From the Helm
Dear MRA Members and Friends;
And then the summer is gone...... Labor Day will be celebrated this weekend, which is the "official" end of summer. Thankfully, in most areas of the State, September and October can be the best months on the waterfront. It is still very warm, but not scorching hot, and for those of us on the coast, we are not fighting the June gloom, which seemed to hang on until the end of July this year - at least at the Channel Islands Harbor. I know from personal experience that those inland resorts counting on family visits are slowly closing down now, and the end of the season is real. I hope you had a great (profitable) year. We should all relax a little, take advantage of great weather and the kids back in school, and reflect on how great it is to be in the marine industry.
Not much to report this month. The Board did not meet as we are all concentrating on our properties, and the elected officials take time off in the summer, so legislative activity slows as well. We have been tying up the loose ends for the conference. As a reminder, our 48th Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show is October 21-23 at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Resort in San Diego.
I have always relished the social component of the conference, as we are able to socialize with our many friends in the industry that we see only once a year, but it is also important that we recognize the educational component of the conference. In today's labor market, there are thousands of intelligent young adults who are trying to figure out what they want to do for their career. I have always believed that we can shape quality employees by getting them interested in the industry and then teaching them about the industry and how to succeed in the industry. Our annual conference is a golden opportunity to let young employees see how exciting the marine industry is and what a great industry it is for a career. Take advantage of the experts who speak at the conference, and take advantage of the peer interaction to "sell" your young employees on a career in the industry, and motivate them to learn as much as they can and excel in the marine industry.
As always, may you have great navigating into the future.
Optimize Your Capital Improvement Project Planning and Results . . .
Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) in the marine industry are rarely the same in scope and/or desired results, and cookie-cutter solutions rarely produce the best project improvements and economic benefits. One common factor that all CIPs do share however, is that they all cost a LOT of money.
Return on Investment is a critical element of all successful capital improvement projects, and asking the right questions is key. How much will it cost? Will it pay back over time, and how much?
And how soon will it pay a return? Answering these questions will help answer the biggest question of
all; "How do we pay for this?" But understanding
and maximizing the potential ROI on a capital expenditure is not always an intuitive and easy process, and getting good answers requires some analysis and planning.
James "J" Mills, Western Regional Sales Manager, RME, Meeco Sullivan, LLC, will present a seminar session on Tuesday, October 22nd, at 2:15 PM, at this year's MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show, covering "Planning, Designing, and Paying-For your next Capital Improvement Project". J. has been involved in the commercial and recreational marine industry for more than twenty years as a manager, consultant, and contractor, and has directed the operations, planning, and capital improvements for numerous coastal and inland marine facilities.
This presentation will provide examples of the planning and design process along with some of the key analysis and planning tools used to develop critical information leading to the optimum capital improvement project and ROI. The presentation will also provide examples of several marine facility renovation projects illustrating some potential pitfalls to be avoided.
The 2019, 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show will run for three days (October 21 - 23) with more than thirty educational seminars and special presentations focused on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars, and an expansive Trade Show featuring more than fifty industry vendors and services will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability . . . all taking place at the beautiful Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines Hotel Conference Center in sunny San Diego.
Register Today

2019 MRA Innovation Award
Submissions for the 2019 MRA Innovation Award are now being accepted by the Marine Recreation Association.

Call for Candidates on the Board of Directors
For the Marine Recreation Association
The Marine Recreation Association is currently seeking candidates for its Board of Directors. The Board provides the energy and direction for programs and services for our membership. Board members serve a vital role in establishing policy and providing guidance to committees and staff.
To ensure a quality Board, MRA seeks leadership from dedicated individuals who concur with and will commit to the following requirements:
- Applicants must be members in good standing.
- Serve a two-year term (commences October 2019 and ends October 2021).
- Attend quarterly Board meetings.
- Be willing to serve on at least one committee in addition to the Board.
- Attend the annual planning meeting and participate in the development of the upcoming year's goals and expectations.
- Become familiar and informed with MRA's programs and benefits.
Serve as ambassador for the Association and assist in recruiting new members.
Board Members whose terms will expire this year are: Jim Hayes, Paul Kaplan, Nathan Merkle, Kate Pearson, Arron Pellarin, Gregg Reynolds, Scott Robertson, Mark Sanders, and Mark Sandoval.
The following members whose term will expire this year and have indicated an interest in being nominated and will be placed on the ballot: Jim Hayes, Paul Kaplan, Nathan Merkle, Kate Pearson , Arron Pellarin, Gregg Reynolds, Scott Robertson, Mark Sanders, and Mark Sandoval.
If you are interested in serving on the Board, please complete the following and include a photo and brief paragraph about yourself (see below) and send it to Mariann Timms via e-mail no later than September 18, 2019.
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Business: _______________________________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________________________________________
e-mail: _________________________________________________________________
The Executive Committee will review all applications. Voting ballots will be sent out by September 20, 2019. The Annual Installation of new Board Members and Officers will take place on Tuesday, October 21, 2019 at The Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone 209.334.0661, facsimile 209.334.6876 or e-mail:
Mariann Timms
Please provide a brief paragraph about yourself, including a few words on your work history and why you would like to serve on the Board of the Marine Recreation Association as well as a color photo (headshot). We will provide the following information for each candidate, please just add additional information.
Your Name
Your Marina Name
Your Marina location
Here is an example:
I have been in the marina industry for 30 years, 5 of which I have been general manager of Smith Valley Marina in Timbuktwo. Prior to that, I was part of the Arizona Yacht Company's team of managers and worked as a boat salesman for many years.
If elected to the Board of the Marine Recreation Association, my experience in handling the finances and operation of Smith Valley gives me the experience needed to assist in the business management of the Association. I deal with government regulators on nearly a weekly basis, and have successful strategies to share. I have ideas on improving and streamlining the annual educational conference. Our marina produces a monthly newsletter and I am well versed in methods to improve communication between our board and its membership. I understand that serving on the Board will require a time commitment and am willing to take the time to contribute. I would appreciate your vote!
Grant Applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education and Outreach Program Due on October 14, 2019
The California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) is accepting grant applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education and Outreach Program. A maximum of $262,000 of federal funding per targeted region is available to organizations for educating coastal and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta boaters about proper vessel sewage disposal, the use of pumpout facilities, and to monitor pumpout stations in the identified regions. The deadline to submit applications is Oct. 14, 2019 at 10 am.
Information on the Grant Program, as well as the 2019 grant application, requirements and complete guidelines packet are available here.
Submit hard copies to:
California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways Clean Vessel Education and Outreach Grant Program
Attn: Deborah Holmes
One Capitol Mall
Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
Email submittals shall be sent to and
As part of DBW's commitment to provide clean, safe, and enjoyable recreational boating in California, DBW serves as the state CVA Program Grant Coordinator. This grant program serves as an important educational opportunity for organizations to inform the recreational boating community about sewage related issues, impacts, resources available to them, and proper vessel sewage disposal practices to encourage the use of pumpout facilities and mobile pumpout services.
The program targets the following two geographic regions in California (inland work performed beyond the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta area does not qualify for grant funding):
* San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary: San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Marin, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.
* Southern California Coastal Counties: Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties.
DBW will fund two grants (one for each targeted California geographic region) that will develop and implement a 12 month Clean Vessel Act Boater Education and Outreach Program for each of the two targeted geographic regions mentioned above. Each regional grant must include: 1) education and outreach and 2) monitoring. Applications will be evaluated and ranked according to how each application proposal demonstrates comprehensive and proven methods for meeting grant program goals.
In the last grant cycle, some highlights and accomplishments include:
* participating in 8 boating events and conducting 18 clean boating seminars sharing clean boating practices to reduce boat sewage impacts with over 2,300 boaters;
* distributing over 7,860 clean boating publications promoting sewage best management practices;
* distributing over 300 universal deck fitting adapter kits;
* developing and promoting the first in the nation and award winning sewage pumpout Nav App (over 8,645 downloads since March 2018). This App helps boaters locate nearby functioning sewage pumpout stations and displays cost, hours, and location within the marina
* monitoring 150 sewage pumpouts in 19 counties. Monitoring provide effective means to encourage better maintenance and accountability for the pumpouts condition.
Grant funded by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways with funding provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund.
New Wildfire Smoke Regulation in California
Following two of the most devastating fire seasons in California's history, Cal/OSHA has adopted an emergency regulation to protect workers from the effects of wildfire smoke. The regulation took effect July 29, and sets forth new requirements for employers.
Under the new requirements, if you're an employer you must
- Monitor the Air Quality Index (AQI) for particulate matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) in regions where workers are located. One way to check the AQI in your specific region is with the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Now tool. Just enter a ZIP code for the air quality reading for your workplace region. Be sure to check your area's AQI throughout each day.
- Take steps to reduce exposure to smoke when the AQI for PM 2.5 is above 150. In this case, you should consider relocating employees to an enclosed building with filtered air. You should also make sure the air filters are clean, replace them if necessary, and check with an HVAC technician to make sure air conditioning units are working properly. You can also send them to a different location where the AQI for PM 2.5 is below 150.
- If you were unable to reduce PM 2.5 exposure below 150, provide respirators-rated N95 or above-for employees’ voluntary use,
- Provide training on the new regulation, health effects of wildfire smoke, and the safe use and maintenance of respirators.
Now is the time to act
As we know, wildfires are about as synonymous with California as earthquakes. And, we're getting to the time of year where the major fires have erupted in the past few years. Stock up now on the appropriate respirators and take care of any needed maintenance for your indoor location. This way, you'll be ready-and in compliance-when the new regulation goes into effect.
The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for medical advice or legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.
About State Fund
Established in 1914 by the state legislature, State Fund is California's most reliable provider of workers' compensation insurance and a vital asset to California businesses. State Fund supports California's entrepreneurial spirit and plays a stabilizing role in the economy by providing fairly priced workers' compensation insurance, helping California employers keep their workplaces safe, and restoring injured workers. For more information, visit

For the Marina Bulletin Board
Boaters Beware: Low-Price 'Regular 88' Gas is Bad for Boats
More E15 ethanol fuel available this Labor Day holiday weekend
With more ethanol than ever before being served up at the nation's gas station pumps this Labor Day holiday weekend, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) cautions America's recreational boaters to avoid filling up with "Regular 88" fuel on recreational boating's traditional last summer hurrah. That's because the latest gasoline blend may contain up to 15% ethanol (E15) -
enough to harm the boat motor and void the engine manufactures warranty.
The nation's recreational boating advocacy, services and safety group says the increased potential for misfueling this holiday weekend is a combination of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recent elimination of the three-and-a-half-month blackout period on the sale of E15 fuel in the summer months along with more gas stations carrying blends greater than 10% ethanol (E10) fuel at the pump. E15 fuel is often one of the lower-priced fuel options, and that may be appealing even with its lower energy content.
With a lack of consumer-friendly labeling at the pumps, BoatUS says dispensing E15 fuel accidentally into a boat's fuel system is a concern. "Most recreational boaters refuel their vessels at roadside gas stations where pump-labeling requirements are minimal with just a small orange E15 warning label," said BoatUS Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy. "You add the clutter of video screens; signage advertising coffee, donuts and car washes; fuel pricing; and other myriad pump information, and consumers can become distracted. Before you know it, you have unfortunately put the wrong fuel in your boat."
The increased use of ethanol in gasoline is a result of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that requires the blending of biofuels such as corn-ethanol into the nation's fuel supply. When the law was passed in 2005, lawmakers assumed that America's use of gasoline would continue to grow. Since then, however, gasoline usage has not increased as forecast, which today forces more ethanol into each gallon of gas. To send a message to the President and your members of Congress to fix the RFS, boaters can go to
About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS):
Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation's largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners' voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn't end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program offers policies that give boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
Construction Corner
Elegant Post-Tensioned Concrete Dock Draws Thousands to Lake Washington
Meydenbauer Community Park (Bellevue, Washington)
The City of Bellevue and Bellingham Marine have transformed Bellevue into the preferred waterfront destination on Lake Washington. Bellingham Marine constructed a floating curved pedestrian pier at the Meydenbauer Community Park. It perfectly integrates beautiful downtown Bellevue and Lake Washington. This one of a kind, iconic feature has catapulted the city of Bellevue as a "must-see" destination for tourists.

(photo credit:
"For decades, the city has envisioned creating a remarkable park and waterfront experience. We are now connecting what I think is the most beautiful downtown in the state of Washington to one of the most beautiful bays on the lake..."
- Bellevue Mayor John Chelminiak-
The distinctive 270' long, 10' wide curved structure offers:
- Safe public access for paddle craft
- ADA accessible kayak launch
- 25' diameter viewing platform
- Protection for swimmers and beach goers
The engineering and construction team considered multiple factors when determining how to best protect the park's beach and swim area. A 3' wave height and considerable boat traffic played a significant role in the final design and shape of the pier.
In order to accommodate the unique design concept, Bellingham Marine constructed a heavy duty, post-tensioned modular system. Heavy duty, post-tensioned structures are the most technologically advanced floating structures you can build. Benefits include:
- Virtually no maintenance required
- Structure performs as single unit, reducing deflection
- 70+ year service life
Bellingham Marine built the pier to withstand the dynamic wave environment of Lake Washington and the traffic of flocking tourists. As such, the project is a fiscal "slam dunk" for the city of Bellevue. Not only will the unique design bring a surge in tourism revenue, but the robust pier construction alleviates the need for excessive maintenance or massive capital expenditure reserves.
When Bellingham Marine Manager of Project Development, NW Division, Jim Engen was asked about the unique Meydenbauer Community Park Project, he said "The concrete floating pedestrian pier was a challenging project that required Bellingham Marine's engineering expertise and experience. It was customized to the city of Bellevue's unique needs. The site-specific design was the only way to ensure the pier was properly built and able to provide the desired level of protection and service life. And let's face it, it looks fantastic! The stunning addition will forever be a source of pride for the community."
*** Bellingham Marine was responsible for the structural design of the Meydenbauer concrete floating pedestrian pier, including manufacture, assembly and delivery of all dock components. Bellingham Marine manufactured the match-cast, concrete modules in the company's PCI certified plant in Ferndale, Washington. ***
Trade Member Highlight
Meeco Sullivan Hires Accomplished
Sales & Marketing Executive to Support Growth Plans
Meeco Sullivan announced the hiring of Dennis Wilson as Vice President, National Sales Manager effective August 5, 2019. Peter Ladouceur, President of Meeco Sullivan, noted "We are very pleased to have a sales leader of Dennis' caliber join our management team and excited about the diverse sales and marketing expertise and professionalism he will bring to both our sales team and our growing organization."
Dennis has a proven track record with Fortune 500 global business-to-business marketers over the past 23 years in roles as Director of Worldwide Sales, Vice President of Sales & Marketing and Director of Sales & Marketing. Mr. Wilson's background includes expertise in the technical industrial, engineered products and capital equipment business sectors among others and he has a solid reputation as a "growth specialist" who drives sales initiatives and pioneers successful marketing campaigns.
Dennis is a strong leader with a comprehensive background leading and managing direct sales teams, indirect sales channels, international sales teams and manufacturing rep organizations. Plus, he has created and delivered sales management training programs, product training seminars, and channel management and development programs. Dennis has also been recognized with multiple achievement awards for excellence in sales and marketing throughout his career.
Mr. Wilson holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing from LaSalle University and has completed several MBA level and Executive Management and Development Courses and Leadership Programs.
MEECO SULLIVAN is a leading supplier of freshwater and saltwater marinas and floating dock systems. Their product offering includes Meeco Galvanized Steel Dock Systems, Atlantic Glulam Timber Dock Systems, Sullivan Timber Dock Systems, Wahoo Aluminum Dock Systems, Wave Attenuators, Rowing Docks, Wahoo Residential Docks and Service Docks/Platforms. With over 140 years of floating dock and marina experience, they are a recognized pioneer and leader in the design and construction of floating dock systems with thousands of marine installations worldwide. To learn more please visit For more information contact Peter Ladouceur at
Trade Member Highlight
Golden Manufacturing was named as one of the top 500 companies in Florida by Business Observer. Additionally, it's a finalist for the 2019 Manufacturer of the Year Award to be presented by the Horizon Council and Lee County Economic Development Office.
"Last year we went through the rigorous process to earn ISO 9001:2015 certification, which emphasizes risk management and customer satisfaction," said Bill Golden, president and CEO. "These honors are a testament to the hard work and dedication our entire team has made to manufacturing at the highest level." Golden Boat Lifts is the only aluminum frame boat lift company to hold this high accreditation.
The exclusive 2019 Business Observer Top 500 recognizes South Florida companies whose community involvement betters business and civic life in the region. Business Observer is a weekly newspaper for Gulf Coast business leaders and entrepreneurs.
The 2019 Manufacturer of the Year Award recognizes a local Lee County company that demonstrates leadership growth, profitability and workforce relations excellence. The honor will be announced at an October event in Bonita Springs, Florida.
Contact Golden Boat Lifts, 17611 East St, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. 888-909-5438 or 239-337-4141.;
Welcome New Members
Welcome New Members
With Marine Recreation Association being the largest professional organization of marina, boatyard, hospitality, and other marine industry owners and operators located throughout the western United States with additional members in Canada, Mexico, and Australia, our mission is to provide a united voice in representing the interests of the boating industry, and to help educate and inform in all areas of recreational boating. MRA would like to welcome the following companies to our association:
EKI Environment & Water, Inc.
Impact Absorbents, Inc.
Willow Beach Marina / Black Cyn River Adv.

The Last Word
To all of our MRA Members and Future Members
Only Seven weeks until Conference time!
It's Not Too Late To Register for th 48th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show that will be held at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines on October 21 - 23, 2019. Imagine the possibilities and potential for your marine operations and business as the marine industry continues to evolve in today's rapidly changing world.
The three day Conference will focus on meeting the new challenges and potential facing the industry today. Strategies for enhancing guest services and customer satisfaction, improving operations and regulatory compliance, and optimizing fiscal results, will be featured in Conference seminars and roundtable discussions covering key marine industry management, operations, and marketing concerns. An extensive Trade Show exhibiting the latest technology, products, and services from industry vendors and contractors will provide additional information focused on innovation, growth, and profitability.
Information is available on our website at
To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.
As the association continues to grow, we will be welcoming our new members who join in each issue. If you know any of the new members listed in this issue, please welcome them aboard!
Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.
Thank you,
Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator