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August E Newsletter 2020

August E Newsletter 2020

                                                                                            August 2020 

From the Helm

To all our valued members,

As if COVID 19 was not enough, many of us are or have been dealing with fires. Lake Berryessa in Northern California was particularly hit hard. Markley Cove and Pleasure Cove marinas both have sustained significant damage. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Your board of directors continues to march on, via zoom. You will soon be hearing about our educational opportunities that will allow you to learn without having to leave the office.

MRA is very close to signing an agreement with Marina Industries Association Limited (MIA) our counterpart in Australia. The agreement will allow MRA to roll out the Gold Anchor program in the North America. The program is based on the belief that the marina industry needs a customer centric focus for marina businesses and recreational boating to grow and prosper. The Gold Anchor provides detailed criteria for the assessment of marina facilities and services and an associated Gold Anchor rating; akin to the star rating program for accommodation. Gold Anchor branding and the rating can be used effectively for marketing. The Gold Anchor program also provides a template and third party recommendations for the continual improvement of marina operations. The program is a world wide program and we are excited to bring it to Northern America. If you want to learn more email or call Mariann Timms and she can provide you more details.

Scott Robertson



Governor Newsom Announces Appointment Director of the California Department of Parks and Recreation

Armando M. Quintero, 64, of San Rafael, has been appointed Director of the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Quintero has been Executive Director of the Sierra Nevada Research Institute at the University of California, Merced since 2015, where he was Director of Development from 2008 to 2014. He was an independent Environmental Educator from 1998 to 2008. Quintero held multiple positions at the U.S. National Park Service from 1977 to 1998, including Chief of the Special Park Uses Group and District Ranger at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Personnel Staffing Specialist for the National Park Service, Park Ranger and Supervisory Park Ranger at the Point Reyes National Seashore and Park Ranger at the Sequoia National Park and at the John Muir National Historic Site. Quintero is a member of the California Water Commission and the Marin Municipal Water District Board of Directors. This position requires Senate confirmation and the compensation is $186,389. Quintero is a Democrat.

Outgoing Director Lisa Mangat has been appointed as the Chief Deputy Director Policy and Administration for the Governor's Office of Emergency Services.


Coast Guard Survey (WAMS)

Coast Guard wants your feedback!
Help improve the Nation's shallow draft waterways ATON system

The U.S. Coast Guard is conducting a short on-line survey to assess the National Shallow Draft Waterway Systems. The study will help the Coast Guard to determine the Aids to Navigation (ATON) requirements in the Shallow Draft Waterway Systems which includes all navigable waterways of the United States less than 12 feet in depth.

The purpose of this study is to determine the navigational needs and requirements of vessels operating in shallow draft navigable waterways throughout the country. The study will focus on the existing shallow water ATON system, future development projects, waterborne commerce transiting these waters, and marine casualty information. Waterway users, interested parties, and stakeholders are invited to provide comments or feedback via the tool posted at

Who should take the survey?
The survey is geared toward boaters who operate on navigable waters of the US where the depth is 12 feet or less.

  • All recreational boaters
  • Commercial operators (construction/cargo/fishing)
  • Local and state agency boat operators

Questions include years of experience, waters where you operate and how often, what navigation tools you use (radar, electronic charting systems, etc.), your concerns and more!

Take the survey TODAY at

This link will remain available until November 1, 2020. 

Further questions or comments may be emailed to using the subject line: "Shallow Draft WAMS".



Grant Applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education and Outreach Program Due on October 12, 2020




When to Record, Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace

Mel Davis

What are the California Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) requirements for reporting occurrences of COVID-19 in the workplace?

Cal/OSHA has provided guidelines in a question-and-answer format in its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at

The reporting requirements are predicated on the same requirements as any other occupational illness:
* Death.
* Days away from work.
* Restricted work or transfer to another job.
* Medical treatment beyond first aid.
* Loss of consciousness.
* A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care provider.

Recording Occurrence
If the COVID-19 incident results in any of the above conditions, then it is to be recorded on the forms 300, 300A and 301.

Federal guidelines state that COVID-19 cases should "generally" be confirmed through testing to be recordable, although this may not always be possible.

Cal/OSHA considers a positive test for COVID-19 determinative of recordability; however, a positive test is not necessary to trigger the recording requirements. Being in quarantine is not considered "days away from work" for recording purposes.

As in any illness, exposure to potential sources of infection must be considered for recordkeeping purposes. Interacting with the general public can be a contributing factor, as are known interaction with infected coworkers and lack of physical distancing.

Notifying Cal/OSHA
The occurrence of COVID-19 within the workplace does not require the employer to immediately notify Cal/OSHA. The reporting requirements are consistent to the effect that when there is hospitalization, loss of consciousness, or death, Cal/OSHA must be notified immediately or within eight hours.

The FAQ also addresses the condition that an employee may become ill at work, but it is not work related. If it is a serious illness, then Cal/OSHA should be notified.

Column based on questions asked by callers on the Labor Law Helpline, a service to California Chamber of Commerce preferred and executive members. For expert explanations of labor laws and Cal/OSHA regulations, not legal counsel for specific situations, call (800) 348-2262 or submit your question at



Free 2020 Virtual Oil Spill Response Communication Workshops For Marinas and Yacht Clubs

Marinas and yacht clubs are invited to two workshops in Northern and Southern California that present oil spill response resource information. The workshops will cover information on:

California's oil spill response structure
* Office of Spill Prevention and Response Equipment Grants
* Third party claim process
* General information on oil spill kits for boating facilities
* California's new Marinas and Yacht Clubs Spill Response Communication Packet
* Tools and resources available to increase communication capabilities between boating facilities and the Office of Emergency Services during an oil spill.

* California's oil spill response structure
* Office of Spill Prevention and Response Equipment Grants
* Third party claim process
* General information on oil spill kits for boating facilities
* California's new Marinas and Yacht Clubs Spill Response Communication Packet

* Tools and resources available to increase communication capabilities between boating facilities and the Office of Emergency Services during an oil spill.

Key presenters include: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California State Parks and California Coastal Commission's Boating Clean and Green Program and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.

You MUST REGISTER to attend.
Register now by emailing Vivian Matuk at
Max workshop capacity 30 people.

We will be offering the following virtual workshops :
Northern CA:
Thursday, September 10th from 9:30 am to approx. 12:30 pm
Southern CA:

Wednesday, September 23rd from 9:30 am to approx. 12:30 pm

You will only need a computer with internet access and either a phone to call in or the computer's speaker and microphone.
* You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom video conference meeting. You will be prompted to download the software, once you received the link from us.
* What we need from you:

1. Based on where your boating facility is located at, please register to one of the virtual two workshops mentioned above by emailing Vivian Matuk at
When registering, please let us know to which workshop you want to register, your name, boating facility name and county, your email and phone number.
2. Once we receive your registration, we will be sending you the Zoom invite information link and easy to follow instructions and some additional files.
1a. Based on where your boating facility is located at, please register to one of the virtual two workshops mentioned above by emailing Vivian Matuk at

When registering, please let us know to which workshop you want to register, your name, boating facility name and county, your email and phone number.
 2a.Once we receive your registration, we will be sending you the Zoom invite information link and easy to follow instructions and some additional files

We are looking forward to hearing from you! 



Construction Corner
 Safer Port: The Redevelopment of Fireboat Station 15's Dock

Located on the coast of Southern California, the Port of Long Beach is known as the second busiest port in the United States and connects 217 seaports worldwide. The port is made up of ten piers, eighty berths, twenty-two shipping terminals as well as three large marinas. The Long Beach Fire Department is responsible for protecting the area using fireboats and has recently undergone a full redevelopment of Fire Station 15 which is situated on the main channel.

Bellingham Marine was tasked with supplying a stable, robust, and unsinkable floating platform to support the improved fireboat operations. The constraints of the fixed docks and building structures surrounding the dock limited the float width to 12'-6" and made dock stability one of the more challenging aspects of this project. The limited width meant that a full depth concrete floating structure could not provide adequate roll stability, even with extensive ballasting. Bellingham Marine developed an elevated deck option that provides the required stability and meets the freeboard needs of the fireboat. Dustin Saldivar, engineer, noted, "the integration of the walking surface with the fenders and bollards was particularly challenging. By creating a 3D model of the entire structure, we were able to iterate different options and we ultimately ended up with a nice clean finish."

From start to finish, the effort to complete the dock required working alongside both engineering firms and contractors. Bellingham worked closely with the engineers at CH2M Hill to implement this design and incorporate all the necessary fendering and mooring accessories for serving the fireboats at the station. In addition to the fendered stanchions along the dock, the pile guides incorporate energy absorbing fenders to reduce peak loads on the pile system. The prime contractor served as the contractor while Bellingham Marine provided technical advisory throughout the process.

The match-cast, post-tensioned dock system was constructed in 12 modules, each 12'-6" wide x 8' long with shear keys cast-in at the end of each module. The entire dock was assembled on land and lifted at two points to place it in the water. The final 96' dock consists of a concrete box beam supporting a steel frame and fiberglass panel superstructure. The elevated deck is lightweight yet robust and corrosion resistant. It also provides extensive space for incorporation of utilities in a configuration that is easy to inspect and maintain.

The Fireboat Station 15 dock will accommodate fireboats up to 108'and is now complete after eight months of intensive effort. The Port of Long Beach now looks to replace additional dock systems within the port as part of their larger plan to increase safeguarding capabilities within the area.



The Last Word  

To all of our MRA Members and Future Members;

With the 49th Annual MRA Educational Conference & Trade Show on hold for this year, we are focusing on how we can better serve our members. Your board members have come up with some great ideas that will be rolled out next month. While the conference is a big part of MRA's mission, there are new ways to educate during these unusual times as well as the work that goes into the lobbying that protects our members.

To our trade members, please send me your press releases on new products or services you might have. The Trade Member Highlight section is a free opportunity to advertise them! I am reaching out to all of you and asking you to send me a press release when you have a new product or service that you would like for us to highlight. There will be one each month and will be placed according to submission date. This is one more way for us to promote your support and dedication to the association. We would also like to be included in your list of press release recipients.

Many times the contact name for membership changes during the year and unless it is around renewal time, we may not be aware of the change. Please take a look at your profile and make sure to let us know if there are any changes in contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers or email addresses so we can have the most up-to-date information for you. Also, if you do not have at least 1 logo and 1 photo (of your marina or product) please email them to so they can be uploaded. You can now also add a YouTube video if you have one.

Thank you and stay safe!

Mariann Timms
Operations Administrator



Featured Articles

* From the Helm

* Governor Newsome Announces Appointment Director of the California Department of Parks & Recreation
* Coast Guard Survey(WAMS)
* Grant Applications for the Clean Vessel Act Education & Outreach Program Due on October 12, 2020
* When to Record,Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace
* 2020 Virtual Oil Spill Response Communication Worksjops for Marinas & Yacht Club
* Construction Corner

* The Last Word


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 September 15, 2020