Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Boating in California
October 6, 2020 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The recreational boating and fishing industry is a major economic player in California, delivering $13 Billion in economic impact to the state each year. As one of the top 10 boating states in the U.S., recreational boating creates over 40,000 jobs in California and contributes over $2 Billion in GDP. Robert Newsome, Senior Vice President of Strategy, Engineering Standards & Membership for the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), will be discussing boating participation, sales trends and other elements of economic impact resulting from Californian’s passion for boating and fishing.
Click here for the PowerPoint PDF.
Economic Impact of the Marine Industry and Boating in California Video Here.

Robert Newsome
Senior Vice President of Strategy,
Engineering Standards & Membership
National Marine Manufacturers Association
231 S LaSalle St, Suite 2050
Chicago, IL 60604
Robert Newsome is the Senior Vice President of Strategy, Engineering Standards & Membership for the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), responsible the development and implementation of organizational strategies to support the recreational marine industry, overall membership activities, the Marine Industry Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) program, and product certification (NMMA Certified) programs for boats, yachts, PWC and boat trailers.
Robert serves on the Board of Directors of the National Safe Boating Council and the Technical Board of the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC), and represents the marine industry in standards development and technical issues through numerous technical committees of ABYC, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
Robert has authored and presented on numerous industry, safety and technical topics prevalent to today’s recreational marine industry and boater safety, and additionally serves as a spokesperson for the Discover Boating program. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Bradley University, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Notre Dame.
Robert is an avid power boater, fisherman and a life-long sailor on Lake Michigan and the lakes of the Midwest.