The 2023 California Boating Congress, sponsored by the
Marine Recreation Association, is set for April 11 & 12, 2023
at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, and promises to provide
critical interaction with California boating and
recreation regulators and state legislators.
Armando Quintero, Director, California Department of Parks & Recreation, will provide an overview of the Governor’s Budget Priorities and Fiscal Stability of
the State and Department of Parks & Recreation on Wednesday, April 12th at 10:45 am. Mr. Quintero was appointed Director of the Department in August 2020 bringing years of experience in park operations and environmental science on both the state and federal level to the position.
Following Director Quintero, Karen Dill, Chief, Grants & Loans, Department of Parks & Recreation, and Deborah Holmes, Division of Boating & Waterways (DBW) Unit Supervisor, will discuss developments at the DBW including Subcommittee Reports on the Economic Impact Study, the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund, Aquatic Invasive Species programs, and the Abandoned Vessels – SAVE program and VTIP.
This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California, bringing together the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation in an ever-changing environment.
The 2023 California Boating Congress will commence on:
April 11th at 5:30 pm with an evening Welcome Reception
at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento...
...followed by a full day of informational seminars and meetings with legislators, regulators, and industry experts on the 12th. Lunch with “Lunch & Learn” presentations will also be served for all attendees . . .
For more information on the CBC agenda and to register visit
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleDEADLINE Approaching for the 2023 7th Annual California Boating Congress Registration / Reservation see more
California Boating Congress
Registration / Reservation
DEADLINE Approaching . . .
The 7th Annual CBC, sponsored by the Marine Recreation Association,
is set for April 11 & 12, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento,
kicking off with an evening Welcome Reception on the 11th
and a full day of interactive events on the 12th.
A limited number of special hotel room rates
for the CBC are still available at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento for stays from 4/11/23 thru 4/12/23
for early reservations made before March 21st.
The CBC rate is $249.00 / night, plus tax – single and double occupancy.
To make reservations call Central Reservations at 800.233.1234 and be sure to mention the Group Code: G-CBCO; OR,
book online at
For more hotel and travel information go to
Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference!
The EARLY Registration DEADLINE for the 2022 CBC is March 29th!
Register today for this important event at
Among the critical topics this year are Recreational Boating Rule-making, Vessel Property Assessment, Achieving 30x30 in California’s Coastal Waters, Governor Budget Priorities and Fiscal Stability, Division of Boating and Waterways – Commissioners and Leadership and the Status of Offshore Wind Development.
Robert Newsome, Senior Vice President, National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) will present an updated “Boating & Economic Impact” report during lunch, which will also be attended by Republican Leader James Gallagher and Senator Brian Jones. Other afternoon sessions with key legislators and regulators are being set-up now . . . For more information on the 2023 California Boating Congress and to register visit
Along with the MRA, this year’s Congress is being co-hosted by ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California, bringing together the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation in an ever-changing environment.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleOcean and Coastal Resources Policies featured at upcoming California Boating Congress see more
Ocean and Coastal Resources Policies featured at upcoming California Boating Congress
This year’s 7th annual California Boating Congress, sponsored by
the Marine Recreation Association, is set for April 11 & 12, 2023 at
the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, and promises to provide critical interaction
with marine and boating industry regulators and California state legislators.
In October 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order
N-82-20, advancing biodiversity conservation as an administration priority, and elevating the role of nature in the fight against climate change. As part of this Executive Order,
California committed to the goal of conserving 30% of our lands and coastal waters by 2030 (the “30x30” initiative). In 2022, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) released Pathways to 30x30; Accelerating Conservation of California’s Nature, detailing strategies and opportunities for achieving the 30x30 target.
Jenn Eckerle, Deputy Secretary for Oceans & Coastal Policy at the CNRA, and Executive Director of the Ocean Protection Council (OPC) will outline the state’s approach to conserving 30% of coastal waters in her presentation “Achieving 30x30 in California’s Coastal Waters” at 10:15 am, April 12th.
Ms. Eckerle serves as a key advisor to the Governor and the Secretary for Natural Resources, and directs policy, scientific research and critical partnerships to increased
protection of California’s coast and ocean. Prior to joining OPC in 2016, Jenn spent eight years as an Ocean Policy Analyst for the Natural Resources Defense Council after serving as a Coastal Program Analyst for the California Coastal Commission and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. She earned an MS in Marine Biology from the Florida Institute of Technology and a BS in Biology from the University of Vermont.
Following Jenn Eckerle at 11:30, Mike Conroy, West Coast Director, Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), will present a session on “The Status of Offshore Wind Development” delving into the potential impacts to sea and land environments and marina and boating operations.
This year’s California Boating Congress will commence on April 11th with an evening Welcome Reception at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento followed by a full day of informational seminars and meetings with legislators, regulators, and industry experts on the 12th. Lunch will also be served for all attendees . . . For more information on the 2023 California Boating Congress and to register visit
A limited number of special hotel room rates are available still at the
Hyatt Regency for CBC attendees for reservations made by March 21st.
To make reservations call Hyatt Central reservations at 800-233-1234 or book online at , be sure to mention the Group Code: G-CBCO.
The 2023 CBC is being co-hosted by ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California, bringing together the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation in an ever-changing environment.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
••••••••••••••• PRESS RELEASE ••••• FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE •••••••••••••••
This year’s 7th annual California Boating Congress, sponsored by
the Marine Recreation Association, is set for April 11 & 12, 2023 at
the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, and promises to provide critical interaction
with marine and boating industry regulators and California state legislators.
The 2023 CBC will return to a more normal personal-interaction format with an evening Welcome Reception on the 11th and a full day of informational seminars and meetings with legislators, regulators, and industry experts on the 12th.
Mike Conroy, West Coast Director, Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), will present a session on “The Status of Offshore Wind Development” delving into the potential impacts to sea and land environments and marina and boating operations. The RODA is a broad coalition of fishing industry associations and companies engaged in tracking offshore development activities, including renewable energy and aquaculture, to improve the compatibility of this development with the fishing and boating industry. Mike is also Co-Chair of the Pacific Fishery Management Council Marine Planning Committee and Vice-Chair of the Council’s Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel. He has been active in legislative and regulatory processes on both the federal level and in various states. His presentation will begin at 11:30 am, April 12th before the CBC luncheon.
Robert Newsome, Senior Vice President, National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) will present an updated “Boating & Economic Impact” report during lunch, which will also be attended by Republican Leader James Gallagher and Senator Brian Jones. Other morning and afternoon sessions with key legislators and regulators are being set-up now . . . For more information on the 2023 California Boating Congress and to register visit
Early registration ends on March 29, 2023.
This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California, bringing together the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation in an ever-changing environment.
A limited number of special hotel room rates are available still at the Hyatt Regency for CBC attendees for reservations made by March 21st.
To make reservations call Hyatt Central reservations at 800-233-1234 or
book online at ,
be sure to mention the Group Code: G-CBCO
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 50 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Marine Recreation Association posted an articleREGISTER NOW....2023 7th Annual California Boating Congress see more
This year’s California Boating Congress, sponsored by the
Marine Recreation Association, is set for April 11 & 12, 2023 at the
Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Sacramento, directly across from
the California State Capital Park. The 2023 CBC will kick-off with
an evening Welcome Reception on the 11th,
with a full day of interaction with marine and boating industry
regulators and California state legislators on the 12th.
After more than two years of COVID restrictions limiting our ability to interact with state legislators and regulators, the California Boating Congress will return to a more normal personal-interaction format, with informational seminars in the morning sessions and meetings with legislators in the afternoon.
Robert Newsome, Sr. Vice President, National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) will present an updated Boating & Economic Impact report for all attendees at the event luncheon. Robert has authored and presented on numerous industry and recreational boating topics and is Chairperson of the National Safe Boating Council. His responsibilities with NMMA include overall organizational operations, the development and implementation of strategic support for the recreational marine industry, and he serves as a spokesperson for the Discover Boating program. Republican Leader James Gallagher and Senator Brian Jones will also attend the lunch.
The afternoon sessions with a number of key legislators who have an interest in our issues are being set up now and will be held at the Hyatt Regency rather that at the State Legislature offices, which should help facilitate more effective interaction on marine industry and recreational boating issues.
A limited number of special hotel room rates are available at the Hyatt Regency for CBC attendees for reservations made by March 21st . . . to make reservations call Hyatt Central reservations at 800-233-1234 or book online at, be sure to mention the Group Code: G-CBCO
This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by ten other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters
& Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the Coastal Conservation Association of California, bringing together the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation. In today’s world this effort is even more important to positively impact the planning and policies that affect recreational boating and other marine concerns in the state.
For more information on the 2023 California Boating Congress and to register click HERE.
Mariann Timms
Marine Recreation Association
14900 West Highway 12, #30
Lodi, CA 95242
209.334.0661 Office
209.482.1152 Cell
209.334.6876 Fax
Nick Garcia posted an articleWith the cancellation of the 2020 California Boating Congress due to the ensuing COVID-19 crisis. see more
California Boating Congress Convenes Ad Hoc Legislative Review Phone Conference
With the cancellation of the 2020 California Boating Congress due to the ensuing COVID-19 crisis, the Marine Recreation Association called together other marine industry partners for an ad hoc phone conference with Platinum Advisors, the MRA legislative lobbyists, to review pending legislation in the California Congress on March 30th.
Representatives from the MRA Board of Directors, NMMA, CAHMPC, CYBA, RBOC and other marine industry interests participated in the phone conference that was led by Beau Biller, Lobbyist at Platinum Advisers, and reviewed four pending Measures.
AB 2809 was introduced February 20, 2020, and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources March 12, 2020. This bill is aimed at controlling some of the regulatory excesses that BCDC
has exercised in the past, and would require that the San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission create and implement procedures to provide managerial review of staff decisions in enforcement, timelines for resolving enforcement cases, and a penalty matrix for assessing fines and civil penalties. A general consensus of agreement and support for this measure was expressed by the group.
SB 883 was introduced January 23, 2020, and would revise the definition of a for-hire vessel to include a vessel propelled by machinery carrying one or more passengers for hire to be operated by an operator with a valid license. Current law defines a for-hire vessel to include those carrying 3 passengers or more. Some ambiguities exist in the wording of this measure and it was recommended that these be clarified by Platinum Advisers before any support or opposition is expressed. Hearings for this bill have been postponed for the time being.
SB 904 supplements current law generally requiring all undocumented vessels using the waterways of the state to be currently registered in California and properly numbered. This bill would additionally require law enforcement citing a person for various violations, including the failure to properly number the vessel as specified, to prepare a notice to the violator to correct the violation and deliver proof of the correction to the issuing agency in lieu of arrest, unless a disqualifying condition exists. This bill was introduced February 3, 2020 and referred to the Transportation Committee on February 12, 2020, and generally supported in the meeting.
SB 1080 This bill supplants current law, allowing a properly licensed person to bring ashore a fish taken in California inland waters in a condition such that its size or weight cannot be determined if the fish is cleaned at the end of a fishing trip while still on the water and temporarily berthed or landed on a dock or other permanent structure. Current law makes it unlawful to possess or bring ashore any fish in a condition that its weight or size cannot be determined. Introduced February 19, 2020, hearings have been postponed for the time being. This Measure was generally supported in the meeting.
Additional information on these and other pending legislation in California can be accessed at
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleThis year's annual California Boating Congress is set for March 30th and 31st at the Hyatt Regency H see more
5th annual 'California Boating Congress' . . . Your Opportunity to make a Difference!
This year's annual California Boating Congress is set for March 30th and 31st at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sacramento. The Marine Recreation Association is again sponsoring this important event and has posted the CBC Agenda and registration information at
For the fifth year in a row, the CBC will bring the marine industry and boating community together at the California State Capital to meet with state legislators and regulators to r
emind them of the importance and economic impact of the marine industry and recreational boating in California.
This year's CBC will kick off Monday evening, March 30th at 5:30 PM, with the Opening Night Legislative Reception for attendees at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1209 L. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, giving attendees an opportunity to meet and mingle before the main event on Tuesday.
MRA President, Scott Robertson, will welcome attendees to the CBC at 8:30 AM on Tuesday morning at the Hyatt Regency Conference Center, and review the day's activities and objectives with attendees.
Robert Newsom
e, Senior Vice President, Operations for the National Marine Manufacturers Association, will be the Keynote Speaker, and will provide an important overview of the Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Boating in California. As one of the top boating states in the nation, the recreational boating and fishing industry in California delivers more than $13 billion in economic impact, accounting for 40,000 jobs in the state each year. Mr. Newsome will be discussing boating participation, boat sales statistics and other important trends in the industry resulting from Californian's passion for boating and fishing.
Three other morning presentations will follow, including discussions about reforming recreational fishing license programs, the impact of California income, sales & use taxes on the industry, and the potential for creation of a new state department for boating and outdoor recreation. Beau Biller from Platinum Advisors will also provide a summary of legislative and regulatory issues affecting recreational boating in the state, and will review the schedule, along with guidelines and instructions, for the afternoon meetings with legislators.
Lunch will be served at the Hyatt Conference Center, and then attendees will proceed to the State Capital for scheduled meetings with individual legislative representatives throughout the afternoon.
This year's Congress is being co-hosted by the MRA and eleven other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Sportfishing League, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Associations, and the American Boat Builders & Repairers Association.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 49 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at
Nick Garcia posted an articleYour Opportunity to make a Difference! see more
REGISTER TODAY for the 5th annual ‘California Boating Congress’ . . . Your Opportunity to make a Difference!
This year’s annual California Boating Congress is set for March 30th and 31st at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sacramento. The Marine Recreation Association is again sponsoring this important event and has posted the CBC Agenda and registration information at
For the fifth year in a row, the CBC will bring the marine industry and boating community together at the California State Capital to meet with state legislators and regulators to remind them of the importance and economic impact of the marine industry and recreational boating in California.
This year’s Congress will kick off Monday evening, March 30th at 5:30 PM, with a cocktail reception for attendees at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1209 L. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, giving attendees an opportunity to meet and mingle before the main event on Tuesday. For those wishing to arrive early and spend Monday evening, special hotel rates will be available at
MRA President, Scott Robertson, will welcome attendees to the CBC at 8:30 AM on Tuesday morning at the Hyatt Regency Conference Center, and review the day’s activities and objectives with attendees. Robert Newsome, Sr. Vice President of Strategy, Engineering Standards, & Membership for the National Marine Manufacturers Association will be the keynote speaker, and will provide an important overview of the Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Recreational Boating in California.
A number of other important issues, including the value of the 12-month state fishing license, potential changes in the sales & use tax, and a review of The Department of Boating & Waterways, will be discussed to fill-out the morning, followed by a summary of legislative and regulatory issues affecting recreational boating in the state, presented by Beau Biller from Platinum Advisors. Beau will also handout and discuss the legislator meeting schedule, along with guidelines and instructions, for the afternoon meetings with legislators.
Lunch will be served at the Hyatt’s Capitol View room, and then attendees will proceed to the State Capital for scheduled meetings with individual legislative representatives throughout the afternoon.
Opportunities to meet with state representatives are being scheduled NOW by CBC staff, and attendees must register NO LATER THAN Friday, February 21st to ensure scheduling with their State Legislators.
“Based on the success of the last four years, we are expecting the 2020 CBC, and our influence at the State Capital, to grow again this year,” said Mariann Timms, MRA Operations Administrator.
This year’s Congress is being co-hosted by the MRA and eleven other boating related groups, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference, Boat U.S., Personal Watercraft Industry Association, California Sportfishing League, California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau, Recreational Boaters of California, Sacramento Valley Marine Association, California Association of Harbor Masters & Port Captains, California Yacht Brokers Association and the American Boat Builders & Repairers Association.
For more information and to register, visit or contact Mariann Timms at 209-334-0661.
The Marine Recreation Association is a professional organization that represents marina owners, operators, and industry professionals located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Created more than 48 years ago, the MRA actively promotes and represents recreational boating interests while providing educational management and operations seminars, and information for marine industry owners, operators, and staff.
For additional information about the MRA, and all of its activities and interests, contact Mariann Timms by phone at (209) 334-0661, email at or go online at