Marine Recreation Association posted an articleApril E Newsletter 2021 see more
April 2021
To all our valued members,
We are gearing up for our first Educational Conference in two years. It will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines in San Diego. Your board of directors recently went through conference details and I got excited about the quality of the general sessions and breakout sessions.This year’s pre conference events in the works are a possible behind the scenes tour of Scripps Institute, play the South Course at Torrey Pines or attend our new Basic Marina Operations seminar that will focus on Electrical Shock Hazards and Fire Maintenance.
Ken Seipel, CEO of West Marine will provide his perspective on our industry as one of our keynote speakers and as in past years, we will have Legislative updates Nationally and for California along with an economic forecast update. We are also working on getting Robert Newsome from NMMA to provide us his opinion of the state of our industry. Robert is always informative and entertaining.
The afternoons are filled with quality breakout sessions ranging from climate change, future trends in boat design focusing on whether your marina is prepared to accommodate the boat of the future. Boat Rental Best Practices, TMDL, customer service, insurance, ADA web accessibility and more.
Each evening will provide opportunities to enjoy each other’s company and spend additional time with the vendors that support our industry. Beverages will be provided.
Look for more information to follow and take advantage of the discount for early sign up which will end June 30th.
Put October 11 through 13 on your calendar to be at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines as I have. I look forward to seeing you there.
Scott Robertson
PresidentSave The Date For The 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference And Trade Show _________________________________
MRA Bill Report
_________________________________(Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials) Hazardous waste: treated wood waste: management standards.
* Introduced: 1/27/2021
* Last Amend: 3/26/2021
* Status: 4/15/2021-Read second time. Ordered to Consent Calendar.
* Location: 4/14/2021-A. CONSENT CALENDAR
* Summary: Would require a person managing treated wood waste to comply with the hazardous waste control laws or the management standards established in the bill, including standards for the reuse, storage, treatment, transportation, tracking, identification, and disposal of treated wood waste, as provided. The bill would limit those standards to treated wood waste that is hazardous only because of a preservative present in or on the wood, and that is not subject to the existing exemption for certain wood waste or to regulation as a hazardous waste under federal law.Signed onto Support Coalition Letter on March 29.
(Boerner Horvath D) California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018: vessel information.
* Introduced: 1/27/2021
* Last Amend: 3/26/2021
* Status: Removed from Assembly Consent. Assembly 3rd reading.
* Location: 4/8/2021-Assembly Floor
* Summary: The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 grants a consumer various rights with regard to personal information relating to that consumer that is held by a business, including the right to direct a business not to sell, as defined, personal information about the consumer to third parties, as defined. This right is known as the right to opt out. The California Privacy Rights Act of 2020, approved by the voters as Proposition 24 at the November 3, 2020, statewide general election, amended, added to, and reenacted the CCPA. This bill would exempt from the right to opt out vessel information or ownership information retained or shared between a vessel dealer and the vessel’s manufacturer, if the information is shared for the purpose of effectuating or in anticipation of effectuating a vessel repair covered by a vessel warranty or a recall, as specified.Submitted support letter March 15.
4/29 Assembly Floor Leader Reyes removed AB 335 from consent. The bill received recent opposition from the ACLU. Draft Floor Alert to MRA on 4/29.
(Gonzalez, Lorena D) Biodiversity Protection and Restoration Act.
* Introduced: 2/11/2021
*Status: 4/14/2021-In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
* Location: 2/18/2021-A. A. & A.R.
* Summary: Would establish the Biodiversity Protection and Restoration Act and would provide that it is the policy of the state that all state agencies, boards, and commissions shall utilize their authorities in furtherance of the biodiversity conservation purposes and goals of certain executive orders. The bill would require all state agencies, boards, and commissions to consider and prioritize the protection of biodiversity in carrying out their statutory mandates. The bill would require strategies related to the goal of the state to conserve at least 30% of California’s land and coastal waters by 2030 to be made available to the public and provided to certain legislative committees by no later than June 30, 2022.(Villapudua D) Vessels: arrests.
* Introduced: 2/11/2021
* Status: 4/15/2021-Read second time. Ordered to Consent Calendar.
* Location: 4/14/2021-A. CONSENT CALENDAR
* Summary: Current law generally requires every undocumented vessel, as defined, using the waters or on the waters of the state to be currently numbered. The owner of each vessel requiring numbering by the state is required to, among other things, paint on or attach to each side of the forward half of the vessel the identification number, as specified. This bill would additionally require an arresting officer to permit a person arrested for various offenses, including, among others, the failure to paint on or attach to each side of the forward half of the vessel the identification number, as specified, to execute a notice, prepared by the officer in triplicate, containing a promise to correct the violation and to deliver proof of correction to the issuing agency, unless the officer finds that a disqualifying condition exists.Letter of support drafted April 27.
(Wood D) Sport fishing licenses: electronic display: 12-consecutive-month licenses.
* Introduced: 2/16/2021
* Status: 4/12/2021-From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on APPR. with recommendation: To Consent Calendar. (Ayes 15. Noes 0.) (April 8). Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
* Location: 4/8/2021-A. APPR
* Summary: Would require the Department of Fish and Wildlife, on or before January 1, 2023, to provide an option to display a sport fishing license, validation, report card, or other sport fishing entitlement issued pursuant to the Fish and Game Code or regulations adopted pursuant to this code electronically on a mobile device, except as provided. The bill would provide that a person who displays a sport fishing entitlement electronically on a mobile device in accordance with this provision shall be deemed to be in compliance with any requirement to possess or affix the entitlement.Watch.
(Bloom D) Freshwater recreation sites: water quality monitoring.
* Introduced: 2/18/2021
* Last Amend: 4/14/2021
* Status: 4/15/2021-Re-referred to Com. on E.S. & T.M.
* Location: 3/4/2021-A. E.S. & T.M.
* Summary: Current law requires the State Department of Public Health, by regulation and in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board, local health officers, and the public, to establish, maintain, and amend, as necessary, minimum standards for the sanitation of public beaches. This bill would require, on or before December 31, 2022, the California Water Quality Monitoring Council, in consultation with the department, local health officers, and the public, to propose to the board a definition of a monitored freshwater recreation site. The bill would require the board to adopt, by regulation or resolution, a definition of a monitored freshwater recreation site informed by the definition proposed by the council. The bill would require the board, upon adoption of the definition, to identify and post on an appropriate publicly accessible internet website all monitored freshwater recreation sites in the state and require the owner or operator of a monitored freshwater recreation site to monitor the site, as prescribed, to provide certain public notifications online and through signage onsite, and to submit all monitoring data and report monitoring samples to the board.Watch.
(Allen D) Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act.
* Introduced: 12/7/2020
* Last Amend: 2/25/2021
* Status: 4/8/2021-Set for hearing April 26.
* Location: 3/11/2021-S. E.Q.
* Summary: Would establish the Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act, which would prohibit producers of single-use, disposable packaging or single-use, disposable food service ware products from offering for sale, selling, distributing, or importing in or into the state such packaging or products that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2032, unless they are recyclable or compostable.Watch.
(Hertzberg D) Water quality: municipal wastewater agencies.
* Introduced: 1/29/2021
* Status: 4/20/2021-Read second time. Ordered to consent calendar.
* Location: 4/19/2021-S. CONSENT CALENDAR
* Summary: Would authorize a municipal wastewater agency, as defined, to enter into agreements with entities responsible for stormwater management for the purpose of managing stormwater and dry weather runoff, to acquire, construct, expand, operate, maintain, and provide facilities for specified purposes relating to managing stormwater and dry weather runoff, and to levy taxes, fees, and charges consistent with the municipal wastewater agency’s existing authority in order to fund projects undertaken pursuant to the bill. The bill would require the exercise of any new authority granted under the bill to comply with the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. To the extent this requirement would impose new duties on local agency formation commissions, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.Letter of support drafted April 27.
(Jones R) Fishing and hunting: annual combined hunting and fishing licenses.
* Introduced: 2/17/2021
* Last Amend: 4/20/2021
* Status: 4/20/2021-Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
* Location: 4/15/2021-S. APPR.
* Summary: Would create the annual combined hunting and fishing license that would grant the holder of the license the same privileges as the annual hunting and fishing licenses and that would be valid for a term of one year from the date of purchase of the license. The bill would require the Department of Fish and Wildlife to issue these licenses beginning January 1, 2024. The bill would require the department to submit a report to the Legislature on or before July 1, 2023, that among others things, estimates the initial license fee necessary to fully recover the cost of developing, implementing, and administering the license and associated enforcement activities. The bill would require the Fish and Game Commission to determine the amount of the initial license fee based upon information in that report.For the Marina Bulletin Board
_________________________________National Safe Boating Week Is May 22–28:
How Can You Make Boating Safer This Season?
3 tips from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water
The nation’s biggest recreational boating safety event of the year, National Safe Boating Week, is right around the corner, May 22–28. The annual event helps remind boaters to keep boating safety front and center all season long. How can you be a safety hero aboard your boat? Here are three tips from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water.
- The best life jacket is the one you will wear, meaning one that’s comfortable. There are many lightweight inflatable life jackets that fit the bill. Check the jacket’s label to ensure it’s approved for your type of boating. If the kids are visiting, don’t be tempted to put a child in an ill-fitting adult life jacket. The BoatUS Foundation’s Life Jacket Loaner program for kids offers a free and easy way to borrow an infant, child or teen life jacket for the day or weekend with locations at nearly 600 marinas, boat clubs, and other waterfront locations across the country.
- Learn from what the U.S. Coast Guard boating safety reports tell us: Operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, excessive speed, and alcohol rank as the top five primary contributing factors in accidents. This summer, recreational boaters can focus on these factors by putting down the cellphone, practicing using S.C.A.N. procedures to avoid distracted boating, taking a free boating safety course, slowing down, and driving more defensively, especially in congested boating areas. Alcohol use is the leading known contributing factor in fatal boating accidents, so save the celebration for after the boat is safely tied up for the night. Boat operators also need to recognize they are responsible for the safety of their guests, including inebriated ones.
- Remember to wear an engine cutoff switch if your boat is less than 26-feet, traveling on plane or above displacement speed. Some exemptions apply to this new rule went into effect April 1, including if the vessel has an enclosed helm. Engine cutoff switches can prevent boat strike injuries after an operator has been ejected from the vessel or displaced from the helm.
About the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water:
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is a national leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating. Funded primarily by donations from the more than 700,000 members of Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), the nonprofit provides innovative educational outreach directly to boaters and anglers with the aim of reducing accidents and fatalities, increasing stewardship of America's waterways and keeping boating safe for all. A range of boating safety courses – including 36 free state courses – can be found at Member Highlight
_________________________________Scribble Software NEW features and enhancements available in MARINAGO Office Version 2.25!
Scribble Software is pleased to announce new features and enhancements available in MARINAGO Office Version 2.25. These features have already been deployed to our next-generation cloud-based marina management solution and include visual map enhancements, new rental space groupings, and more!
Scribble Software has a strong history of providing businesses like yours with the tools it needs to do the job better and faster than ever before. MARINAGO Office is designed to meet you where you are and take you to the next level in management and service.
MARINAGO Office Version 2.25 Release Notes
Reservation Enhancements
• Preferred transient space grouping has been added to MARINAGO Office. A new rental space grouping called “Preferred” was added at the top of the calendar selection for transient reservations. All rental spaces marked as “Preferred Transient Space" will appear in this grouping.
• Notifications to users regarding a "lack of utilities for reservation transfers" have been added to MARINAGO Office. When an occupancy with utilities is being transferred to a new rental space, the system will provide a notification if the user forgets to select utilities on the new rental space.
• The ability to create brackets for establishing specific rental rates determined by reservation length has been added to MARINAGO Office. Transient rates have been enhanced so that the total number of nights stayed may be used to calculate individual bracketed rates for each rental period.Visual Map Enhancements
• Additional color coding for rental spaces on visual maps has been added to MARINAGO Office. The visual map has been expanded with additional color options and user defined colors.
• Additional filters and color customizations have been added to MARINAGO Office. The "filter" options on the visual map have been expanded allowing users to visually show different statuses and types.Point-of-Sale Enhancements
• A default configuration for POS devices option has been added to MARINAGO Office. A default POS configuration can now be defined for POS devices. This default option will automatically apply towards any new device ID that is created.Reporting Enhancements
• The ability to export reports in PDF files with the report titles has been added to MARINAGO Office. All reports exported to a PDF file now include the report title.Call or email Scribble Software's Future Markets Team to learn more about MARINAGO Office today!
www.scribblesoftware.comWelcome New Members
_________________________________With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
Commerce Hose & Industrial Products
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
Summer seems to have arrived here Northern California with temperatures in the high 80’s and low 90’s creeping in!
The MRA year runs from July 1st to June 30th each year and membership renewal is just around the corner. I will be emailing renewal notices out towards the end of May.
Our 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show is in the works and will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines on October 11 – 13, 2021. We are in the process of setting up the conference website and will send out an announcement as soon as it is up and running. There will be some exciting new changes and additions to this year’s event! Stay tuned….
Our FREE Educational Series webinars are still available for viewing and can be accessed at:
Also, if you were unable to attend this year’s 5th Annual California Boating Congress, the video is available to watch at:
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgQuick Links
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleFebruary E Newsletter 2021 see more
February 2020
To all our valued members,
Spring is coming and the vaccine is here. Things are looking up. Can’t wait to get out on the lake.
Things are also looking up for your MRA association. We have signed a contract with Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines for our 49th Annual Educational Conference & Trade Show in San Diego. Mark your calendar for October 11th through the 13th of 2021. This year’s theme is Climate for Change. Information on the website will be available in April.
This month we have the California Boating Congress (CBC) on the 17th of March from 9AM to Noon. We will be addressing California’s bold initiative to limit gas and diesel powered engines. There will be discussion about the impact of such an initiative on the boating industry and how we can influence the effects of such of such an initiative. Our guest speakers, Frank Hugelmeyer and Robert Newsome will also be giving us an update on the state of marina industry. CBC is free and you can sign up for it at
We will be rolling out another Educational Series in late March and will continue to offer the webinars through the spring. If you have a topic that you would like to present or one that you would like to see, please contact Mariann Timms at,
Scott Robertson
President5th annual 'California Boating Congress' Revived for 2021 Your Opportunity to Make a Difference!
Save the date . . . The past year has been a challenge to say the least, and the marine industry has experienced both pitfalls and opportunities. To meet these head-on the Marine Recreation Association is again sponsoring the
California Boating Congress, bringing toge
ther the marine industry and boating community to advocate for this important part of our economy and culture. With COVID still impacting our ability to meet directly with our legislators and regulators, this year’s CBC will be held in a virtual format on March 17, 2021, from 9 AM to 12 Noon PDT . . . Planning for 2030 & Beyond.
Our legislators are developing new initiatives today to limit and ultimately eliminate gasoline and diesel engines in California, and having our voices heard will be critical at this time. The 2021 California Boating Congress will focus on understanding and responding to the potential impact of these measures on recreational boating and the marine industry, and more importantly, how we can influence those initiatives through our representatives and regulators.
This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by the MRA and ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the American Boat Builders & Repairers Association.
Past California Boating Congress conferences have proven the value of communication between boaters, the marine industry, and California state legislators and regulators in effectively shaping future boating policy, funding, and regulation. In today’s world this effort is even more important to positively impact the planning and policies that affect recreational boating and other marine concerns in the state.
For information and to register for the 5th annual CBC, visit or contact Mariann Timms at (209) 334-0661 . . . more information will be forthcoming as our conference planning continues.
KKMI Awarded Coveted Clean Marine Boatyard Certification
Bay Area's First Clean Marine Boatyard
Keefe Kaplan Maritime, Inc (KKMI) boatyard in Pt Richmond, California was recently awarded a Clean Marine certification by the Clean Marine Program. This makes KKMI Pt Richmond the first Bay Area boatyard to receive this prestigious award. The certification process involves evaluation of over 150 requirements regarding company practices related to Emergencies, Fire Safety, Solid and Liquid Wastes, Hazardous Waste, Engine Maintenance/Repair, Painting, Storm Water Management, Landscaping for Storm Water, Used Petroleum Products, Used Antifreeze Waste, Soiled Rags, Battery Management, Refrigerants, Mercury Lamps/Bilge Switches, Boat Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Paint Removal, Sand Blasting, and Facility & Housekeeping.
The Clean Marine Program developed the certification program through an examination of many Best Management Practices (BMPs) in partnership with many stakeholders. This included groups such as California Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Toxic Substances and their office of Pollution Prevention and Green Technology, California Coastal Commission, California Department of Boating and Waterways, California Department of Pesticides, City of San Francisco Health Department and San Francisco BayKeeper.
KKMI Pt Richmond has been providing boat maintenance and repair services on San Francisco Bay since 1996. Company founders Paul Kaplan, Ken Keefe and Cynthia Revel have consistently held strong safety and environmental practices as a benchmark not only for operational success, but also toward protecting their employees and the sensitive Bay environment. Paul Kaplan commented, “Since our founding nearly 25 years ago we have become recognized as leaders within the maritime industry in delivering superb craftsmanship in an environmentally friendly facility. From being named ‘Boat Yard of the Year’ by the American Boat Builder’s Association to ‘Small Industry of the Year’ by the California Water Environment Association and now ‘Clean Marine Certification,’ we are very proud of these accomplishments.”
KKMI’s Safety, Health and Environmental Director, Janis Johnson, was responsible for coordinating with Clean Marine and its certification judges who evaluated KKMI’s practices and toured the yard. She said, “The process of obtaining certification, although time consuming, represents so many things. Not only does it demonstrate KKMI’s compliance with the myriad of regulations that govern the maritime industry, but it also speaks to KKMI’s commitment in taking the additional steps to achieve the highest level of sound, environmentally friendly operations. Receiving one of the highest scores is a powerful testimony to the level of dedication that exists within our company and team members. We are very pleased with this accomplishment.”
KKMI has long supported the Clean Marine Certification Program and is proud to be recognized for management’s efforts to operate an environmentally sound boatyard business. KKMI management hopes that this industry recognition will inspire other boatyards in the Bay Area and beyond to apply for their own Clean Marine Certification.
For more information on the Clean Marine Program visit
NMMA's State of the Recreational Boating Industry & Awards Presentation Webinar
Join the NMMA for a state of the industry and awards presentation webinar on Thursday, March 4 at 11am ET. NMMA President Frank Hugelmeyer will outline the latest sales data and trends, as well as advocacy and market expansion priorities for the year ahead.
The webinar will also include an update from RBFF's Stephanie Vatalaro, and presentation of the Marine Industry Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Awards and the Alan J. Freedman Award. Click here to register
An Angler's Winter Chore Could Help Spark an Idea That Increases FIshing Line Recycling
$30,000 in cash prizes on the line for best solutions
Winter is annual maintenance time for many anglers, and respooling with new line and recycling the old is a common task. Ever thought about what happens once you dispose of the old line in a fishing line recycling tube?
It’s not pretty. Turning fishing line into new products is labor-intensive, requiring a series of workers to manually comb through, sort, clean, remove hooks and weights, and separate out miles of encrusted debris in entangled fishing line. So as you pile up a few reels of line to be recycled this winter, the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is asking for your ideas on how to help grow the volume of line recycled each year.
Teaming up with fishing tackle company Berkley, the BoatUS Foundation’s Recast & Recycle Contest seeks out new ideas and improvements to the process, new ideas for recycled products, or technology breakthroughs for the current process that will increase the volume of line and soft baits that are recycled. Entry is simple – all you have to do is send a short video or one-page summary explaining your idea. Thirty thousand dollars in prize money is at stake for the three best ideas submitted through May 14, 2021.
“It’s great that anglers recycle,” said BoatUS Foundation Director of Outreach Alanna Keating. “Now we need to ask for help with scaling up recycling with a greater volume of line, whether it’s a time- and labor-saving process improvement or creating a new market to fully sustain recycling efforts.”
Judges will add weight to contest submissions that actually work, are practical, innovative, and have the potential to have a significant impact.
The first-place prize is $15,000, second place receives $10,000, and $5,000 will be awarded for third place. Contest submissions can address any part of the process (or multiple parts) of taking discarded fishing line and soft plastics from end of life to a new beginning. Professionals, amateurs and students alike are encouraged to apply, as are school teams and groups. Contest entries can be submitted with as little as a link to a video demonstration of the idea or a one-page graphic summary. Videos are limited to 4 minutes.
Contest rules and conditions, details on the current recycling process and videos on how various plastics and soft baits are recycled can be found at the Recast & Recycle website
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation’s largest organization of recreational boaters with more than 700,000 members. We are the boat owners’ voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn’t end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. BoatUS offers GEICO Marine Insurance policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
Virtual Meeting You Don't Want to Miss Boating Topics That Matter to You
Join the California Clean Boating Network, on Thursday, March 18th, 2021 (10 am to approx. 12:15 pm) for a free and exciting educational virtual meeting.
Learn directly from California experts about top tier subjects impacting our waterways, from preventing boat sewage pollution; marine debris management in our state; getting clear on the California Boater Card program from common misconceptions to frequently asked questions; and learning all about Marine Protected Areas designations and relevant resources available to you.
We look forward to sharing this knowledge with you and offering you plenty of time to ask questions.
Further information on this meeting’s topics are included below:
Date: Thursday, March 18th, 2021
Time: 10 am to approx. 12:15 pmYou must register in advance for this meeting here. Register today to secure your virtual spot, meeting capacity will be capped, secure it now.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the meeting.
Detailed information about the MEETING TOPICS:
1 - Preventing Boat Sewage Pollution Through Partnerships -
Liz Juvera (San Francisco Estuary Partnership) and Andrea Carrassi (The Bay Foundation) The Clean Vessel Act (CVA) team is working to keep California’s waterways free of boater sewage by building regional partnerships and monitoring sewage pumpout units throughout California. Tune-in and learn how we provide our boating community with pollution prevention support, tools, and education, increase access to sewage disposal options, and help to save the waters you (and our aquatic wildlife) love!2 - Trash (mis)management in California: Where is all this trash coming from?Eben Schwartz (Marine Debris Program Manager for the California Coastal Commission) will discuss results from the latest Coastal Cleanup and efforts in California to manage trash. Coastal Cleanup data has been an important factor in helping to develop new policies and regulations around plastic pollution in California. But additional efforts are needed to truly get a handle on this growing challenge. Eben will discuss what we currently know important factor in helping to develop new policies and regulations around plastic pollution in California. But additional efforts are needed to truly get a handle on this growing challenge. Eben will discuss what we currently know about plastic pollution, what the state is currently doing, and some new innovations that could help stem the tide of trash entering our oceans each year.
3 - California Boater Card – Get on Board!
Melissa Miranda (California State Parks, Boating Education and Outreach Manager). Meeting participants will learn about the California Boater Card program that is being phased in by age and is now required for all power boat operators 40 years of age and younger. By 2025, all operators of motorized boats, regardless of age, will be required to carry the card. Learn more about approved boating safety courses, how to apply for your card, and who may be exempt. Common misconceptions and frequently asked questions will also be covered.4 - California’s Marine Protected Areas: From Design to Management
Stephen Wertz (California Department of Fish and Wildlife Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor). In 2012, California completed planning and designing one of the largest ecologically connected networks of marine protected areas (MPA) in the world. This globally recognized network includes 124 MPAs and 14 special closures. This presentation will take you from planning to management with an emphasis on the different MPA designations and resources available to help you plan for your next boating activity.This is a clean and green message and invitation from the California State Parks, the California Coastal Commission, The Bay Foundation. Partially funded by the US Fish and Wildlife Sports Fish Restoration (Clean Vessel Act Program), the California Ocean Protection Council, Coastal Quest.
For the Marina Bulletin Board
Become a Partner Dockwalker, Connect and Learn From Home!
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”~Jane Goodall
Become a 2021 Partner Dockwalker by taking one of our Virtual trainings!
As California continues to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, free three-hour virtual Dockwalker trainings (Saturdays from 10 am-12:45 pm starting March 6th to June12th) will be offered through the Zoom video conferencing system. This is a great alternative to an in-person training and in the best interest of everyone considering the current situation. Through the Zoom video conferencing system you will be able to see the instructor live and ask questions! Do not worry it is a very simple system and we are here to help walk you through it! Remember if you were trained 3 years ago, it is time to get recertified.
We will be offering the following virtual Dockwalker trainings:
Northern CA:
~ Saturday, March 6, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM~ Saturday, April 24, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM~ Saturday, May 8, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM~ Saturday, June 12, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PMSouthern CA:
~ Saturday, March 27, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM~ Saturday, April 3, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM~ Saturday, May 1, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PM~ Saturday, June 5, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:45 PMRefresher Trainings:
If you have been trained in the last three years, you have the option to register for a refresher training, as follows:
Northern CA:
~ Saturday, April 10, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
~ Saturday, May 15, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Southern CA:
~ Saturday, March 20, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
~ Saturday, April 17, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:15 AMWhat you will need:
~ You will only need a computer with internet access and either a phone to call in or the computer’s speaker and microphone.
~ You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom video conference meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you received the link from us.What we need from you:
~ Based on where you live, please register to one of the virtual trainings mentioned above by emailing Vivian Matuk at and let us know to which training you want to register. Please include your name, organization (if applicable), address and phone number.
~ Once we receive your registration, we will be sending you the Zoom registration link and some additional files and information.PROGRAM INFORMATION:
Dockwalkers are trained to safely engage members of the public and the boating community to adopt clean boating practices. Dockwalkers share clean boating information with boaters and distribute educational 2020 California Boater Kits, while visiting marinas, launch ramps, marine supply stores, boat shows special events, or wherever boaters are. "Dockwalker" is only a general term because you are not limited to "walking the docks" in order to talk to boaters about safety and clean boating practices. Remember safety and the environment go hand in hand.Dockwalking is a fantastic way to interact with boaters to help keep California's marinas, waterways, and ocean clean and healthy. The training provides an overview of potential sources of boat pollution, federal and state laws, environmentally-sound boating practices, information on how to conduct Dockwalking, and an overview of the educational materials Dockwalkers will distribute.
Since 2000, more than a 1,000 Dockwalkers have taught 100,000 boaters about oil, fuel, sewage, trash and marine debris prevention. Participation in the program, including the training sessions, qualifies as community service.
Anyone from 15 to 100 years young with an interest in water quality and sharing clean boating information (regardless of your background) can become a Dockwalker!
This program provides tons of benefits to:
Boaters and Water Enthusiasts
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Marinas, Harbors and Yacht Club Operators and Staff
United States Power SquadronsProgram implemented by the California State Parks, The California Coastal Commission and The Bay Foundation in partnership with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, the US Power Squadrons, Save Our Shores, Lake Berryessa Partnership and many more organizations.
Construction Corner
Dover Bay Marina Continues Long Relationship with Meeco Sullivan
Meeco Sullivan announces the recent completion of the “E Dock” at Dover Bay Resort Marina, located on Lake Pend Oreille in northern Idaho.
The Dover Bay Marina has become a popular destination for boaters, as it sits on 285 acres of waterfront access. This unique area has seen significant growth in recent years, hence the need for another Meeco Sullivan docking system; a summer of social distancing increased the demand for new marina facilities around the country.
Meeco Sullivan engineered and manufactured the Meeco Steel framed dock, adding fifty new slips for the eager boaters.
To better accommodate guests, the slips size vary from 12’x26’ to 12’x28’ long. Meeco Sullivan delivered the dock in late March, while a typical early-spring Idaho snow storm raged on. All of the docks were preassembled at the Oklahoma factory in large sections, thus allowing for an easier installation by APEX Construction Services.. The “E Dock” phase was completed in May 2020.
Dover Bay Marina and Meeco Sullivan have collaborated together over the last seven years on their five docking systems. Meeco Sullivan Regional Sales Manager, J Mills commented, “This project came together smoothly. Pend Oreille is a beautiful lake and the new docks with their bright blue covers demand attention to the marina.”
Trade Member Highlight
Elkhart Plastics Adds New PWC Port to Connect-A-Dock Line
Elkhart Plastics LLC, a Myers Industries, Inc. company (NYSE: MYE), expands its floating dock product line with the new Connect-A-Port XL6.
The Connect-A-Port XL6 is a 6-foot wide personal watercraft (PWC) floating dock that allows PWC users to easily roll off to launch and drive on to park. The new dock offers a universal hull designed with adjustable rollers that can be moved to better match the size and style of the user's PWC. Additionally, the new design has more walking surface around the edges, making it easier for riders to get on and off their PWC safely. The XL6 is available in five colors and can be attached to floating and stationary docks.
The rotationally-molded XL6 joins Elkhart Plastics’ Connect-A-Dock line as the second Connect-A-Port PWC floating dock model. The company also offers two series of rotomolded docks and the YAKport kayak launch under the Connect-A-Dock brand.
“As we see the outdoor recreation industry continue to grow, we’re excited to bring a new docking option to our customers,” says Jack Welter, president of Elkhart Plastics. “The XL6 is an update from the former 2XL model with enhancements that make docking a better experience for the end user.”
Connect-A-Port XL6 and other Connect-A-Dock products are available from dealers across the U.S. and international distributors around the globe. To find a dealer and to learn more about Connect-A-Port XL6, visit
About Elkhart Plastics:
Elkhart Plastics creates rotationally molded plastic products in an almost endless variety of shapes, lengths, and thicknesses out of its six facilities. The company provides custom designs for clients in industries including recreational vehicles, marine, agriculture, commercial construction equipment, heavy truck equipment, material handling, and more. In addition to Connect-A-Dock, Elkhart Plastics manufactures TUFF Series Intermediate Bulk Containers and KONG Coolers. Visit to learn more.About Myers Industries:
Myers Industries, Inc. is a manufacturer of polymer products for industrial, agricultural, automotive, commercial, and consumer markets. The Company is also the largest distributor of tools, equipment and supplies for the tire, wheel and under vehicle service industry in the United States. Visit to learn more.Welcome New Members
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
Jones Valley Resort
Silverthorn Resort
Sugarloaf ResortQuick Links
Nick Garcia posted an articleDecember 2020 see more
December 2020
To all our valued members,
2020 was pretty rough water for all of us. MRA managed to navigate through it and I want to thank our crew, the board of directors and Mariann, for getting us through it.
Now it is the time to look forward to 2021.
This upcoming year will continue to bring many new opportunities for you. The 49th Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show is being planned and the details are being worked out. We anticipate making an announcement on location and timing shortly. Odd’s makers are saying the conference will be in San Diego sometime around the second week of October 2021. Your board of directors is meeting, via zoom, on January 13th & 14th to plan for the conference. If there is something you would like to see or hear about at the conference don’t hesitate to contact Mariann or myself. After all this conference is for you, so let us know your thoughts.
We are continuing with our very popular Educational Series webinars through this spring, keep an eye out for them, you won’t want to miss any. The first of these Educational Series webinars “SOS: California Employers’ 9-Step Compliance Blueprint For New Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Safety Standard” will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am Pacific time.
We continue to try and understand what is happening with the Department of Boating and Waterways. By the nature of the beast, I suspect the answers we are all looking for will not come quickly as we would like, but they will come.
The Gold Anchor program is officially here. Our partners from Australia conducted two marina certifications in 2019. In November of this year, we had our own auditors conduct our first certification, an inland marina. The audit went well and the audit team is geared up and ready to do many more in 2021. Gold Anchor is the equivalent of Michelin ratings for restaurants only for marinas. If you have an interest in understanding more about this program please give Mariann a call and she will pass on the information to one of our talented auditors.
Speaking of auditors, MRA would like to acknowledge and recognize Kathy Obrien, Sonya Boggs and Kevin Parker, our auditors, for their efforts in making this happen, thanks Kathy, Sonya and Mark. In addition, Mark Sanders deserves a big thank you for bringing this program to us from Australia, thanks Mark.
We all are looking forward to smoother waters for 2021.
Scott Robertson
PresidentNew COVID-19 Cal/OSHA Emergency Standards covered in next MRA Educational Series Webinar
The Marine Recreation Association is continuing the MRA Educational Series into 2021 with a series of FREE interactive ZOOM webinars covering important new developments and on-going education in the marine and recreational boating industry.
The first of the 2021 series will provide attendees with a California Employers 9-Step Compliance Blueprint for New Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Safety Standards, which became effective December 1, 2020 as an emergency Cal/OSHA regulation imposing new obligations on California employers related to COVID-19 prevention.
The webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, will be led by Robert Smith, Executive Director, Fisher Phillips Safety Solutions, and Travis Vance, Partner, Fisher & Phillips, LLP. Fisher & Phillips has assisted more than 500 companies during the pandemic with diverse and focused preventive policies and procedures to avoid employment and workplace safety-related claims.
Robert and Travis both have a comprehensive understanding of the marine industry and the complexity of our customer service focused industry.
The new Cal/OSHA COVID-19 emergency regulations represent the most far-reaching formal rule-making by Cal/OSHA on COVID-19, and may be a preview of new regulations we can expect at the federal level under a Biden administration.
Grants Available for Stormwater Tech
Marinas and local governments across the U.S. and Canada can stop litter from entering coastal and inland waterways and reduce marine debris thanks to a new grant program sponsored by Dart Container Corporation and UltraTech International, Inc. Dart will provide up to $100,000 in grants ($4,000 per qualifying organization) for the purchase and installation of UltraTech’s patented Ultra-Drain Guard stormwater management products, which prevent litter, oil, and sediment from entering waterways via storm drains.
Dart, a food & beverage packaging manufacturer, partnered with UltraTech as part of their sustainability commitments after a pilot project with Ultra-Guard catch basin devices successfully collected an estimated 1,250 pounds of litter and other contaminants in Southern California.
“Approximately 80 percent of stormwater drains go directly into a body of water without treatment,” explained Michael Westerfield, Dart’s director of Recycling. “We were impressed with the success of UltraTech’s Drain Guards in stopping litter from entering waterways that we joined forces to help communities that might not have the resources to purchase and install the devices.”
As a manufacturer that accepts responsibility for the environmental impacts of its products, Dart has a decades-long record of innovating and investing in sustainability practices to reduce landfill waste, marine debris, and litter.
“As part of our comprehensive sustainability commitments that focus on innovation, investment and inspiration, Dart is tackling the marine debris issue through prevention, education and mitigation strategies,” stated Westerfield.
Marinas and local municipalities that want to learn more about the program or submit applications for grants of up to $4,000 per organization should visit UltraTech at or call (904) 292-1611.
How to Prevent a Business Email Compromise Attack
By: Darin Selfridge
Did you know?
Business Email Compromise (BEC) is one of the most common threats today. It employs tactics like impersonating an executive, HR, or a trusted vendor to initiate fraudulent transfers of money. According to the FBI, $1.7 billion was lost to BEC in 2019 alone.
Here are tips from the FBI to stay secure:
Be Skeptical
Last-minute changes in wiring instructions or recipient account information must be verified.
Don’t Click It
Verify any changes and information via the contact on file—do not contact the vendor through the number provided in the email.
Double-check That URL
Ensure the URL in the email is associated with the business it claims to be from.
Spelling Counts
Be alert to misspelled hyperlinks in the actual domain name.
It’s a Match
Verify the email address used to send emails, especially when using a mobile or handheld device, by ensuring the sender’s email address appears to match who it’s coming from.
Pay Attention
Often there are clues with Business Email Compromise:
· An employee who does not normally interact with the CEO receives an urgent request from them.
· You see data that shows an employee is in one location at 1:00pm but halfway around the globe 10 minutes later.
· You see activity from an employee who is supposed to be on leave.
And, As Always, if You See Something, Say Something
If something looks awry, report it to us or a supervisor. And if you have been a victim of BEC, file a detailed complaint with
For the Marina Bulletin Board
Official-Looking Vessel Documentation Renewal Notices
Can Lead to Confusion and Higher Costs
BoatUS advises boaters to be vigilant when renewing USCG vessel documentation
Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is advising boaters with vessels that have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by U.S. mail offering renewal.
BoatUS advises that while the Coast Guard does send official annual renewal notices by U.S. mail, other notices being received by members are not from the Coast Guard but rather third-party companies whose name or return addresses may appear similar to that of the official U.S. Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC).
BoatUS members have complained that these letters direct them to websites that may be mistaken for the actual Coast Guard NVDC located in Falling Waters, West Virginia, and appear to show a significant increase in the annual fee to renew Coast Guard documentation.
In 2017 the Coast Guard issued a bulletin that says in part:
“The NVDC is aware that there are commercial entities that offer to manage the certification/renewal process on behalf of vessel owners for a fee. The Coast Guard does not endorse any of these companies, and the companies do not operate on behalf of the Coast Guard in any way. Any fees charged or agreements offered by such companies are in no way associated with the NVDC certification process. In addition, these companies are not authorized to issue any form of documentation, including travel letters and/or permits that authorize operation of ANY vessel. Customer complaints can be made through the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) website at”
While third-party companies may legitimately provide services to assist with vessel documentation renewals, the Coast Guard’s own renewal process is simple for most vessels and the price, $26 annually, is often much lower than what third-party services may charge. To renew, go to the Coast Guard National Documentation Center website at and click on “instructions and forms,” then “Certificate of Documentation Application for Renewal.” BoatUS notes that the Coast Guard NVDC now also offers renewal options up to five years for recreational vessels only.
To be documented, a vessel must measure at least five net tons and, with the exception of certain oil-spill response vessels, owned by a U.S. citizen. Boats about 27 feet in length or longer generally meet the weight requirement.
BoatUS also advises boaters who may have received mail that they believe is misleading or deceptive to contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or through its website
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation’s largest organization of recreational boaters with more than 700,000 members. We are the boat owners’ voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn’t end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. BoatUS offers GEICO Marine Insurance policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
Construction Corner
Pier 44 Marina
Located in the Marina Del Rey harbor, Pier 44 Marina has recently completed an extensive reconstruction resulting in a more accessible and aesthetically pleasing experience for their slip holders and the surrounding community. The marina is just walking distance from Burton Chase Park and close by to LAX airport and Venice Beach. In addition to the renovation of the waterside marina, the property underwent a redevelopment of their landside attractions. Situated on the MDR Boardwalk, Pier 44 marina now offers a multitude of services and shops, including a retailer for boat parts, supplies and accessories. Locals can also enjoy waterfront shopping and dining as the new retail center features an outdoor plaza and patio seating. The property has an onsite yacht club and additional boater service offices.
Bellingham Marine spearheaded the waterside renovation which included a total replacement and redesign of the existing marina. The original layout consisted of 232 slips, while the redesigned marina now totals 141 slips, five end ties along with dinghy docks and transient slips. The updated marina features a land-side dry stack for boat storage along with a brand new jib crane. The marina’s upgrades include several amenities for boaters such a pump out station, boater restrooms with showers and laundry, 24-hour marina-controlled access gate and Wi-Fi.
The marina construction began in September 2018 and was completed under a single phase. Bellingham Marine’s state of the art floating dock systems showcase a customized aesthetic that is unique to Pier 44 Marina.
The renovated docks feature a medium tone gray concrete with Ashler cut slate stamp deck. This process mimics the appearance of a stone walkway. The new docks feature wood walers and steel thru rods. To better meet ADA compliancy and federal guidelines for marina accessibility, Bellingham installed 80-foot pedestrian gangways. As an added safety benefit, the marina has a wireless color changing LED lights installed into each pedestal and power centers and is equipped with Nucore software system with available colors white, red, green or blue.
The marina was recently completed in November of 2020 and plans to open to boaters within the first month of 2021. The redevelopment of Pier 44 Marina ensures it will remain waterfront destination that is more accessible to those visiting the harbor or those who call it home.
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
I am pleased to announce our first four Educational Series webinars were a success! A huge thank you to our speakers for their time and effort in presenting. Also a big thank you to Dockwa who spread the word to their clients creating the largest attendance on our last webinar. If you missed the webinars, the PowerPoints and videos are available for free at: We will continue the webinars in mid-January 2021.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* Top 9 Things Employers Need to Know about Cal OSHA's New Emergency COVID-19 Standards * Congratulations to These Marinas for their Clean Marine Certification * For the Marina Bulletin Board * Construction Corner * Trade Member Highlight - MARINAGO Office Now Integrates with QuickBooks Online! * Trade Member Highlight - Shoremaster/HydroHoist Acquires Neptune Boat Lifts * Welcome New Members
* The Last Word Quick Links
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleNovember E Newsletter 2020 see more
November 2020
To all our valued members,
I hope all had a fun and safe Thanksgiving.
Last May, MRA and many of the other boating groups in California pinned a letter to head of California State Parks & Recreation to try and understand what has happened with Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW) fund. We were hearing the fund is broke. Traditionally the fund makes grants and loans to private and public marinas. Because of the continued deficit those activities have diminished significantly over the past few years.
As a follow up to the letter we recently had a zoom call with Ramona Hernandez, acting head of DBW. In the phone call Ramona confirmed the fund will be close to being out of monies by the end of this fiscal year. Historically the primary funding for the fund came from gas tax allocation. The allocation for gas taxes has gone from $23M in fiscal year 2018/19 to $10M for the fiscal year 2020/21. One of many things the group is trying to get answers to.
The news we received was not good for boating but one of the major accomplishments is all the various groups on the call are uniform in wanting answers and solutions to getting the fund healthy again. I am being told that has not always been the case. As a group our voice is more powerful than any one individual organization and it is comforting to know we are all on the same page.
While we wait for answers to our questions the group is recommending an economic impact study be done to understand what boaters bring to California’s economy. The study can then be used to show our importance to California’s economy and ultimately get DBW’s fund restored.
We will keep you posted on the progress.
Scott Robertson
PresidentThe Top 9 Things Employers Need To Know About Cal/OSHA’s New Emergency COVID-19 Standard
The Cal/OSHA Standards Board just adopted an emergency standard related to COVID-19 prevention in the workplace, imposing some significant requirements on California employers. Most notably, the new rule finalized yesterday provides that employees excluded from work for having or being exposed to COVID-19 must continue to be paid while they are off work.
Employers do not have a lot of time to comply with the new mandates. Following adoption of the emergency proposal, the Standards Board will submit the language to the Office of Administrative Law, which will have 10 days to review and approve the proposal. Therefore, this complex new standard became immediately effective as of November 30, 2020.
The emergency regulation will be in effect for 180 days, and can be extended. It is anticipated that Cal/OSHA will move forward with regular and permanent rulemaking on this topic during this period of time.
This new standard will require California employers to take immediate action on many COVID-19 fronts. So what do California employers need to know? Here are the top nine takeaways for California employers – including specific recommendations about what you need to do in response to each new obligation.
The Basics: Who’s Covered? And Who’s Excluded?
Over the past several months, Cal/OSHA has published several general and industry-specific “guidance” documents related to COVID-19. However, yesterday’s step represents the most significant formal rulemaking action by Cal/OSHA to adopt a standard that will be binding and enforceable against California employers.
The new emergency standard applies to all employees and places of employment. However, it does not apply to the following:
· Places of employment with one employee who does not have contact with other persons.
· Employees working from home.
· Employees already covered by Cal/OSHA’s aerosol transmission standard (applicable generally to certain health care facilities, laboratories and others).
1. Written COVID-19 Prevention Program
The emergency standard requires California employers to prepare, implement, and maintain a Written COVID-19 Prevention Program (WCPP) similar to Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP) required by Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations section 3203. Indeed, the standard provides that the newly required WCPP may be integrated into an employer’s existing IIPP or maintained in a separate document.
The required elements as outlined by Emergency Standard for WPPs include the following:
1. System for communicating;
2. Identification and evaluation of COVID-19 hazards;
3. Investigating and responding to COVID-19 cases in the workplace;
4. Correction of COVID-19 hazards;
5. Training and instruction;
6. Physical Distancing;
7. Face coverings;
8. Other engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment;
9. Reporting, recordkeeping, and access;
10. Exclusion of COVID-19 cases; and
11. Return to work criteria.
Many California workplaces have already implemented COVID-19 plans fulfilling previous requirements to reopen. For months, we have advised California employers to develop and implement a written COVID-19-specific addendum into their IIPPs, which the emergency standard now requires. However, the new WCPP requirements will likely take considerable time and effort to amend even those existing plans to ensure compliance.
Although several WCPP elements mirror IIPPs, many requirements significantly change or expand what businesses likely have encountered or implemented previously. For example, paragraph 1 (system for communicating) requires employers to “describe procedures or policies for accommodating employees with medical or other conditions that put them at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness.” Under paragraph 2, employers with indoor locations must “evaluate how to maximize the quantity of outdoor air and whether it is possible to increase filtration efficiency to the highest level compatible with the existing ventilation system.” Under paragraph 3, employers must “offer COVID-19 testing at no cost to employees during their working hours to all employees who had potential COVID-19 exposure in the workplace.” And for personal protective equipment, employers must “evaluate the need for respiratory protection in accordance with section 5144 [Respiratory Protection] when the physical distancing requirements…are not feasible or are not maintained,” indicating that many employers not familiar with (or previously subject to) section 5144, must evaluate and potentially implement the use of respirators.
What You Should Do Next – Employers without current COVID-19 plans should act quickly to develop a compliant WCPP, and implement effective new procedures addressing the requisite elements. Employers with existing COVID-19 plans will want to thoroughly assess such plans to determine the steps needed to cure deficiencies. Additionally, all employers should continue to follow this rapidly developing COVID-19 situation regardless of the planning stage. For further information or assistance in preparing a WCPP, contact your Fisher Phillips attorney, any attorney in our California offices, or any member of our COVID-19 Taskforce.
2. Notice of Potential COVID-19 Exposure and Cases
In responding to COVID-19 cases (as defined below), employers must meet several notice requirements laid out in the new standard. Many of these requirements overlap with those already in the CA COVID-19 Employer Playbook, as well as AB 685’s notice and reporting requirements described in more detail here.
Specifically, the new standard requires employers give notice of the potential COVID-19 exposure within one business day to all employees who may have been exposed, their authorized representatives, and independent contractors and other employers who were present during the high risk exposure period. The high-risk exposure period generally begins 48 hours before onset of symptoms or specimen for the positive test.
While the new standard does not require this notice be written, AB 685 does. In addition, AB 685 identifies a slightly different group who must receive this notice, as it specifies all employees (as well as their exclusive representatives) and employers of subcontracted employees who were on premises at the same worksite, not independent contractors or just those employees who may have been exposed.
The new standard makes clear employers must give such notice without revealing any personal identifying information of the COVID-19 case. Such information generally must be kept confidential, with one key exception. The new standard makes clear that unredacted information and medical records related to a COVID-19 case may be provided upon request to the local health department, CDPH, the Division, the NIOSH, or as otherwise required by law.
This is important because AB 685 and the new standard require the reporting of such confidential information to the local health department within 48 hours of a COVID-19 outbreak at a worksite (generally three cases). AB 685 only requires employers report the qualifying individual’s name, number, occupation, worksite, business address, and NAICS code. However, the new standard also requires employers report the total number of cases, as well as the hospitalization and/or fatality status. Both AB 685 and the new standard require the employer to continue to give notice to the local health department of any subsequent COVID-19 cases at the workplace.
In addition to these reporting obligations, the new standard requires employers to report to the Division any COVID-19 related serious illnesses or deaths that occur in the workplace or in connection with employment. Employers must also ensure they are recording and tracking the appropriate information for all COVID-19 cases in accordance with this new standard.
Related to AB 685’s other requirement to notify all employees, their exclusive representatives, and employers of subcontracted employees of the disinfection and safety plan, the new standard similarly requires employers to inform their employees and their authorized employee representatives of COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection protocols.
What You Should Do Next - Due to the prompt notice and reporting required by the new standard, employers should consider preparing to comply by developing template notices that they may customize when COVID-19 cases arise in the workplace to help ensure they are able to meet the tight deadlines. For assistance in preparing such notices, contact your Fisher Phillips attorney, any attorney in our California offices, or any member of our COVID-19 Taskforce. Fisher Phillips has prepared sample notices and can work with you to tailor to your particular workplace.
3. Physical Distancing
The new standard provides that all employees shall be separated from each other by at least six feet. There are two exceptions to this requirement: (1) where the employer can demonstrate that six feet of separation is not possible, and (2) momentary exposures while employees are in movement.
If the employer demonstrates that it is not possible to maintain a distance of at least six feet, individuals shall be as far apart as possible. Also, the standard provides that at fixed work locations where it is not possible to maintain physical distancing, the employer shall install “cleanable solid partitions” that reduce transmissions between employees.
The standard specifies that other methods of physical distancing include telework or other remote work arrangements, reducing the number of persons in an area at one time, staggered arrival and departure, and adjusted work processes. Additionally, the standard requires employers to implement various cleaning and disinfecting procedures.
What You Should Do Next – Many California employers have already adopted physical distancing requirements at the workplace, often in response to local public health orders. Employers should review their current physical layout to ensure they are meeting the required physical distancing standards. Employers should consider a variety of methods of physical distancing (such as staggered schedules) where maintaining physical distance creates feasibility challenges.
4. Face Coverings And Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The emergency standard requires employers to provide face coverings and ensure that they are worn by employees over the nose and mouth when indoors, when outdoors and less than six feet away from another person, or when required by public health authorities. The standard also specifies that face shields are not a replacement for face coverings, although they may be worn together for additional protection.
Moreover, an employer is prohibited from preventing an employee from wearing a face covering when not required, unless it would create a safety hazard.
The standard does provide exemptions from wearing face coverings as follows:
* When an employee is alone in a room.
* While eating and drinking, provided employees are at least six feet apart.
* For employees wearing respiratory protection.
* Employees who cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health condition or disability, or who are hearing-impaired or communicating with a hearing impaired person (but they must wear an effective alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom).
* Specific tasks that cannot feasibly be performed with a face covering.
But, there is a big caveat regarding employees who do not wear a face covering or face shield for any reason. They must be at least six feet apart from others unless the unmasked employee is tested at least twice weekly for COVID-19.
Unfortunately, the emergency standard is silent regarding whether employees can bring their own face coverings to use at the workplace (which is becoming increasingly common). Hopefully, this issue will be addressed in future guidance or permanent rulemaking. For now, the standard is ambiguous on this point.
Regarding personal protective equipment, the emergency standard requires employers to evaluate the need for personal protective equipment to prevent exposure to COVID-19 hazards, such as gloves, goggles, and face shields, and provide such personal protective equipment as needed.
What You Should Do Next – If you have not already done so, you should immediately implement a face covering requirement where applicable and communicate this requirement to your employees. Any employee who indicates the need for an exemption from such a requirement should be evaluated on an individual basis. Where an exemption exists, you should ensure that unmasked employees can be six feet apart from others at all times or be tested twice weekly for COVID-19. Finally, you should review whether additional personal protective equipment is needed.
5. Exclusion Of COVID-19 Cases – And NEW Paid Time Off Requirement
The new standard requires employers to ensure that “COVID-19 cases” (those who have tested positive or have an order to isolate from public health authorities) are excluded from the worksite until they have satisfied the return to work criteria (discussed below).
COVID Exposures – What about employees who may not have COVID-19 but may have been exposed? The emergency regulation requires for employees with COVID-19 exposure to be excluded from the worksite for 14 days after the last known exposure. However, employees need not be excluded from the worksite by the employer (as long as the local health department has not isolated them) if they are temporarily reassigned to work where they do not have contact with other persons.
Paid Time Off – The new emergency standard also has a staggering new mandate that employees excluded from work must continue to be paid while they are off work. The regulation provides that employers shall “continue and maintain an employee’s earnings, seniority, and all other employee rights and benefits, including the employee’s right to their former job status.”
While California recently mandated COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave for employers with 500 or more employees (with the enactment of AB 1867), it is unclear what authority, if any, Cal/OSHA has to mandate what is essentially a paid time off requirement. This requirement also does not appear to be limited to one occurrence, meaning an employee could potentially be excluded from the worksite multiple times. The employer is required to maintain earnings and benefits during each period of time.
There are two potential exemptions to this “maintained earnings” requirement:
* The requirement does not apply to any period of time during which the employee is unable to work for reasons other than protecting persons at the workplace from COVID-19 transmission.
The requirement does not apply where the employer “demonstrates” that the COVID-19 exposure is not work-related. However, the regulation does not specify what it means to “demonstrate” that the exposure is not work-related, or to whom this demonstration must be presented.
Employers are also required to provide any employees excluded from the worksite with information on the benefit entitlements.
What You Should Do Next – You should immediately work to develop protocols and processes to exclude employees from the worksite who are COVID-19 cases or who may have been exposed. The requirement to continue to provide pay and benefits is significant and controversial. There could be legal challenges questioning the authority of Cal/OSHA to mandate such a requirement. However, in the meantime, it is best to work closely with employment counsel to evaluate whether such a requirement applies, and whether either of the above-described exemptions from this requirement are satisfied.
6. General Testing Requirements
The emergency standard provides testing obligations and requirements that will apply to all employers. In addition, as discussed below, employers who experience COVID-19 “outbreaks” have additional testing responsibilities.
First, the regulation provides that if testing is required under any portion of the regulation, the employer shall inform the effected employees of the reason for the COVID-19 testing and the possible consequences of a positive test.
Second, when there has been even one COVID-19 case in the workplace, the employer must offer free COVID-19 testing during working hours to all employees who have potential COVID-19 exposure in the workplace.
Finally, employers may not use COVID-19 testing as an alternative to face coverings when face coverings are otherwise required.
What You Should Do Next – Employers should develop a system for complying with the new testing requirements of the rule, including establishing a relationship with a provider of COVID-19 testing. Employers should also prepare the notice requirement to employees who are tested, explaining the reason for the testing and the possible consequences of a positive test.
7. Return-To-Work Criteria
The emergency standard sets forth the criteria that must be satisfied before COVID-19 cases (those who have tested positive or have an order to isolate from public health authorities) can return to work.
COVID-19 Cases with Symptoms – Employees who are COVID-19 cases with symptoms shall not return to work until:
* At least 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4+ has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications;
* COVID-19 symptoms have improved; and
* At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
COVID-19 Cases Without Symptoms – COVID-19 cases who tested positive but never developed symptoms shall not return to work until a minimum of 10 days have passed since the date of specimen collection of their first positive COVID-19 test.
Orders to Isolate or Quarantine – If a public health authority issues the order to isolate or quarantine, the employee shall not return to work until either period of isolation or quarantine is lifted. If no period is specified, then the period shall be 10 days from the time the order to isolate was effective, or 14 days from the time the order to quarantine was effective.
Most significantly, the emergency standard provides that a negative COVID-19 test shall not be required for an employee to return to work. Therefore, California employers will not be permitted to insist that COVID-19 cases take a test before returning to the job.
What You Should Do Next – Employers should develop a protocol for ensuring that employees who have been excluded from work due to COVID-19 are allowed to return when the aforementioned criteria are satisfied. Employers should communicate these return to work criteria to employees, including at the time employees are excluded due to COVID-19 cases or exposure, and develop a system for requiring employees to confirm that the return to work criteria have been satisfied.
8. Outbreaks
We’ve already seen “outbreak” definitions and requirements set forth in other CA COVID-19 related laws and guidance such as AB 685, SB 1159, Employer’s Playbook and local orders. The new regulation adds yet another twist to this, imposing substantial testing, investigation, correction and notification requirements on employers when there is an “outbreak” in the workplace. This is defined as either: “Multiple COVID-19 Infections and COVID-19 Outbreaks,” which applies to a place of employment that has been identified by a local health department as the location of a COVID-19 outbreak or when there are three or more COVID-19 cases in an exposed workplace within a 14-day period, or “Major COVID-19 Outbreaks,” which applies when there are 20 or more COVID-19 cases in an exposed workplace within a 30-day period.
COVID-19 “Outbreak” Testing Requirements – Under the Multiple COVID-19 Infections and COVID-19 Outbreaks scenario, employers shall provide COVID-19 testing to all employees at the exposed workplace during the period of the outbreak or the relevant 14-day period. This testing must be offered at no charge, during employee working hours, and immediately upon being covered by this outbreak definition. Employers must then offer this same testing again one week later for the same employees. After the first two required COVID-19 tests, employers shall provide continuous COVID-19 testing of employees who remain at the workplace at least once per week, or provide testing more frequently if recommended by the local health department.
If a “Major COVID-19 Outbreak” occurs, employers shall provide testing for all employees present at the exposed workplace during the relevant 30-day period(s) and who remain at the workplace. This testing must be offered at no charge, during employee working hours, and twice a week or more frequently if recommended by the local health department.
In addition to the onerous COVID-19 testing requirements, employers with an outbreak under either of these definitions shall also exclude all COVID-19 cases and employees with a COVID-19 exposure, conduct an investigation of the COVID-19 illness, and provide specific notice the local health department within no longer than 48-hours after knowledge of the outbreak. There are also hazard assessment and correction criteria depending on the outbreak definition at play, including, but not limited to assessing updates to ventilation systems, evaluating halting operations.
If one of the two outbreak definitions is met, the requirements of the particular outbreak apply until there are no new COVID-19 cases detected in a workplace for a 14-day period.
What You Should Do Next – You should evaluate all the requirements imposed when an outbreak occurs and have protocols for testing, employee exclusion, investigation, assessment, correction and notice in place and ready to go if needed.
9. Employer-Provided Housing And Transportation
The emergency regulation also provides some special rules for employers that provide housing and transportation to employees. These provisions will apply most commonly to agriculture, but will also potentially apply to any business (such as certain hospitality employers) that provide housing and/or transportation to their workers.
If you provide housing for employees, you will be required to implement priority housing assignments based on individuals who work together on the same crew or shift. Additionally, you must be able to ensure sufficient space in the units to permit social distancing while the employees are in the various units, and you are responsible for ensuring the units are cleaned at least once a day. If residents are exposed to COVID-19, you must isolate that employee by providing a private bathroom, sleeping area, cooking and eating facility.
If you provide transportation, employees must be screened before boarding, sit at least three feet apart, and wear face coverings during transportation.
What You Should Do Next – Employers in industries that provide employee housing or transportation should carefully review the provisions of the new standard that apply to the provision of those benefits. Many of these requirements will necessitate the purchase of equipment or other investments that will be costly to implement.
Next Steps
California employers will need to take immediate heed of these new requirements. While some of the emergency standard provisions reflect public health orders or previous Cal/OSHA voluntary guidance that many employers are already following, there are many specific requirements that are new and significant.
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of time for California employers to act. As discussed above, this new standard went into effect November 30,2020. And as a formal Cal/OSHA emergency standard, the stakes for compliance are now much higher. Cal/OSHA may now cite and pursue significant civil penalties against an employer who does not comply with the new requirements.
For further information, contact your Fisher Phillips attorney, any attorney in our California offices, or any member of our Post-Pandemic Strategy Group Roster.
Fisher Phillips will continue to monitor the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation and provide updates as appropriate. Make sure you are subscribed to Fisher Phillips’ Alert System to get the most up-to-date information. For a more thorough analysis of the many issues you may encounter from a labor and employment perspective, we recommend you review our FP BEYOND THE CURVE: Post-Pandemic Back-To-Business FAQs For Employers and our FP Resource Center For Employers.
This Legal Alert provides an overview of a specific developing situation. It is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal advice for any particular fact situation.
Robert Smith
Executive Director
Fisher Phillips Safety Solutions
O: (404) 240-4147 | C:(757) 589-5391Congratulations to these Marinas for their Clean Marine Certifications
Outdoor Recreation and the Marina Industry had a banner year this season. We are pleased to announce the Clean Marine Certifications:
- The Boat Yard Marina - Marina Del Rey, CA
- Sun Harbor Marina - San Diego, CA
- Martinez Marina - Martinez, CA
- Sunnyside Marina - Lake Tahoe, CA
- Obexer's Boat Company - Lake Tahoe, CA
- KKMI - Pt. Richmond, CA
- Homewood High & Dry - Lake Tahoe, CA
- Camp Richardson - Lake Tahoe, CA
A very special 'Thank you' to all of our members, reviewers and directors that worked diligently to get these certifications complete. Many more Clean Marine Certifications are on the schedule for New and Recertifications in 2021.
If you know any one that is interested in becoming a Clean Marine for their Boat Yard or Marina, please share with us at We have a year-round mentoring program led by veteran reviewers, directors and members. We are here to help!
For the Marina Bulletin Board
Don’t Make Your Boat Look Like a Christmas Tree
BoatUS advises boaters about unsafe decorative lighting when navigating
Boaters looking to buy themselves a Christmas gift may be thinking about adding some “bling” to the boat – multicolored decorative LED deck and space lighting. Just don’t light your boat up like a Christmas tree, says the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Extra lights installed in the wrong place could cause other boaters to misinterpret your boat’s navigation lights and present a safety hazard.
“Today’s decorative lighting options, from ropes to underwater lighting, allow DIYers to personalize their boats,” said BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water President Chris Edmonston. “The challenge comes when the boat is underway. Decorative lights installed in the wrong location may cause others to misinterpret your vessel’s red, green and white navigation lighting. Bright lights of many colors can also reduce your night vision and hamper your ability to safely navigate.”
The BoatUS Foundation has two tips when shopping for and installing decorative boat lights:
1. When underway, avoid displaying any light that could be confused as a navigation light or another type of vessel. When installing decorative LED lighting, running wiring to a single master switch allows you to easily turn off all nonessential lights before heading out. Remember, flashing blue lights are reserved for law enforcement – at a distance, wave action combined with the steady rocking of high-intensity blue lights below the waterline can give the appearance of a police vessel.
2. Don’t install decorative lights that prevent the operator from maintaining a good lookout. When running between sunset and sunrise, it’s critical that those behind the wheel maintain their night vision, so the number-one goal is to keep light out of the operator’s eyes. Glare from aesthetic lighting such as LED rope lights wrapped around a helm station can hinder night vision.
Construction Corner
Marin Yacht Club: The Benefit of Regular Marina Maintenance
Less than an hour outside of San Francisco, across the Golden Gate Bridge rests the Marin Yacht Club. The private marina club includes 115 boat slips ranging from 30 - 80 lineal feet and sits on the banks of San Rafael Creek which feeds into the northern part of the San Francisco Bay. The Marin Yacht Club was formed in October of 1935 as a social and educational club, but its origins are as early as 1929 when the group was known as “The Yachting Annex of the Marin Golf and Country Club”. Although the club has a long history, its governance has been forward looking, and they have taken a proactive approach in their efforts to maintain the facilities. Rather than waiting for the dock’s system to extend past its useful life, the club has taken preventative maintenance precautions which have allowed the club to run efficiently by identifying issues before they negatively impact the club’s operations. The Marin Yacht Club has worked with Bellingham Marine for many years and has completed various repair and upgrade projects in the past. These projects include replacement of walers, rods and floats for both structural, safety and cosmetic reasons. The facility also benefits from a full time onsite member of staff that regularly performs maintenance.
The recent renovations at the California club were comprised of three main components: replacement of a main gangway landing area, replacing several multi-piece fingers, and upgrading to an improved waler system. The original multi-float gangway landing consisted of a group of floats attached by walers and was replaced with a match-cast float aimed to correct listing and uneven floats. The process of manufacturing a match-cast system begins with one float and then casting the secondary unit using the side of the adjacent float as a form. The method includes forming interlocking ‘shear keys’ so that modules fit together seamlessly. Rods along the top and bottom of the floats create a rigid foundation that mimics the feel of walking on a solid concrete foundation on land.
To increase stability and consistency across the Marin Yacht Club’s marina, Bellingham Marine replaced numerous fingers that showed signs of aging. The multi-piece fingers were replaced with single-piece fingers to eliminate future twisting and listing. Bellingham also replaced the older style, double 2”x10” walers with a single glued lamented waler (glue-lam) system. The upgrade allows for a sturdier system without compromising the slip size or configuration. The engineered single glue-lam walers are stronger and less susceptible to warping.
The Club’s decision to take a proactive approach to maintenance has proven benefits as demonstrated by the marina’s longevity. The upgrades not only serve a functional role but also ensure a pleasant aesthetic for the yacht club’s slip holders. In partnership with Bellingham Marine, Marin Yacht Club has undergone several upgrades to assure that the marina operates effortlessly both now and in the future. This all results in the marina’s success as indented by design.
Trade Member Highlight
MARINAGO Office Now Integrates with QuickBooks Online!
Scribble Software is pleased to announce our MARINAGO Office next-generation cloud-based marina management solution now supports the integration with QuickBooks Online.
Scribble Software Inc. has been a leading expert in QuickBooks integrated management solutions for nearly two decades. Over the years, our QuickBooks integration has been refined to provide the most advanced and detailed integration possible for the marine industry. The MARINAGO Office solution includes a unique “bi-directional” synchronization service that automatically synchronizes data to and from the following QuickBooks editions.- QuickBooks Pro Desktop
- QuickBooks Premier Desktop
- QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop
- QuickBooks Online
Call or email Scribble Software's Future Market Team today to find out how we can help you get started with MARINAGO Office today.
Scribble Software, Inc.
www.scribblesoftware.comTrade Member Highlight
Shoremaster/HydroHoist Acquires Neptune Boat Lifts
Largest Portfolio of Waterfront Equipment Now Covers Fresh- and Salt-Water Markets
ShoreMaster, LLC, which merged with HydroHoist, LLC in 2019, announced this week the acquisition of Neptune Boat Lifts, Inc., the premier salt-water boat lift brand based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Collectively, these three market leaders provide the most comprehensive suite of waterfront products in North America.
With the acquisition of Neptune, the portfolio of brands will now cover all fresh- and salt-water marine environments. The combined product offering covers the broadest spectrum of product categories in the dock, boat lift and accessories markets, while accommodating all boat types, sizes and applications in the industry.
Don Hurley, ShoreMaster’s Chief Executive Officer, said, “Neptune is a leading brand in the salt-water lift market, one of the most important and fastest-growing markets in the industry. Neptune offers unparalleled quality and service, and in their market has exceptional brand recognition and customer loyalty. This is an exciting addition and a great fit to our portfolio of brands.”
Founded in 2007, Neptune is the leading manufacturer of marine lifts, dedicating its efforts to exceeding customer expectations while utilizing the finest materials and engineering. Neptune has been a pioneer in the salt-water marine environment, focusing its design and manufacturing on product safety, performance and quality. The Neptune team collectively has over 100 years of real-world experience, with every lift designed and engineered in-house, then independently evaluated and certified by structural engineers.
David Humphreys, President of Neptune, said, “We are excited to join ShoreMaster and HydroHoist, two dominant brands in the industry. We are confident in the future and this merger places our team, our dealers and our products in ideal positions for continued growth and success.”
“The addition of Neptune, and their dealer network, allows us to reach additional customers in Florida and other U.S. markets, as well as provide new product offerings to our existing dealers. Our combined network of dealers, marine contractors and marinas means that we have the reach to serve every marine market in North America,” added Hurley.
About ShoreMaster/HydroHoist:
ShoreMaster/HydroHoist is the premier manufacturer of waterfront equipment in North America, with corporate headquarters in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and offices in Claremore, Oklahoma. The company has distribution facilities located in California, Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee, as well as a dealer network to supply and support its customers. The company’s flagship brands include ShoreMaster and HydroHoist; additional brands include Rhino Marine Systems, PolyDock Products, HyPower, RotoMold USA, and ShoreMaster Fabrics.
About Neptune Boat Lifts:
Neptune Boat Lifts, founded in 2007 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is the leading manufacturer of boat lifts specifically designed for the coastal saltwater environments, specializing in 4-post and elevator aluminum lifts capable of lifting watercraft up to 300,000 lbs. Neptune Boat Lifts has over 100 dealers in their network throughout Florida and the Caribbean and its own installer, Neptune Atlantic Boat Lifts, which is strategically located in the Florida Keys.
Welcome New Members
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
Bayside Village Marina
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
I am pleased to announce our first four Educational Series webinars were a success! A huge thank you to our speakers for their time and effort in presenting. Also a big thank you to Dockwa who spread the word to their clients creating the largest attendance on our last webinar. If you missed the webinars, the PowerPoints and videos are available for free at: We will continue the webinars in mid-January 2021.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* Top 9 Things Employers Need to Know about Cal OSHA's New Emergency COVID-19 Standards * Congratulations to These Marinas for their Clean Marine Certification * For the Marina Bulletin Board * Construction Corner * Trade Member Highlight - MARINAGO Office Now Integrates with QuickBooks Online! * Trade Member Highlight - Shoremaster/HydroHoist Acquires Neptune Boat Lifts * Welcome New Members
* The Last Word Quick Links
Nick Garcia posted an articleAugust 2020 Newsletter see more
August 2020
To all our valued members,
As if COVID 19 was not enough, many of us are or have been dealing with fires. Lake Berryessa in Northern California was particularly hit hard. Markley Cove and Pleasure Cove marinas both have sustained significant damage. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.
Your board of directors continues to march on, via zoom. You will soon be hearing about our educational opportunities that will allow you to learn without having to leave the office.
MRA is very close to signing an agreement with Marina Industries Association Limited (MIA) our counterpart in Australia. The agreement will allow MRA to roll out the Gold Anchor program in the North America. The program is based on the belief that the marina industry needs a customer centric focus for marina businesses and recreational boating to grow and prosper. The Gold Anchor provides detailed criteria for the assessment of marina facilities and services and an associated Gold Anchor rating; akin to the star rating program for accommodation. Gold Anchor branding and the rating can be used effectively for marketing. The Gold Anchor program also provides a template and third party recommendations for the continual improvement of marina operations. The program is a world wide program and we are excited to bring it to Northern America. If you want to learn more email or call Mariann Timms and she can provide you more details.
Scott Robertson
PresidentGovernor Newsom Announces Appointment Director of the California Department of Parks and Recreation
Armando M. Quintero, 64, of San Rafael, has been appointed Director of the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Quintero has been Executive Director of the Sierra Nevada Research Institute at the University of California, Merced since 2015, where he was Director of Development from 2008 to 2014. He was an independent Environmental Educator from 1998 to 2008. Quintero held multiple positions at the U.S. National Park Service from 1977 to 1998, including Chief of the Special Park Uses Group and District Ranger at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Personnel Staffing Specialist for the National Park Service, Park Ranger and Supervisory Park Ranger at the Point Reyes National Seashore and Park Ranger at the Sequoia National Park and at the John Muir National Historic Site. Quintero is a member of the California Water Commission and the Marin Municipal Water District Board of Directors. This position requires Senate confirmation and the compensation is $186,389. Quintero is a Democrat.Outgoing Director Lisa Mangat has been appointed as the Chief Deputy Director Policy and Administration for the Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
Coast Guard Survey (WAMS)
Coast Guard wants your feedback!
Help improve the Nation's shallow draft waterways ATON systemThe U.S. Coast Guard is conducting a short on-line survey to assess
the National Shallow Draft Waterway Systems. The study will help the Coast Guard to determine the Aids to Navigation (ATON) requirements in the Shallow Draft Waterway Systems which includes all navigable waterways of the United States less than 12 feet in depth.
The purpose of this study is to determine the navigational needs and requirements of vessels operating in shallow draft navigable waterways throughout the country. The study will focus on the existing shallow water ATON system, future development projects, waterborne commerce transiting these waters, and marine casualty information. Waterway users, interested parties, and stakeholders are invited to provide comments or feedback via the tool posted at
Who should take the survey?
The survey is geared toward boaters who operate on navigable waters of the US where the depth is 12 feet or less.- All recreational boaters
- Commercial operators (construction/cargo/fishing)
- Local and state agency boat operators
Questions include years of experience, waters where you operate and how often, what navigation tools you use (radar, electronic charting systems, etc.), your concerns and more!
Take the survey TODAY at
This link will remain available until November 1, 2020.
Further questions or comments may be emailed to using the subject line: "Shallow Draft WAMS".
Grant Applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education and Outreach Program Due on October 12, 2020
When to Record, Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace
Mel Davis
What are the California Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) requirements for reporting occurrences of COVID-19 in the workplace?
Cal/OSHA has provided guidelines in a question-and-answer format in its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at
The reporting requirements are predicated on the same requirements as any other occupational illness:
* Death.
* Days away from work.
* Restricted work or transfer to another job.
* Medical treatment beyond first aid.
* Loss of consciousness.
* A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care provider.Recording Occurrence
If the COVID-19 incident results in any of the above conditions, then it is to be recorded on the forms 300, 300A and 301.Federal guidelines state that COVID-19 cases should "generally" be confirmed through testing to be recordable, although this may not always be possible.
Cal/OSHA considers a positive test for COVID-19 determinative of recordability; however, a positive test is not necessary to trigger the recording requirements. Being in quarantine is not considered "days away from work" for recording purposes.
As in any illness, exposure to potential sources of infection must be considered for recordkeeping purposes. Interacting with the general public can be a contributing factor, as are known interaction with infected coworkers and lack of physical distancing.
Notifying Cal/OSHA
The occurrence of COVID-19 within the workplace does not require the employer to immediately notify Cal/OSHA. The reporting requirements are consistent to the effect that when there is hospitalization, loss of consciousness, or death, Cal/OSHA must be notified immediately or within eight hours.The FAQ also addresses the condition that an employee may become ill at work, but it is not work related. If it is a serious illness, then Cal/OSHA should be notified.
Column based on questions asked by callers on the Labor Law Helpline, a service to California Chamber of Commerce preferred and executive members. For expert explanations of labor laws and Cal/OSHA regulations, not legal counsel for specific situations, call (800) 348-2262 or submit your question at
Free 2020 Virtual Oil Spill Response Communication Workshops For Marinas and Yacht Clubs
Marinas and yacht clubs are invited to two workshops in Northern and Southern California that present oil spill response resource information. The workshops will cover information on:
California's oil spill response structure
* Office of Spill Prevention and Response Equipment Grants
* Third party claim process
* General information on oil spill kits for boating facilities
* California's new Marinas and Yacht Clubs Spill Response Communication Packet
* Tools and resources available to increase communication capabilities between boating facilities and the Office of Emergency Services during an oil spill.
* California's oil spill response structure
* Office of Spill Prevention and Response Equipment Grants
* Third party claim process
* General information on oil spill kits for boating facilities
* California's new Marinas and Yacht Clubs Spill Response Communication Packet
* Tools and resources available to increase communication capabilities between boating facilities and the Office of Emergency Services during an oil spill.Key presenters include: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California State Parks and California Coastal Commission's Boating Clean and Green Program and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
You MUST REGISTER to attend.
Register now by emailing Vivian Matuk at
Max workshop capacity 30 people.
We will be offering the following virtual workshops :
Northern CA:
Thursday, September 10th from 9:30 am to approx. 12:30 pm
Southern CA:
Wednesday, September 23rd from 9:30 am to approx. 12:30 pmYou will only need a computer with internet access and either a phone to call in or the computer's speaker and microphone.
* You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom video conference meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you received the link from us.
* What we need from you:1. Based on where your boating facility is located at, please register to one of the virtual two workshops mentioned above by emailing Vivian Matuk at
When registering, please let us know to which workshop you want to register, your name, boating facility name and county, your email and phone number.
2. Once we receive your registration, we will be sending you the Zoom invite information link and easy to follow instructions and some additional files.
1a. Based on where your boating facility is located at, please register to one of the virtual two workshops mentioned above by emailing Vivian Matuk at registering, please let us know to which workshop you want to register, your name, boating facility name and county, your email and phone number.
2a.Once we receive your registration, we will be sending you the Zoom invite information link and easy to follow instructions and some additional filesWe are looking forward to hearing from you!
Construction Corner
Safer Port: The Redevelopment of Fireboat Station 15's DockLocated on the coast of Southern California, the Port of Long Beach is known as the second busiest port in the United States and connects 217 seaports worldwide. The port is made up of ten piers, eighty berths, twenty-two shipping terminals as well as three large marinas. The Long Beach Fire Department is responsible for protecting the area using fireboats and has recently undergone a full redevelopment of Fire Station 15 which is situated on the main channel.
Bellingham Marine was tasked with supplying a stable, robust, and unsinkable floating platform to support the improved fireboat operations. The constraints of the fixed docks and building structures surrounding the dock limited the float width to 12'-6" and made dock stability one of the more challenging aspects of this project. The limited width meant that a full depth concrete floating structure could not provide adequate roll stability, even with extensive ballasting. Bellingham Marine developed an elevated deck option that provides the required stability and meets the freeboard needs of the fireboat. Dustin Saldivar, engineer, noted, "the integration of the walking surface with the fenders and bollards was particularly challenging. By creating a 3D model of the entire structure, we were able to iterate different options and we ultimately ended up with a nice clean finish."
From start to finish, the effort to complete the dock required working alongside both engineering firms and contractors. Bellingham worked closely with the engineers at CH2M Hill to implement this design and incorporate all the necessary fendering and mooring accessories for serving the fireboats at the station. In addition to the fendered stanchions along the dock, the pile guides incorporate energy absorbing fenders to reduce peak loads on the pile system. The prime contractor served as the contractor while Bellingham Marine provided technical advisory throughout the process.
The match-cast, post-tensioned dock system was constructed in 12 modules, each 12'-6" wide x 8' long with shear keys cast-in at the end of each module. The entire dock was assembled on land and lifted at two points to place it in the water. The final 96' dock consists
of a concrete box beam supporting a steel frame and fiberglass panel superstructure. The elevated deck is lightweight yet robust and corrosion resistant. It also provides extensive space for incorporation of utilities in a configuration that is easy to inspect and maintain.
The Fireboat Station 15 dock will accommodate fireboats up to 108'and is now complete after eight months of intensive effort. The Port of Long Beach now looks to replace additional dock systems within the port as part of their larger plan to increase safeguarding capabilities within the area.
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
With the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show on hold for this year, we are focusing on how we can better serve our members. Your board members have come up with some great ideas that will be rolled out next month. While the conference is a big part of MRA's mission, there are new ways to educate during these unusual times as well as the work that goes into the lobbying that protects our members.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* Governor Newsome Announces Appointment Director of the California Department of Parks & Recreation * Coast Guard Survey(WAMS) * Grant Applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education & Outreach Program Due on October 12, 2020 * When to Record,Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace * 2020 Virtual Oil Spill Response Communication Worksjops for Marinas & Yacht Club * Construction Corner * The Last Word
Quick Links
Nick Garcia posted an articleJuly E Newsletter 2020 see more
July 2020
To all our valued members,
As we indicated last month, the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) is in the process of creating a 2020-2025 Nonpoint Source Program Implementation Plan. We received a notice and call for comments in late-June, and the due date for comments was July 13. The MRA was part of an immediate response that sought more time to make comments. The Water Board quickly extended the due date for comments until July 31.
The part of the Plan which is most impactful to our industry is Goal 5, in which the Water Board wants to regulate all ocean marinas the same, and use Marina del Rey as the standard, which makes no sense because the harbors and marinas up and down the coast have varying levels of issue with copper and other biocides, and to look at us all through one lens is bureaucratic overreach.
MRA commissioned the Moffatt and Nichol engineering firm to develop a letter of opposition, with technical comments that will be supported by technical memorandums. That letter was sent to Michael Hanks, State Water Resources Control Board and Jun Zhu, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. MRA also reached out to our fellow marine organizations and to our own coastal marina and yacht club members to do the same, and we have received quick response of support for our position, and indication that our fellow marine organizations and our members are submitting letters as well.
This could be a huge issue for our industry, and result in hundreds of thousands in costs to our harbors, and to the marinas within those harbors. Our Association will continue to monitor this situation, as it did with the proposed Marina Permit many years ago, which we were active in halting. As we indicate at our annual conference, this is one of the benefits of membership, and the funds you provide are used to fight harmful bureaucratic program proposals time and time again.
Mark Sandoval,
Past PresidentDBW Commission Meeting August 13, 2020
On behalf of the California Boating and Waterways Commission, I invite you and/or your representative to join us for our virtual August Commission meeting. Working with our constituents is key to implementing successful programs. Our Commission meetings are valuable opportunities to learn how the Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) promotes safe and responsible access to California's waterways.
As a result of the COVID-19 emergency and the Governor's Executive Orders N-29-30 and N-33-20, the August 13, 2020 California Boating and Waterways (CBW) Commission meeting will occur virtually through video and teleconference. There will not be a physical place where the public can go in-person to make public comments.
The CBW Commission will be using the video conferencing service, Zoom, to host the meeting and allow for remote public participation. Below you will find preliminary details on the Commission Meeting:
Commission Meeting - Open to the Public: Thursday, August 13 at 9 a.m.
Register in Advance:
During the meeting, DBW will share program accomplishments with the Commission. California Boating and Waterways' Chair Virginia Madueño will update the public on Commission-related activities.
Full details of the August Commission meeting and the ability to request electronic copies of the notice and agenda are available online at For individuals who cannot make the live virtual meeting can view the meeting afterwards at
California State Senate Drops Sportfishing License Reform
Assemblyman Wood Remains Committed to a 365-Day Sportfishing License
Citing the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason, the California State Senate will not hear legislation that authorizes a 365-day fishing license legislation. Assembly Bill 1387 was authored by Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa) and sponsored by the California Sportfishing League (CSL).
In recent weeks it became increasingly evident that a limited legislative session meant many bills would not be heard this year unless they were deemed urgent or essential.
"California anglers have every reason to be disappointed that fishing license reform will not come in 2020. For decades, California's costly and antiquated fishing license program has contributed to declining fishing participation rates and fewer economic benefits for communities and jobs dependent on outdoor recreation," said Marko Mlikotin, executive director of the CSL. "States that offer anglers a license that provide a full 12-months of fishing from the date of purchase have experienced increased license sales and revenue. Unfortunately, this pandemic killed reform, but it was not due to a lack of support. Over 70 state and national organizations supported Assembly Bill 1837 and as part of plan to improve fishing and hunting licensing programs, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife recommended transitioning the state to a 365-day license."
Assembly Bill 1387 passed the State Assembly unanimously and subject to minor amendments in the Senate, the bill was scheduled to advance later this month. Assemblyman Jim Wood intends to reintroduce the bill in the next legislative session and try to have a 365-day fishing license in effect by the original implementation date as specified in AB 1387.
Expressing optimism, Assemblyman Wood said, "I have every intention of reintroducing a 365-day fishing license bill next year that aims to introduce many more Californians to the great outdoors. I look forward to working with the California anglers and the recreational boating industry, and many others, to bring about meaningful reform and soon."
Since 1980, annual resident sport fishing license sales have declined 55% while the state's population has increased over 60%. While California has a population of more than 39.8 million people, one of the country's longest coastlines, and more than 3,000 lakes and thousands of rivers and streams, it has the lowest fishing participation rate per capita in the country.A leading contributor to declining fishing participation rates is costly fishing licenses that are not valid a full 365 days from the date of purchase. California's calendar-based fishing licenses expire on December 31st of each year, regardless of when purchased. Because most anglers will not pay full price for a license that is not valid a full 365 days from the date of purchase, CDFW fishing license data reveals that annual license sales peak in the first quarter of the year and then decline significantly by late Spring, even as weather warms and outdoor activity increases.
The California Sportfishing League (CSL) is a nonprofit coalition of recreational anglers, and small business owners devoted to protecting access to recreational fishing. California's 2.6 million recreational anglers contribute over $4.6 billion annually to California's economy, a major contributor to outdoor tourism and jobs.
To learn more, visit or Twitter @CASportfishing
Marko Mlikotin
916.799.7574California Coastal Cleanup
A Refresher on Employing Minors During COVID19: What Employers Need to Know
Summer is here, and for many businesses, that traditionally means hiring minors. Workers under the age of 18 are an important part of the workforce in many industries, including service businesses such as fast-food joints, restaurants, and ice-cream shops. These workplaces and others - such as arcades, amusement parks, and golf courses - often open or experience an increase in volume in summer.
There exist important federal and state rules that govern the employment of minors with respect to work permits, wages, hours of work, and various work restrictions. Further, as businesses begin reopening in this COVID-19 era and hiring such individuals, employers should ensure they are familiar with how return-to-work and similar policies apply to minors under other laws.
Work Permits
Most states require minors to provide a work permit or age certification before they begin working. Typically, it is necessary for a minor to obtain a new one at the beginning of each school year until the minor turns 18 or graduates from high school. An employer should always keep the work permit or age certification on file.
As a general rule, minors must be paid at least the statutory minimum wage for all hours worked. One exception exists under the Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA): The "opportunity wage," which permits an employer to pay a minor $4.25 per hour during their first consecutive 90 calendar days of employment. The exception is rarely used, particularly as state and local laws often call for higher wages these days. Still, employers that can avail themselves of the exception can, as the law intends, provide an opportunity to young workers in exchange for some labor savings for the employer without the potential risks associated with the hotly litigated unpaid internship.
Hours of Work
The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) has established minimum labor standards for the hours during which a minor may work and when such minor may work depending on their age.
14- and 15-Year-Olds
Fourteen and 15-year-olds cannot be employed (1) during school hours; (2) before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. (except June 1 through Labor Day when the evening hour is extended to 9:00 p.m.); (3) more than three hours a day on a school day, including Fridays; (4) more than eight hours on a non-school day; (5) more than 18 hours a week during a school week; and (6) more than 40 hours a week during non-school weeks. Even though, as noted, these children are allowed to work until 9:00 p.m. during the summer, a best practice is to enforce the 7:00 p.m. schedule year-round.With schools closing and offering virtual learning in the wake of COVID-19, it has been unclear when school is "in session." As a result, the USDOL issued guidance on how virus-driven school closures affect these child-labor protections. School is "in session" during any week in which the school district in which a minor resides requires its students to attend school, either physically or through virtual or distance learning. Thus, if the district physically closes schools in response to COVID-19 but requires students to continue instruction through virtual or distance learning for at least one day or part of one day, school is technically "in session" for purposes of the FLSA.
Generally, summer school sessions, held in addition to the regularly scheduled school year, are considered to be outside of school hours. However, some school districts may be considering mandatory instruction for all students over the summer to make up for instruction time lost due to COVID-19. Such mandatory summer sessions should be viewed as extensions of the school's regular schedule. Such periods of instruction would be considered "school hours," and school would be considered "in session" during any day and during any week in which the school district requires all students to receive instruction.
16- and 17-Year-Olds
While the FLSA places strict limitations on when and for how long 14- and 15-year-old employees may work, the FLSA does not place similar limitations on 16- and 17-year-olds. However, several states impose limitations on when and for how long 16- and 17-year-old employees may work. Accordingly, employers should check the standards of employment within each state they operate to ensure they are complying with both federal and state laws with regards to employment of minors.
Hazardous Occupations
Federal law strictly prohibits the employment of minors in non-agricultural work falling within any of the USDOL's list of hazardous occupations. These occupations include, but are not limited to, manufacturing or storing explosives, driving a motor vehicle, work as an outside helper on motor vehicles, coal mining, firefighting, using power-driven tools, being exposed to radioactive substances, and many more.
Occupational Restrictions
In additional to the temporal work limitations placed upon minors by the FLSA and various state laws, the FLSA further limits minors in the type of work they may perform based on their age group.14- and 15-Year-Olds
Children that are 14- and 15-years of age generally can perform tasks such as office and clerical work, intellectual or artistically creative work, cashiering, and stocking shelves. They also can perform limited food service work, maintenance work (buildings or grounds), and, in some instances, lifeguarding, and running errands, among other things.Within the food service industry, 14- and 15-year-olds may not, however, participate in any cooking that involves cooking over an open flame; cooking with rotisseries, broilers, pressurized equipment; and cooking using devices that operate at extremely high temperatures such as "Neico broilers." They also may not work with power-driven food slicers, grinders, choppers, processors, cutters, or mixers.
16- and 17-Year-Olds
Sixteen and 17-year-olds may perform any task within a quick service restaurant with the exception of power-driven baking machines or meat processing machines.Employers should clearly outline the job duties associated with any summer job to be performed by a minor. They cannot rely on a job title when determining if an occupation includes prohibited work. Rather, they must consider the actual job duties. Many times, employers mistakenly assume a role is permitted based on its title when, in actuality, the activities carried out in a position are prohibited. Employers should carefully review both the permitted and prohibited work, especially before hiring an individual under 16 years of age.
Further, employers should take time to train management on which tasks can and cannot be assigned to minors. It is important to memorialize such training by distributing a memorandum clearly indicating the child labor limitations for each minor employee. Finally, employers should consider informing other employees who will interact with the minor, and perhaps even the minor.
COVID-19-Related Concerns
Businesses that employ minors should reexamine applicable federal and state laws prior to implementing their return-to-work policies, particularly as related to the following:- Health Screening. Where permitted, many employers are requiring returning employees to submit to a temperature screening to avoid the spread of COVID-19.The EEOC has expressly permitted such screening for adults but has not addressed the issue as it relates to minors. Importantly, this type of medical screening constitutes a "medical examination" under the Americans With Disabilities Act, and most states require parental consent before conducting medical examinations on minor employees. Thus, if a company safety plan involves employee medical screening, employers should seek parental consent before implementing such policy toward minors and consult any other relevant state laws.
- Working Papers. Many states require a designated school official issue working papers to a minor only after being satisfied that the working conditions and hours will not interfere with a student's education or damage a student's health. Certain states require that the school review the work papers in person. School closures, however, may impact a minor employee's ability to procure his or her working papers. Some states are making an exception to this requirement. Employers must review relevant state guidance regarding such requirements and plan for delays in obtaining the requisite paperwork.
Additionally, if employers meet the requirements for minors returning to work, they should ensure each employee is properly supervised. One suggestion is to implement a mentor/mentee system where a seasoned worker is assigned a minor employee to supervise. This can assist management with alleviating the task of micro-managing its summer staff in this COVID-19 era.
The Bottom Line
This is only a general summary of the FLSA's child labor restrictions. Because of more restrictive state laws, federal law might only be the tip of the iceberg. At a minimum, an employer should review its hiring and employment practices - including any relatively new return-to-work policies - with respect to minors and implement a process to ensure compliance with the FLSA and any applicable state laws.Fisher Phillips will continue to monitor the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation and provide updates as appropriate. Make sure you are subscribed to Fisher Phillips' Alert System to get the most up-to-date information. For further information, contact your Fisher Phillips attorney, any attorney in our Wage and Hour Practice Group, or any member of our Post-Pandemic Strategy Group Roster. You can also review our FP BEYOND THE CURVE: Post-Pandemic Back-To-Business FAQs For Employers and our FP Resource Center For Employers.
This Legal Alert provides an overview of a specific developing situation. It is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal advice for any particular fact situation.For The Marina Bulliten Board
Construction Corner
The Makeover of Bayshore Marina: A Re-Decking ProjectLocated in Newport Beach California, Bayshore Marina has recently completed a major renovation resulting in a more environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing experience for their clients and the surrounding community. The private marina contains 134 boat slips ranging from 20' to 83' and is situated directly in Newport Harbor's main channel. The recent renovation was primarily cosmetic, replacing its dulling pressure treated Douglas Fir decking with 52,000 lineal feet of new IPE decking, but structural updates were also made as a part of the scope of work.
Bellingham Marine led the project beginning in early February 2020, and it was completed on an expedited schedule with minimal impact to boaters, as the marina remained open for use throughout the five-month makeover. The project utilized a phased approach to re-decking beginning at the fingers, with two separate crews working on the main head walk and progressing from the end ties inward allowing for an accelerated completion of the renovation.
Although treated wood decking has been standard in marina construction for years, the use of Brazilian hardwood was the obvious choice when selecting a replacement that would provide a smaller environmental footprint with a stunning visual appeal. Known for its uniform texture and durability along with its warm, red tones, IPE offers additional benefits as it is naturally rot and insect resistant and allows the material to be installed without chemical and preservative pressure-treatments, providing even greater environmental advantages over chemically treated wood. IPE has a low heat retention rate - dispersing absorbed heat at a faster rate than materials such as composite. This is particularly convenient for application in the hot summer months in California, allowing boaters a more controlled and consistent environment within the marina. The new decking requires minimal maintenance and the material ages and weathers over time producing a pleasant sun-bleached silver appearance.
In addition to the re-decking, other new visually appealing elements were incorporated including updated fendering, power center covers, meter covers, hose racks and fiberglass dock boxes with removable tray inserts. Other non-aesthetic improvements fitted by Bellingham Marine added additional flotation allowing the addition of proper freeboard to the structure and improvements to low points that existed in the docks prior to renovation. Double pile guides were fabricated to correct and stabilize the uneven fingers, and the project replaced an additional 30 pile frames and installed supplementary rollers to the structure.
Customers of the new marina will enjoy the improved aesthetics of
the renovation while benefiting from functional upgrades whenever setting out for a day trip or an extended cruise. The increased curb appeal of the project adds to the overall appearance of the main channel, and its location, environmentally friendly construction, and durability assure that Bayshore Marina will be the preferred marina for yacht and duffy owners both now and for many years to come.
Trade Member Highlight
2021 SmartPlug Marine Catalog Includes Dockside ProductsSmartPlug Systems, innovative manufacturer of safer shore power delivery solutions for recreational and commercial marine, has debuted its 2021 catalog. Available for download at, it includes the company's new line of marina and dockside power products.
Unlike most catalogs, SmartPlug's concentrates first on the leading causes of shore power failure and boat fires before product descriptions. This laser-focus on safety and education is what separates the company from its competitors, both in print and as a corporate culture.
SmartPlug's new dockside solutions come from decades of shore power experience and customer feedback. Like its boat-side connectors, the concept overcomes the many issues inherent in 80-year-old twist-type connection technology. The new offerings include receptacles, weather doors, Eaton Lighthouse conversion kits, dock and boat lift kits, marina cordsets and power adapters. All SmartPlug products come with an industry-leading seven-year warranty.
"The addition of dockside products is the result of years of strategic planning and thorough testing," said Tony Barber, SmartPlug Systems CEO. "We took a completely new approach with this edition of our catalog and have produced a real winner."
SmartPlug Systems engineers and manufactures in the USA safe alternatives to twist-type AC shore power connections. Its plugs, inlets, cordsets, sensors and breakers are CE certified; its 30A and 50A inlets and connectors are ETL certified to UL standards and meet CSA requirements.
Contact: SmartPlug Systems 2500 Westlake Ave N., Ste, G Seattle, WA 98109-2262 Phone:206-285-2990 Fax:206-285-2981 Member Highlight
High Time for HDPE Repairs on Waterfront PropertiesEvery seasoned harbor master and marina operator knows the many hours of back-breaking labor to sand, stain, and seal walkways, dock planking and boat slips. The costs and the effort are continuous.
Even in this era of Covid 19, joists, beams, and railings still need repairs, replacement, and upgrades, whether or not the waterfront is active.
As wood prices continually increase, HDPE high density polyethylene marine lumber profiles, manufactured by Bedford Technologies, offer a quality, durable, and almost maintenance-free alternative.
Most marina and harbor masters are familiar with HDPE pipes and floating docks but may be unaware of the eco-friendly HDPE construction materials that can be installed as easily as wood and solve a variety of other marine structure challenges.
With HDPE marine construction materials, there is no longer a need to look for signs of rotten decking boards, splinters, saltwater damage, or barnacles.
HDPE marine construction profiles are available for any size project. It comes in a variety of cool colors and slip resistant textures that resist sun fading, chipping and peeling. And, for more rugged strength and usage, HDPE is reinforced with fiberglass. Bedford Technologies offers a variety of "SMART-fence™" and other super-strength fiberglass embedded profiles.
HDPE marine lumber conveniently comes in standard wood measurements or can be customized to just the right lengths needed for any size project. An added feature is easy, convenient delivery from manufacturer directly to the construction site!
Keeping relevant is important in any business and, with climate change, marine facilities are facing greater pressures to diligently respond to and address environmental issues.
Here, HDPE marine construction profiles can also be a solid solution. Made essentially from recycled food and consumer product containers, HDPE is eco-friendly-no leaching into the water, no toxic chemicals, no decay or corrosion.
Whether repairing or reinforcing seawalls, bulkheads, marine pilings,
pontoons, berths and dock bumpers or replacing benches, picnic tables, or fencing HDPE marine construction materials are versatile and solve a lot of headaches.
With a virtually lifetime maintenance free HDPE-built out port or marina, the maintenance crew will have time to devote to other projects and the port captain can prioritize the budget in other ways.
An annual pressure wash keeps the HDPE walkways and dock areas looking great!
High Tek Deck Inc. is a nationwide resource and prime distributor of high quality, environmentally friendly, sustainable HDPE profiles. For more information and to arrange a Zoom conference or a customized presentation, please call Bill Flynn, CEO, at: (650) 368-7957 or e-mail:
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
Latitude 38 is working on a story for boaters coming from the Pacific Northwest into California and what if any restrictions there are for boaters coming into coastal marinas. Over the last couple of weeks I reached out to our coastal members to get answers to on this subject. I am very pleased that I received over 50% of the marinas responding.
With the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show on hold for this year, we are focusing on how we can better serve our members. Your board members have come up with some great ideas that will be rolled out over the next few months. While the conference is a big part of MRA's mission, there are new ways to educate during these unusual times as well as the work that goes into the lobbying that protects our members. Our year starts tomorrow, July 1st and I urge you to continue to support this organization.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* DBW Commission Meeting August 13, 2020 * California State Senate Drops Sportfishing License Reform * California Coastal Cleanup * A Refresher on Employing Minors During COVID19: What Employers Need to Know * For the Marina Bulliten * Construction Corner * Trade Member Highlight - 2021 SmartPlug Marine Catalog Includes Dockside Products
* Trade Member Highlight - High Time for HDPE Repairs on Waterfront Properties
* The Last Word
Quick Links
Nick Garcia posted an articleJune E Newsletter 2020 see more
June 2020
To all our valued members,
As one of my colleagues said to me recently, if you live long enough you will see a pandemic. I am happy I lived this long to see one but not sure how happy I am to have lived through one. I tend to be a practical guy who can see both sides of an issue. During our recent board meeting, the primary discussion was about whether we should hold our annual in person educational conference in late September or not. In fifteen years on the board I have never witnessed anything but a 100% consensus vote. The vote this past week was 5 adamantly in favor of in person conference, 5 adamantly opposed and 5 saying it is still too soon to tell. Our poll of our membership base fell along the same lines. This pandemic is very personal and everyone's opinion needs to be respected no matter what yours is. I see both sides of this one and the middle. It was ultimately decided that we will not have our annual educational conference this year in September. I think all of us can understand the reasoning but it is truly sad that we will not have the opportunity to be together this year.
On a more positive note we at your association are excited about some educational opportunities we will be rolling out soon.We appreciate your continued support in these trying times.
Scott Robertson
PresidentTargeted by the Water Board Again!
The regulatory agencies are at it again. The State Water Resources Control Board is in the process of creating a 2020-2025 Nonpoint Source Program Implementation Plan. It is in the "proposed" stage, and the agency is seeking public input.
The Plan is 118 pages with a wide myriad of categories. There is a Coastal Section in the Plan, and Goal 4 of that Section relates specifically to Marina del Rey. The Plan then goes onto a Goal 5, which will be the most impactful to our industry, which reads:Goal 5: Reduce NPS discharges of biocides from boats residing in saltwater marinas in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
Background: Biocides are used in the hull paint for the boats residing in other marinas as well in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, including Alamitos Bay, Channel Island Harbor, King Harbor, Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors, and Ventura Harbor-Ventura Keys. Although these marines are not subject to TMDLs, the Los Angeles Water Board intends to regulate these marinas in the same manner as the Marina del Rey Harbor to maintain the consistency in the compliance requirements. In accordance with the NPS Implementation Policy, discharges of biocides from the boats residing in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties shall be regulated by WDRs, waivers of WDRs, or other regulatory mechanisms.
Objectives and Milestones:
- Obtain information on the marina owners, operators, boaters, and biocides being used
a.)Develop and issue a 13267 order (June 2023) - Develop a conditional waiver of WDRs for the discharge of biocides from boats residing in marinas in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties (June 2024)
It appears that the Water Board wants to regulate us all the same, and use Marina del Rey as the standard. This makes no sense because the harbors and marinas up and down the coast have varying levels of issue with copper and other biocides, and to look at us all through one lens is bureaucratic overreach.
In addition, there is a Goal in the Plan requiring the California Coastal Commission to implement measures and BMPs to "protect and restore coastal waters" when issuing permits. Obviously, this could have a huge impact on future marina developments and redevelopments.
The MRA has taken a proactive approach to this issue. We have engaged experienced professionals as well as Platinum Advisers, our legislative advocate. We will determine if we need to provide public input, and will strategize a plan forward. We will continue to update our membership on this issue of significant importance, particularly to our southern and central coastal members, and will reach out to you if we need a letter-writing campaign in the future.
Stay tuned.
Support the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund Today!ACTION ALERT
The Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund (Trust Fund) supports conservation efforts to protect our natural treasures for generations to come - tell Congress to reauthorize the Trust Fund today!
At no cost to taxpayers, the Trust Fund is funded through voluntary fees that go directly to boating infrastructure projects, conservation efforts, safety and education programs, and more.
Boaters and anglers like you understand the importance of clean water and robust access better than anyone. Without the Trust Fund, funding for these projects expires at the end of 2020. And if it does, we'll all lose out.
Tell Congress to reauthorize the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund today!
Great American Outdoors Act!
Big news from Congress: Thanks to everyone who took action, the Senate passed the Great American Outdoors Act! Now we need to get it across the finish line - tell the House of Representatives to pass the bill!
Without raising a dime in new taxes, the Great American Outdoors Act will restore and protect our public lands and waters - like docks, campgrounds, and trails - and maximize access to these national treasures. Tell the House of Representatives to support the Great American Outdoors Act!Bill Curry Remembered
Bill Curry (center) recipient of the 2001 Darrell McConnell Service Award
Upon graduating from college with his civil engineering degree, Bill and his bride made the trip out to California in the early 1960s to work for the newly-created Department of Water Resources to work on the State Water Project. Bill was assigned to help design the Hyatt Pumping and Generating Plant. It was a very complex project so DWR hired the UC Davis engineering department to assist with the design. An old metal agricultural warehouse far off-campus was turned into a lab where Bill worked with graduate students, faculty and other DWR engineers to build and run hydraulic tests on scale models of the pumping plant. Perhaps this is where Bill learned his legendary woodworking skills. Bill recalled that one of the graduate students in the lab liked archery and would practice out back behind the lab during lunch. It didn't take long before everyone else bought bows and arrows and lunch breaks were eagerly anticipated for some spirited archery competitions.The Hyatt project was completed in 1968 and Bill moved on to the Department of Harbors and Watercraft, the precursor of what would eventually become the Department of Boating and Waterways. This was the beginning of a remarkable career with DBW where he remained until his retirement as supervising civil engineer in 2002. Bill's contributions to the recreational boating community both in California and nationally have been significant, extensive, and long-lasting. Bill worked for a number of years after retirement as a retired annuitant on important special projects for the Department.
Bill was a wonderful family man. He and Judy owned a VW bus when his children were young and every weekend they would all pile into it and explore California never with any particular destination in mind. Bill will be remembered as an excellent engineer and a real people person who also loved to make puns any chance he had. He was the creator of DBW's floating restroom program, the author of numerous iterations of DBW's boat launching and marina design and construction guidelines, a commissioner on the Delta Protection Committee, the 2002 recipient of the States Organization for Boating Access' prestigious William H. Ivers Award, and a tireless advocate for making boating facilities accessible for persons with disabilities.
You will be remembered and missed, Bill.
Bellingham Marine's General Manager Southwest Division Retires
Following a long career of outstanding service to the company and community, Bellingham Marine announces the retirement of Jim Puder from it
s Southwest Division. Jim joined the Bellingham team 22 years ago as a General Manager and has demonstrated a results-driven leadership approach. Since 1998, Jim has mentored and developed others, and deployed his wealth of experience within the company to make an impact on the mission and culture of Bellingham Marine.
Jim's background is a testament to excellence in marina construction. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University and is a California registered professional engineer. Jim holds among his achievements the complete replacement of 1,967 slips in Alamitos Bay Marina located in Long Beach, CA.
Under Jim's leadership, the Southwest Division has built a legacy of excellence and reputation as he is known for both his strength in sales and mentorship equally. Jim will be missed by colleagues and clients alike; we wish him a healthy retirement!
BoatUS says FCC's Message to Boaters and Those Relying on GPS: 'Tough Luck'
Controversial order threatens reliability of hundreds of millions of GPS units
The nation's largest advocacy, services and safety group for recreational boaters, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), says an April 22 decision by the Federal Communications Commission to give mobile satellite services operator Ligado Networks, a private equity company, the green light to build and operate a land-based industrial 5G (fifth generation) wireless network will negatively impact the reliability of the nation's Global Positioning System and harm boating safety.
Ligado's slice of licensed "L-Band" spectrum designated for space-based navigation and communications is located near lower frequency bands used by hundreds of millions of GPS units used in public safety, health, government, transportation, military, commerce, agriculture and more. A founding member of the recently launched Keep GPS Working Coalition, BoatUS believes that as the Ligado network is rolled out, instances of signal interference will increase. This will give current GPS users no choice but to either purchase new GPS units or potentially suffer continued interference. The loss of a GPS signal at a critical moment is a significant safety concern for any vessel operator relying on this popular and widely used technology.
The coalition said that FCC's decision disregarded mountains of evidence highlighting the interference issue, ignored established technical standards, relied only on limited studies with vague and impractical criteria to access interference, and was made during the COVID-19 pandemic when a final decision was circulated only among the five FCC commissioners as stakeholders were dealing with the health crisis.
The commission also ignored serious concerns from the federal government as well as agencies including the departments of Defense, Transportation, Commerce, Interior, Justice and Homeland Security, as well as NASA, the National Science Foundation, Federal Aviation Administration and U.S. Coast Guard.
"As a recreational boater, I must have a reliable navigation system," said BoatUS Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy. "With this decision, FCC is permitting one private company to upend the entire reliability of GPS. It's unfathomable that the lone federal caretaker of our national radio spectrum shows such disregard, even after admitting there are cases where federal and private GPS users will suffer harmful interference. It's a message that in essence says 'tough luck' - you are on your own."
Boaters may remember Ligado's former name, LightSquared. In 2010, FCC suspended consideration of its prior proposal to use its licensed spectrum for a 4G LTE network also citing unresolved concerns over radio spectrum interference with GPS, forcing the company into bankruptcy. In May of this year, Ligado announced $100 million in new funding from unnamed sources.
The loss of a GPS signal while navigating, especially when precision counts, is a safety concern for all recreational boaters.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit the Marina Bulletin Board
A New Boating Safety Concern This July 4
Don’t try to have your own fireworks showCelebrating America’s birthday, thousands of boaters are expected to hit the water this Fourth of July holiday weekend, recreational boating’s traditional busiest time of the year. With COVID-19 it certainly won’t be the same. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has a few boating safety reminders just in time for the holiday.
While boaters will need to follow social distancing guidelines, that’s not the only COVID-19 concern, according to the Foundation. While many local community fireworks displays have been canceled this year, some boaters may wish to offer their own fireworks show and take to the water with pyrotechnics. “With gallons of fuel aboard and other flammable materials – your boat – you would be truly risking lives,” said BoatUS Foundation Assistant Director of Boating Safety Ted Sensenbrenner. “It’s not worth the risk. There is no safe place aboard a boat suitable for using fireworks.”
As the captain, you can’t head out without remembering that your passengers become your responsibility as soon as you pull away from the dock. Think twice about loading up the boat with a cooler full with beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks as alcohol use is the leading known contributing factor in fatal boating accidents.
“Just because the captain is sober doesn’t mean alcohol should be free-flowing aboard your boat,” said Sensenbrenner. “The stressors of a hot sun, wind and waves all day when combined with alcohol can intensify the effects of inebriation, increasing the risk of a passenger slip or fall overboard or worse. Save the alcohol for celebrating after you have safely returned home for the night.”
Lastly, remember that you won’t be out on the water alone. Operation Dry Water will heighten BUI awareness and enforcement during the three-day weekend of July 3−5, and law enforcement officers will be on alert for those violating boating under the influence laws. Agencies from all 50 states and are expected to participate for increased enforcement.
About the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water:
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is a national leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating. Funded primarily by donations from the more than half-million members of Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), the nonprofit provides innovative educational outreach directly to boaters and anglers with the aim of reducing accidents and fatalities, increasing stewardship of America's waterways and keeping boating safe for all. A range of boating safety courses – including 36 free state courses – can be found at Member Highlight
Freedom Boat Club Announces New Global Website
Freedom Boat Club, a division of Brunswick Corporation (NYSE: BC), has announced the launch of its newly designed website at The new site features a contemporary, modern design, improved functionality, and easy access for anyone looking to learn more about the world's oldest and largest boat club.
The new comprehensive website launch comes amid record numbers of website visitors flocking to Year to date website traffic is up almost 50 percent from a year ago. A good portion of the website traffic in 2020 is coming from mobile devices, which was a key initiative for building the new
"We are thrilled to debut our new Club website to our prospects, members, and franchisees," said Freedom Boat Club President John Giglio. "This website redesign comes at a time when interest in the Club is at a 30-year high. Many of our more than 230 locations are seeing significant growth as we head into the summer months."
Freedom Boat Clubs new website will be updated on a regular basis as new locations come onboard among other updates. Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and find a location close to them or review the fleet of boats at a different location. As a Freedom Boat Club member, you have reciprocal access to over 230 Club locations in the United States, Canada, and France.
About Freedom Boat Club
Freedom Boat Club, a division of Brunswick Corporation (NYSE: BC) and headquartered in Venice, FL., is the world's oldest and largest boat club with over 230 locations in 31 states, Canada, and Europe. The club services more than 20,000 memberships representing over 40,000 members and sports a fleet of more than 2,500 boats. More information about Freedom Boat Club and membership opportunities can be found at and franchise opportunities at Brunswick
Headquartered in Mettawa, Ill., Brunswick Corporation's leading consumer brands include Mercury Marine outboard engines; Mercury MerCruiser sterndrive and inboard packages; Mercury global parts and accessories including propellers and SmartCraft electronics; Power Products Integrated Solutions; MotorGuide trolling motors; Attwood, Garelick, and Whale marine parts; Land 'N' Sea, BLA, Payne's Marine, Kellogg Marine, and Lankhorst Taselaar marine parts distribution; Mercury and Quicksilver parts and oils; Bayliner, Boston Whaler, Crestliner, Cypress Cay, Harris, Lowe, Lund, Princecraft, Quicksilver, Rayglass, Sea Ray, Thunder Jet and Uttern boats; Boating Services Network, Freedom Boat Club and NAUTIC-ON. For more information, visit Member Highlight
Announcing Version 11.0.2
The Solution for Success
Scribble SoftwareVersion 11.0.2 - Now for Your Business
Scribble Software has a strong history of providing businesses like yours with the tools it needs to do the job better and faster than ever before. The Scribble suite of solutions, hardware, and services are designed to meet you where you are and take you to the next level in management and service.Version 11.0+ Release Notes by Product
- The Management Summary Report may now be run for the current date or any previous date. Some of the options for the report are only available for the current date: Occupancy, Rental Status, Rental Income, Liabilities.
- The slip details displayed on the integrated map now includes the customer's email address.
- The selected sort column and order is memorized and reapplied each time the Wait List Browser form is opened and refreshed.
- Update to the Property Type tab of the General Settings. The update splits the outside land storage option into three options (Rack, Trailer, Land).
- New field available for reporting "Auto Credit Card Pay". Reports can be generated to include this field, sort on this field, and filter by this field.
- When editing a slip location, adjustments to the Arrival Date and Departure Date will be reflected on the original reservation for that slip.
- Added new field to customer details screen to show the Preferred Delivery Method. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- MarinaOffice and PureRetail now leverage the Customer's Preferred Delivery Method when generating invoices. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- When deleting a reservation, a new Delete Reason form is displayed. A setting can be turned on if you wish to require a Delete Reason. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- When canceling a reservation, a new Cancel Reason form is displayed. A setting can be turned on if you wish to require a Cancel Reason. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- Customer and Space Notes properly filter in Adhoc reporting. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- When MarinaOffice is configured to handle online reservations through MARIAH, the Reservation Browser will reflect the same information as the MARIAH Reservations page. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The user can now toggle the 'Active' status of a customer through the desktop applications and is no longer required to make this adjustment directly in QuickBooks. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Receiving payment for a Check-In or Check-Out in MarinaOffice requires that PureRetail have an open batch on the computer. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New "Exact Change" button option for the cash register. "Exact Change" allows the user to skip the step of typing in the payment amount before selecting the payment method.
- Both OpenEdge and Payment Innovators offer integrated ACH processing. Enhance the ACH Auto-Payment process by offering this possibility through MarinaOffice's auto-billing and PureRetail's ACH processing form.
- If the consumer performs an overpayment by credit card through integrated credit card processing, the cash drawer will pop open.
- Alert messages have been added to alert the user to the expiration status of the on-file credit card token.
- New options for filtering the auto-cc process so the user can quickly review and locate desired information.
- If the auto-cc payment processes through the merchant, but fails to record in the accounting package, the details of why it did not post will be recorded on the auto-cc record.
- The "customer balance" auto-credit card payment process has been optimized to better reflect various scenarios allowing the user to quickly review what occurred during the amount validation process.
- Multiple back-to-back percentage fees on a transaction in PureRetail are calculated properly in the sale and on the printed receipt.
- Enhanced protections have been put into place to guard against entities from different lists having the same name. Example: Identical names being used as an Account Name and an Item Name.
- Gift Card processing for Payment Innovators has been added.
- Updated Item Receipt form in PureRetail. This update also allows the same form to be available in PureService as well. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- Previously, if the consumer did not remove their credit card after completing a transaction, the user would receive "REMOVE CARD" message. The text of this message has been updated for clarification purposes. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- MarinaOffice and PureRetail now leverage the Customer's Preferred Delivery Method when generating invoices. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- A new, updated Purchase Order entry screen has been added to be uniform across all programs. Also added are new purchase order browser windows and selection windows. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- An administrative user can now update the current Open Drawer Cash Amount if needed. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New option allows the user to set up Food Service receipts to include all details or only include the details that effect the total price of the transaction. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- A new check has been added to verify the SQL Service is running and to make an attempt to start it up if it is not. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New setting provides additional security within PureRetail for processing Ticket Charges and Sales using credit card on file by requiring the user to enter an accurate zip code. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The user can now synchronize Purchase Order from the accounting platform directly from the Purchase Order browser. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New options in PureRetail to use Standard Message and Custom Messages for improved communication between the wait staff and the kitchen staff. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The Auto-CC process has included the automatic real-time balance validation step for a while, but now the user can manually run the validation step manually. This allows the user full confidence that the amount they are expecting to process the cards for is the amount that is processed. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Tax calculations in Canadian version after resyncing data while the program is open was improved. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- A new alert added to notify the user if they tried processing a new SKU before assigning the SKU to an item. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Z-Out's have always alerted a user if there are any held transactions from the current batch. Now, Z-Out's will alert the user about all held transactions for the station, no matter where they are in history. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- QuickBooks allows the user to enter a negative statement charge but does not allow integrated applications to do anything with it. A new message was added to alert the user to the issue and let them know they need to handle it in QuickBooks manually. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Update to the invoice process for Recurring Charges in PureRetail. The AutoCC message was updated to handle discounts on the invoice. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The cash register date transaction date will always change back to today after each transaction process. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Added new column to Outstanding Work Orders list to show the percentage of jobs completed to match the individual work order screen.
- Completed Work Orders by Range chart now properly populates its data.
- Changed the Refresh button for the dashboard chart to a brighter color to help it stand out.
- If a customer is marked as nontaxable, PureService will properly post the invoice to QuickBooks and sales tax will not be charged.
- When opening a work order in PureService, if the first job in the work order is "completed", the Add and Remove buttons are still active and allow the user to Add or Remove items from the "completed" job. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- Updated Item Receipt form in PureService. This update also allows the same form to be available in PureRetail as well. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- A new option has been added for Technician Time. When adding technician time, the user can choose to have the system post the Technician Time Notes directly to the Job Notes. The posting will include the Employee Name and the Time of the note. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- The Item filter in PureService has been updated to include the spaces. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- When invoicing a completed work order in PureService, the user now has the option of choosing either the Completed Date of the work order or Today's Date for the invoice. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- Security Setting updated for securing the selected vessel on a work order. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- Labor Estimates and Technician Efficiency Tracking has been updated to allow predefined jobs to be assigned to labor estimate. The user can still manually create or adjust the labor estimate as needed, and the addition of the automatic labor estimate creation will streamline the process. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New auto-save setting for Work Orders and estimates. It is time-based and can be configured to run in 5 to 60-minute intervals while editing a work order. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New quick entry form introduced in PureService that allows a technician or service manager to quickly and simply locate open jobs and add technician labor time to an open job. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Added the ability to save a purchase order and immediately start a new one. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- A new option has been added to allow service technicians to quickly start and stop job time. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New Work in Progress (WIP) Report added to PureRetail to quickly see the inventory tied up by open work orders and jobs. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Added new technician ticket that splits up different technician jobs to separate pages. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New Item report showing which items were sold on which jobs and work orders. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The user can now enter technician time on a job using the number of labor hours or start and end times. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Updated the Predefined Job list so that the user cannot Add, Edit, Delete, or Print when looking at the list from a Work Order. The user can still do those options when looking at the list from the navigator.
The Add Job and Edit Job buttons were always hidden from the Work Order, but the user could Edit a job by double-click, they could print the list, and they could delete a job on the Predefined Job List from a Work Order. (*Available in 11.0.2) - A new Job Efficiency Report has been added. This report is only available if the 'Technician Efficiency' is active. This report displays all of the jobs (grouped by work order) within a date range. It also displays the labor estimate for the job and all associated technician time tracking. This report can be run as a full report (showing all technician time) or as a review report (only shows jobs with less than 100% efficiency). (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The technician efficiency process has been updated to allow for automatic and manual labor estimate creations. Custom and Predefined Jobs can be assigned a labor value that is used as the initial labor estimate each time the job is applied to a work order. A user can also manually create labor estimates for jobs that are not initially assigned a labor value. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The text within RentalH2O was updated to always use the verbiage "Rental", instead of using two separate terms of "Rental" and "Booking". (*Available in 11.0.1)
- The completion and refund processes in RentalH2O have been updated. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- RentalH2O automatically resolves issues with the database configuration required for listening purposes. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- When RentalH2O is configured for 'all payments are liability', then a pre-pay deposit is required but not all properties do that. The user is now allowed to set up a $0.00 amount for this process. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- New option added to allow the user to assign the 'Anytime' value for the return date.
- Added the ability to use a specific admin Windows User to open the port used by Fuel Server if the currently logged in user does not have enough permission to run the command. (*Available in 11.0.2)
Enterprise Synchronizer
- A check has been put in place to verify there is an open QuickBooks company file before a sync is attempted. The program will retry at regular intervals until QuickBooks is opened.
- The invoicing process in MarinaOffice has been enhanced. After the invoicing process is completed, MarinaOffice will attempt to automatically upload the changes to MARIAH.This will reduce the steps needed by the user to keep the MeterWalk app up to date with the most recent slip details.
- During the sync process, the system will verify the transient rental tables are properly created prior to syncing the data.
- The MARIAH MeterWalk synchronization process has been updated to provide enhanced manager control over the data being imported from the mobile MeterWalk app. (*Available in 11.0.1)
- Improved efficiency of automatic data validation and update processes. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- The property now has the choice of ignoring or posting 'Pending' invoices for online bill payments. (*Available in 11.0.2)
- Enterprise Synchronizer has been updated to improve upload dated for today or in the future. (*Available in 11.0.2)
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
With the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show on hold for this year, we are focusing on how we can better serve our members. Your board members have come up with some great ideas that will be rolled out over the next few months. While the conference is a big part of MRA's mission, there are new ways to educate during these unusual times as well as the work that goes into the lobbying that protects our members. Our year starts tomorrow, July 1st and I urge you to continue to support this organization.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* Targeted by the Water Board Again! * Support the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund Today! * Great American Outdoors Act! * Bill Curry Remembered * Bellingham Marine's General Manager Southwest Division Retires * FCC's Message to Boaters * For the Marina Bulletin Board
* Trade Member Highlight
* Trade Member Highlight
* The Last Word
Quick Links
- Obtain information on the marina owners, operators, boaters, and biocides being used
Nick Garcia posted an articleApril ENewsletter 2020 see more
April 2020
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
As I sit in my home office staring out at my swimming pool, I wonder how long we can continue to keep everyone at home? The natives are restless and we as an industry have the perfect product to help them out. The problem is a lot of us are closed.
I have talked to many of you throughout the state and there seems to be no rime or reason as to why some marinas are open and others not. In northern California lakes, the best I can tell, my lake, Bullardsbar Reservoir and Shasta Lake are the only two lakes open for business. All the other lakes have been closed by their landlords, whether it be Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps, State Parks, Southern California Edison or the local water agency who controls the lake, eleven lakes in all. Most of the lakes closed are in rural California. There is concern folks visiting those facilities will come from more metropolitan areas and bring with them the virus and the local communities don't have the resources to deal with outbreak. I understand but the natives are getting restless.
The coastal marinas seem to be fairing better. Many of the marina's are open and allowing their boaters access to their slip and the open water. San Diego bay was closed a few weeks back, which in essence shut down the marinas unless you just wanted to visit your boat.
Whether you're open or not have your virus protocol done and educate your crew. CDC provides good guidance on procedures. We went so far as to have the county health officer weigh in on our procedures. It is a nice selling point. Remember the natives are restless and they are going to come in mass when stay at home is lifted or maybe sooner, be prepared.
Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.
Scott Robertson
What our Members are Facing During COVID-19
Your Board of Directors held their April 1st Board Meeting via a conference call. At the beginning of the meeting, each board member was asked how their marina, boatyard or business was handling the current COVID-19 situation. It was very interesting to hear how everyone was affected in different ways and we shared tips to navigate the current situation. On April 17th, I sent out an email to the membership requesting what impact their businesses were having. While only a few responded, below is what they shared:
Brad & Jeanne Howard, Kaweah Marina, Lemon Cove, CA
We are actually doing really well. The Corp of Engineer closed the lake down. They are still letting us work repairing boats. I just come up 3 days a week and answer the phones and do paper work for reserving slips. When we open, the paper work will be done. We are losing boat rental revenue. But hopefully we will catch up.Kim Korth, Korth's Pirates Lair Marina, Isleton, CA
At Korth's Pirates Lair, we have temporarily closed our Café and computer Lounge due to the Coronavirus. We still have our Fuel Dock, Launch Ramp and Marina Office Open. We are not letting customers enter our marina office but instead we greet them at the door and conduct business 6 feet away. Last March 20th, when we put these new conditions in place, we also gave FREE launching and told new prospective slip rental customers to hold off and we would call them back in two weeks. We have done that now and have proceeded to rent slips again. We also started to charge for our Launch Ramp use again.
One major new development we are noticing is that fishermen with boats, towed on trailers, are flooding into our area to launch their boats since so many State and City boat launch ramps are closed. Obviously, FISHING wins over staying at home!Richard Markie, Paradise Village Marina, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
Things are going pretty good. We are 89% full with boats and about 8 % with people. Our dry storage yard is 100% full. We are not discounting anything and that is different from the rest of the local marinas they have all started lowering their prices. We never get involved with the price wars.
We have made a great effort training our employees both office and dock crew regarding the health and safety of everyone clients, contractors, and employees. Our workers are temperature checked on arrival and several times a day. Our guards are equipped with infrared thermometers and check everyone on the docks several times a day. They also check Oxygen proliferation and pulse rate with the finger monitor. Our clients have nothing but praise for our concern about them and our employees. We do not allow anyone on the docks without a mask which is about all we can do at this time. We are the only Marina in the world that has a fully certified hospital attached to the marina and that helps a lot. The hotel is closed so it is very quiet which is nice.Stephen Orosz, Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, Richmond, CA
On the one hand, at Marina Bay Yacht Harbor we continue to operate somewhat normally but on the other it has created a lot of additional work with changing protocols, updating signage and adapting to the changing circumstances. In the office we have evolved to adapt to the social distancing requirements. We are fortunate to have a foyer and inner door to the office so we put a table across the doorway as a barrier and also all our communications with current and prospective tenants has been to exhort them to do as much of the paperwork as possible via e-mail. In the office and with the maintenance staff we have added sanitizing steps to the routine cleaning which includes using garden sprayers with bleach solution on all the hard surfaces in the boater's restrooms. We also have placed spray bottles with bleach solution on the counter in each restroom for the boaters to use if they wish. In the office we use the sanitizing solution to wipe down the counters and table where the customers interact.
Getting PPE for the staff is a challenge. We had a limited supply of N95 masks and cartridges for respirators left over from the fire season and we were able to equip all the staff with several bandannas each. As they need to reuse PPE we have gone over the reports from Stanford on how to sterilizing the masks. We normally have plenty of gloves in stock for use so that has not been an issue. For the staff outside, the biggest risk factor seems to be the restrooms and fortunately it seems many of the boaters also recognize that and have heeded our advice to avoid the public areas wherever possible. Going forward, the new requirement to wear face coverings in public will be a challenge as that will require everyone to wear them even on the dock.
As one of the few launch ramps still open we have been getting a huge volume of calls asking if we are still open. Traffic has been relatively light but increasing. We have signage up at the launch ramp gate entrance, on the boarding floats and washdown stations encouraging boaters to maintain social distancing and so far it appears that most people are abiding by it. Otherwise, there is noticeably reduced activity on the docks. We have some traffic from prospective tenants although there have been a number of postponements or outright cancellations as people have discovered they can't move their boat to bring it here.
While several of our tenants have already contacted us to let us know that they will be having difficulty with paying rent in the coming months collections have not been off too much. We are expecting that as this continues the situation will only get worse and we expect that in the coming year or two we will see more marginal boats abandoned.Michael Aaker, King Harbor Marina, Redondo Beach, CA
Interesting times at King Harbor Marina. After nearly 50 years of owning and operating King Harbor Marina, the Guthrie family has sold their business. At about the same time the governor shut down all non-essential businesses, a new owner closed escrow on the purchase. Please welcome Majestic KHM LLC dba as King Harbor Marina. Needless to say the timing for this has created a great amount of work for everyone involved. We are very fortunate to have been listed as an essential business as Property Managers during the pandemic so it has been "business as usual" however, many businesses on our leasehold are closed at this time. With the exception of ourselves and The King Harbor Marine Center(Boatyard) the closed businesses are The Redondo Beach Yacht Club, The King Harbor Yacht Club, Bluewater Grill, The Bay Club, and a few small mom and pop businesses. As you would expect, our revenues are down and past due accounts are climbing. We having been working with our great tenants to get them as well as ourselves through this very difficult time. Our goal right now is to meet with any tenant requiring financial assistance and work out a plan that they can manage. We anticipate increasing numbers over the next several months and are determined to get through this the best we can.
We are trying to promote boating as the perfect activity for families to participate while the shut down order is in place. Our Marina business has seen increase activity at this time especially with the warm weather. There appears to be more people working on their boats, getting out on the water, or just relaxing while sunbathing. Our hope is that this activity remains open as long as we can control crowds for the proper social distancing and maintain a sterilized facility.
Lastly, we realize THAT THINGS MAY NEVER GET BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE BEFORE THE PANDEMIC and we may need to adjust the way we do business in order to be part of the solution rather than lengthening the problem.Michelle LaPointe, Vintage Marina & Channel Islands Harbor Marina, Oxnard, CA
Notes to Tenants
Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions- If you are NOT a Live Aboard in the Marina, Please Stay Home.
Our marina staff is trying our best to continue to provide the maintenance and office services necessary, but we need everyone to do their part to help keep us safe while we do so! We have added additional janitorial shifts to help keep the facilities safe. Boat service vendors are being allowed to continue work following social distancing guidelines. Boat owners are being allowed to come check on vessels or do necessary work (maintenance/repairs that are necessary for the seaworthy integrity of the vessel). Please DO NOT bring family & friends to the marina with you if you need to check on your vessel.
We understand that this is inconvenient. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. If we all work together and make the sacrifices required to keep ourselves and our community safe, we hope this will end sooner than later.
PLEASE STAY HOME. If not to protect yourselves, then to protect your family and friends and all of the strangers you could infect.Gary Jones, County of Los Angeles, Department of Beaches and Harbors, Marina del Rey
All offices for the Department of Beaches and Harbors are closed to the public; however, staff members are available at each facility to answer questions via telephone. At this time, Anchorage 47 is not approving new vessels or taking new applications. The public launch ramp, Anchorage 47 docks, transient docks, pump-outs, restrooms, laundry room, and parking lots remain open to boaters. The Marina del Rey Farmers Market is operational with additional restrictions on the number of customers and physical distancing. The Marina del Rey Summer Concert Series at Burton W. Chace Park has been canceled, and the Department is still evaluating whether other events will proceed. With County beaches closed, we continue to monitor for any crowds visiting Marina del Rey. While they have increased with the warmer weather, generally people are well behaved and follow public health guidelines.
Mark and Gina Winton, Success Lake Marina, Porterville, CA
We are all doing very well. We closed our business on March 20th, when all non-essential businesses were mandated to close. We have been staying home, together as a family, and very much appreciating the time; getting some much needed rest and lots of good family time together. We have plenty of paperwork to keep us busy, which we do at home. We answer our marina phone seven days a week. It is a cell phone and we turn it on during business hours. We have cameras at the marina that we can use to keep an eye on it remotely. We also go to the marina nearly every day to check on it, adjust the docks according to the water level, and do any projects or maintenance that need to be done. We are also homeschooling now, as are some of our employees.
At the beginning of the shelter in place, our business was closed, but the lake was not. People were flocking to the lake. We essentially needed to stay there to monitor the docks and the many fisherman who were trespassing; pulling in, tying up, wandering the docks, fishing off the docks and using our bathroom. We were closed, not making any money, but needed to be on the docks to manage the public. That was not fun.
Since then, our lake has completely closed. We are located on an Army Corps lake, and they have mandated that their lakes be closed at this time. The closure has eased the pressure and given us time to focus on the tasks at hand.
We are answering the phone seven days a week talking with the public calmly and kindly. Sometimes it feels like we are an outreach hotline for the public. Some people are feeling really lonely and are happy just to have another person to to talk to briefly. Many people are itching to go fishing, boating, kayaking, be in nature, and Socialize. We tell them that we do not have clear answers about the timeline for reopening, we are waiting just as they are, and everything will be fine. From the phone calls we receive, it is apparent that as soon as the lake opens it will be flooded with visitors from all over the state. We have received phone calls from up and down California, and people are ready to travel.
While this closure is not good for our business financially, we are also wary of how we, and our community, will handle the influx of visitors. We have thought about ways to handle our reopening, such as only opening to slip renters initially, letting only one person onto the docks to rent the boat for their party, loading the rest of the boating party at the boat ramps (which is opposite of our normal policy), allowing less rentals in a day, keeping the bathroom open to only those with a key to it, and regular disinfecting ( which is our usual policy anyhow). We are also concerned about how we are supposed to open and be at work full time when we are expected to be at home schooling and caring for our children 24/7. That will pose a problem for us and our staff. We continue to talk things through and take each day as it comes.
For now, we are doing well, appreciating the slow down, and breathing deeply.Dagene't Stern, Scribble Software
Scribble Software implemented a precise plan to ensure 100% of our employees could work remotely from the safety of their own home prior to the order to shelter in place. Using remote tools and applications, all company networks and phone systems were redirected to appropriate personnel and all operations and procedures are business as normal. In addition, to ensure our team remains strong, Scribble Software has sustained a high level of communication through the company, with each department holding daily video conference calls and weekly company video conference calls.
Scribble Software, our teams, and our employees, all remain strong as we face the challenges of this situation, not alone, but together. And, together, we are running our operations as normal and doing everything we can to ensure our customers receive the availability, quality, and speed of our customer service they have grown accustomed to at Scribble Software.
We also sent out a survey to the membership. Below are the results of that survey.Boatyard Survey Results - 20% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 2
No - 0
-For liveaboards and govt boatsIs your company still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 0
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 2
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 2
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 2
No, temporarily closed - 0
Other - 0Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 0
10 - 20% - 0
20 - 30% - 0
30+% - 0
Too early to say - 2Is your supply chain impacted?
Yes - 1
No answer - 1What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial impact - 2
Supply chain disrupted - 0
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 1
Decrease in consumer confidence - 2
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 0At this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 2
No - 0
Too early to say - 0How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 0
Education - 1
Networking - 0
Advocacy - 1
Government & Small Business Support Information - 0
All of the Above - 1Additional Comments?
BRAVO for MRA taking on this survey. Great job!Marina Survey Results - 29% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 22
No - 7
-Since we have live aboard tenants we have concluded that we are covered under section 13 of the Order.
-Some of the businesses located on the property are considered essential as well as commercial fishing.
-We have boaters that live aboard and get their mail and packages delivered to our office. We also have to take care of cleaning and trash.
-There are a number of reasons but top among them are 1) We have liveaboards and 2)we provide a free pumpout service to the public.
-Property Management
-Due to liveaboard contingent, we do have essential services to provide: Restroom/Shower cleaning/sanitizing; mail and packages, emergency maintenance and basic security.
-Unclear, we do provide housing, and for safety reasons we must maintain the Marina. Less clear about staffing office, renting future slips, etc.
-We have liveaboards so maintaining the facilities is still needed.
-We have about 40 liveaboards, and public first-responder boats and facilities.
-Boat rentals and cafe are non-essential but our marine service center, pump out facilities, fuel stations, and fresh water is considered essential.
-Not to sure, cruiser access to island for food and supplies.
-We have clients that call our harbor their permanent home receiving mail and packages.
-How would I know?
-Corps of Engineers closed us down.
-We could find nothing definitive at State/County/City saying 'Marinas' are essential but saw references to Property Management considered essential and custodians so we stayed open for business behind locked doors w/ signage stating we're 'working from behind the glass' - please call or email. AND we are 'private' whereas some of the local marinas are municipal or on leased county land and their operations are restricted.
-We have commercial office space that has essential businesses and liveaboards who are sheltering in place on their boats, so our Marina is able to operate under limited capacity to maintain these essential functions.
-Department staff, as county employees, are deemed essential workers.Is your marina still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 6
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 16
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 12
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 7
No, temporarily closed - 4
Some modifications.
Cafe is closed.
-Our office is staffed with one person each day of the week on a limited schedule. Only employees are allowed into the office.
-Our entire maintenance crew is still working full time. Our administrative staff is working from home and office.
- One staff member at the marina at a time. Reduced hours (no weekends and closing at 4pm each day). Part time help has reduced hours, full time (2 employees) work remotely when not at the marina.
- Essential services still being provided, but office closed.
- We had two employees who were high-risk category (over 65) who are furloughed. Our accountant is able to work from home most of the week while for the rest of the staff we working in the office and on the dock with social distancing in place.
- Office is staffed daily, but closed to public access. All office communication via email and telephone, and the dropbox.
- We are maintaining all services but restricted access and exposure. Closed to the public and open to tenants only.
- Shortened work day and limited number of staff in marina.
- Owner working reduced hours and employees paid to stay shelter in place.
- Our store is closed off to customers, but purchases can be made through a walk-up fuel sales window. Everything else is operating normal. We have a bookkeeper that is working from home, due to a family member who is considered to be vulnerable.
- Until the Corps of Engineers opens Us back up.
- Office staff in office only 1 at a time as too small to distance within the office. Custodial staff all working regular hours.What steps has your marina taken to support boaters while observing Covid-19 restrictions?
Allowing extended stay boaters (other than your Live Aboards) - 8
Allowing guest boats in your marina - 7
Other (Please comment below)
-Continue to accept applications for new tenants while other marinas have suspended accepting new applications.
- San Diego County has ordered all waterways closed. We are allowing access to slip renters with no overnights allowed. Maximum of 4 people on a vessel, no congregation on fingers or docks.
- We are not accepting guests or new tenants at this time. Some people who are not LAB are needing to stay on their boats because they can't get home.
- Anyone not able/allowed to travel to their home or other location are being allowed to stay on their vessel for now.
- None of the above.
- No guest boats, promote stay at home for non-liveaboards and social distancing for all.
- Relaxing rules regarding contractor check ins.
- We had several guests who came before this started that we are currently "stuck" with. We also are currently unable to evict sneakaboards so there are some who are effectively staying aboard without authorization.
- Large antiseptic dispensers at offices, disinfecting facilities three times per day, closed marina to public access.
- No changes all policies and Rules are in effect.
- Eliminated late fees for monthly rent.
- No Changes made to the daily operations.
- No changes, with the exception of not allowing any guest boats at this time.
- Working with tenants with work hardships to accommodate slip fees payment difficulties.
- Allowing guests so long as social distancing and sheltering in place.
- Keeping our launch ramp open although no one has asked us to close it!
- Current slip customers are allowed to use their boat but have to walk in.
-Additonal security on property. More personal attention and assistance. Detailed inspection of vessels for boatowners unable to visit.
- We do not permit extended stay and ONLY permit regular transients that we know/trust, for the safety of our permanent boaters. NOT permitting people to come to 'party' b/c they are bored at home. We have a problem as it is with the public guest-docks where folks pre-arranged a 'meeting' w/ their boats and set up beach chairs blocking the entrance to one of the boater docks and a couple of our valued boaters told us they were going back home so as to not have to walk thru a group of strangers.
- Launch ramp open. Boat owners can still access and use vessels. No charters.Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 6
10 - 20% - 5
20 - 30% - 2
30+% - 1
Too early to say - 18
- Initial impact is in the 10-20% range, we expect this may increase the longer the stay at home order lasts. We have restaurant and rental shops that are tenants who are severely impacted which in turn impacts our revenue.
- We expect it will in the coming months/year. We are also expecting to see an uptick in marginal vessels being abandoned.
- Currently no changes. Anticipating 5% lost next month and 10% for June.
- A large part of my revenue comes from houseboat and power boat rentals while the largest is wet slips.
- More launch revenue.
- We aren't able to rent out boats.
- We have been very fortunate.
- No way to tell at this point how many 'evictions' or voluntary re-po's there might be and of course there will be no income for those slips so could be brutal.
- We are currently communicating with all tenants that have not paid April rent to see what their situations are.Are you currently receiving inquiries for slip leasing?
Yes - 28
No - 3
- We are answering questions and taking names but not accepting any new boats except for the yacht broker or an application that was in progress.
- We are 100% full and continue to receive slip inquiries. Mostly people wanting to get their vessels out of Mexico and back to the US. There are a few who are buying boats right now and in need of a slip.
- We are at our highest occupancy and new boats are applying. Go figure.
- Few are coming in.
- We had a 4-6 week period where we had quite a few cancellations; however, as of last week we are picking back up and we're booked to capacity for this upcoming weekend.
- Yes I am I have been reserving them for people when we open up I will call them.
- People are optimistic that restrictions will be eased soon.
- We have received and are processing wait list applications and are assigning slips to new tenants.Have your Live Aboards been impacted?
No - 15
Yes - 10
We don't have live Aboards - 6
- No access to the office or boater's lounge.
- They have full access to all services.
- Our property has been overrun by people fishing and walking.
- It is hard for us to tell the extent of the impact. We have had a couple who have told us they may need a deferral of rent or some kind of assistance as their business has shut down. One is a captain and yacht broker. Another is a self proprietor whose work has dried up.
- Required to wear face coverings, large packages re-directed.
- Boater's lounge and gym closed, social distancing stressed, office closed.
- The main impact seems to be loss or reduction of income. Most seem to be choosing to self-isolate and are minimizing their use of shared facilities like restrooms and laundry.
- Most are staying aboard, and we have lots of food deliveries and Amazon practically lives here.
- Corps of Engineers and we don't allow live aboards.
- We have very few -under 10 - and a couple of them that work have had their hours cut. Some NON LABs have tested positive for CV and quarantined at home but no LABs, yet.
- Some have lost their jobs and have asked about payment deferrals. Others are having trouble receiving packages since our office is closed and "working from home" on their boats with limited space and internet access.Have you had difficulty maintaining security? Or keeping people for violating shelter in place rules?
Yes - 13
No - 18
- In the beginning yes, it has since subsided. Harbor Police handle this issue.
- Too many people from outside Alameda coming to our property to hang out, fish and walk.
- With only one person at the marina it is hard to maintain security. Our marina has a public promenade running through the middle of it. We have had more transient people requiring us to lock areas at night and sometimes during the day. It is also a challenge to keep tenants from taking paddle boards out onto the bay. The better the weather gets the more violations of the shelter in place we see.
- Obviously any non liveaboard on the premises violates the shelter at home edict. Mostly they are here to take boat out since harbor has not been closed.
- Our security issues are due to the City temporally housing homeless people next to the Marina.
- Launch ramp open, and has been very busy. Lots of people not social distancing.
- A small percentage of people continue to try to enter the marina and use facilities. So our security measures have been tested. For the first time, some theft too.
- Majority of customers are practicing safe distancing and being mindful of rules.
- Appears bus loads of homeless are being deposited locally.
-We always have 24/7 security, but we have increased the staff until further notice.
- Homeless people who acquire boats attempting to come into anchorage and we have to keep close track of their movements ashore.
- We don't police our tenants to shelter in place.
- People are getting carried away and doing whatever they darn well please. But we see it on camera and are going to take care of that.
- Security has been a challenge because we are located within a large city park with public walkaways and facilities on our shoreline.
- Only 'outsiders'-see response to #6. Another incident occurred this week here the day after our City CLOSED the 'Mother's Beaches', a couple of Moms in Duffy brought kids to the guest docks with water wings on to SWIM in the Marina. When they were approached to explain that kids and propellers don't mix and the public guest docks were not for 'camping out for the day' to swim. A man from another boat in the guest slips yelled at Security to 'leave them alone! What's the problem?(expletive *^#)
- We have had two break ins to office tenants since the Shelter In Place started. Our local police department has increased patrols in our area.
- Increased security and enforcement measures necessary throughout the harbor.Do you think that the Covid-19 crisis will continue into summer?
Yes - 21
No - 2
I don't know - 7
- I think we will be opening up in stages thus the crisis will continue for months but hopefully it will lessen as the summer goes on. Sportfishing and restaurants will continue to feel the crisis for months.
- Unfortunately.
- Next year and beyond.
- I think it will wind down in May-June with social distancing practices in place.
- Of course!
- Especially in California we don't think the governor is going to open anything up.
- I believe conditions will begin to normalize before the end of May.
- If the lockdown DOES continue, I think boaters will start relaxing a bit and will continue to enjoy their boats IF THEY ARE FINANCIALLY SECURE. If the lockdown continues and folks don't have jobs, income, food, shelter it will definitely affect us all.
- I believe there will be some impacts until a reliable vaccine is widely available.What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial Impact - 28
Supply chain disruptions - 13
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 14
Decrease in consumer confidence - 9
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 20
- I'm concerned that the public is going to relax their precautions which may increase the likelihood of a second serge of the virus.
- What??? No question about health concern? My main concern is not wanting to be infected with COVID-19 and possibly infecting others.
- No other concerns.
We have not been affected at work with supply chain shortages, yet, but I'm personally uncomfortable and have been since the beginning and just this week BIG meat suppliers shut down with illness and can happen in ANY chain and truckers are at risk and longshoremen. I'm almost MORE afraid of having TOO MUCH INFO that conflicts ... it's difficult to process and our boaters are turning to US to filter, compile, and explain clearly.
- Decreased future demand for office space as people shift to working from home.At this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 14
No - 6
Too early to say - 11
- The City will not allow any travel/conferences for 2020/2021 budget.
- I would love to but it is too early to know.
- Assuming we're out of this of course!
- I think the conference should proceed. HMPC is still on. We will need to make accommodations to insure everyone's safety, which will take some planning, and maybe a new kind of social events.
- But still early to say.
- However, I would probably be unable to attend even without the current conditions.
- God willing and the Creek don't rise.How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 4
Education - 11
Networking - 8
Advocacy - 18
Government & Small Business Support Information - 14
All of the Above - 4
Other, please comment below:
- Please provide the outcome of this survey to all members. I have a survey we completed on Marinas in San Diego County with different questions that I can share with you.
- I have been keeping my office staff busy with training modules they can do from home.
- We are all in this together. It is very helpful to know what other marinas are doing/experiencing and we definitely need an advocate for recreational boating.
-I don't think anyone has even considered the current crisis since 1918. There is going to be a learning curve no doubt, but to its up to the individual operators who actually have direct daily contact with facility they represent to use their best judgment in providing a safe and effective operation. In other words i think it would be foolish to think someone has the right answer.
- Keep doing the great job you do keeping all of us informed.
- Just keep us informed.
- Informing our elected officials and public health decision makers that socially responsible recreational boating does not pose health risks.
- Providing resources ... even if just for contact with our boaters... I'm trying to stay in contact without 'bugging' them but encouraging to take the class to get the California Boating Card and have multiple generations take together via Skype or Zoom. Also suggesting YouTube videos that are instructional re boating skills or maintenance. Even something like learning the birds in the region or what constellation they might see in the night sky in their own back yard.Trade Survey Results - 17% Responded
Is your company considered an essential business?
Yes - 11
No - 2
- It appears as if cleaning up harbors, marinas, lakes and oceans isn't considered "essential".
- Insurance Brokerage
- MO stay at home order allowed manufacturers to remain open. However, some of our marina construction sites in other states were deemed non-essential and were shut down.
- Our manufacturing facilities, located in Georgia, Oklahoma, and New York have continued all operations and have been determined to be "essential" due to our supporting business activities tied to the maritime industry, law enforcement, and numerous other government agency projects.
- To some.
- To some.Is your company still open for business? Check all that apply.
Yes, with no changes in our regular office(s) - 9
Yes, with some or most staff working from home - 4
Yes, with some employees working reduced hours - 0
Yes, with some employees furloughed - 0
No, temporarily closed - 1
Other - 0
-Other than we're keeping the front door locked and no one, without wearing a face mask, is allowed to enter the office(s).
- Several employees chose not to work. Because of this, our workforce is diminished. We are now running 2 additional shifts per week trying to keep up using the reduced manpower. Despite this, we are getting behind on the manufacturing end.
- All of our manufacturing facilities are currently operational with split shifts to enable appropriate safety and social distancing protocol. Office and management staff is working mostly from home. On-site construction / installations are still progressing in some states depending on varying restrictions.Do you estimate that your annual revenue has been impacted?
No - 0
10 - 20% - 0
20 - 30% - 0
30+% - 3
Too early to say - 10
-We will not know until we see if the number of contracts for the year goes down. We typically book the majority of our business between July and December.How is the impact of not being able to travel affecting your sales?
Greatly - 2
Somewhat - 7
Not at all - 2
- We don't know for certain. But Sale reps cannot make site visits and it is likely to have some impact.
- No plane or other public transportation is currently being used by our sales or construction personnel. Travel involving over-night stays is restricted based on local policiesIs your supply chain impacted?
Yes - 6
No - 4
Too early to say - 4
- Not at this time . . . Deliveries from our factories has continued with very little impact on quality or timeliness.What are your top three concerns with respect to Covid-19? Select three.
Financial impact - 9
Supply chain disrupted - 5
Not having enough information to make informed decisions - 5
Decrease in consumer confidence - 6
Effects on workforce/reduced productivity - 4
- Financial impact is still unknown, but will probably result in some short-term reductions in sales depending on economic conditionsAt this time, do you plan on attending the 2020 MRA Conference, currently scheduled for September 28-30 in Santa Barbara?
Yes - 8
No - 1
Too early to say - 2How can the MRA support you during the crisis?
Marketing - 3
Education - 2
Networking - 2
Advocacy - 3
Government & Small Business Support Information - 2
All of the Above - 6Additional Comments?
-We hope no one is suffering a loss of a loved one.
Participate in the 2020 Virtual American Boating Congress
May 13-14, 2020The National Marine Manufacturers Association invites you to participate in the virtual American Boating Congress, where they will provide more information on how they are pursuing these outreach and advocacy efforts, particularly as this COVID-19 pandemic continues to strain businesses across the country and threaten the broader economy. The virtual ABC will be held on Wednesday, May 13 and Thursday, May 14 from 1:00-2:30pm ET on both days.
Even though this year's annual advocacy summit is unable to take place in person, there are several pressing issues that require the recreational boating community's full attention, particularly as COVID-19 continues to create challenges for boating, manufacturing and the broader economy. NMMA announced that United States Secretary of the Interior, David Bernhardt will deliver remarks during day two (Thursday, May 14) of the virtual 2020 American Boating Congress (ABC). Secretary Bernhardt will outline steps the Trump administration is taking to reopen our nation's public lands and waters - a top priority of the community.
As Secretary of the Interior, Bernhardt leads an agency with more than 70,000 employees who are stewards for 20 percent of the nation's lands, including national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges and other public lands. The department oversees the responsible development of conventional and renewable energy supplies on public lands and waters, is the largest supplier and manager of water in the 17 Western states and upholds trust responsibilities to the 574 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.
From the economic impact of COVID-19 to state access issues, this event will cover the most pressing concerns and opportunities with leaders from across the country.
SCHEDULE: Borne Pathogens
Blood Borne Pathogens: the unseen danger.
As many marinas begin to staff up for the 2020 boating season, employers must be ensure to update the written blood borne pathogen program, train all employees in the facility on the dangers of blood borne pathogens, and ensure the maintain the proper records related to occupational exposure. A key element for any marina owner or operator is to have knowledge related to the types of blood borne pathogens. In order to maximize employee protection, employers should know the likely sources or exposures each employee may face as part of their job.What is a BBP?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a Blood Borne Pathogen as a "pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans". The Center for Disease control also states that bodily fluids such as urine, vomit, or feces can be a source of BBPs. OSHA's requirements for employers related to BBP can be found in 29.CFR.1910.1030 which applies to all occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Blood Borne Pathogens can lead to illnesses such as Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Other dangers may include exposures to bacterium that can be a source of MRSA or other forms of Staphylococcus.Where employees may be exposed.
In the marina setting, a common source for exposure to BBPs comes during the pump out process. Very often, the black tank on a vessel may be pressurized and may expel waste during the opening of the tank. Other times, the pump out hose may not be properly attached to the vessel causing employees to the sprayed with waste. Other areas of exposure may include cleaning the restrooms or perhaps cleaning up behind the customer that consumed too much alcohol and has vomited on a dock. With the rise in the opioid crisis, it is quite possible to have an exposure from a used needle that was improperly discarded in a trash can.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Employees conducting pump out procedures should be required to wear disposable gloves and eye protection. In this case, even though they may not be chemical or impact resistant, sunglasses as eye protection would be better than no eye protection. After the pump out, employees should be required to wash hands with antibacterial soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer. Employers should consider cleaning pump out attachments and hoses. Fittings can be placed in a bucket of water/bleach solution and then the solution can be pumped through the hose. As a best practice, employees should be encouraged to keep a change of clothes at work in case of exposure. With proper PPE, employees may only need to shower and change clothing. PPE should be considered for other areas as well. Leather gloves are a good solution to avoid sharp objects that may be discarded in the trash can. Marinas should consider installing a 'sharps' disposal unit in the restrooms and having a third party service handle disposal.Exposed Employee
In the event an employee is exposed, there a several specific actions required by the employer. First, it is imperative to document the circumstances of the exposure and the source where possible. The employer must offer a post exposure medical evaluation by a healthcare professional. With employee permission, this evaluation may include testing the exposed employee's blood for BBPs. Additionally, the employer is required to make available the Hepatitis B vaccine. Should the employee decline the vaccine, the employer should document the offer and decline. The employer is responsible for the any post exposure medical cost.Final Thoughts.
When it comes to BBPs, employers often fail to have a written exposure control program, fail to enforce the use of PPE, and fail to comply with requirements after an exposure. Training is often overlooked as well. Training is required upon hiring a new employee and then annually thereafter. Training must cover topics such as a copy of the 29.CFR.1910.1030 standard, types and symptoms of BBPs, employer's exposure control plan, safe work practices and PPE, information on the Hepatitis B vaccine, what to do if exposed, and information on post exposure medical care. Lastly, one caveat of the BBP program relates to the 'good samaritan' rule. For example, if an employee is assisting another employee with first aid this would not be considered an Occupational Exposure.For The Marina Bulletin Board
BoatUS: 8 Ways to Love Boating While Safely Waiting Out Coronavirus
Offshore Sailing School's Learn to Sail, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Modern Marine Navigation courses free through May 15
For recreational boaters who are staying off the water during the coronavirus pandemic, there's certainly more free time during what should be the busy spring launch season. So if boaters can't get to their boats, what are they to do? Here are eight ways from Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) to keep the love of boating alive that could also make you a better, safer boat operator.
- Become a smarter sailor while saving big bucks by taking Offshore Sailing School's Learn to Sail or the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Modern Marine Navigation courses free any time through May 15. Use the coupon code "learnfree" at at registration.
- Checklists are great when you really need them - just ask the person at the boat ramp who forgot to install the hull drain plug. What kind of printed, laminated checklist would be helpful to have aboard? Ideas include: pre-launch checklist, trailering checklist (did you remember to cross the safety chains?), and safety checklist.
- Whether you're an inshore day cruiser, offshore angler, or cruising sailor, you always need to be prepared to abandon ship. Here's what to pack in a ditch kit.
- Docking can be a spectator sport. The BoatUS How to Dock a Boat YouTube playlist includes a range of docking scenarios that show you how, from outboard to inboard powered boats. It also includes 'How to Back a Single Engine Inboard Boat Into a Slip' - the single most impressive recreational boat docking maneuver of them all.
- If the boat and trailer are safely in the garage or driveway, now may be the time to look at all the things you never have enough time to, such as replacing outdrive anodes, changing trailer bearings or restoring the shine to gelcoat. It's all in one place at BoatUS Trailer Boat YouTube playlist, including small boat handling tips such as ''How to Use Trim Tabs,' the most-watched BoatUS video ever.
- Learn how to tie up your family, pets or anything else around the house with help from the BoatUS Essential Boating Knots YouTube playlist. Practicing at home now will make these knots easier to remember aboard the boat when the pandemic is over.
- Consider supporting the waterfront businesses you enjoy and do business with - restaurants, chandleries, prop shops, sail lofts or other service providers - by purchasing a gift certificate. You can start by going to the local businesses' website to see if they are available.
- Help protect the water you love and take the free, online BoatUS Foundation Clean Boating course, which offers simple steps you can take to reduce the impact boating activities on our waterways.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit Corner
United States Coast Guard Sector San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island
The United States Coast Guard recently awarded a CASREP Emergency Repair RFP for the floating dock system at USCG Sector San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island. The emergency repairs were required due to the large wave energy that enters the site and also from the lack of maintenance performed on the dock system. The Coast Guard's floating infrastructure is a mission essential asset, critically needed for their waterway access to ensure our Nation's maritime safety, security and stewardship. Availability of local crews and quick response time was a major factor contributing to the subcontract being awarded to Bellingham Marine (BMI).
Time was of the essence in order to reinstate the Coast Guard's operation. BMI utilized in-house drafting and engineering in order to fast-tract the submittal, material procurement and fabrication process. BMI's project managers inspected the condition of all floats and components to assess the damage and verify availability of salvageable components. The 3-month project entailed a fast-tracked, phased construction effort. BMI's scope included evaluation and re-energizing of electrical utilities for safety. Nearly all structural steel frame connections ere replaced as well as cleaning and patching the existing piling. BMI also provided in-house certified dive services to locate and retrieve underwater debris and install additional flotation to correct buoyancy issues.
The engineering and construction team considered multiple factors when determining how to best repair another manufacturer's failed float-to-float bolted connections. Bellingham Marine designed and manufactured connections with larger steel members which improved positive connections between the fingers and mainwalk float sections. In addition to the structural work, BMI added new rebar, hardware and galvanized steel thru-rods to completely rebuild and reform the concrete deck corners along the wave wall pier. BMI's decades of experience in concrete float manufacturing allowed us to assess the damage and repair the structural connections for the existing concrete docks, originally manufactured by others. The existing pile guide frames were replaced with a redesigned two-piece heavy-duty steel frame which resulted in a better connection to the float system. In addition to the steel frames, BMI upgraded the roller system with its current standard design which includes a single UHMW precision-cut panel. This design allows a custom fit and a tighter tolerance for each pile guide, which reduces movement in the docks that occurs between the frame and the piling. Both innovations contribute to a longer lifespan and reduced cycle of repair.
When Bellingham Manager of Project Development, Bryce Fisher, was asked about the unique Emergency Repair Project, he said "The USCG Yerba Buena repair project was a challenging project that required Bellingham Marine's unique floating dock repair expertise and experience. The site's current design is innately insufficient to provide an optimal level of protection and service life. Proper site-specific design and annual maintenance are the two greatest factors that contribute to system performance and longevity. Stressors like corrosive sea air, repeated wave impact forces and changing water levels create challenging and dynamic environments inherent in all marina installations. Bellingham Marine offers an annual inspection and maintenance program that manages the maintenance needs of marinas and offers clients a lot of value to protect their long-term investment."
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
Well it looks like another month of "Stay in Place" for May although there is talk of loosening things up a bit. Here at the MRA office, it seems so quiet as the phones hardly ring unless it's a robo call! I look forward to the time when the activity starts up again when the day seems to go so much faster.
The 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference and Trade Show will be held September 28 - 30, 2020 at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The board has worked diligently on a program that is sure to enlighten and educate attendees. Once again we are playing the wait and see game. Hopefully, we will know more by the end of May. As soon as it is up, we will send you a notification. Stay tuned!
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* What our Members are Facing During COVID-19 * Participate in the 2020 Virtual American Boating Congress * Blood Borne Pathogens *For the Marina Bulletin Board * Construction Corner * The Last Word Quick Links
Nick Garcia posted an articleNews from Marine Recreation Association March E Newsletter 2020 see more
March 2020
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
To all of us who are in this together in the marina industry,
Having been around for a while, at 63, I can say with confidence we will get thru these times. Let's focus in on how we will survive the times and come out of it, because we will. I don't think it takes a lot of imagination to understand what this summer might look like when the stay at home directive is lifted. As my son said to me recently, dad I am just looking to get out and being free again. Let's be prepared to accommodate.
In the meantime, it's is clear we need to adhere to the directives of our government who have more information than we do and we need to abide by their recommendations.
We are sending out this week a resource guide to the recent paycheck protection program from the feds that came out this last Friday. Take advantage of it is real and easy to apply for.
In the meantime, embrace your family, and smile to your neighbor.
Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.
Scott Robertson
California Boating Congress Convenes Ad Hoc Legislative Review Phone Conference
With the cancellation of the 2020 California Boating Congress due to the ensuing COVID 19 crisis, the Marine Recreation Association called together other marine industry partners for an ad hoc phone conference with Platinum Advisors, the MRA legislative lobbyists, to review pending legislation in the California Congress on March 30th.
Representatives from the MRA Board of Directors, NMMA, CAHMPC, CYBA, RBOC and other marine industry interests participated in the phone conference that was led by Beau Biller, Lobbyist at Platinum Advisers, and reviewed four pending Measures.
AB 2809 was introduced February 20, 2020, and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources March 12, 2020. This bill is aimed at controlling some of the regulatory excesses that BCDC has exercised in the past, and would require that the San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission create and implement procedures to provide managerial review of staff decisions in enforcement, timelines for resolving enforcement cases, and a penalty matrix for assessing fines and civil penalties. A general consensus of agreement and support for this measure was expressed by the group.
SB 883 was introduced January 23, 2020, and would revise the definition of a for-hire vessel to include a vessel propelled by machinery carrying one or more passengers for hire to be operated by an operator with a valid license. Current law defines a for-hire vessel to include those carrying 3 passengers or more. Some ambiguities exist in the wording of this measure and it was recommended that these be clarified by Platinum Advisers before any support or opposition is expressed. Hearings for this bill have been postponed for the time being.
SB 904 supplements current law generally requiring all undocumented vessels using the waterways of the state to be currently registered in California and properly numbered. This bill would additionally require law enforcement citing a person for various violations, including the failure to properly number the vessel as specified, to prepare a notice to the violator to correct the violation and deliver proof of the correction to the issuing agency in lieu of arrest, unless a disqualifying condition exists. This bill was introduced February 3, 2020 and referred to the Transportation Committee on February 12, 2020, and generally supported in the meeting.
SB 1080 This bill supplants current law, allowing a properly licensed person to bring ashore a fish taken in California inland waters in a condition such that its size or weight cannot be determined if the fish is cleaned at the end of a fishing trip while still on the water and temporarily berthed or landed on a dock or other permanent structure. Current law makes it unlawful to possess or bring ashore any fish in a condition that its weight or size cannot be determined. Introduced February 19, 2020, hearings have been postponed for the time being. This Measure was generally supported in the meeting.
Additional information on these and other pending legislation in California can be accessed at
How to Add Fresh Content to Your Company's Facebook Page
If your company is struggling to add fresh content to your Facebook page, MRA can help. You can share MRA's Facebook content directly to your Facebook Business Page to be top-of-mind to your followers.
If you're an admin to your company's Facebook Business Page, you can find a post on the MRA page, like and comment on it, and then share it right from your mobile phone with the Facebook app.
Division of Boating and Waterways Offers $3.75 Million in Grants to Enhance Public Safety and Protect California's Waterways
The Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) is now accepting grant applications to help local public entities enhance safety on California's waterways, and protect them from abandoned and unwanted vessels. The application period for the grant programs, Boating Safety and Enforcement Equipment (BSEE) and Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE), is open from March 16 through April 30, 2020. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the grant guidelines and participate in an applicant workshop.
"With more than four million motorized and non-motorized recreational boaters on California's waterways, it is important to support local public entities in enhancing public safety and protecting the environment," said Ramona Fernandez, DBW's Acting Deputy Director. "Together we can provide more positive experiences to the recreational boating community."
In 2019, DBW awarded 16 BSEE grants totaling $1.1 million and 30 SAVE grants totaling $2.6 million. This year, a total of $3.75 million in grant funding is available to eligible applicants.
Below are descriptions of the grant programs and available funding:
BSEE Grant Program
Up to $1 million is available to local government agencies that can demonstrate a need for patrol boats, engines, personal watercraft, search and rescue equipment, and patrol and diving equipment. These competitive grants are to augment existing local resources and not to fully fund boating safety and enforcement patrol units. The U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Safety Program provides BSEE grant funding.SAVE Grant Program
Up to $2.75 million is available to local public agencies statewide to receive surrendered vessels and to remove and dispose of derelict vessels on coastal and inland waterways. Grant funding comes from the Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund. DBW awards grants on a competitive basis to eligible public agencies based on demonstrated need.Applications for both grant programs must be submitted to DBW through its Online Grant Application System (OLGA). Prior to applying, the division encourages new applicants to view a 45-minute webinar that provides detailed instructions on creating an account in OLGA as well as navigating the application system. Additionally, DBW is hosting a 2-hour workshop for each grant program to help applicants write competitive applications.
Below is detailed information on the workshops:
BSEE Workshop
* Date: Thursday, April 2, 2020
* Time: 10 a.m. - noon
* Location: DBW Headquarters, One Capitol Mall, Ste 500, Sacramento, CA 95814
* RSVP: Johanna Naughton: Via email or (916) 327-1826SAVE Workshop
* Date: Thursday, April 2, 2020
* Time: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
* Location: DBW Headquarters, One Capitol Mall, Ste 500, Sacramento, CA 95814
* RSVP: Ron Kent: Via email or (916) 327-1825The workshops can also be accessed via teleconference and will be recorded for those unable to participate in the live presentations. Please see contacts above for any questions.
Once grant applications have been reviewed and scored, DBW will send out notice of award letters via OLGA. DBW anticipates that awards will be announced by August 2020.
Detailed information, including previous grantee recipients, is available on the DBW website.
Does Your Town, Marina or Boat Club Want Visiting Boaters?
Boating Infrastructure Grants Help Fund Transient Vessel Docks, Moorings and Guest Facilities5 tips from BoatUS on how to get your share of BIG funds
Recreational boaters like to go places, but to welcome them and take advantage of the spending they bring, you need safe dockage for the day or night. The Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program funnels federal taxes paid by recreational boaters on the sale of motorboat and small engine fuel back to the states to attract visiting boaters. For FY 2021, there will be approximately $20 million in funds available to local governments, port agencies, public and private marinas, and boat clubs. However, before applying for a grant, you need to know how the program works. BoatUS has five tips that can increase the chances that your organization will get the BIG funds it needs.
- BIG is a commitment. First championed through Congress by Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) in 1998, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) manages the BIG program and it is administered through state boating, parks and conservation agencies. Start by learning which agency in your state administers the funds. Remember that the grant is awarded to the state-designated agency, which needs to ensure that the funds are spent properly according to federal regulations. That includes a commitment to maintain the transient access for its useful life as defined in the grant documents. During this period, these regulations require prior authorization from both the state agency and FWS before selling or transferring ownership of a BIG-funded facility, and it must continue to be maintained under the terms of the program by the new owner until the end of the infrastructure's useful life.
- Public access must be maintained. During that useful life period, reasonable public access at a BIG-funded facility must be maintained, along with BIG program signage indicating the funding source for the transient dockage. Facilities must be open during boating season - closing to the public for private events or not allowing tie-ups isn't permitted. Any transient dockage fees charged to boaters cannot vary significantly from the prevailing local rate.
- There's a "target" audience. The matching grant program, which offers both noncompetitive (Tier 1) and competitive (Tier 2) funding streams, requires a minimum of 25% of funding to come from state, local or private sources. Towns, public and private marinas, boat clubs, and conservation agencies can use BIG funds to welcome passing boaters for the day or up to 15 days in port with the key point being that facilities must target transient (traveling) recreational (noncommercial) vessels 26 feet in length and larger, or what is generally considered to be a nontrailerable boat. If you're thinking of applying to use BIG funds to only offer more seasonal boat slips, fuhgeddaboutit.
- Sharing is OK - just not too much. In addition to providing safe, protected harborage, BIG dollars can be used to install conveniences such as restrooms, bathing facilities, fuel docks, electricity, water and sewage utilities, laundries, and recycling and pumpout stations. There are also some limited funds for dredging. It's OK if some of these amenities are utilized or shared by nontransient boaters or full-time marina customers, but your BIG funding application will be reduced proportionately or, in the case of competitive Tier 2 grants, may not be awarded if it doesn't focus enough on the needs of visiting boaters.
Start now for 2021 funds. Since inception, more than $235 million has been provided for BIG projects, funding more than 6,000 transient berths across the U.S. The program has a recurring annual application deadline, typically in the late summer to early fall, varying by state. BoatUS encourages applicants to start now if you're interested in applying for FY 2021 funds (to be disbursed in 2021). Visit to learn more. In addition, the States Organization for Boating Access offers a free downloadable publication, An Applicant's Guide to the Boating Infrastructure Grant ProgramAbout Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit Trainings Now Available (April and May): Become a Partner Dockwalker, Connect and Learn From Home!
Become a 2020 Partner Dockwalker by taking one of our Video conference trainings!
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve, and with social/ physical distancing in mind, we are planning to offer
virtual Dockwalker trainings using the Zoom video conferencing system. This is a great alternative to an in-person training and in the best interest of everyone considering the current situation. Through the Zoom video conferencing system you will be able to see the instructor live and ask questions! Do not worry it is a very simple system and we are here to help walk you through it! Remember if you were trained 3 years ago, it is time to get recertified.
We will be offering the following virtual Dockwalker trainings :
Northern CA:
Saturday, April 4th from 9:45 am to 12:45 pm
Saturday, April 18th from 9:45 am to 12:45 pm
Saturday, May 2nd from 9:45 am to 12:45 pmSouthern CA:
Saturday, April 25th from 9:45 am to 12:45 pm
Saturday, May 9th from 9:45 am to 12:45 pm* You will only need a computer with internet access and either a phone to call in or the computer's speaker and microphone.
* You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom video conference meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you received the link from us.
* What we need from you:
1. Please register to one of the virtual trainings mentioned above by emailing Vivian Matuk at and let us know to which training you want to register. Please include your name, organization (if applicable), address and phone number.
2. Once we receive your registration, we will be sending you the Zoom invite information link and easy to follow instructions and some additional files.Thank you for cooperation and we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Vivian Matuk (California State Parks and California Coastal Commission); Vicki Gambale, Georgia Tunioli (The Bay Foundation)
Dockwalkers are trained to engage members of the public and the boating community to adopt clean boating practices. Dockwalkers share clean boating information with boaters and distribute educational 2020 California Boater Kits, while visiting marinas, launch ramps, marine supply stores, boat shows and special events (i.e. regattas, opening days, among others). "Dockwalker" is only a general term because you are not limited to "walking the docks" in order to talk to boaters about safety and clean boating practices. Remember safety and the environment go hand in hand.Dockwalking is a fantastic way to interact with boaters to help keep California's marinas, waterways, and ocean clean and healthy. The training provides an overview of potential sources of boat pollution, federal and state laws, environmentally-sound boating practices, information on how to conduct Dockwalking, and an overview of the educational materials Dockwalkers will distribute.
Since 2000, more than a 1,000 Dockwalkers have taught 10,000 boaters about oil, fuel, sewage, trash and marine debris prevention. Participation in the program, including the training sessions, qualifies as community service.
If you are already a trained Dockwalker and were trained more than three years ago, please join us this year for a refresher class.
Anyone from 15 to 100 years young with an interest in water quality and sharing clean boating information (regardless of your background) can become a Dockwalker!
This program provides tons of benefits to:
Boaters and Water Enthusiasts
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Marinas, Harbors and Yacht Club Operators and Staff
United States Power SquadronsFor the Marina Bulletin Board
Here's the BoatUS Spring Commissioning Checklist
That's Helping Recreational Boaters Prep for the Summer Boating SeasonNew videos show you how
Getting the boat ready for the summer boating season is an exciting time for America's nearly 12 million recreational boaters. Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has a Spring Commissioning Checklist to help boaters start the season right, along with a new YouTube Spring Fitting Out video library that shows you how to do some basic tasks, from changing the outdrive oil or fixing broken trailer lights to replacing zincs or changing a propeller.
Before You Launch- Inspect and replace hose clamps as necessary. Double clamp fuel lines and exhaust hoses with marine-rated stainless steel hose clamps. While not technically required, it's a wise move to double clamp whenever possible on all hoses - especially those below the waterline.
- Inspect all hoses for stiffness, rot, leaks and cracking, and replace any that are faulty. Make sure they fit snugly.
- Inspect prop(s) for dings, pitting and distortion. Make sure cotter pins are secure.
- Grip the prop (on inboard drive systems) and try moving the shaft up and down and side to side. If it's loose and can be wiggled, the cutless bearing may need to be replaced.
- Check the rudderstock to ensure it hasn't been bent. Operate the wheel or tiller to ensure the steering works correctly.
- Inspect the hull for blisters, distortions and stress cracks.
- Make sure your engine intake sea strainer (if equipped) is not cracked or bent from ice and is free of corrosion, clean and properly secured.
- With inboards, check the engine shaft and rudder stuffing boxes for correct adjustment. A stuffing box should leak no more than two drops each minute when the prop shaft is turning.
- Inspect, lubricate and exercise seacocks.
- Use a garden hose to check for deck leaks at ports and hatches. Renew caulk or gaskets as necessary.
- Inspect and test the bilge pump and float switch to make sure they're both working properly.
- Check stove and remote LPG tanks for loose fittings and leaking hoses.
- Inspect dock and anchor lines for chafe and wear.
- If equipped, ensure that the stern drain plug is installed.
- After the boat is launched, be sure to check all thru-hulls for leaks.
Engines and Fuel Systems
- Inspect fuel lines, including fill and vent hoses, for softness, brittleness or cracking. Check all joints for leaks, and make sure all lines are well supported with noncombustible clips or straps with smooth edges.
- Inspect fuel tanks, fuel pumps and filters for leaks. Ensure portable tanks and lines are completely drained of stale fuel before filling with fresh fuel. Clean or replace fuel filters and/or fuel-water separators if not done before winterization.
- Every few years, remove and inspect exhaust manifolds for corrosion (for inboard-powered and inboard/outboard boats).
- Charge battery.
- Clean and tighten electrical connections, especially both ends of battery cables. Use a wire brush to clean battery terminals, and top up cells with distilled water (if applicable).
- Inspect the bilge blower hose for leaks and run the blower to confirm correct operation.
Engine Outdrives and Outboards
- Inspect rubber outdrive bellows for cracked, dried and/or deteriorated spots (look especially in the folds) and replace if suspect.
- Check power steering and power trim oil levels.
- Replace anodes/zincs that are more than half wasted.
- Inspect the outer jacket of control cables. Cracks or swelling indicate corrosion and mean that the cable must be replaced.
- Inspect lower unit oil level and top up as necessary.
Sailboat Rigging
- Inspect swage fittings for cracks and heavy rust (some discoloration is acceptable). Inspect wire halyards and running backstays for "fishhooks" and rust.
- Remove tape on turnbuckles and lubricate threads, preferably with Teflon. Replace old tape with fresh tape but don't wrap airtight.
- If you suspect the core around a chainplate is damp, remove the chainplate to inspect and make repairs.
- Inspect tire treads and sidewalls for cracks or lack of tread and replace as necessary. Check air pressure; don't forget the spare.
- Inspect wheel bearings and repack as necessary.
- Test all lights and replace any broken bulbs or lenses.
- Inspect winch to make sure it's working properly. Inspect hitch chains.
- Inspect trailer frame for rust. Sand and paint to prevent further deterioration.
- Inspect brakes and brake fluid reservoir.
- Check expiration dates on flares.
- Inspect fire extinguishers. Replace if more than 12 years old or if age is unknown. More than 40 million Kidde extinguishers with plastic handles were recalled on Nov. 2, 2017.
- Ensure you have properly sized and wearable life jackets in good condition for each passenger, including kids. Check inflatable life jacket cylinders and dissolvable "pill" bobbins in auto-inflating models.
- Test smoke, carbon monoxide, fume and bilge alarms.
- Check running lights for operation and spare bulb inventory.
- Update paper charts and chartplotter software.
- Replenish first-aid kit items that may have been used last season or are expired.
- Check the operation of VHF radio(s) and that the MMSI number is correctly programmed in. (BoatUS members can obtain a free MMSI number at
- Get a free vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons. Find out more at
For the Dock
- In addition to checking its entire length for wear or abrasions, check both ends of the shore power cable connections for burns, which indicate the cable and/or boat's shore power inlet or the dock's receptacle must be replaced.
- Test ground-fault protection on your boat and private dock, and know how to prevent Electric Shock Drowning.
The Paperwork
- Make sure your boat registration is up to date. Don't forget your trailer tags.
- Review your boat insurance policy and update coverage if needed. BoatUS provides free quotes at Provide a copy to your marina or club.
- Ensure your BoatUS Membership is in good standing. Login to to check your Membership status or join at
- Download the free BoatUS App ( to make it easy to summon on-water assistance and speed response times.
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit Member Highlights
Golden Boat Lifts Wins Innovation Award for Dock Stabilizer
Golden Boat Lifts, the global market leader in aluminum boat lifts, won an Innovation Award for its Golden Dock Stabilizer, presented by the NMMA and Boating Writers International (BWI) at the 2020 Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show. The product stabilizes wobbly floating docks and minimizes heaving, movement and lifting due to wind and wave action. It won in the Docking & Fendering Equipment category.
Selected by a panel of seven BWI judges, the Golden Dock Stabilizer was recognized as an exceptionally groundbreaking marine product. Said judge Ed Sherman, it's "a wonderful solution to the age-old problem of a wobbly dock." Unlike traditional pile hoops, the Golden solution only moves vertically. Because tolerances are tighter between the device and piling, the system provides greater rigidity over the run of the dock.
Made in the USA and built to ISO 9001:2015 standards, the frame and protective cowling of the Golden Dock Stabilizer are made from welded 6061-T6 marine-grade aluminum. Assembled with 300-series stainless steel hardware, the rollers are UHMW polyethylene and placed at multiple levels within the device. It's designed to accommodate any pile diameter and each can be adjusted to assist in leveling the dock.
"We're pleased to be honored with this award," said Bill Golden, president and CEO of Golden Boat Lifts, Golden Marine Systems and
Golden Manufacturing. "This is a serious game-changer for any floating dock, whether it's private or public, recreational or commercial." The Golden Dock Stabilizer works equally well with wave attenuators.
Contact Golden Boat Lifts, 17611 East St, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. 888-909-5438 or 239-337-4141.;
Construction Corner
International Marine Floatation Systems, Inc. Replaces of 1000 feet of Concrete Breakwater for Elliott Bay Marina in Seattle
International Marine Floatation Systems, Inc. in February 2020 completed replacing 1,000ft (305m) of floating concrete breakwater for the largest private marina on the West Coast of US, Elliott Bay Marina in Seattle, Washington. All 7 pieces where built in the IMFS yard in Delta, B.C. Canada and transported 2 pieces at a time by tug 32 hours voyage from Delta to Seattle. The new structural floating concrete breakwater replaces concrete POD type system which was designed 1990 with a wood wave fence underwater structure to act as a wave attenuator or breakwater, but the maintenance cost year after year of maintaining the underwater wood system became too much of a financial burden. IMFS was approached by the General Manager of the marina Dwight Jones to design/engineer and supply a breakwater system that would have no maintenance below the waterline, incorporate the existing 38ft finger slips on one side and accommodate the 300ft (90.4m) superyachts on the outside of the breakwater.
The new 1000ft concrete breakwater built by IMFS in their Delta yard was designed in 7 structural pieces ranging in length from 102ft (31m) to 160ft (49m) by 14ft (4.26m) wide, the largest pieces weighed 1 million pounds. Each of the 7 pieces where designed to maximize depth but also follow the ground contour condition of the site as it sloped from shoreline to deeper water, to achieve this the breakwater design depths varied from 6ft (1.8m) to 10ft (3m). The 7 structural pieces where connected with IMFS rubber block connection pocket which was designed to allow for the rubber blocks & 2.5 inch swage cable to be replaced without concerns of electrical & water cables being interrupted.
IMFS worked together with Bryan White of Amo Construction who removed the old system and installed the new breakwater on the existing 17 mooring piles and remove and reconnect 27 existing
concrete fingers. The connection to the new concrete breakwater of both the piles and fingers had to be very exact for all the components to fit back together, there was little room for error, and the Amo & IMFS team worked incredibly well to secure the marina and complete the installation prior to the harsh winter storms with everything going back together as it should.
IMFS would like to thank Dwight Jones of Elliott Bay Marina & Bryan White of Amo Construction, All-Span Engineering Ltd. For engineering the new breakwater, along with Bill Gerken of Moffatt & Nichol Engineers who facilitated site engineering & permits for the project.
Welcome New Members
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
My hopes are that you and your family are all safe and staying healthy! What a crazy time we are dealing with right now. I never thought I would live in a time that a virus would have such an impact on our country.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the 5th Annual California Boating Congress has been canceled for 2020 but will return in 2021. Once the dates are set, we will start posting the information.
COVID-19 also stalled our regional training seminars for this spring and summer. We still plan on having more but will need to play the wait and see game for now.
The 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference and Trade Show will be held September 28 - 30, 2020 at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The board has worked diligently on a program that is sure to enlighten and educate attendees. Our goal is to have the information up on the website sometime in April. As soon as it is up, we will send you a notification. Stay tuned!
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Email: timms@marina.orgFeatured Articles * From the Helm
* California Boating Congress * Regional Training Seminar Are you Safe or Sunk? * Regional Training Navigating Rough Waters * Boating United Take Action * Maritime Weather Survey * Free Oil Spill Response Communication Workshops for Marinas and Yacht Clubs * Become a Partner Dockwalker in 2020 to help keep California's Waterways Clean
* Free Workshop on Aquatic Invasive Species for California Waterways
* Construction Corner * Trade Member Highlights * Welcome New Members * The Last Word Quick Links
Nick Garcia posted an articleNews from Marine Recreation Association February E Newsletter 2020 see more
February 2020
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
2020 California Boating Congress (CBC) is around the corner, March 31. This is the fifth annual and the first with our new partner, Platinum Advisors. Registration for CBC and hotels can be made on line at This year's event will be focused on the economic impact of the boating industry on the California economy. The morning will feature industry leading speakers on the subject and the afternoon will allow us to meet with our elected leaders to discuss our impact on California. It is important to continue to educate our elected officials on the importance of our industry to the California economy. In advance, I want to thank Arron Pellarin, Barbara Galgiani and Mariann Timms for all their hard work to make this a great event for all of us.
On not so good note, as of this writing, the weather in California has not been good to our lakes. We could sure use some more rain and snow. We still have a couple of months to go and I do believe in the old adage, "if it wasn't for the last minute nothing would get done". Hopefully that will come true for our inland lakes.
Take care, and look forward to seeing you at our California Boating Congress at the end of the month.
Scott Robertson
California Boating Congress
March 30th & 31st, 2020Regional Training Seminar
Are you Safe or Sunk?Regional Training
Navigating Rough WatersAction Alert
Congress is working to update our nation's water infrastructure, and the recreational boating industry needs a seat at the table -
tell Congress to support the Safer Harbors for Our Recreation Economy (SHORE) Act!
For far too long, projects supporting recreation access have been unappreciated or neglected, despite the fact that the outdoor recreation industry contributes 2.2% to the national GDP. These projects will support job growth, improve access for water-based recreational activities, and make conditions safer for boaters and anglers.
Tell Congress to support the SHORE Act!
Maritime Weather Survey
The Coast Guard and the National Weather Service are conducting a survey of the maritime public in order gain a better understanding of the current use of Marine Weather Information, and to determine the level of interest in potential future products and dissemination methods.
The maritime public is invited to participate in the survey, which can be accessed using the following link:
The survey will be available through March 31, 2020.
Free Oil Spill Response Communication Workshops For Marinas and Yacht Clubs
Become a Partner Dockwalker in 2020 to help Keep California's Waterways Clean!
Free Workshop on Aquatic Invasive Species for California Waterways
Construction Corner
Shelter Bay HOA Foundation Pile Repair Featuring FRP Wraps and Galvanic Anodes
Shelter Bay HOA (Mill Valley, California)
The Shelter Bay HOA and Bellingham Marine have transformed their deteriorating foundational structure into restored piling that will serve them for many years to come. Bellingham Marine installed both a Galvanic Anode Reinforcement Corrosion Prevention system and a Fiberglass Reinforced Polymeric (FRP) Pile Wrap System around 200 each foundation piling at the Shelter Bay HOA Condominiums. Due to permitting requirements, the project had a tight five-month completion deadline. Bellingham Marine was the selected prime contractor for the project and completed it on time and under budget.
The FRP Pile Wrap and Galvanic Anode repair option offers:
- Economic solution, requiring less costly
equipment mobilized to the site;
- Efficient repair option where tight project timelines exist;
- Low Maintenance
- Low impact during construction (i.e. less environmental noise)
The construction team considered multiple factors when determining how to best protect and manage the impact of the project on the surrounding environment. Daily tidal fluctuations of up to 9' at the site, noise control for HOA residents, hazardous debris containment and a multitude of other environmental permitting requirements all played a significant role in the complexities of the project.
BMI crews drilled into the existing asbestos-laden concrete pile that preserve the foundation piling. Work was conducted under the supervision of an asbestos abatement contractor to ensure proper safety and disposal. A floating debris boom was deployed around the perimeter of each building at low tide to ensure the absence of fish from the work area. BMI installed embedded galvanic anode units surrounded by an enhanced cement based mortar to provide corrosion mitigation to the original rebar reinforced concrete piling and the reinforced concrete bulkhead. Galvanic anodes were utilized to prevent further corrosion and economically extend the life of the concrete pile repairs. Once installed, the zinc anode corrodes preferentially to the adjacent reinforcing steel, thereby providing galvanic corrosion prevention. The final step to the foundation repair was to install a Fiberglass Reinforced Polymeric wrap around the existing piling and fill it with marine-grade grout and epoxies. Permitting agencies required the contractor to erect and maintain floating work platforms in the work area. BMI constructed unique platforms around 8 each pile at a time to allow access for drilling and abatement and then systematically moved on to the next set of piling.
When Bellingham Marine Project Manager, SW Division, Chad Lucas was asked about the unique Shelter Bay HOA Pile Repair Project, he said "Asbestos Abatement of the existing steel pile while coring electrical anodes and trying to focus on Best Management Practices and keeping all construction debris out to the bay was a challenging part of the project that required Bellingham Marine's expertise. Other challenging aspects of the project was the fast-paced project timeline and the limitations of working around the site's tidal fluctuations. The project timeline was fast-tracked due to tight environmental work windows and the severe deteriorated condition of the existing piling supporting the apartment buildings. The selected repair was a great option to ensure the piling were properly restored and able to provide the desired level of protection and service life.
*** As the Prime Contractor, Bellingham Marine was responsible for the construction of the pile and bulkhead repair utilizing FRP pile repair jackets and galvanic anodes***
Trade Member Highlights
Leading Manufacturer of Marine Equipment Launches their Most Advanced PWC Platform Yet
HydroHoist Boat Lifts, leading manufacturer of marine equipment, announced the release of their latest design and most versatile personal watercraft (PWC) docking platform available - HydroPort® Epic.
For the ultimate in convenience and to improve the safety of those boarding the vessel, the Epic PWC platform was designed with a wider walkway and built-in anti-slip surface for easier access around the craft. The additional walkway footprint also allows
operators to safely clean and cover their PWC after use without having to balance on smaller walkways.
For simple maintenance, the HydroPort Epic is equipped with enhanced drainage to remove any debris and water from the platform. A redesigned rear entry allows for a smoother loading and launching process. Keeping current customers in mind, this PWC platform can connect with the existing HydroPort Extreme model so that individuals and marinas can continue to grow their HydroPort fleet.
"HydroHoist is committed to supporting innovation in the boating industry," said Mick Webber, CEO, HydroHoist, LLC. "We continuously keep up with the latest trends in both boat and PWC development. As these products continue to get larger, HydroHoist is growing, enhancing and redesigning our product lines to accommodate the larger capacities while maintaining our core quality, craftsmanship and performance that we build into every product."
For maximum utility, the HydroPort Epic includes six sets of UV protected wheels, with the ability to lift 2,000-pounds. The Epic model is available in blue, gray and tan, and weighs 430 pounds. The product will be available through both HydroHoist and ShoreMaster distribution channels. The HydroPort Epic will be displayed at several 2020 boat shows around the nation.
For more information on the HydroPort Epic, HydroHoist or its entire range of hydro-pneumatic boat lifts, please visit
About HydroHoist Boat Lifts:
HydroHoist Boat Lifts is the market originator and largest hydro-pneumatic boat lift manufacturer in the world, celebrating over 55 years of business. HydroHoist Boat Lifts manufactures and sells lifts ranging from 1,500-pound drive-on docking platform for PWCs to boat lifts that will accommodate a 60,000-pound watercraft. The company has three distribution facilities located in Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee, and a network of more than 600 dealers to supply and support its customers. HydroHoist Boat Lifts products are available in 23 countries and the company has an international distributor and dealer network in more than 18 countries. In 2019, HydroHoist merged with ShoreMaster, LLC to establish the largest marine equipment company in the world. boatlift.comWelcome New Members
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
High Tek Deck, Inc.
Long Beach Marina - Alamitos Bay
Long Beach Marina - Rainbow Harbor
Long Beach Marina - Shoreline
Mariner Square Drystack and MarinaThe Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;
The 5th Annual California Boating Congress is just around the corner. Once again we will return to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento on March 31, 2020. There will be a welcome reception on March 30, 2020 for those who can make it. This year's theme is Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Boating. We are going back to the original format of all General Sessions in the morning followed by lunch and then off to the Capitol to meet with your legislators. If you haven't registered you can register online at
We have started the first of the regional training seminars for this spring and summer. March and the first week of April will be the Protecting Your Marina and Boatyard from Uninsured or Underinsured Boaters, Vendors and Contractors to Avoid Potential Lawsuits - How to Verify and Interpret Insurance Coverage. It will be followed in April with Navigating Rough Waters. The links to sign up for each one are located in this e-newsletter.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Featured Articles * From the Helm
* California Boating Congress * Regional Training Seminar Are you Safe or Sunk? * Regional Training Navigating Rough Waters * Boating United Take Action * Maritime Weather Survey * Free Oil Spill Response Communication Workshops for Marinas and Yacht Clubs * Become a Partner Dockwalker in 2020 to help keep California's Waterways Clean
* Free Workshop on Aquatic Invasive Species for California Waterways
* Construction Corner * Trade Member Highlights * Welcome New Members * The Last Word Quick Links
- Economic solution, requiring less costly
Nick Garcia posted an articleRinging in the New Year see more
December 2019 Dear MRA Members and Friends;
As we ring a new year I want to take this opportunity to let all of you know we, MRA, are here to assist. This organization has a wide breath of experience and contacts. If someone in our membership has an issue chances are someone else also has had that same issue. If we get the word out there is a good chance someone within the organization can help. A good example of this is a couple years back inland marinas and coastal boatyards were being attacked. MRA found about it, rallied behind our membership and we were successful in making the problem go away. It would have been very difficult for anyone facility to tackle the issue by themselves but as a group we were successful.
We all have our local contacts and advisors. I just want to remind everybody your organization, MRA, has contacts and advisors all over the west coast that are available to you. If you have an issue, let Mariann know and she can either steer you in the right direction or make a phone call on your behalf.
May 2020 be a great year.
49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show
The Marine Recreation Association has issued a "Call for Presentations" for the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show to be held
September 28 - 30, 2020, at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort
Presenters interested in participating in the 2020 Conference are encouraged to submit proposals for consideration by the MRA Board of Directors as soon as possible. Typical presentations should fit a 50 minute timeframe focused on marina and boatyard industry marketing, management, development, regulation, technology, and other topics of interest, in a multi-media and/or roundtable format.
The MRA's annual conference is the perfect opportunity for marine industry professionals to share their expertise and experience with hundreds of marine business operators, developers, owners, and other industry insiders from across the western U.S. and elsewhere. The three-day conference will include seminars and roundtable discussions covering key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns focused on enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving marine operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing business growth and results, and an extensive marine Trade Show featuring industry vendors and contractors exhibiting a broad range of products and services.
Participating speakers will have an opportunity to present their company and/or professional expertise in a position of industry leadership, by sharing knowledge and experience to help raise awareness and understanding of key industry topics for a diverse group of industry attendees.
Presentation proposals for the 2020 Conference must be submitted no later than Monday, January 13, 2020, via email to Proposals must include the title of the presentation, a brief overview of the subject matter, the presentation format, and the name and short bio of the presenter.
Submitted proposals will be reviewed at the Board of Directors Annual Planning Meeting, and approved presentations will be notified by the end of January 2020.
Division of Boating & Water Ways Marina Loan Program Survey
The Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) would like to assess the future need for loan funding for marina rehabilitation and development from the Public and Private Marina Loan programs offered by DBW.
Please click on the link below to begin the survey. It will take approximately 4 minutes to complete and will be available through January 24, 2020.
Dana Point Shipyard Receives Coveted Clean Marine Certificate for Boatyard
Innovative New Marina Delights Boaters in Marina del Rey
Wayfarer Apartments & Marina (Marina del Rey, CA)
In 2015, Legacy Partners, a privately held real estate firm that owns, develops and manages multifamily communities throughout the United States, acquired the Mariners Bay Marina located in the D & E Basins of Marina del Rey. They signed a lease extension with Los Angeles County through 2061 and began renovating the rundown timber dock system. Officially renamed "Wayfarer Apartments & Marina," Legacy Partners sought to modernize the outdated marina with a new state-of-the-art floating concrete dock system.
Bellingham Marine Industries was solicited to design, manufacture, and construct the new 320 slip marina. Having recently rebuilt approximately 75% of the entire Marina del Rey Marina, Bellingham Marine had a well established reputation in the area. When asked about the decision to pursue a concrete dock system Development Manager Benjamin Mount said "It was a fairly easy decision. Unlike the existing dilapidated timber docks, concrete docks are built to last. They are sturdier and require far less maintenance."
With hundreds of slip renters occupying the Wayfarer Marina, construction was phased across a 3½ year period. As the rebuild progressed, boaters were temporarily relocated to neighboring anchorages. However, the temporary relocation was a small price to pay for such a tremendous upgrade. Upon return, boaters were delighted to find an updated marina with new shower facilities, pump-out station, boater's lounge, on-site laundry, kayak, paddleboard, and bike rentals, and slips equipped with phone, cable, and wireless internet capabilities.
"Our boaters don't just want a place to park their vessel. They want a place where they can enjoy their boat, even when they don't take it out on the open water. Sometimes they just want to relax and stream something on Netflix" said Benjamin.
"The marina really came together nicely. We were able to coordinate our efforts with the landside contractors to create a one-of-a-kind waterfront experience. Since Bellingham self-performed everything on the dockside from permitting, designing, manufacturing, constructing, and pile-driving, to installing the electrical, fire suppression and potable water systems we were able to ensure everything lined up perfectly with the landside development" said Eric Noegel, Bellingham Marine Senior Manager of Project Development.
When asked about her favorite aspect the new marina, Project Development Coordinator Stephanie Fisher said "we were able to incorporate the dock system's waterlines into the actual floats themselves. By internalizing them, the Wayfarer Marina avoids unsightly piping along the outside of the dock floats. This was an innovative approach to something most builders overlook. We also incorporated Southern Yellow Pine walers and a dark grey concrete finish. The dramatic palette coupled with rounded finger ends creates a modern, 'turn-key' aesthetic that is desired by contemporary marina owners."
The Wayfarer Apartments & Marina is a stunning improvement to the Marina del Rey waterfront. The new slip mix design significantly increased the number 50'+ slips and is better suited for modern vessels. The Wayfarer Marina turned out beautifully and is a fitting addition to a harbor that the Los Angeles Times called "perhaps the county's most valuable resource."
***The Wayfarer Marina was designed, manufactured, and constructed by Bellingham Marine Industries. All of the floats were built in their southwest plant located in Dixon, CA.***
Scribble Software Releases New Cloud-Based Enterprise Reporting Platform
Award Winning Marina Management Solution Provider Introduces New Cloud-Based Reporting Tool for the MARINAGO Office Solution
Scribble Software Inc., a leading provider of business management solutions for the marina industry, announced the release of MARINAGO Office Reporting, the next phase of the MARINAGO Office next-generation cloud-based management solution for the marina industry. As a cloud-based platform utilizing a SaaS model, MARINAGO Office Reporting leverages the latest cloud technology and user interface (UI) techniques revolutionizing marina and property management.
Decades of experience and thousands of customers using Scribble Software's solutions have provided the knowledge and experience necessary to envision future needs and requirements for the marina industry. This solid foundation in marina management operations has provided the necessary experience to expand the features and functionality of the MARINAGO Office Suite to include an enterprise level reporting platform.
The MARINAGO Office Suite is a multi-phase project designed to completely manage all aspects of marinas. The new release expands the feature set to include a cloud-based reporting portal providing in-depth business reporting capability, as well as a true ad-hoc reporting engine. Advanced features include the ability to select individual components ranging from templates, fields, filters, groupings, and totals, as well as being able to access multiple properties within an organization.
"We have continued to develop and expand the functionality of the MARINAGO Office Suite to include a full-featured enterprise level reporting platform and are excited to release it to our customers," says Vance Young, Director of Technology at Scribble Software. "The release of the MARINAGO Office Reporting exemplifies our core philosophy of providing comprehensive solutions for the marina industry."
Key features of the MARINAGO Office Reporting Platform include:
* 100% cloud-based
* Multiple property support
* True ad-hoc report engine
* Numerous global reports provided
* Templates provided for easy report creation
* Select fields, filters, grouping and totals
* Save reports to company-wide or user defined folders - Maintains security role rules
Scribble Software Inc. is a leading management solution provider for the marina industry and is located in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Scribble Software produces and markets the MarinaOffice Suite of Solutions, a leading marina management software solution used throughout the globe, as well as a growing array of both cloud-based and mobile solutions. Scribble has risen as a leader in providing management solutions for the marina industry with the focus on providing solutions for all areas and departments of marinas. Scribble Software takes great pride in developing end-to-end enterprise level solutions backed by a support team second to none. For more information, visit
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
BIT Marine Software
Kleerwater Technologies, LLC
Maritime Program Group
Spindrift Marina
Spinnaker Sailing
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
Save the Date for the 5th Annual California Boating Congress. Once again we will return to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento on March 31, 2020. There will be a welcome reception on March 30, 2020 for those who can make it. This year's theme is Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Boating. We are going back to the original format of all General Sessions in the morning followed by lunch and then off to the Capitol to meet with your legislators. Information will be available on our website in mid to late January.
In mid-January, your Board of Directors will be holding their Annual Planning meeting. A large portion of this 2 day meeting is to create the schedule for the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference and Trade Show that will take place September 28 - 30, 2020 at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. If you have any topics that you would like to see presented, please email me at by Monday, January 13, 2020.
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator
Quick Links
* Marina Search