the mobility wave, Star's complimentary SDKs allow users to utilize Star printers in tandem with Android™, iOS iPad®, and iPhone® devices to generate receipts for all of its printers. Always leading, and always innovating, Star Micronics enables web-based printing solutions including remote cloud printing, wireless cash drawer solutions, proximity-based printing, and secure cash management. For more information, visit
Contact Information
Kenny Mass
Scribble Software Inc. http://www.scribblesoftware.com804-427-8100
Golden Boat Lifts Appoints CFO/COO
Contact Golden Boat Lifts, 17611 East St, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. 888-909-5438 or 239-337-4141.;
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
2Way Supply
Jabba Communications
Marina Electrical Equipment
Pine Flat Lake Marina
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
September has come to an end and Fall is finally here! I hope to see you next month in San Diego for the
48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show that will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines on October 21 - 23, 2019. Imagine the possibilities and potential for your marine operations and business as the marine industry continues to evolve in today's rapidly changing world.
One of the new things at this year's Conference is the move to our New Conference App. The APP will replace the 200 plus page programs that have been used in the past saving almost 45,000 pages of printing, all the while providing functionality and opportunities that wouldn't otherwise be available both during and after the Conference. Build a personalized schedule, find exhibitors and sessions and other events with an interactive map, schedule meetings, view and download speaker presentations and exhibitor collateral, digital surveys, leads generation with QR scanning, direct messaging and more!
The three day Conference will focus on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars and roundtable discussions covering key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns. An extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology, products, and services from industry vendors and contractors will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability.
Information is available on our website at
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Quick Links
* Marina Search
ArticleNautical News - August 2019 see more
August 2019
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
And then the summer is gone...... Labor Day will be celebrated this weekend, which is the "official" end of summer. Thankfully, in most areas of the State, September and October can be the best months on the waterfront. It is still very warm, but not scorching hot, and for those of us on the coast, we are not fighting the June gloom, which seemed to hang on until the end of July this year - at least at the Channel Islands Harbor. I know from personal experience that those inland resorts counting on family visits are slowly closing down now, and the end of the season is real. I hope you had a great (profitable) year. We should all relax a little, take advantage of great weather and the kids back in school, and reflect on how great it is to be in the marine industry.
Not much to report this month. The Board did not meet as we are all concentrating on our properties, and the elected officials take time off in the summer, so legislative activity slows as well. We have been tying up the loose ends for the conference. As a reminder, our 48th Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show is October 21-23 at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort in San Diego.
I have always relished the social component of the conference, as we are able to socialize with our many friends in the industry that we see only once a year, but it is also important that we recognize the educational component of the conference. In today's labor market, there are thousands of intelligent young adults who are trying to figure out what they want to do for their career. I have always believed that we can shape quality employees by getting them interested in the industry and then teaching them about the industry and how to succeed in the industry. Our annual conference is a golden opportunity to let young employees see how exciting the marine industry is and what a great industry it is for a career. Take advantage of the experts who speak at the conference, and take advantage of the peer interaction to "sell" your young employees on a career in the industry, and motivate them to learn as much as they can and excel in the marine industry.
As always, may you have great navigating into the future.
Optimize Your Capital Improvement Project Planning and Results . . .
Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) in the marine industry are rarely the same in scope and/or desired results, and cookie-cutter solutions rarely produce the best project improvements and economic benefits. One common factor that all CIPs do share however, is that they all cost a LOT of money.
Return on Investment is a critical element of all successful capital improvement
projects, and asking the right questions is key. How much will it cost? Will it pay back over time, and how much?
And how soon will it pay a return? Answering these questions will help answer the biggest question of
all; "How do we pay for this?" But understanding
and maximizing the potential ROI on a capital expenditure is not always an intuitive and easy process, and getting good answers requires some analysis and planning.
James "J" Mills, Western Regional Sales Manager, RME, Meeco Sullivan, LLC, will present a seminar session on Tuesday, October 22nd, at 2:15 PM, at this year's MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, covering "Planning, Designing, and Paying-For your next Capital Improvement Project". J. has been involved in the commercial and recreational marine industry for more than twenty years as a manager, consultant, and contractor, and has directed the operations, planning, and capital improvements for numerous coastal and inland marine facilities.
This presentation will provide examples of the planning and design process along with some of the key analysis and planning tools used to develop critical information leading to the optimum capital improvement project and ROI. The presentation will also provide examples of several marine facility renovation projects illustrating some potential pitfalls to be avoided.
The 2019, 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show will run for
three days (October 21 - 23) with more than thirty educational seminars and special presentations focused on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars, and an expansive Trade Show featuring more than fifty industry vendors and services will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability . . . all taking place at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel Conference Center in sunny San Diego.
Register Today
Submissions for the 2019 MRA Innovation Award are now being accepted by the Marine Recreation Association.
Call for Candidates on the Board of Directors
For the Marine Recreation Association
The Marine Recreation Association is currently seeking candidates for its Board of Directors. The Board provides the energy and direction for programs and services for our membership. Board members serve a vital role in establishing policy and providing guidance to committees and staff.
To ensure a quality Board, MRA seeks leadership from dedicated individuals who concur with and will commit to the following requirements:
- Applicants must be members in good standing.
- Serve a two-year term (commences October 2019 and ends October 2021).
- Attend quarterly Board meetings.
- Be willing to serve on at least one committee in addition to the Board.
- Attend the annual planning meeting and participate in the development of the upcoming year's goals and expectations.
- Become familiar and informed with MRA's programs and benefits.
Serve as ambassador for the Association and assist in recruiting new members.
Board Members whose terms will expire this year are: Jim Hayes, Paul Kaplan, Nathan Merkle, Kate Pearson, Arron Pellarin, Gregg Reynolds, Scott Robertson, Mark Sanders, and Mark Sandoval.
The following members whose term will expire this year and have indicated an interest in being nominated and will be placed on the ballot: Jim Hayes, Paul Kaplan, Nathan Merkle, Kate Pearson , Arron Pellarin, Gregg Reynolds, Scott Robertson, Mark Sanders, and Mark Sandoval.
If you are interested in serving on the Board, please complete the following and include a photo and brief paragraph about yourself (see below) and send it to Mariann Timms via e-mail no later than September 18, 2019.
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Business: _______________________________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________________________________________
e-mail: _________________________________________________________________
The Executive Committee will review all applications. Voting ballots will be sent out by September 20, 2019. The Annual Installation of new Board Members and Officers will take place on Tuesday, October 21, 2019 at The Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone 209.334.0661, facsimile 209.334.6876 or e-mail:
Mariann Timms
Please provide a brief paragraph about yourself, including a few words on your work history and why you would like to serve on the Board of the Marine Recreation Association as well as a color photo (headshot). We will provide the following information for each candidate, please just add additional information.
Your Name
Your Marina Name
Your Marina location
Here is an example:
I have been in the marina industry for 30 years, 5 of which I have been general manager of Smith Valley Marina in Timbuktwo. Prior to that, I was part of the Arizona Yacht Company's team of managers and worked as a boat salesman for many years.
If elected to the Board of the Marine Recreation Association, my experience in handling the finances and operation of Smith Valley gives me the experience needed to assist in the business management of the Association. I deal with government regulators on nearly a weekly basis, and have successful strategies to share. I have ideas on improving and streamlining the annual educational conference. Our marina produces a monthly newsletter and I am well versed in methods to improve communication between our board and its membership. I understand that serving on the Board will require a time commitment and am willing to take the time to contribute. I would appreciate your vote!
Grant Applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education and Outreach Program Due on October 14, 2019
The California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) is accepting grant applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education and Outreach Program. A maximum of $262,000 of federal funding per targeted region is available to organizations for educating coastal and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta boaters about proper vessel sewage disposal, the use of pumpout facilities, and to monitor pumpout stations in the identified regions. The deadline to submit applications is Oct. 14, 2019 at 10 am.
Information on the Grant Program, as well as the 2019 grant application, requirements and complete guidelines packet are available here.
Submit hard copies to:
California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways Clean Vessel Education and Outreach Grant Program
Attn: Deborah Holmes
One Capitol Mall
Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814Email submittals shall be sent to and
As part of DBW's commitment to provide clean, safe, and enjoyable recreational boating in California, DBW serves as the state CVA Program Grant Coordinator. This grant program serves as an important educational opportunity for organizations to inform the recreational boating community about sewage related issues, impacts, resources available to them, and proper vessel sewage disposal practices to encourage the use of pumpout facilities and mobile pumpout services.
The program targets the following two geographic regions in California (inland work performed beyond the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta area does not qualify for grant funding):
* San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary: San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Marin, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.
* Southern California Coastal Counties: Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties.DBW will fund two grants (one for each targeted California geographic region) that will develop and implement a 12 month Clean Vessel Act Boater Education and Outreach Program for each of the two targeted geographic regions mentioned above. Each regional grant must include: 1) education and outreach and 2) monitoring. Applications will be evaluated and ranked according to how each application proposal demonstrates comprehensive and proven methods for meeting grant program goals.
In the last grant cycle, some highlights and accomplishments include:
* participating in 8 boating events and conducting 18 clean boating seminars sharing clean boating practices to reduce boat sewage impacts with over 2,300 boaters;
* distributing over 7,860 clean boating publications promoting sewage best management practices;
* distributing over 300 universal deck fitting adapter kits;
* developing and promoting the first in the nation and award winning sewage pumpout Nav App (over 8,645 downloads since March 2018). This App helps boaters locate nearby functioning sewage pumpout stations and displays cost, hours, and location within the marina
* monitoring 150 sewage pumpouts in 19 counties. Monitoring provide effective means to encourage better maintenance and accountability for the pumpouts condition.Grant funded by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways with funding provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund.
New Wildfire Smoke Regulation in California
Following two of the most devastating fire seasons in California's history, Cal/OSHA has adopted an emergency regulation to protect workers from the effects of wildfire smoke. The regulation took effect July 29, and sets forth new requirements for employers.
- Monitor the Air Quality Index (AQI) for particulate matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) in regions where workers are located. One way to check the AQI in your specific region is with the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Now tool. Just enter a ZIP code for the air quality reading for your workplace region. Be sure to check your area's AQI throughout each day.
- Take steps to reduce exposure to smoke when the AQI for PM 2.5 is above 150. In this case, you should consider relocating employees to an enclosed building with filtered air. You should also make sure the air filters are clean, replace them if necessary, and check with an HVAC technician to make sure air conditioning units are working properly. You can also send them to a different location where the AQI for PM 2.5 is below 150.
- If you were unable to reduce PM 2.5 exposure below 150, provide respirators-rated N95 or above-for employees’ voluntary use,
- Provide training on the new regulation, health effects of wildfire smoke, and the safe use and maintenance of respirators.
As we know, wildfires are about as synonymous with California as earthquakes. And, we're getting to the time of year where the major fires have erupted in the past few years. Stock up now on the appropriate respirators and take care of any needed maintenance for your indoor location. This way, you'll be ready-and in compliance-when the new regulation goes into effect.
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for medical advice or legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
About State Fund
Established in 1914 by the state legislature, State Fund is California's most reliable provider of workers' compensation insurance and a vital asset to California businesses. State Fund supports California's entrepreneurial spirit and plays a stabilizing role in the economy by providing fairly priced workers' compensation insurance, helping California employers keep their workplaces safe, and restoring injured workers. For more information, visit
Boaters Beware: Low-Price 'Regular 88' Gas is Bad for Boats
More E15 ethanol fuel available this Labor Day holiday weekend
With more ethanol than ever before being served up at the nation's gas station pumps this Labor Day holiday weekend, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) cautions America's recreational boaters to avoid filling up with "Regular 88" fuel on recreational boating's traditional last summer hurrah. That's because the latest gasoline blend may contain up to 15% ethanol (E15) -
enough to harm the boat motor and void the engine manufactures warranty.The nation's recreational boating advocacy, services and safety group says the increased potential for misfueling this holiday weekend is a combination of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recent elimination of the three-and-a-half-month blackout period on the sale of E15 fuel in the summer months along with more gas stations carrying blends greater than 10% ethanol (E10) fuel at the pump. E15 fuel is often one of the lower-priced fuel options, and that may be appealing even with its lower energy content.
With a lack of consumer-friendly labeling at the pumps, BoatUS says dispensing E15 fuel accidentally into a boat's fuel system is a concern. "Most recreational boaters refuel their vessels at roadside gas stations where pump-labeling requirements are minimal with just a small orange E15 warning label," said BoatUS Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy. "You add the clutter of video screens; signage advertising coffee, donuts and car washes; fuel pricing; and other myriad pump information, and consumers can become distracted. Before you know it, you have unfortunately put the wrong fuel in your boat."
The increased use of ethanol in gasoline is a result of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that requires the blending of biofuels such as corn-ethanol into the nation's fuel supply. When the law was passed in 2005, lawmakers assumed that America's use of gasoline would continue to grow. Since then, however, gasoline usage has not increased as forecast, which today forces more ethanol into each gallon of gas. To send a message to the President and your members of Congress to fix the RFS, boaters can go to
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
Elegant Post-Tensioned Concrete Dock Draws Thousands to Lake Washington
Meydenbauer Community Park (Bellevue, Washington)
The City of Bellevue and Bellingham Marine have transformed Bellevue into the preferred waterfront destination on Lake Washington. Bellingham Marine constructed a floating curved pedestrian pier at the Meydenbauer Community Park. It perfectly integrates beautiful downtown Bellevue and Lake Washington. This one of a kind, iconic feature has catapulted the city of Bellevue as a "must-see" destination for tourists.
(photo credit:
- Bellevue Mayor John Chelminiak-
The distinctive 270' long, 10' wide curved structure offers:
- Safe public access for paddle craft
- ADA accessible kayak launch
- 25' diameter viewing platform
- Protection for swimmers and beach goers
The engineering and construction team considered multiple factors when determining how to best protect the park's beach and swim area. A 3' wave height and considerable boat traffic played a significant role in the final design and shape of the pier.
In order to accommodate the unique design concept, Bellingham Marine constructed a heavy duty, post-tensioned modular system. Heavy duty, post-tensioned structures are the most technologically advanced floating structures you can build. Benefits include:
- Virtually no maintenance required
- Structure performs as single unit, reducing deflection
- 70+ year service life
Bellingham Marine built the pier to withstand the dynamic wave environment of Lake Washington and the traffic of flocking tourists. As such, the project is a fiscal "slam dunk" for the city of Bellevue. Not only will the unique design bring a surge in tourism revenue, but the robust pier construction alleviates the need for excessive maintenance or massive capital expenditure reserves.
When Bellingham Marine Manager of Project Development, NW Division, Jim Engen was asked about the unique Meydenbauer Community Park Project, he said "The concrete floating pedestrian pier was a challenging project that required Bellingham Marine's engineering expertise and experience. It was customized to the city of Bellevue's unique needs. The site-specific design was the only way to ensure the pier was properly built and able to provide the desired level of protection and service life. And let's face it, it looks fantastic! The stunning addition will forever be a source of pride for the community."
*** Bellingham Marine was responsible for the structural design of the Meydenbauer concrete floating pedestrian pier, including manufacture, assembly and delivery of all dock components. Bellingham Marine manufactured the match-cast, concrete modules in the company's PCI certified plant in Ferndale, Washington. ***
Meeco Sullivan Hires Accomplished
Sales & Marketing Executive to Support Growth PlansMeeco Sullivan announced the hiring of Dennis Wilson as Vice President, National Sales Manager effective August 5, 2019. Peter Ladouceur, President of Meeco Sullivan, noted "We are very pleased to have a sales leader of Dennis' caliber join our management team and excited about the diverse sales and marketing expertise and professionalism he will bring to both our sales team and our growing organization."
Dennis has a proven track record with Fortune 500 global business-to-business marketers over the past 23 years in roles as Director of Worldwide Sales, Vice President of Sales & Marketing and Director of Sales & Marketing. Mr. Wilson's background includes expertise in the technical industrial, engineered products and capital equipment business sectors among others and he has a solid reputation as a "growth specialist" who drives sales initiatives and pioneers successful marketing campaigns.
Dennis is a strong leader with a comprehensive background leading and managing direct sales teams, indirect sales channels, international sales teams and manufacturing rep organizations. Plus, he has created and delivered sales management training programs, product training seminars, and channel management and development programs. Dennis has also been recognized with multiple achievement awards for excellence in sales and marketing throughout his career.
Mr. Wilson holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing from LaSalle University and has completed several MBA level and Executive Management and Development Courses and Leadership Programs.
MEECO SULLIVAN is a leading supplier of freshwater and saltwater marinas and floating dock systems. Their product offering includes Meeco Galvanized Steel Dock Systems, Atlantic Glulam Timber Dock Systems, Sullivan Timber Dock Systems, Wahoo Aluminum Dock Systems, Wave Attenuators, Rowing Docks, Wahoo Residential Docks and Service Docks/Platforms. With over 140 years of floating dock and marina experience, they are a recognized pioneer and leader in the design and construction of floating dock systems with thousands of marine installations worldwide. To learn more please visit For more information contact Peter Ladouceur at
Golden Manufacturing was named as one of the top 500 companies in Florida by
Business Observer. Additionally, it's a finalist for the 2019 Manufacturer of the Year Award to be presented by the Horizon Council and Lee County Economic Development Office.
"Last year we went through the rigorous process to earn ISO 9001:2015 certification, which emphasizes risk management and customer satisfaction," said Bill Golden, president and CEO. "These honors are a testament to the hard work and dedication our entire team has made to manufacturing at the highest level." Golden Boat Lifts is the only aluminum frame boat lift company to hold this high accreditation.
The exclusive 2019 Business Observer Top 500 recognizes South Florida companies whose community involvement betters business and civic life in the region. Business Observer is a weekly newspaper for Gulf Coast business leaders and entrepreneurs.
The 2019 Manufacturer of the Year Award recognizes a local Lee County company that demonstrates leadership growth, profitability and workforce relations excellence. The honor will be announced at an October event in Bonita Springs, Florida.
Contact Golden Boat Lifts, 17611 East St, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. 888-909-5438 or 239-337-4141.;
Welcome New Members
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
EKI Environment & Water, Inc.
Impact Absorbents, Inc.
Willow Beach Marina / Black Cyn River Adv.
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
Only Seven weeks until Conference time!
It's Not Too Late To Register for th 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show that will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines on October 21 - 23, 2019. Imagine the possibilities and potential for your marine operations and business as the marine industry continues to evolve in today's rapidly changing world.
The three day Conference will focus on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars and roundtable discussions covering key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns. An extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology, products, and services from industry vendors and contractors will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability.
Information is available on our website at
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
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ArticleNautical News - July 2019 see more
July 2019
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
The Fourth of July is in our rearview mirror and we are squarely in summer. My first Fourth at my new home, the Channel Islands Harbor, was a wonderful celebration, and it underscores the fact that we live in one of the best areas of the best country in the world. While the street parade, boat parade, market and fair, and of course the great fireworks show were all festive and fun, it was the sense of patriotism that really hit home for me. With all of the divisiveness in the country nowadays, it seems to me that we should all get together and push the make the USA even greater than it is today.
For the past year, my focus has been on the oceanfront, as I am now back in that sector of the industry. My thoughts, however, have not ventured too far from the inland waterways, which count on business in the summer months to carry the entire year. I have queried some of our owners/operators and found that it has been a great year so far, which is wonderful news for our inland partners. From what I am hearing, the water levels are great, the weather has been wonderful, and gas prices are staying down. In addition, despite the political ridiculousness, people in general are feeling pretty good about life which always bodes well for vacations and general spending of discretionary funds for outdoor recreation.
Finally, we are about three months from our 48th Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show in San Diego. As a reminder, the dates are October 21-23 at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort. We continue to put the final touches on the conference, and it is shaping up as a very exciting event. I highly recommend that you participate in one of the Monday events, either the golf tournament at the beautiful Torrey Pines course or the marina and boatyard tour. I have cleaned up my clubs, and while they look good, my swing does not - thankfully I still have time to practice. Of course, we are again offering the Introduction to Basic Marina Operations series, which is a wonderful training opportunity for individuals new to the industry. I hope to see you in San Diego.
As always, may you have great navigating into the future.
Submissions for the 2019 MRA Innovation Award are now being accepted by the Marine Recreation Association.
California Boating & Waterways Commission Meeting
Save the Date August 41 - 15, 2019 in Nevada County
3 Simple Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste and Pollution When Boating
From the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water
Each year, an estimated 18 billion pounds of plastic is dumped into our oceans from coastal regions. According to a study by the World Economic Forum, at the current rate of pollution, there will be more plastics than fish, by weight, in the ocean by 2050. To help reverse this trend, here are three tips from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water to help boaters reduce plastic waste and pollution while on the water.
- Pack for the boat trip: Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic, less than 5mm in size, that are the result of larger plastic products partially decomposing from sunlight, heat and wave action. While we haven't seen the full effects on humans consuming fish and other marine species contaminated with microplastics, studies show that ingested microplastics can seriously damage marine organisms. One of the simplest ways to reduce plastics aboard your boat is to fill up and carry aboard (or stash in a cooler) an insulated container that can hold enough cold water for the day instead of buying individual bottles. Invest in a set of non-breakable plates, cutlery, and food and drink containers to limit single-use plastics aboard. These efforts won't break the bank, don't take a lot of extra effort, and can pay big dividends for boaters and the environment in the long-term.
- Get your crew involved: Before heading out, provide your crew with a pre-departure briefing and remind them not to put anything overboard. Boats are notoriously windy places, and popular, crowded summer anchorages are particularly prone to wind-driven pollution. When underway, secure possessions as well as any trash below deck or in a storage container. If anything is lost overboard, or if you come across plastic pollution such as a deflated birthday balloon, and conditions permit, it may be a good opportunity - and good practice - for the captain and crew to safely conduct a man-overboard drill to retrieve the item.
- Recycle: If your family gets you a fishfinder, a pair of shiny, new boat fenders, or a new boat doodad for your birthday or other event, thank them profusely but unwrap the gift at home and recycle the gift's packaging if possible. If your marina or boat club doesn't have a recycling program for plastics and other recyclables, ask about starting one. Ensure all your boating guests know where recyclables go. When fishing, do your best to retrieve fishing line snags, and when respooling, recycle the old line instead of throwing it in the trash.
About the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water:
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is a national leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating. Funded primarily by donations from the more than half-million members of Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), the nonprofit provides innovative educational outreach directly to boaters and anglers with the aim of reducing accidents and fatalities, increasing stewardship of America's waterways and keeping boating safe for all. A range of boating safety courses - including 36 Free State courses - can be found at
Tiger Dock Completes Phase 2 of Renovations on Lake Don Pedro
Tiger Docks has completed its second phase of renovations at Lake Don Pedro Marina in LaGrange, California. The 43 year old marina, which was purchased by Suntex in 2017, sits in the Sierra Nevada foothills. With nearly 13,000 acres of water, the marina sees plenty of boating activists. In an effort to keep up with boaters needs, they wanted to add a new rental dock, replace more of the existing marina slips to accommodate larger boats, and update the infrastructure. Construction on phase one was completed by Tiger Docks last spring and consisted of replacing B-Dock with a new 56 slip section and a new floating ADA walkway. This second phase will add 60 new rental slips by installing a 453' A-Dock that will have forty 12' x 24' slips, and twenty 12' x 26' slips. Since house boat rentals are extremely popular on Lake Don Pedro, Suntex wanted Tiger Docks to design a new rental dock for their boat club to accommodate their house boat fleet as well as a variety of other rentals. This rental dock is a two hundred thirty-seven foot finger that includes uncovered double slips on one side for the larger house boats. The other side has over seven thousand square foot of covered dock section to dock a variety of rental boats. This makes it much easier for clients and staff alike to access the fleet and keep things organized to one area.
To further assist the marina the power pedestals of choice were HyPower's PowerPort and EnergyMate. The MarineSynch remote utility monitoring system, or RUM system, was installed in most units. Director of HyPower Sales, Eric Farley, explains "With the changing power need for boats, an increase in transient traffic, and the power needs on the boat rental dock, our system gives the marina the ability to get the right power where they need it, when they need it. This is not only an advantage in the market place but will also reduce their operating costs."
Tiger Docks COO Nick Davis was onsite to oversee all construction during phase two. Nick shared "The biggest challenge on the project was working around the existing anchoring system with a water depth of over 100' deep, while integrating all the new anchors in and around the outdated system." Tiger Docks was able to remove the outdated docks, assemble and install the two new dock sections, and integrate new anchoring, all while keeping the marina functional during construction.
When we asked Suntex Regional Director, Brian Keelan, about why he chose Tiger Docks for their project he stated. "We have been extremely pleased with not only the quality of the work performed but the professionalism and courtesy the installation team showed our members and staff." Brian went on to say "Being the second part of our three part strategy to rebuild, Tiger Docks once again came in under budget, finished before the deadline and have been responsive to change requests.We look forward to a long relationship with Tiger Docks as we continue to expand in California."
Jason Howarth, VP of Commercial Sales & Project Development remarked "To us Suntex isn't a customer, they are a partner. We work together to plan projects that will not only fit within their bottom line but will also give the best overall experience that their customers have come to expect. We truly value our relationship and we look forward to a bright future."
Lake Don Pedro is a reservoir with 160 miles of shoreline. Besides boat rentals, Lake Don Pedro Marina is a full-service marina that includes slip rentals, repair shop, dry storage, café, and a convenience store. The marina can accommodate boats up to 70' in length. There is also a campground located on the west shore.
Dockwa Brings Time Savings, Improved Customer Experience to Dry Storage
Dockwa, the makers of free marina management software used by marinas throughout the U.S. and Caribbean, has expanded its software to support marine businesses that offer dry storage. With square-footage pricing, storage inventory management, and automated storage requests, Dockwa now gives dry-storage facilities the same time savings and improved guest experiences that have made the platform so popular with wet storage businesses.
This expansion comes on the heels of Dockwa's largest push to date within the marina management space, the release of their long-term billing and contract management tool, Dockwa Contracts. Dockwa's continued focus on empowering marina managers with simple, affordable, and effective tools signals the company's continued commitment to being the most innovative marina management system in the industry.
"Dry storage represents a large part of business operations for many marinas," said Jeremy Crane, Dockwa's VP of Product Development. "Often, dry storage far surpasses the marina's wet slip storage, and is often more complex to manage than wet slips. The Tetris-like game of space allocation becomes three dimensional, and maintaining operational efficiency and financial accountability becomes increasingly difficult. Manual pricing, chasing down payments, and billing calculations are the last thing the marina staff should be worrying about."
When asked what sets them apart from the other marina management systems on the market, Crane cited the power of the Dockwa Boater Network. One of the largest groups of boaters in the world, the Dockwa Boater Network is comprised of the hundreds of thousands of boaters who use Dockwa to research and book boat storage, wet or dry, short or long term. These boaters prefer using Dockwa due to the ease and reliability of the booking experience, transparent pricing, and quality of information.
With the addition of Dockwa's dry storage support, marina staff have the ability to let boaters request dry storage directly from the marina's website. These requests will appear in the marina's Dockwa dashboard, alongside requests for transient dockage, for simple and immediate confirmation and payment collection.
The 850+ marinas currently using Dockwa to manage their marina will see the Dry Storage functionality in their dashboards. Marinas interested in using Dockwa's free software for dry storage management, long-term dockage management, and/or transient reservation requests, can request a quick walkthrough of the system by visiting at
About Dockwa
Founded in May 2015, Dockwa is an award-winning unified marina reservation platform which connects boaters to marinas in real time, online and by app. Boaters download the free iOS or Android app or log in online, and then search, explore, reserve, and pay for their reservations in a matter of minutes. Marinas then use the Dockwa platform to confirm the reservation, collect payment, and deposit the customer's information into their intelligent database with a single click.
Headquartered in Newport, RI and Cambridge, MA, Dockwa rapidly expanded along the Eastern Seaboard in its first year, and has since expanded into the Great Lakes region, the West Coast, and beyond. Dockwa now has with a growing marina network of more than 850 marinas and hundreds of thousands of boaters.
For more information, visit: and follow on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Eclipse Property Management/Embarcadero Cove Marina
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
We are on the downhill side of Summer....where did the time go?
Register Now for 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show that will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines on October 21 - 23, 2019. Imagine the possibilities and potential for your marine operations and business as the marine industry continues to evolve in today's rapidly changing world.
The three day Conference will focus on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars and roundtable discussions covering key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns. An extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology, products, and services from industry vendors and contractors will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability.
Information is available on our website at
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator